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Quantile smoothing in financial time series   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Various parametric models have been designed to analyze volatility in time series of financial market data. For maximum likelihood estimation these parametric methods require the assumption of a known conditional distribution. In this paper we examine the conditional distribution of daily DAX returns with the help of nonparametric methods. We use kernel estimators for conditional quantiles resulting from a kernel estimation of conditional distributions. This work was financially supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

GARCH model has been commonly used to describe the volatility of foreign exchange returns, which typically depends on returns many lags before, While the GARCH model provides a simple geometric decaying structure for persistence in time, it restricts tiie impact of variables to Quadratic functions. A finite nonparametric GARCH model is proposed that allows the variables' impact to be a smooth function of any form. A direct local polynomial estimation method for this finite GARCH model is proposed based on results on proportional additive model, and is applied to the German Mark (DEM)/US Dollar (USD) daily returns data. Estimators uf both the decaying rate and the impact function are obtained. Diagnostics show satisfactory out-of-sampie prediction based on the proposed model, which helps to better understand the dynamics of foreign exchange volatility.  相似文献   

In this paper, semiparametric methods are applied to estimate multivariate volatility functions, using a residual approach as in [J. Fan and Q. Yao, Efficient estimation of conditional variance functions in stochastic regression, Biometrika 85 (1998), pp. 645–660; F.A. Ziegelmann, Nonparametric estimation of volatility functions: The local exponential estimator, Econometric Theory 18 (2002), pp. 985–991; F.A. Ziegelmann, A local linear least-absolute-deviations estimator of volatility, Comm. Statist. Simulation Comput. 37 (2008), pp. 1543–1564], among others. Our main goal here is two-fold: (1) describe and implement a number of semiparametric models, such as additive, single-index and (adaptive) functional-coefficient, in volatility estimation, all motivated as alternatives to deal with the curse of dimensionality present in fully nonparametric models; and (2) propose the use of a variation of the traditional cross-validation method to deal with model choice in the class of adaptive functional-coefficient models, choosing simultaneously the bandwidth, the number of covariates in the model and also the single-index smoothing variable. The modified cross-validation algorithm is able to tackle the computational burden caused by the model complexity, providing an important tool in semiparametric volatility estimation. We briefly discuss model identifiability when estimating volatility as well as nonnegativity of the resulting estimators. Furthermore, Monte Carlo simulations for several underlying generating models are implemented and applications to real data are provided.  相似文献   

We provide methods to robustly estimate the parameters of stationary ergodic short-memory time series models in the potential presence of additive low-frequency contamination. The types of contamination covered include level shifts (changes in mean) and monotone or smooth time trends, both of which have been shown to bias parameter estimates toward regions of persistence in a variety of contexts. The estimators presented here minimize trimmed frequency domain quasi-maximum likelihood (FDQML) objective functions without requiring specification of the low-frequency contaminating component. When proper sample size-dependent trimmings are used, the FDQML estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal, asymptotically eliminating the presence of any spurious persistence. These asymptotic results also hold in the absence of additive low-frequency contamination, enabling the practitioner to robustly estimate model parameters without prior knowledge of whether contamination is present. Popular time series models that fit into the framework of this article include autoregressive moving average (ARMA), stochastic volatility, generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH), and autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) models. We explore the finite sample properties of the trimmed FDQML estimators of the parameters of some of these models, providing practical guidance on trimming choice. Empirical estimation results suggest that a large portion of the apparent persistence in certain volatility time series may indeed be spurious. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.  This paper develops a new contrast process for parametric inference of general hidden Markov models, when the hidden chain has a non-compact state space. This contrast is based on the conditional likelihood approach, often used for ARCH-type models. We prove the strong consistency of the conditional likelihood estimators under appropriate conditions. The method is applied to the Kalman filter (for which this contrast and the exact likelihood lead to asymptotically equivalent estimators) and to the discretely observed stochastic volatility models.  相似文献   

New techniques for the analysis of stochastic volatility models in which the logarithm of conditional variance follows an autoregressive model are developed. A cyclic Metropolis algorithm is used to construct a Markov-chain simulation tool. Simulations from this Markov chain converge in distribution to draws from the posterior distribution enabling exact finite-sample inference. The exact solution to the filtering/smoothing problem of inferring about the unobserved variance states is a by-product of our Markov-chain method. In addition, multistep-ahead predictive densities can be constructed that reflect both inherent model variability and parameter uncertainty. We illustrate our method by analyzing both daily and weekly data on stock returns and exchange rates. Sampling experiments are conducted to compare the performance of Bayes estimators to method of moments and quasi-maximum likelihood estimators proposed in the literature. In both parameter estimation and filtering, the Bayes estimators outperform these other approaches.  相似文献   

We analyze left-truncated and right-censored (LTRC) data using an additive-multiplicative Cox–Aalen model proposed by Scheike and Zhang (2002), which extends the Cox regression model as well as the additive Aalen model. Based on the conditional likelihood function, we derive the weighted least-squared (WLS) estimators for the regression parameters and cumulative intensity functions of the model. The estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. A simulation study is conducted to investigate the performance of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

