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The number of households headed by single mothers has been increasing in recent years. Yet, little is known about how this growing segment of the population differs, if at all, from married mothers in their time allocation patterns. In the study reported here, a system of time allocation equations based on household production theory is estimated for both married and single mothers. The results indicate that married and single mothers make different decisions about how to allocate their time to household production, child care, leisure, and paid work. Specifically, single and married mothers responded differently to a change in their shadow wage rates, unearned income, paid child care, and the ages of the children in each of the estimated equations.A portion of this project was funded by the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station. W. Keith Bryant, Jutta M. Joesch, Robert N. Mayer, Ken R. Smith and two anonymous reviewers provided helpful insights at several stages of this research. Sarah Stiefvater and Susan Bruns provided valuable research assistance on this project. All remaining errors are the responsibility of the authors.Direct all correspondence to Robin Douthitt, Family Resources and Consumer Science, 1300 Linden Drive, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706. The authors are Associate Professors at the University of Wisconsin, University of Utah, and Utah State University, respectively.  相似文献   

时间有客观、主观双重含义。人们既生活在根据自然现象划分的客观时间中,也生活在受自己生活经验和思想感情影响的主观时间中。本文探讨的就是阿拉伯人的客观时间和主观时间。  相似文献   

This study compares the effect of homemaker's employment status on children's time allocation in single- and two-parent families. Specifically under investigation is the effect of living in a family in which the mother is employed professionally, employed non-professionally, or not employed outside the home on older child's time allocated to household work, school work, and recreation in single- and two-parent families. Age and sex of older children and constraints on their time, such as school attendance, are controlled for in the analysis. The data are from a California study. A two-step multiple regression procedure is used. The effect of homemaker's employment status on older child's time allocated to household work, school work, and recreation is not found to differ by family structure. Homemaker's employment status does not explain a significant amount of variance in older child's time allocation.Rosemary J. Key is Assistant Professor, Department of Consumer Economics and Housing, Cornell University, 103 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall, Ithaca, New York 14850. Her research interests include substitutability between family members' time in household production, and sequencing techniques used in household production activities. She received her Ph.D. from The Ohio State University.Margaret Mietus Sanik is Associate Professor, Department of Family Resource Management, The Ohio State University, 1787 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Her research interests include time use among family members and household production. She received her Ph.D. from Cornell University.  相似文献   

Internationally there is a broad literature on risks for child custody placements. In contrast, very little is known about their outcomes on parents. The topic is relevant not only for parents themselves but also for children placed outside their homes, as many children keep contact with their birth parents or return to live with them. In a retrospective cohort study setting we analyze child custody placement outcomes (social assistance receipt, unemployment and work disability) for mothers whose children had been taken into custody between 1997 and 2004 in Finland. Data from a child placement register were merged with several administrative social insurance registers. Comparison groups of population mothers are included in the study. The procedure yielded an internationally unique database. According to the results of our study, mothers whose children are taken into custody are more often unemployed and in need of social assistance than mothers in the comparison group. Furthermore, they are also more often on a disability pension, due to mental health problems in particular, than mothers in general. While considering the results, we examine family policy and general welfare policy implications of support to families whose children have been taken into custody.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the problems experienced by single African women of refugee background being resettled in Wagga Wagga (Wagga), New South Wales, Australia. Wagga is one of the regional centres that the Australian government has earmarked for resettlement of people arriving under the refugee resettlement, better known as “humanitarian”, programs. In this exploratory qualitative research we have focused on the challenges women encountered in accessing services and the stigma of single parenthood within their cultures. Individual interviews were conducted with 10 women of varying ages and African nationalities. The research found that the key concerns were a lack of knowledge about available services, few specific and culturally relevant African services, feelings of isolation, and African community attitudes towards single women.  相似文献   

