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Exponential smoothing is the most common model-free means of forecasting a future realization of a time series. It requires the specification of a smoothing factor which is usually chosen from the data to minimize the average squared residual of previous one-step-ahead forecasts. In this paper we show that exponential smoothing can be put into a nonparametric regression framework and gain some interesting insights into its performance through this interpretation. We also use theoretical developments from the kernel regression field to derive, for the first time, asymptotic properties of exponential smoothing forecasters.  相似文献   

Many different methods have been proposed to construct nonparametric estimates of a smooth regression function, including local polynomial, (convolution) kernel and smoothing spline estimators. Each of these estimators uses a smoothing parameter to control the amount of smoothing performed on a given data set. In this paper an improved version of a criterion based on the Akaike information criterion (AIC), termed AICC, is derived and examined as a way to choose the smoothing parameter. Unlike plug-in methods, AICC can be used to choose smoothing parameters for any linear smoother, including local quadratic and smoothing spline estimators. The use of AICC avoids the large variability and tendency to undersmooth (compared with the actual minimizer of average squared error) seen when other 'classical' approaches (such as generalized cross-validation (GCV) or the AIC) are used to choose the smoothing parameter. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that the AICC-based smoothing parameter is competitive with a plug-in method (assuming that one exists) when the plug-in method works well but also performs well when the plug-in approach fails or is unavailable.  相似文献   

Sequential Monte Carlo methods (also known as particle filters and smoothers) are used for filtering and smoothing in general state-space models. These methods are based on importance sampling. In practice, it is often difficult to find a suitable proposal which allows effective importance sampling. This article develops an original particle filter and an original particle smoother which employ nonparametric importance sampling. The basic idea is to use a nonparametric estimate of the marginally optimal proposal. The proposed algorithms provide a better approximation of the filtering and smoothing distributions than standard methods. The methods’ advantage is most distinct in severely nonlinear situations. In contrast to most existing methods, they allow the use of quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) sampling. In addition, they do not suffer from weight degeneration rendering a resampling step unnecessary. For the estimation of model parameters, an efficient on-line maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation technique is proposed which is also based on nonparametric approximations. All suggested algorithms have almost linear complexity for low-dimensional state-spaces. This is an advantage over standard smoothing and ML procedures. Particularly, all existing sequential Monte Carlo methods that incorporate QMC sampling have quadratic complexity. As an application, stochastic volatility estimation for high-frequency financial data is considered, which is of great importance in practice. The computer code is partly available as supplemental material.  相似文献   

Summary.  The objective is to estimate the period and the light curve (or periodic function) of a variable star. Previously, several methods have been proposed to estimate the period of a variable star, but they are inaccurate especially when a data set contains outliers. We use a smoothing spline regression to estimate the light curve given a period and then find the period which minimizes the generalized cross-validation (GCV). The GCV method works well, matching an intensive visual examination of a few hundred stars, but the GCV score is still sensitive to outliers. Handling outliers in an automatic way is important when this method is applied in a 'data mining' context to a vary large star survey. Therefore, we suggest a robust method which minimizes a robust cross-validation criterion induced by a robust smoothing spline regression. Once the period has been determined, a nonparametric method is used to estimate the light curve. A real example and a simulation study suggest that the robust cross-validation and GCV methods are superior to existing methods.  相似文献   


This article considers nonparametric regression problems and develops a model-averaging procedure for smoothing spline regression problems. Unlike most smoothing parameter selection studies determining an optimum smoothing parameter, our focus here is on the prediction accuracy for the true conditional mean of Y given a predictor X. Our method consists of two steps. The first step is to construct a class of smoothing spline regression models based on nonparametric bootstrap samples, each with an appropriate smoothing parameter. The second step is to average bootstrap smoothing spline estimates of different smoothness to form a final improved estimate. To minimize the prediction error, we estimate the model weights using a delete-one-out cross-validation procedure. A simulation study has been performed by using a program written in R. The simulation study provides a comparison of the most well known cross-validation (CV), generalized cross-validation (GCV), and the proposed method. This new method is straightforward to implement, and gives reliable performances in simulations.  相似文献   

Forecasting in economic data analysis is dominated by linear prediction methods where the predicted values are calculated from a fitted linear regression model. With multiple predictor variables, multivariate nonparametric models were proposed in the literature. However, empirical studies indicate the prediction performance of multi-dimensional nonparametric models may be unsatisfactory. We propose a new semiparametric model average prediction (SMAP) approach to analyse panel data and investigate its prediction performance with numerical examples. Estimation of individual covariate effect only requires univariate smoothing and thus may be more stable than previous multivariate smoothing approaches. The estimation of optimal weight parameters incorporates the longitudinal correlation and the asymptotic properties of the estimated results are carefully studied in this paper.  相似文献   

