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Health care organizations looking for physician executives prefer seasoned veterans--doctors who have already done the job. They want job-specific experience. Most organizations do not provide training grounds and orderly career ladders for aspiring physician executives. The Permanente Medical Groups, Family Health Plans, and some very large group practices are exceptions, but, for the most part, rising medical directors in these organizations stay with them. Most hospitals are not large enough to have associate or assistant medical directors or an environment that could provide a training ground for rising physician executives. On the other hand, hospitals, larger group practices, health insurance companies, and managed care organizations provide ample opportunities for nonphysician managers to train, gain experience, and climb the ladders. How can the novice physician executive break into the world of management and begin establishing management credentials? The author provides some key steps that can lead to success.  相似文献   

Managed care has suffered a public backlash, with complaints increasing across the nation from unhappy patients. The physician community despises the current system and is wrestling for control of clinical decision-making. A health care system that is disliked by the public and is despised by the physician community can never succeed. No health care system or reform is possible without willing or even enthusiastic physician participation because only they can control costs, quality of care, and consumer satisfaction. A successful health care system recognizes that only providers can control quality of care and costs--and will create appropriate incentives that allow physicians to do so without losing the public's trust. The author advocates a new system, where consumers choose provider organizations based on disease expertise and purchase insurance through Internet accessible brokers. Provider organizations assume economic risk and have the detailed know-how to treat a specific disease spectrum better and cheaper. Consumers purchase this new "product" in a competitive market and are the principal benefactors of this market-driven, unmanaged care system.  相似文献   

Within the context of the creation of the internal market for health care, the paper examines the role of clinical directors, that is doctors who have retained their professional clinical positions whilst at the same time assumed roles as managers within increasingly well-defined corporate organizations providing health care. This represents considerable change from previous contexts in which doctors could always contract out of difficult managerial decisions. The role of clinical director is examined in terms of its own directorate and its involvement in contracting, co-operation and competition both within its own corporate organization and within the wider market place for health. Key issues are raised for the individuals and organization by these changes, they are discussed in terms of time, succession, managing colleagues, financial and human resources, market behaviour, support and terms of reference. These changes occasion wider discussion in terms of the challenge of coping with future demands for innovation, changes in the distribution of power within an emerging market for health care and the relationship among health care organizations, professionals and lay clients.  相似文献   

The competitive forces of managed care, capitated payment, cost constraints, and the formation of health networks are among the major precipitating factors leading to the employment of additional executives and middle managers with clinical backgrounds. These factors will require our health leaders to know how to cut costs without seriously impinging on the accessibility and quality of patient care. Physicians with leadership and management skills, and with prior hands-on patient care expertise, will continue to be sought after in the foreseeable future by various types of health organizations. With this scenario, health services management generalists are predicted to experience increasing difficulties to secure senior positions in the health industry,  相似文献   

Should employment agreements (EAs) be the deciding factor in considering a new position? EAs are details--important details, but background just the same--to the key issue: Do you want the job? And because of the way many health care organizations create their EAs, there really is little room for negotiation. Perceptions persist that this is an entirely open area, a blank canvas upon which each physician executive, in each situation, must don his or her battle gear and fight fiercely for the best possible deal. And yet, this is an area in which you are unlikely to have control.  相似文献   

The knowledge that cervical cancer should be a preventable disease has provided the impetus to improve the Pap smear. Now, for the first time in 50 years, two new computerized technologies are available--the AutoPap and Papnet systems--that could change the way they are interpreted. Of course, these new innovations come at a price, perhaps doubling or tripling the cost--by one estimate, the new technologies could add $1 billion per year. The health policy issue is whether these innovations address the limitations of cervical cancer screening programs in an efficient way. The analysis is entirely different when cast as an individual patient care issue. Here the patient and physician, who serves as her advocate, want to use the best screening method. The goal is not how to best allocate resources to improve the health of the overall population, but instead how to get the best care for the individual patient.  相似文献   

The practice of medicine has become increasingly complex in this era of diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) and other direct government involvement in health care; complex and seemingly inappropriate legal decisions; liability chaos; and increasing competition from peers, entrepreneurs, and other health care organizations. In this new environment, an old player, the medical director (vice president of medical affairs) has been given new visibility and increased responsibilities to help physicians live with and overcome these environmental factors. In showing how the medical director can be of assistance in putting these factors into perspective, it is helpful to take a look at some aspects of the history of medicine, analyze the education process for physicians, point out where the profession began to be driven off course, and identify some of the overall problems of the profession and of the health care field. It is my intent here to project the position of medical director as a vital, frequently missing, link in the attempt to maximize communications, understanding, and achievement in health care organizations.  相似文献   