The time spouses spend together in household work activities, leisure activities, and in eating are analyzed and compared with the time spent alone by wives in these same activities. The purpose of the analysis is to distinguish between two hypotheses: (a) that the time spent by spouses together in the same activity is charged with extra meaning when compared with the time spent by the wife alone in the same activity; and (b) that the time spent by spouses together in the same activity is a perfect substitute for time spent alone in the same activity by the wife. Multivariate probit, OLS and Tobit analyses are conducted with data taken from the 1977–78 NE-113 Time-Use Data for Louisiana, New York, Utah, and Wisconsin. Statistical tests confirm the hypothesis that shared times in the three activities studied are charged with extra meaning when compared with wives' solitary time in the same activities. Solitary times spent by the wife in the three activities are negatively related with family income. Solitary time spent by wives in household work activities and in leisure activities are positively related to husband's price of time. Spouses' shared times in these activities rise and wives' solitary times fall on weekends.Thanks are due to Bob Avery, Barbara Brown, Robin Douthitt, Jenny Gerner, Jutta Joesch, Sally Lloyd, Cathy Zick, Peter Zorn, members of S-206 Time-Use Regional Committee, the graduate research workshop of the Department of Family and Consumer Studies, University of Utah, the seminar participants at Utah State University, and the seminar participants of the Department of Family Economics and Management, University of Missouri for stimulating, cautionary, and corrective discussions pertaining to this paper. Any remaining errors and obscurities are the responsibility of the authors.W. Keith Bryant is Professor, Consumer Economics and Housing, 117D Martha Van Rensselaer Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. Dr. Bryant received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University. Yan Wang is MacNamara Post-Doctorate Fellow, The World Bank, Washington, DC. She received her Ph.D. from Cornell University.  相似文献   

Mature unwed mothers in Israel: Socio-moral and psychological dilemmas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Today, more than ever, women can control their own fertility and dissociate it from long-term intimacy. Among the types of nonmarital fertility, one of the least studied and often most controversial is the phenomenon of childbearing out of wedlock among mature women who are threatened by their own biological clock. It is estimated that there are about 3,000 mature unwed mothers in Israel. No psychological study of this population has so far been undertaken. This article attempts to delineate the demographic characteristics, the reasons for pregnancy, and the moral dilemma of 50 unwed mothers who deliberately decide to give birth as single mothers when they are over the age of 30.Ruth Linn is a senior lecturer in Education, School of Education, Haifa University, Israel 31999. Her research interests include conscientious objection, moral judgment of men and women, socio-moral conflicts in the family, and early childhood education. She received her Ed.D. from the School of Education at Boston University.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between employed wives' preferences for household production time, employment time, leisure, and their actual time use. A random sample of 235 employed, married women estimate their time use on an average weekday and weekend day in 13 activities and indicate their preferences for time in those activities. Hierarchical multiple regression procedures are used to examine the relationships between actual and preferred time use. Weekday employment time is not related to preferences for more or less time in household production but wives allocating more time to employment want to spend less time at that employment and more time in leisure. Weekend employment time is related to preferences for more time in leisure, child care, and other household work. Time spent performing household work is not related to preferences for more or less time in any activity except the desire for more leisure time on weekends.Ann Renigar Hiatt is Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Services, College of Education and Allied Professions at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223. Her research interests include employed women's time allocation, time pressures, and use of time management strategies. She received her Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.Deborah D. Godwin is Associate Professor in the Department of Housing and Consumer Economics at the University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602. Her research has focused on husbands' and wives' time allocation to household production, the effects of women's employment on family economic functioning, and family financial management. She received her Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Greensbore.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to expand the literature by investigating the perception of social support by single mothers who sought online support through social media. This study explored sources of social support in single mothers using the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) to examine if income, education level, or type of marital status is related to sources of social support among single mothers who utilized online support. The study also investigated statements regarding support from family, friends, and significant others that were ranked highest by single mothers who utilized online support. Results revealed that participants received sufficient amounts of social support from family, friends, and significant others, with income accounting for 12% of the variance in social support subscale scores and no significant differences with regards to education level or type of marital status. Results also indicated that three of the four most strongly rated items on the MSPSS related to social support from friends. This study invites mental health providers and researchers to consider the value and utilization of social media networks for single mothers.  相似文献   

