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The Research Excellence Framework 2014 (REF 2014) was the 7th formal assessment of research in UK universities and other institutions of higher education. Participation in these assessments is voluntary, and institutions can decide which staff to include and under which discipline to include them. A hundred and one institutions chose to submit research in Business and Management Studies, and this work was assessed by a panel of academic researchers and research users nominated by a wide range of academic constituencies. The previous assessment exercise was conducted in 2008, and REF 2014 shows that the quality of UK research in Business and Management Studies, already high in 2008, has improved since then. The operation of the Business and Management Studies sub‐panel is described, the results are summarized, and a few caveats are discussed so as to aid the Business and Management Studies community in its endeavours to understand and evaluate the process and the results.  相似文献   

The evaluation of research impact is likely to remain an important element of research quality audits in the UK for the foreseeable future. With this paper, we contribute to debates on impact and relevance of business and management studies research through an analysis of Research Excellence Framework 2014 impact scores within the business and management unit of assessment. We offer insights into the organizational contexts of UK business schools within which impact is produced, drawing attention to the issues of linkages with research intensity, grant income generation, research team size, career stage and gender of academics, and whether impact activity is focused on private or public sector organizations and national or international reach. We put forward recommendations for managers responsible for business schools and higher education policymakers regarding management and organizational policies and processes, as well as possible changes to the rules guiding future research excellence audits.  相似文献   

卢振举  王立立 《管理学报》2007,4(Z1):102-105
通过ARP(ERP)用于研究所科研管理的实践研究,提出成功评判标准要有科学家参与资源管理的理念形成;实践的效果体现有提高了管理的规范性,加强了统计的准确性,保证了查询的及时性,优化了信息的全面性,促进了数据的共享性,提升了决策的合理性.  相似文献   

The paper attempts to debate and answer two questions: (1) Does multi-disciplinary research in management constitute a distinctive approach? To which the brief answer is `no', because multi-disciplinary research is not one approach among all those others which can also be applied when researching management. Multi-disciplinary research into management is, as it were, the only game in town. (2) Can we rationally choose multi-disciplinary research into management as such at all? To which the response is also `no', because management research and multi-disciplinarity are inseparable, by reason of the fact that management is, in its very essence, multi-disciplinary, rather than mono-disciplinary, in nature.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the state of the field of the sub-disciplines within UK management research, based upon the submissions of 94 UK higher education institutions to the Business and Management Studies Panel in the UK's 2001 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). It offers observations on the UK model of the assessment of quality in, and funding of, research conducted in publicly funded higher education institutions.  相似文献   

The regime of excellence – manifested in journal rankings and research assessments – is coming to increasing prominence in the contemporary university. Critical scholars have responded to the encroaching ideology of excellence in various ways: while some seek to defend such measures of academic performance on the grounds that they provide accountability and transparency in place of elitism and privilege, others have criticized their impact on scholarship. The present paper contributes to the debate by exploring the relationship between the regime of excellence and critical management studies (CMS). Drawing on extensive interviews with CMS professors, we show how the regime of excellence is eroding the ethos of critical scholars. As a result, decisions about what to research and where to publish are increasingly being made according to the diktats of research assessments, journal rankings and managing editors of premier outlets. This suggests that CMS researchers may find themselves inadvertently aiding and abetting the rise of managerialism in the university sector, which raises troubling questions about the future of critical scholarship in the business school.  相似文献   

Numerous studies and practical experiences with risk have demonstrated the importance of risk perceptions for people's behavior. In this narrative review, we describe and reflect upon some of the lines of research that we feel have been important in helping us understand the factors and processes that shape people's risk perceptions. In our review, we propose that much of the research on risk perceptions to date can be grouped according to three dominant perspectives and, thus, approaches to study design; they are: the characteristics of hazards, the characteristics of risk perceivers, and the application of heuristics to inform risk judgments. In making these distinctions, we also highlight what we see as outstanding challenges for researchers and practitioners. We also highlight a few new research questions that we feel warrant attention.  相似文献   

彭贺 《管理学报》2010,7(8):1130-1136
目前西方管理教育存在的争论可归纳为5个方面:从研究取向而言,严密至上还是实用至上;从学术评价而言,使用价值还是交换价值;从学院定位而言,教学为本还是研究为本;从培养目标而言,陶冶知性还是市场导向;从国际化而言,标准化还是多元化.基于对上述争议的分析,认为对于中国商学院而言,未来应注重兼顾严密性与实用性,发展本土管理研究;改革学术研究评价体系;树立教学优先理念;传承与重塑人文精神;营造差异性竞争优势.  相似文献   