The problem of predicting a future value of a time series is considered in this article. If the series follows a stationary Markov process, this can be done by nonparametric estimation of the autoregression function. Two forecasting algorithms are introduced. They only differ in the nonparametric kernel-type estimator used: the Nadaraya-Watson estimator and the local linear estimator. There are three major issues in the implementation of these algorithms: selection of the autoregressor variables, smoothing parameter selection, and computing prediction intervals. These have been tackled using recent techniques borrowed from the nonparametric regression estimation literature under dependence. The performance of these nonparametric algorithms has been studied by applying them to a collection of 43 well-known time series. Their results have been compared to those obtained using classical Box-Jenkins methods. Finally, the practical behavior of the methods is also illustrated by a detailed analysis of two data sets.  相似文献   

Variable selection for multivariate nonparametric regression is an important, yet challenging, problem due, in part, to the infinite dimensionality of the function space. An ideal selection procedure should be automatic, stable, easy to use, and have desirable asymptotic properties. In particular, we define a selection procedure to be nonparametric oracle (np-oracle) if it consistently selects the correct subset of predictors and at the same time estimates the smooth surface at the optimal nonparametric rate, as the sample size goes to infinity. In this paper, we propose a model selection procedure for nonparametric models, and explore the conditions under which the new method enjoys the aforementioned properties. Developed in the framework of smoothing spline ANOVA, our estimator is obtained via solving a regularization problem with a novel adaptive penalty on the sum of functional component norms. Theoretical properties of the new estimator are established. Additionally, numerous simulated and real examples further demonstrate that the new approach substantially outperforms other existing methods in the finite sample setting.  相似文献   

The analysis of a sample of curves can be done by self-modelling regression methods. Within this framework we follow the ideas of nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation known from event history analysis and the counting process set-up. We derive an infinite dimensional score equation and from there we suggest an algorithm to estimate the shape function for a simple shape invariant model. The nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator that we find turns out to be a Nadaraya–Watson-like estimator, but unlike in the usual kernel smoothing situation we do not need to select a bandwidth or even a kernel function, since the score equation automatically selects the shape and the smoothing parameter for the estimation. We apply the method to a sample of electrophoretic spectra to illustrate how it works.  相似文献   

In this article we consider data-sharpening methods for nonparametric regression. In particular modifications are made to existing methods in the following two directions. First, we introduce a new tuning parameter to control the extent to which the data are to be sharpened, so that the amount of sharpening is adaptive and can be tuned to best suit the data at hand. We call this new parameter the sharpening parameter. Second, we develop automatic methods for jointly choosing the value of this sharpening parameter as well as the values of other required smoothing parameters. These automatic parameter selection methods are shown to be asymptotically optimal in a well defined sense. Numerical experiments were also conducted to evaluate their finite-sample performances. To the best of our knowledge, there is no bandwidth selection method developed in the literature for sharpened nonparametric regression.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a nonparametric empirical smoothing lack-of-fit test for the functional form of the variance in regression models. The proposed test can be treated as a nontrivial modification of Zheng's nonparametric smoothing test, Koul and Ni's minimum distance test for the mean function in the classic regression models. The paper establishes the asymptotic normality of the proposed test under the null hypothesis. Consistency at some fixed alternatives and asymptotic power under some local alternatives are also discussed. A simulation study is conducted to assess the finite sample performance of the proposed test. Simulation study also shows that the proposed test is more powerful and computationally more efficient than some existing tests.  相似文献   

Quasi-likelihood was extended to right censored data to handle heteroscedasticity in the frame of the accelerated failure time (AFT) model. However, the assumption of known variance function in the quasi-likelihood for right censored data is usually unrealistic. In this paper, we propose a nonparametric quasi-likelihood by replacing the specified variance function with a nonparametric variance function estimator. This nonparametric variance function estimator is obtained by smoothing a function of squared residuals via local polynomial regression. The rate of convergence of the nonparametric variance function estimator and the asymptotic limiting distributions of the regression coefficient estimators are derived. It is demonstrated in simulations that for finite samples the proposed nonparametric quasi-likelihood method performs well. The new method is illustrated with one real dataset.  相似文献   

In this article, we extend smoothing splines to model the regression mean structure when data are sampled through a complex survey. Smoothing splines are evaluated both with and without sample weights, and are compared with local linear estimator. Simulation studies find that nonparametric estimators perform better when sample weights are incorporated, rather than being treated as if iid. They also find that smoothing splines perform better than local linear estimator through completely data-driven bandwidth selection methods.  相似文献   