Nonparametric estimation and inferences of conditional distribution functions with longitudinal data have important applications in biomedical studies, such as epidemiological studies and longitudinal clinical trials. Estimation approaches without any structural assumptions may lead to inadequate and numerically unstable estimators in practice. We propose in this paper a nonparametric approach based on time-varying parametric models for estimating the conditional distribution functions with a longitudinal sample. Our model assumes that the conditional distribution of the outcome variable at each given time point can be approximated by a parametric model after local Box–Cox transformation. Our estimation is based on a two-step smoothing method, in which we first obtain the raw estimators of the conditional distribution functions at a set of disjoint time points, and then compute the final estimators at any time by smoothing the raw estimators. Applications of our two-step estimation method have been demonstrated through a large epidemiological study of childhood growth and blood pressure. Finite sample properties of our procedures are investigated through a simulation study. Application and simulation results show that smoothing estimation from time-variant parametric models outperforms the existing kernel smoothing estimator by producing narrower pointwise bootstrap confidence band and smaller root mean squared error.  相似文献   

We develop statistical inferential tools for estimating and comparing conditional tail expectation (CTE) functions, which are of considerable interest in actuarial science. In particular, we construct estimators for the CTE functions, develop the necessary asymptotic theory for the estimators, and then use the theory for constructing confidence intervals and bands for the functions. Both parametric and non-parametric approaches are explored. Simulation studies illustrate the performance of estimators in various situations. Results are obtained under minimal assumptions, and the general Vervaat process plays a crucial role in achieving these goals.  相似文献   

We introduce the method of estimating functions to study the class of autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) models. We derive the optimal estimating functions by combining linear and quadratic estimating functions. The resultant estimators are more efficient than the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator. If the assumption of conditional normality is imposed, the estimator obtained by using the theory of estimating functions is identical to that obtained by using the maximum likelihood method in finite samples. The relative efficiencies of the estimating function (EF) approach in comparison with the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator are developed. We illustrate the EF approach using a univariate GARCH(1,1) model with conditional normal, Student-t, and gamma distributions. The efficiency benefits of the EF approach relative to the quasi-maximum likelihood approach are substantial for the gamma distribution with large skewness. Simulation analysis shows that the finite-sample properties of the estimators from the EF approach are attractive. EF estimators tend to display less bias and root mean squared error than the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator. The efficiency gains are substantial for highly nonnormal distributions. An example demonstrates that implementation of the method is straightforward.  相似文献   

This article uses a Markov-switching model that incorporates duration dependence to capture nonlinear structure in both the conditional mean and the conditional variance of stock returns. The model sorts returns into a high-return stable state and a low-return volatile state. We label these as bull and bear markets, respectively. The filter identifies all major stock-market downturns in over 160 years of monthly data. Bull markets have a declining hazard functions although the best market gains come at the start of a bull market. Volatility increases with duration in bear markets. Allowing volatility to vary with duration captures volatility clustering.  相似文献   

In this article, the simple step-stress model is considered based on generalized Type-I hybrid censored data from the exponential distribution. The maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) of the unknown parameters are derived assuming a cumulative exposure model. We then derive the exact distributions of the MLEs of the parameters using conditional moment generating functions. The Bayesian estimators of the parameters are derived and then compared with the MLEs. We also derive confidence intervals for the parameters using these exact distributions, asymptotic distributions of the MLEs, Bayesian, and the parametric bootstrap methods. The problem of determining the optimal stress-changing point is discussed and the MLEs of the pth quantile and reliability functions at the use condition are obtained. Finally, Monte Carlo simulation and some numerical results are presented for illustrating all the inferential methods developed here.  相似文献   

This article introduces a new specification for the heterogenous autoregressive (HAR) model for the realized volatility of S&P 500 index returns. In this modeling framework, the coefficients of the HAR are allowed to be time-varying with unspecified functional forms. The local linear method with the cross-validation (CV) bandwidth selection is applied to estimate the time-varying coefficient HAR (TVC-HAR) model, and a bootstrap method is used to construct the point-wise confidence bands for the coefficient functions. Furthermore, the asymptotic distribution of the proposed local linear estimators of the TVC-HAR model is established under some mild conditions. The results of the simulation study show that the local linear estimator with CV bandwidth selection has favorable finite sample properties. The outcomes of the conditional predictive ability test indicate that the proposed nonparametric TVC-HAR model outperforms the parametric HAR and its extension to HAR with jumps and/or GARCH in terms of multi-step out-of-sample forecasting, in particular in the post-2003 crisis and 2007 global financial crisis (GFC) periods, during which financial market volatilities were unduly high.  相似文献   

This paper provides a semiparametric framework for modeling multivariate conditional heteroskedasticity. We put forward latent stochastic volatility (SV) factors as capturing the commonality in the joint conditional variance matrix of asset returns. This approach is in line with common features as studied by Engle and Kozicki (1993), and it allows us to focus on identication of factors and factor loadings through first- and second-order conditional moments only. We assume that the time-varying part of risk premiums is based on constant prices of factor risks, and we consider a factor SV in mean model. Additional specification of both expectations and volatility of future volatility of factors provides conditional moment restrictions, through which the parameters of the model are all identied. These conditional moment restrictions pave the way for instrumental variables estimation and GMM inference.  相似文献   