This paper builds on a series of earlier reviews of the management control literature (Giglioni and Bedeian, 1974; Hofstede, 1968; Merchant and Simons, 1986; Parker, 1986) and considers the development of the management control literature in the context of organizational theories. Early themes which have provided the roots for the development of the subject area are explored as is more recent work which has evolved both as a continuation and a reaction against them, with Scott's (1981) framework being used to organize this literature. It is argued that one of the unintended consequences of the influential work of Robert Anthony (1965) has been a restriction of the subject to an accounting-based framework and that this focus needs to be broadened. The review points to the potential of the subject as a integrating theme for the practice and research of management and some themes for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

基于管理学的技术科学属性,回顾了经典管理研究及其理论成果的特征,构建了管理研究成果在实践导向维度上的"问题挖掘-理论构建-效益贡献"QTB评价模型,并进一步探索设置了相应的评价指标体系。  相似文献   

This review reasserts field research's discovery epistemology. While it occupies a minority position in the study of organization and management, discovery-oriented research practice has a long tradition of giving insight into new, unappreciated and misappreciated processes that are important to how work is accomplished. I argue that while methods discourse has long emphasized that particularizing data and an emergent research design are productive for discovery, little to no attention has been paid to the conjectural processes necessary to imaginatively interpret these observations. I underscore them. What is the future for discovery work in business schools today? Issues arise when an increasing interest in discovery-oriented research is expressed in an institutional context that is bounded off from field research's home disciplines and is dominated by a validation epistemology. In light of this current context, I offer some initial thoughts on the work to be done to maintain fieldwork's discovery tradition in management and organization studies.  相似文献   

通过回顾《管理学报》近3年争鸣与反思的系列文章,总结了这些争鸣与反思的价值贡献,同时在这些价值贡献的基础上进一步提出了本文的观点,包括:1直面中国管理实践,不仅仅是一种理念,更是一种行动;2讨论现有管理理论,不仅仅是批判,更要做到发展;3发展中国管理学,做好对中国优秀企业的评价是必要前提;4管理研究方式没有高低对错,关键在于能否让成果更加贴近实践。  相似文献   

沈超红 《管理学报》2009,6(9):1157-1162
在分析经验、理论的可错性基础上,指出了现行管理的问题;在吸收当代美国学者研究成果的基础上,通过移植溯因推理和双环学习概念,开发了一种将具体组织作为实验对象的新管理范式--基于研究证据的管理;认为基于研究证据的管理是企业做大、做强的基础,是管理者胜任力提高的有效途径.基于管理的本质特征和其所隐含的逻辑机制,论证了新管理范式的有效性;对实施基于研究证据的管理的难点做了较系统的分析,指出加强"元技能"的培养是推广该范式的有效途径.  相似文献   

宋湘绮 《管理学报》2011,8(1):37-41
"中道管理"是典型的中国管理艺术,是感悟思维的结果;管理的科学、艺术两重性迫使我们反思"中道管理"的模糊之处。比较"中道管理"与"基于研究证据的管理"的言说方式,发现逻辑思维的科学研究方法可以言说"只可意会,不可言传"的中国管理艺术。在本体性否定哲学的指导下,充分认识中西管理研究方法的局限,才能创造中华气质的管理科学。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the contributions of philosophy and the social and behavioral sciences to risk analysis. It concludes that philosophical, social, and behavioral research can contribute to the resolution of complex risk issues in at least four areas: (i) comparative risk analysis; (ii) the use of risk-related scientific information in the decision-making process; (iii) risk perception; and (iv) institutional and organizational features of the risk-management system.  相似文献   

吕力 《管理学报》2011,8(1):28-36,41
"话语"是承载了一定的意识形态的"陈述",中国管理学界完全可以创建自己的学派,可是如果仍然采用主流的方法,虽然也可以称之为中国学派,但谈不上话语权问题。《试论中国管理研究的话语权问题》基于"话语能力"的所谓"策略"实际上是将"中国管理研究话语权策略"演变成"西方主流管理理论在中国进行扩散的策略"。当然,若将学术本土化演变成学术民族主义,将重点放在对西方主流的价值评判与道德批评上,同样无助于"管理的中国理论"话语权的取得——学术研究的话语权应在学术市场的竞争中取得——因此,其策略就只能是理解、宽容与构建学术竞争的公平市场。  相似文献   

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