Virtual Time     
Like space, time takes on different characteristics in the digitized city. The Internet has contributed to a new way of problematizing time as embodied in human agency and social institutions, a time that is produced on a global scale, irrespective of time zones. This essay examines the contours, content and deployment of virtual time and of the cyberweek that it makes possible. It contrasts real time with virtual time to show the malleability of the latter, examines the ways in which the collapse of temporal boundaries and the compression of time-distance have manifested themselves in the cybertiming and flexitiming of the civil week, explores the global and local aspects of the cyberweek, and analyses the practical ramifications of virtual time in the daily life of the digital city.  相似文献   

The financing of college education by male and female single-parent families and two-parent families is compared. Female single parents are at a significant disadvantage in being able to accumulate funds, but this is partially offset by financial aid. Variables accounting for significant variation in the parents' contribution to student education expenses are: public versus private school, financial aid, parents' saving behavior, students' contribution, race, and family type. The amount of parental contribution is positively correlated with parent net worth, family per capita income, and total student cost; it is negatively correlated with age of the student.This study utilized data from the National Postsecondary Education Student Aid Study prepared for the National Center for Education Statistics, U. S. Department of Education, by Westat, Inc. Partial support for the research was supplied by the College of Human Ecology and the Computer Science Center of the University of Maryland. The author expresses her appreciation to the Editor and Reviewers for their valuable suggestions.Her research interests include personal finance, family resource management, and personal factors affecting the handling of money. She is a graduate of Berea College, Berea, KY, and received both the M. Ed. and Ed. D. from The Pennsylvania State University.  相似文献   

This article explores the integration of time perception theory from various root disciplines related to family resource management. It includes anthropological models of time perception and sociological and psychological concepts related to time measure and usage. Examples of issues appropriate to the exploration of time use in the home and instrumentation that may assist in its understanding and measurement are included.This research was supported in part by Lincoln University Cooperative Research.Alma J. Owen is Associate Professor and Small Farm Family Program Leader for Lincoln University Cooperative Extension, 900 Moreau Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Her research interests include measuring household production, at-home income generation, and rural families. She received her Ph.D. in Family and Consumer Economics from the University of Missouri-Columbia.  相似文献   

This paper examines the cultural implications of the increasing speed and acceleration of technological operation and development. It takes its cue from the notion originally proposed by Ernst Jünger and later taken up by Maurice Blanchot and, more recently, Bernard Stiegler, that we are ‘breaking the time barrier’. For Stiegler this is happening because ‘technics is evolving faster than culture’. This paper examines the beginnings of this idea in the work of Jünger, Blanchot and others and traces its development in the work of Derrida and Stiegler, particularly in relation to the increasing power and ubiquity of digital networks. Finally it proposes that one response to this situation is to be found in the artistic avant‐garde and in the concept of ‘delay’ originally proposed by Marcel Duchamp and taken up by Jean François Lyotard.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to use analysis of covariance to examine variations in time use among single-parent, one-earner, and two-earner families and to assess the effects of two covariates, Age of the Younger Child and Hours of Employment of the Homemaker, on total family time spent on household tasks. Data were collected from 81 single-parent and 210 two-parent California households using a questionnaire, time chart, and personal interviews. The greatest discrepancy between single-parent and two-parent families is that single-parent families spend significantly less time than two-parent families on Maintenance of the home and yard and on Nonphysical Care (social interaction with family members). One-earner families spend almost as much time as two-earner families on Nonphysical Care, but only when Secondary Time is included. Two household activities, Clothing Care and Management, are not affected by either family type or the covariates.This study utilized data from USDA Regional Research Project NE-113, An Urban-Rural Comparison of Families' Time Use.Jeanne M. Hilton is an Assistant Professor of Family Economics and Management, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557. She received her Ph.D. from Oregon State University. Her current research interests include work and family issues within the context of family structure.  相似文献   

