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We consider estimation of β in the semiparametric regression model y ( i ) - x T( i )β + f ( i / n ) + ε( i ) where x ( i ) = g ( i )/ n ) + e ( i , f and g are unknown smooth functions and the processes ε( i ) and e ( i ) are stationary with short- or long-range dependence. For the case of i.i.d. errors, Speckman (1988) proposed a √ n –consistent estimator of β. In this paper it is shown that, under suitable regularity conditions, this estimator is asymptotically unbiased and √ n –consistent even if the errors exhibit long-range dependence. The orders of the finite sample bias and of the required bandwidth depend on the long-memory parameters. Simulations and a data example illustrate the method  相似文献   

We first consider the estimation of the finite rate of population increase or population growth rate, u i , using capture-recapture data from open populations. We review estimation and modelling of u i under three main approaches to modelling openpopulation data: the classic approach of Jolly (1965) and Seber (1965), the superpopulation approach of Crosbie & Manly (1985) and Schwarz & Arnason (1996), and the temporal symmetry approach of Pradel (1996). Next, we consider the contributions of different demographic components to u i using a probabilistic approach based on the composition of the population at time i + 1 (Nichols et al., 2000b). The parameters of interest are identical to the seniority parameters, n i , of Pradel (1996). We review estimation of n i under the classic, superpopulation, and temporal symmetry approaches. We then compare these direct estimation approaches for u i and n i with analogues computed using projection matrix asymptotics. We also discuss various extensions of the estimation approaches to multistate applications and to joint likelihoods involving multiple data types.  相似文献   

A probability inequality of conditionally independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables obtained recently by the author is applied to ranking and selection problems. It is shown that under both the indifference-zone and the subset formulations, the probability of a correct selection (PCS) is a cumulative probability of conditionally i.i.d, random variables. Therefore bounds on both the PCS and the sample size required can be obtained from that probability inequality. Applications of that inequality to other multiple decision problems are also considered. It is illustrated that general results concerning conditionally i.i.d. random variables are applicable to many problems in multiple decision theory.  相似文献   

The influence function introduced by Hampel (1968, 1973, 1974) i s a tool that can be used for outlier detection. Campbell (1978) has derived influence function for ~ahalanobis's distance between two populations which can be used for detecting outliers i n discriminant analysis. Radhakrishnan and Kshirsagar (1981) have obtained influence functions for a variety of parametric functions i n multivariate analysis. Radhakrishnan (1983) obtained influence functions for parameters corresponding to "residual" wilks's A and i t s "direction" and "collinearity" factors i n discriminant analysis when a single discriminant function is ade- quate while discriminating among several groups. In this paper influence functions for parameters that correspond to "residual" wilks's A and its "direction" and "coplanarity" factors used to test the goodness of f i t of s (s>l) assigned discriminant func- tions for discriminating among several groups are obtained. These influence functions can be used for outlier detection i n m u l t i -variate data when a single discriminant function is not adequate.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider sequences of i.i.d. random variables and, under suitable conditions on the (common) distribution function, we prove large deviation principles for sequences of maxima, minima and pairs formed by maxima and minima. The i.i.d. random variables can be either unbounded or bounded; in the first case maxima and minima have to be suitably normalized.  相似文献   


Multistage sampling is a common sampling technique employed in many studies. In this setting, observations are identically distributed but not independent, thus many traditional kernel smoothing techniques, which assume that the data are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.), may not produce reasonable density estimates. In this paper, we sample repeatedly with replacement from each cluster, create multiple i.i.d. samples containing one observation from each cluster, and then create a kernel density estimate from each i.i.d. sample. These estimates will then be combined to form an estimate of the marginal probability density function of the population.  相似文献   

It i s well known that even if the sample observations are correlated and not normal, the sample mean is normal in 1arge samples. But how large is large? This question i s investigated in this paper. In particular , the relation between the rate of convergence and the correlation property of the observations i s explored. It i s observed that the correlation, in general, retards the rate of convergence.  相似文献   

In this paper, we obtain complete convergence results for Stout type weighted sums of i.i.d. random variables. A strong law for weighted sums of i.i.d. random variables is also obtained. As the applications of the strong law, the strong consistency and rate of the nonparametric regression estimations and the rates of the strong consistency of LS estimators for the unknown parameters of the simple linear errors in variables (EV) model are given.  相似文献   

The paper studies stochastic approximation as a technique for bias reduction. The proposed method does not require approximating the bias explicitly, nor does it rely on having independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) data. The method always removes the leading bias term, under very mild conditions, as long as auxiliary samples from distributions with given parameters are available. Expectation and variance of the bias-corrected estimate are given. Examples in sequential clinical trials (non-i.i.d. case), curved exponential models (i.i.d. case) and length-biased sampling (where the estimates are inconsistent) are used to illustrate the applications of the proposed method and its small sample properties.  相似文献   

Pearl's d -separation concept and the ensuing Markov property is applied to graphs which may have, between each two different vertices i and j , any subset of { i ← j , i → j , i ↔ j } as edges. The class of graphs so obtained is closed under marginalization. Furthermore, the approach permits a direct proof of this theorem: "The distribution of a multivariate normal random vector satisfying a system of linear simultaneous equations is Markov w.r.t. the path diagram of the linear system".  相似文献   

This paper explicitly characterizes the general nonnegative-definite covariance structure for a multivariate normal random vector such that the univariate sample variance is distributed exactly as if the sample observations are normal independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). This work extends the results of Baldessari (1965) and Stadje (1984) who have characterized the general positive-definite covariance matrix such that the univariate sample variance is distributed exactly as if the sample observations are normal i.i.d.  相似文献   

