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253 Million Internet Users vs 46.4 Percent of Women Netizens China Internet Network Information Center(CNNIC) recently issued its 22nd Statistical Survey Report on Internet Development in China. The report indicated China had 253 million Internet users by the end of June 2008, up 56.2 percent over the previous year.For the first time in China's history,the Internet  相似文献   

China Has Released a National Report on Child Development for 2003 to 2004 《中国儿童发展状况国家报告(2003-2004年)》公布China has released a national report on child development for 2003 to 2004 at the 7th East Asia and Pacific Ministerial Meeting on Children in Siemreab, Cambodia. The report, which was made public by the National Working Committee on Women and Children under the State Council, describes recent progress on child development and reaffirms China's pledge to embrace child development as a top priority. It also reveals that China has stuck to the principles stipulated in the Bali Consensus passed at the 6th ministerial meeting in Indonesia and made considerable achievements in strengthening children's protection, empowering their rights and improving their well-being.  相似文献   

Yunnan Establishes Homes for Child ren云南持续推进“儿童之家”建设Cadres with Yunnan Working Committee on Children and Women recently told media Southwest China's Yunnan Province,by the end of last year,had established a combined 14,000 homes for children in 98 percent of its urban and rural communities.Given the cadres'efforts,Yunnan has achieved the targets outlined in both the China National Program for Child Development(2011-2020)and Yunnan's Program for Children's Development(2011-2020).The former called for more than 90 nercent of urban and.  相似文献   

IN terms of both time period and implementation, China has accomplished nearly 50 percent of her goal for decreasing the 1989 mortality rate of infants and children below the age of five by as much as one-third by the year 2000. According to the Ministry of Public Health (MPH) statistics released in August, 1996, China's maternal mortality rate decreased from 94.7 per 100,000 in 1989 to only 39.2 in 1995. Figures for rural  相似文献   

Sichuan Cuisine     
ORIGINATING in the ancient states of Ba and Shu, Sichuan cuisine is characterized by its pungent, tingling taste, distinguishing it as one of China's four major styles of cooking. People throughout China enjoy the tastes, smells and textures of Sichuan cuisine. With an area of 560,000 sq. kilometers, Sichuan Province is known as "the land of abundance." Fertile land and rivers provide the Sichuanese with plenty of cooking  相似文献   

The archives set up early this year are the first in the country. Now they keep 25 pictures of "millennia baby" born on January 1,2000 in China's 25 provinces and municipalities, shot by Niu Qun, master for Kodak photographic teaching, as well as about 20,000 pictures of infants and babies shot by their young parents and appraised by photographic experts. The founder of the Picture Archives of Chinese Babies, the Organizing Council for Concerning Yourself with New Life, is a group of mothers who are  相似文献   

PROFESSOR Yuan Jingfang has many titles: Dean of the Music Department, Central Conservatory of Music; Tutor of Doctors; Vice-president of China's Traditional Music Society; Member of the National Music Committee of China's Musicians Society; and Council Member of South China's Music. Yuan truly carried on national music traditions and has persisted in disseminating them. Yuan is from Yueyang, Hunan Province. Her love of music was not influenced by her family, unlike other performers of national instrumental music. Yuan's father is an engineer and her mother a nurse. Her desire to perform and study national music was fostered by the vigorous and grand scene she witnessed of performers beating waist drums to celebrate the founding of New China.  相似文献   

SINCE July, 1986 China had formally proposed the resumption of full membership in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). However she failed to accomplish this wish till 1995 when the World Trade Organization (WTO) replaced the GATT. November 15, 1999 was an important day for China, because on that day China and the United States finally reached a bilateral agreement in Beijing concerning China's entry into the WTO after hard and tortuous negotiations. China was thus much nearer to the gate of WTO membership and the talk on China's  相似文献   

"WHAT'S your impression of Japan? How has it advanced?" I was repeatedly asked the same questions by my friends and colleagues after I returned to Beijing. As a neighboring country of China and a world economic superpower, Japan is still a remote and unfamiliar place to most Chinese. In November of 1996, I was invited by the Japanese government to participate in the Asian-Pacific Journalist's Seminar on Women and Media. My one-week schedule  相似文献   