The U.S. health care system is fundamentally changing. The pace of change is swift but will vary, depending on regional market forces and state legislative mandates. This complex change is leading to rapid market consolidation of providers and insurers into organizations called "integrated health care systems." There is, as yet, no proven role model that will guarantee success. The purpose of this article is two-fold: To help individuals who see an expanding role for themselves in integrated health care management decide if they have what it is going to take to be successful. To identify individual management training needs by use of a self-evaluation tool. Some of the needed skills can be enhanced by education and experience. However, some are personality and style characteristics that may not be changeable.  相似文献   

If evidence of the changes occurring in and confronting the health care field were needed, it was provided in abundance at the College's Perspectives in Medical Management meeting in Chicago in May. The presentations and the discussions among members buttressed the feeling that the health care field is proceeding through a period of transformation. The evolving system will be anchored on managed care, with special emphasis on the word "managed." The accoutrements of managed care--case management, demand management, utilization management, clinical guidelines and protocols, capitation budgeting, and the like--dominated discussion. The "business" of health care is proceeding apace. Maintaining a balance between the financial and quality elements of health care delivery has never been more important. And the definition of that balance will be determined at the local and regional levels. Federal initiatives are temporarily in abeyance. The challenge for physician executives is to assume leadership in moving their organizations, and thus the health care system, toward a new design that corrects present deficiencies and positions both to respond more effectively to the health care market. While it is not possible to cover all of the more than 60 speakers who addressed the meeting, this report, through presentation of the ideas of some key presenters, is aimed at measuring at least the boundaries of the challenges that lie ahead.  相似文献   

The health care climate is one of stormy relations between various entities. Employers, managed care organizations, hospitals, and physicians battle over premiums, inpatient rates, fee schedules, and percent of premium dollars. Patients are angry at health plans over problems with access, choice, and quality of care. Employers dicker with managed care organizations over prices, benefits, and access. Hospitals struggle to maintain operations, as occupancy rates decline and the shift to ambulatory care continues. Physicians strive to assure their patients get quality care while they try to maintain stable incomes. Businesses, faced with similar challenges in the competitive marketplace, have formed partnerships for mutual benefit. Successful partnerships are based upon trust and the concept of "win-win." Communication, ongoing evaluation, long-term relations, and shared values are also essential. In Japan, the keiretsu contains the elements of a bonafide partnership. Examples in U.S. businesses abound. In health care, partnerships will improve quality and access. When health care purchasers and providers link together, these partnerships create a new value chain that has patients as the focal point.  相似文献   

For more than a decade, dynamic changes in the health care industry have created new organizations for physicians. The major change for physicians has not been the organization itself, but the principles by which it is governed. This fundamental shift is studied with its impact on physicians, by analogy, becoming more like serfs or more like citizens. A review of the general organizational direction and results of non-physician health care organizations is made followed by the statistical trends of physician groups. Historical comparisons of non-health care industries are made with current organizational choices of physicians and physician groups. Observations of physician decisions are made identifying the direction they send physician status along the continuum from serf to citizen. Physicians are unknowingly making decisions regarding the principles by which they will be governed in new organizations. The choices they are making give them less autonomy and less opportunity to make future choices. The seductive invitation to spend less time in administrative matters and more time practicing medicine is a siren's call that will diminish the status of physicians and the autonomy by which medicine is practiced.  相似文献   

In summary, physician managers have a bright future. They are working on one of the most exciting professional interfaces--medicine and management. The future of medicine is both high-tech and low-tech. It will challenge all physician executives. For a few years, health care organizations will experience turbulence and stress. The name of the game for physician managers will be organizational survival. The nation will then move into an era of abundance in medical care, and the management game will switch from survival to thrival. Managers are key players in the world of tomorrow. The physician executive is a manager and therefore a key player. One of the best things about the future of the physician is that he has one.  相似文献   

The recent rise in the number of physician executives in the health care industry vividly demonstrates that a genuinely new generation of physician executives is seeking to combine the sensitivity of their clinical skills with the business acumen that today's health care organizations need to prosper and grow. But physicians who are preparing themselves to be selected one day as chief executive officers by hospitals, integrated systems, and managed care organizations should understand that the CEO role is radically different from that of the CEO of a physician practice. The corporate CEO role requires the management of managers and responsiveness to the organization's board. Those who imagine that the corporate CEO role bears any resemblance to the autonomous, independent existence of the practitioner are certain to have a rough time.  相似文献   