This article reports on some important results from a qualitative study, which mainly focused on the topics of family notions and notions of ‘good parenthood’, and their impact on the Swedish ‘contact family service’. The service is provided to help mostly single mothers—with scarce social networks that lack the ability to provide support—to get relief from constant care-giving for one or two weekends a month. The three parties—client families, contact families and the social workers that handled the cases—have been interviewed (a total of 54 interviews) about their experience of their own parenthood and family life as well as their notions in general, for example of a ‘normal’ and an ‘ideal’ family. The interaction and influence of these notions on shaping the contact family service were studied. The article comes to the conclusion that the design of the contact family service needs further consideration on the family ideals that are reproduced in the service. With the nuclear family as the norm, the burden of a lone parenthood will increase.  相似文献   

Parental time has been identified as a key determinant in the healthy development of a child. The literature on this topic has rapidly increased in recent years and has revealed large variations in the amount of time that parents devote to their children, including variations over time and across social and economic subgroups of the population. This paper synthesizes research devoted to parental time to provide a more succinct understanding of its significance and its variations. Beginning with the measurement issues associated with parental time research and the theoretical foundations, the paper goes on to document the social and economic determinants of parental time. It concludes with a discussion of the theoretical implications of the findings and suggestions for future research.
Anne H. GauthierEmail:

This study investigates time spent in household management, an important “missing ingredient” in time use studies, using data from the American Time Use Survey (ATUS). These data indicate that adults spend an average of just over 1.5 h per week in this function. This figure likely underestimates total management time because (1) management is often done in small blocks, and hence, may be missed; and (2) the ATUS generally fails to capture secondary activities. Thus, efforts to value time spent in household management using these data will similarly produce a low valuation of the household manager role. Notably, measured management time is found to be much more equally distributed among spouses than time spent in core housework tasks.
Thomas R. IrelandEmail:

Anne E. Winkler   is Professor of Economics and Public Policy Administration at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. She is also a research affiliate of the National Poverty Center, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. She received her Ph.D. in economics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Among her publications, she is co-author (with Francine D. Blau and Marianne A. Ferber) of the third through sixth editions of The Economics of Women, Men and Work, published by Prentice Hall (Pearson). Thomas R. Ireland   is Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Virginia in 1968 and has been a practicing forensic economist since 1974. He has published a number of books and papers in journals in the field forensic economics. He is a past president of the American Academy of Economic and Financial Experts, and past vice president of the National Association of Forensic Economics.  相似文献   

Different patterns of single-parent and two-parent families in six major expenditure categories are examined using the 1989 Consumer Expenditure Survey. Comparisons are made of the influence of permanent income, family size, region, race, gender, age, and education of the head of the family on the expenditure categories. The results show that with the exception of expenditures on shelter, the two groups differ significantly in their consumption patterns.1991 Visiting Professor at the Family Economics Research Group, Agricutural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Current research interests include consumption economics and time-use allocation.Current research interests include the economic status of American households.  相似文献   

Debates over equality in New Guinea have raged for years. While people may subscribe to egalitarian values, this seems hollow to some observers in the context of relations between women and men, notably the sexual division of labour. Some even talk of men exploiting the labour of women. This paper considers the validity of these claims in the Was valley of the Southern Highlands Province, using data collected in a time-budget survey to document and assess differences between women's and men's activities. It also reviews ideas of time expended undertaking any activity, and the relevance of notions of work and labour to people's daily routines. It questions the propriety of introducing capitalism's preoccupation with labour. Differences in the activities of women and men, far from evidencing relations of inequality, are significant for such stateless political orders in eschewing hierarchical arrangements, where no one exercises control over resources or capital needed by others to secure livelihoods.  相似文献   

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