ALL parents hope their children will grow up healthy and clever. To provide children with good health care and education early on and to mold them into talented people who will be able to contribute toward the next century is the mission of China's development program for children. In order to implement the "National Program of Action for Child Development in China in the 1990s," to mobilize all walks of life to become concerned with the health of mothers and children and the fate of the next generation, as well as to improve the quality  相似文献   

Promoting Implementation of National Programs 2019年“两纲”统计监测报告发布The National Bureau of Statistics of China recently released the Statistical Monitoring Reports on the.Implementation of the National Program for Women's Development(2011-2020)in 2019,and of the National Program for Child Development(2011-2020)in 2019,respectively.Based on analyses of the statistics and materials collected by relevant departments,the bureau evaluated China's achievements in promoting the programs,especially in terms of women and children's health,education and social welfare.  相似文献   

Alongside the newly finished long dikes on the seaside harbor, one can see bright aili Tower and other high buildings. The products of Haikou Canned Food Factory not only sell well in the rest of China, but in other twenty countries and regions as well. Coconut juice is a popular item. Yangpu Peninsula is China's first national-level economic  相似文献   

《我国家庭教育指导服务现状调查报告》发布 Initial findings are in and, based on the survey's results, the Chinese Government plans to play a greater role in the guidance of family education across the nation. The Chinese Family Education Guidance Service Report was released -- by officials from the China Family Education Society (CFES), the Department for Children of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), and the China National Children's Center (CNCC) during a news conference in Beijing, on September 15.  相似文献   

The 24 solar terms,based on the sun's position in the zodiac,were created by farmers in ancient China to guide agricultural affairs and farming activities.The 24 solar terms reflect the changes in climate,natural phenomena,agricultural production and other aspects of human life,including fo o d,clothing,housing and transportation.Nowadays,many Chinese,including farmers,still use the terms as guides to help them arrange their daily activities.In November 2016,the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)added China's 24 solar terms to the list of its items of intangible cultural heritage.  相似文献   

IN July, 1993, an international seminar titled "Chinese Women and Development—Status, Health and Employment" was sponsored by the Women's Studies Center at Tianjin Normal University. More than 100 international and domestic specialists and workers who deal with women's issues attended. At the conference, the Women's Research Institute of the All-China Women's Federation disclosed the results of an investigation about the status of women in China, which was launched in the early 1990s on a nationwide scale. The results showed that China's economic reform has greatly affected women. As a result, many researchers who began their research by considering China's present economic situation, tried to determine the influences the state's  相似文献   

Psychological Education to Include Most of China's Schools by 2010 2010年中国大部分学校将开展心理健康教育According to an eight-year national plan on mental health work (2008-2015),recently issued by the Ministry of Public Health and 16 other ministries,China plans to incorporate psychological  相似文献   

THREE years have passed since China.promulgated and implemented the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Women, the first of its kind in China. What role has this law played and what effect has it had on the situation of Chinese women over the past three years? In April and May of 1995, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) conducted an extensive and profound investigation in eight of China's provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities to  相似文献   

Tian Guirong 田桂荣 Tian Guirong, a former battery seller from countryside, has been nominated for the election of Figures Moving China in 2005, which is hosted by China Central Television (CCTV). She was named one of China's Green Figures of 2005, during the opening ceremony of China's Environmental Cultural Festival at the end of November,2005. Tian, in her 50s, lives in Xinxiang, in Central China's Henan Province. "When I read  相似文献   

ON June 26, 1996, Women of China held festivities in the International Hotel of Beijing to celebrate the 40th birthday of this English monthly. Chen Muhua, Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the All-China Women's Federation, Lei Jieqiong, Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the NPC, Ma Yuzhen, Deputy Minister of the Information Office of the State Council and more than 200 female celebrities from all walks of life, as well as some foreign experts in Beijing were present at the celebration. With beautiful pictures and comprehensive reporting, Women of China started publication in 1956, aiming to introduce China and the situation of Chinese women to the outside world. China's only English-language women's magazine, Women of China consistantly gives comprehensive coverage of issues of concern to the international community. Its writers focus on the empowerment of women, Chinese women's advancement in the market economy, women lifting them  相似文献   

Ten Chinese women were named "Models of the Year" during an annual awards ceremony on December 9, 2013, in Beijing. The Women Media Awards ceremony was sponsored by lady. 163.com and the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN- Women). It was the first event of its kind in China, which has made a commitment to the promotion of gender equality and women's progress in various sectors.  相似文献   

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