Regression spline smoothing is a popular approach for conducting nonparametric regression. An important issue associated with it is the choice of a "theoretically best" set of knots. Different statistical model selection methods, such as Akaike's information criterion and generalized cross-validation, have been applied to derive different "theoretically best" sets of knots. Typically these best knot sets are defined implicitly as the optimizers of some objective functions. Hence another equally important issue concerning regression spline smoothing is how to optimize such objective functions. In this article different numerical algorithms that are designed for carrying out such optimization problems are compared by means of a simulation study. Both the univariate and bivariate smoothing settings will be considered. Based on the simulation results, recommendations for choosing a suitable optimization algorithm under various settings will be provided.  相似文献   

The field of nonparametric function estimation has broadened its appeal in recent years with an array of new tools for statistical analysis. In particular, theoretical and applied research on the field of wavelets has had noticeable influence on statistical topics such as nonparametric regression, nonparametric density estimation, nonparametric discrimination and many other related topics. This is a survey article that attempts to synthetize a broad variety of work on wavelets in statistics and includes some recent developments in nonparametric curve estimation that have been omitted from review articles and books on the subject. After a short introduction to wavelet theory, wavelets are treated in the familiar context of estimation of «smooth» functions. Both «linear» and «nonlinear» wavelet estimation methods are discussed and cross-validation methods for choosing the smoothing parameters are addressed. Finally, some areas of related research are mentioned, such as hypothesis testing, model selection, hazard rate estimation for censored data, and nonparametric change-point problems. The closing section formulates some promising research directions relating to wavelets in statistics.  相似文献   

The procedures of estimating prediction intervals for ARMA processes can be divided into model based methods and empirical methods. Model based methods require knowledge of the model and the underlying innovation distribution. Empirical methods are based on sample forecast errors. In this paper we apply nonparametric quantile regression to empirical forecast errors using lead time as regressor. Using this method there is no need for a distributional assumption. But for the special data pattern in this application a double kernel method which allows smoothing in two directions is required. An estimation algorithm is presented and applied to some simulation examples.  相似文献   

Quantile regression, including median regression, as a more completed statistical model than mean regression, is now well known with its wide spread applications. Bayesian inference on quantile regression or Bayesian quantile regression has attracted much interest recently. Most of the existing researches in Bayesian quantile regression focus on parametric quantile regression, though there are discussions on different ways of modeling the model error by a parametric distribution named asymmetric Laplace distribution or by a nonparametric alternative named scale mixture asymmetric Laplace distribution. This paper discusses Bayesian inference for nonparametric quantile regression. This general approach fits quantile regression curves using piecewise polynomial functions with an unknown number of knots at unknown locations, all treated as parameters to be inferred through reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC) of Green (Biometrika 82:711–732, 1995). Instead of drawing samples from the posterior, we use regression quantiles to create Markov chains for the estimation of the quantile curves. We also use approximate Bayesian factor in the inference. This method extends the work in automatic Bayesian mean curve fitting to quantile regression. Numerical results show that this Bayesian quantile smoothing technique is competitive with quantile regression/smoothing splines of He and Ng (Comput. Stat. 14:315–337, 1999) and P-splines (penalized splines) of Eilers and de Menezes (Bioinformatics 21(7):1146–1153, 2005).  相似文献   

Estimation of a nonparametric regression spectrum based on the periodogram is considered. Neither trend estimation nor smoothing of the periodogram is required. Alternatively, for cases where spectral estimation of phase shifts fails and the shift does not depend on frequency, a time domain estimator of the lag-shift is defined. Asymptotic properties of the frequency and time domain estimators are derived. Simulations and a data example illustrate the methods.  相似文献   

In many of the applied sciences, it is common that the forms of empirical relationships are almost completely unknown prior to study. Scatterplot smoothers used in nonparametric regression methods have considerable potential to ease the burden of model specification that a researcher would otherwise face in this situation. Occasionally the researcher will know the sign of the first or second derivatives, or both. This article develops a smoothing method that can incorporate this kind of information. I show that cubic regression splines with bounds on the coefficients offer a simple and effective approximation to monotonic, convex or concave transformations. I also discuss methods for testing whether the constraints should be imposed. Monte Carlo results indicate that this method, dubbed CoSmo, has a lower approximation error than either locally weighted regression or two other constrained smoothing methods. CoSmo has many potential applications and should be especially useful in applied econometrics. As an illustration, I apply CoSmo in a multivariate context to estimate a hedonic price function and to test for concavity in one of the variables.  相似文献   

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