Until recently, the traditional practice of medicine has been thought of as a cottage industry practiced by individuals or small partnership groups. The transition of practice settings to large groups, multi-specialty groups, and corporations has paved the way to industrialization, with even larger health care organizations primarily managed by non-physicians. The similarities of these events to the industrial revolution and its impact on crafts guilds are striking. In order to understand this point of view, this article explores the function and influence of crafts guilds during stages of industrial development and the dynamics of the changes of employment needs and employability in an industrial environment as a comparison to what is happening in the health care field.  相似文献   

The conventional wisdom strongly suggests a health care provider food chain for the future: Primary care physicians (PCPs), principally family practitioners, on the top playing the lead role, distantly followed by specialists, with hospitals and other ancillary services even further down the line. Is this a reasonable expectation? Will PCPs dominate the new systems? Or will they be but one of many equally necessary components of these developing integrated health care delivery organizations? Looking at the various models now developing, it would seem that future integrated delivery systems will utilize both PCPs and specialists, but with strong augmentation from a diverse assortment of other health care professionals, including nonphysician providers, educators, and administrators. To separate the illusion of primary care dominance of the coming health care system from the likely reality, we should first determine what is driving the apparent present demand for primary care physicians. Next, we will examine the possible and probable reactions to that demand from an economic standpoint and from the points of view of both health care professionals and the public. Finally, we must try to picture how health care provider organizations of the future are likely to look and how they will integrate their health care professionals.  相似文献   

In the continuing push for cost containment in health care, many organizations have turned to cost reduction methods that fundamentally change the way care is delivered. As health care organizations continue to make financially-driven staffing changes that impact patient care, medical leadership must take on greater responsibility for operational management. Physician executives are uniquely qualified to take on leadership roles in work redesign, and must do so to ensure excellent and fiscally-responsible patient care. This article presents a proven methodology for work redesign that helps physician executives apply their clinical skills to operational management in designing new health care delivery models.  相似文献   

Few people believed the Internet would have much impact on the delivery of health care services. However, combined with technological advances in how computer systems are structured and implemented and knowing what doesn't work in managed care from bitter experience, the Internet is being used to create a new paradigm of alternative health insurance products. These products hold the potential to change for the better the face of health care as we know it. Self-directed health plans will be less expensive than managed care programs and offer greater predictability in health care spending. For health care providers, SDHPs' reliance upon episode allowances will create a new market for packaged or bundled services. Providers will be paid to provide solutions, not just treatment. This could represent a new model in which physicians accept a risk-adjusted payment and provide a warranty that they will do whatever necessary until the patient has reached the reasonably expected health status. This is a radical departure from the fee-for-service or capitation system.  相似文献   

The need for physicians in management roles in the health care system has never been greater. And the years ahead will see that need broadened and intensified. To maintain their leadership role in medical affairs in hospitals and other types of health care delivery organizations, physician executives will have to envision provider organizations and systems that have not yet been conceived, let alone developed and implemented. They have to become totally open-minded and futuristic in their thinking. And they will have to help other physicians accommodate this new way of thinking if the medical profession is to continue in a leading role in health care matters. Although numerous factors will have to be anticipated and analyzed by these new physician leaders, the ascendancy of primary care in a managed health care world long dominated by the technical and technological superiority of hospital care will present a particular challenge to the physician executive.  相似文献   

How can physicians begin crafting a career with intention and careful thought? Before you go leafing through The Physician Executive or the New England Journal of Medicine's Positions sections, you'll need to conduct a thorough career evaluation of where you are and where you want to go. There are more career tracks in more types of organizations available to you as a physician executive than ever before. There is also considerable turbulence, creating unexpected opportunities. The times have never been better for aggressive, energetic physician executives who want to move up and out.  相似文献   

Professional "revenge of the nerds" is currently taking place, as managed care evolves generalist physicians into new professional prominence. Primary care physicians are finding themselves at the center of health care market reform as health plans, insurers, and other financing organizations turn to them as the key to cost control. In short supply, they are prospering financially from the demand. As the source of patients, they are gaining in prestige from specialists and hospitals who once demeaned them. But these newfound roles are only the initial steps in the transformation of the primary care practitioner. The change that the generalists are experiencing is essentially managing access to care, not truly managing care itself. There are large and crucial differences between managing access to care and actually managing care. These differences are, in many ways, a higher calling for primary care practitioners as they refocus attention on patient outcomes, which will in itself result in a lower resource utilization above and beyond the crude controlling of access. What those differences are, what new roles they require, and what impact they will have on organizations that either house or contract with primary care physicians will be the focus of this article.  相似文献   

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