We suppose that L x i = Fq(μi, KiK) for i=1,...,p, where the independent Fisher distributions on the unit sphere in Rq have modal vectors μi and known concentrations KiK, where K will be large—in fact, to obtain asymptotic distributions, we will let K tend to infinity. The term x'iXj=cos 0ij estimates cos 0ij= μiμy. The asymptotic joint distribution of the terms will be studied when all the vectors μi μ are distinct, and for the special case when all the vectors μi=μ, so that all the terms are zero. These very different results have a variety of applications as well as being interesting in themselves. One of these applications is the 'multiple comparisons problem' for unit vectors. However, it was found necessary to give here a different way of solving this problem.  相似文献   


It is well known that many classical statistical tests of randomness generally fail to distinguish chaos generated by some lower-dimensional deterministic dynamical systems from independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random series. In this paper, we suggest a powerful statistical testing method based on empirical distribution function that can well detect chaos and i.i.d. random series.  相似文献   

For the analysis of square contingency tables with ordered categories, Tomizawa (1991) considered the diagonal uniform association symmetry (DUS) model, which has a multiplicative form for cell probabilities and has the structure of uniform association in the tables constructed using two diagonals that are equidistant from the main diagonal. This paper proposes another DUS model which has a similar multiplicative form for cumulative probabilities. The model indicates that the odds that an observation will fall in row category i or below and column category i+k or above, instead of in column category i or below and row category i+k or above, increase (decrease) exponentially as the cutpoint i increases for a fixed k. Examples are given.  相似文献   

Non-parametric Kernel Estimation of the Coefficient of a Diffusion   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this work we exhibit a non-parametric estimator of kernel type, for the diffusion coefficient when one observes a one-dimensional diffusion process at times i / n for i = , ..., n and study its asymptotics as n ←∞. When the diffusion coefficient has regularity r ≥ 1, we obtain a rate 1/ n r /(1+2 r ), both for pointwise estimation and for estimation on a compact subset of R: this is the same rate as for non-parametric estimation of a density with i.i.d. observations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates Hill's estimator for the tail index of an ARMA model with i.i.d. residuals. Based on the estimated residuals, it is shown that Hill's estimator is asymptotically normal. This method can achieve a smaller asymptotic variance than applying Hill's estimator to the original data. These results are the same as those in Resnick and Starica (Commun. Statist.—Stochastic Models 13 (4) (1997) 703) for an AR model. However, Resnick and Starica (Commun. Statist.—Stochastic Models 13 (4) (1997) 703) imposed one more condition on the choice of sample fraction than the i.i.d. case. This condition is removed in this paper so that data-driven methods for choosing optimal sample fraction based on i.i.d. data can be applied to our case. As an auxiliary theorem, we establish the weak convergence of the tail empirical process of the estimated residuals, which may be of independent interest.  相似文献   

Multi-response permutation procedures (MRPP) were recently introduced to test differences between a priori classified groups of objects ( Mielke, Berry Johnson, 1976; Mielke, 1979 ). The null distributions of the MRPP statistics were initially conjectured to be asymptotically normal for some specified conditions within the setting of a sequence of finite populations due to Madow ( 1948 ).

Asymptotic normality of a class of MRPP statistics (under the null hypothesis) is shown in two cases: (i) the setting which considers the populations to be the samples resulting from sequential independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) sampling (sampling from infinite populations) and (ii) the setting of a sequence of increasingly large finite populations (sampling from finite populations). The results are direct applications of the weak convergence of a U-statistic process in the i.i.d. case to a Brownian motion (Bhattacharyya and Sen, 1977) and of the weak convergence of a U-statistic process in the finite populations case to a Brownian bridge (Sen, 1972). The conditions are milder for the i.i.d. case than for the finite populations case. However, neither case provides a restriction of a practical consequence in applications of MRPP. In either case, convergence is shown to depend on the asymptotic ratios of the group sizes to the population size.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a model, which is an extension-of-symmetry model, for square contingency tables with the same nominal row and column classifications. The model states that the absolute values of difference between the conditional probability that an observation will fall in cell (i, j) on condition that it falls in cell (i, j) or (j, i) and the conditional probability that it falls in cell (j, i) on the same condition, are constant for every i≠j. The model describes a structure of asymmetry (not symmetry), and it is applied to the data on a nominal scale. An example is given.  相似文献   

In this paper, we deal with the Cauchy problem for the modified Helmholtz equation. We consider two models of data: the bounded variance model and the i.i.d. model. The trigonometric estimators of nonparametric regression is applied to solve the problem. In addition, the general forms of regularization parameter corresponding to the pointwise mean squared error and the mean integrated squared error are discussed in detail. The minimax rate convergence corresponding to the bounded variance model is also presented. In the i.i.d. model, we construct the asymptotic confidence interval for the solution of the problem. Finally, we give some numerical experiments and discuss the obtained results.  相似文献   

We suppose that the statistician observes some large number of estimates z(i), each with its own unobserved expectation parameter μ(i). The largest few of the z(i)'s are likely to substantially overestimate their corresponding μ(i)'s, this being an example of selection bias, or regression to the mean. Tweedie's formula, first reported by Robbins in 1956, offers a simple empirical Bayes approach for correcting selection bias. This paper investigates its merits and limitations. In addition to the methodology, Tweedie's formula raises more general questions concerning empirical Bayes theory, discussed here as "relevance" and "empirical Bayes information." There is a close connection between applications of the formula and James-Stein estimation.  相似文献   

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