The class of generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) models can be used to describe the volatility with less parameters than autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (ARCH)-type models, their distributions are heavy-tailed, with time-dependent conditional variance, and are able to model clustering of volatility. Despite all these facts, the way that GARCH models are built imposes limits on the heaviness of the tails of their unconditional distribution. The class of randomized generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (R-GARCH) models includes the ARCH and GARCH models allowing the use of stable innovations. Estimation methods and empirical analysis of R-GARCH models are the focus of this work. We present the indirect inference method to estimate the R-GARCH models, some simulations and an empirical application.  相似文献   

An important empirical characteristic of financial time series is that the unconditional distribution of the returns tends to possess heavy tails. This is the motivation for the particular local kernel volatility estimator proposed in this work. Whereas least-square-deviations (LSD) estimators are strongly affected by heavy-tailed distributions, the performance of least-absolute-deviations (LAD) estimators is not. This robustness to heavy tails is evidenced by the more flexible assumptions made on the distributional moments of the observable variable. The simulation examples also highlight the superior performances of the LAD estimator when compared to the LSD estimator under heavy tails conditions. The full nonparametric model is described and the asymptotic properties of the LAD estimator are derived. Extensive Monte Carlo studies strongly suggest that the LAD estimator is asymptotically adaptive to the unknown conditional first moment. The LAD estimator is also used to estimate the volatility of the S&P500 and the BOVESPA returns.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the deterministic trend model where the error process is allowed to be weakly or strongly correlated and subject to non‐stationary volatility. Extant estimators of the trend coefficient are analysed. We find that under heteroskedasticity, the Cochrane–Orcutt‐type estimator (with some initial condition) could be less efficient than Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) when the process is highly persistent, whereas it is asymptotically equivalent to OLS when the process is less persistent. An efficient non‐parametrically weighted Cochrane–Orcutt‐type estimator is then proposed. The efficiency is uniform over weak or strong serial correlation and non‐stationary volatility of unknown form. The feasible estimator relies on non‐parametric estimation of the volatility function, and the asymptotic theory is provided. We use the data‐dependent smoothing bandwidth that can automatically adjust for the strength of non‐stationarity in volatilities. The implementation does not require pretesting persistence of the process or specification of non‐stationary volatility. Finite‐sample evaluation via simulations and an empirical application demonstrates the good performance of proposed estimators.  相似文献   

We develop a discrete-time affine stochastic volatility model with time-varying conditional skewness (SVS). Importantly, we disentangle the dynamics of conditional volatility and conditional skewness in a coherent way. Our approach allows current asset returns to be asymmetric conditional on current factors and past information, which we term contemporaneous asymmetry. Conditional skewness is an explicit combination of the conditional leverage effect and contemporaneous asymmetry. We derive analytical formulas for various return moments that are used for generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation. Applying our approach to S&P500 index daily returns and option data, we show that one- and two-factor SVS models provide a better fit for both the historical and the risk-neutral distribution of returns, compared to existing affine generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH), and stochastic volatility with jumps (SVJ) models. Our results are not due to an overparameterization of the model: the one-factor SVS models have the same number of parameters as their one-factor GARCH competitors and less than the SVJ benchmark.  相似文献   

We provide Monte Carlo evidence on the finite-sample behavior of the conditional empirical likelihood (CEL) estimator of Kitamura, Tripathi, and Ahn and the conditional Euclidean empirical likelihood (CEEL) estimator of Antoine, Bonnal, and Renault in the context of a heteroscedastic linear model with an endogenous regressor. We compare these estimators with three heteroscedasticity-consistent instrument-based estimators and the Donald, Imbens, and Newey estimator in terms of various performance measures. Our results suggest that the CEL and CEEL with fixed bandwidths may suffer from the no-moment problem, similarly to the unconditional generalized empirical likelihood estimators studied by Guggenberger. We also study the CEL and CEEL estimators with automatic bandwidths selected through cross-validation. We do not find evidence that these suffer from the no-moment problem. When the instruments are weak, we find CEL and CEEL to have finite-sample properties—in terms of mean squared error and coverage probability of confidence intervals—poorer than the heteroscedasticity-consistent Fuller (HFUL) estimator. In the strong instruments case, the CEL and CEEL estimators with automatic bandwidths tend to outperform HFUL in terms of mean squared error, while the reverse holds in terms of the coverage probability, although the differences in numerical performance are rather small.  相似文献   

This paper proposes estimators of the first-order autocorrelation that are based on suitably transformed ratios of successive observations. The new estimators are given by simple functions of the observations. Numerical optimization is not required. Simulations show that they are highly robust against extreme values and clusters of high volatility and are therefore particularly useful for the estimation of serial correlation in return series. Besides, the results of the simulation study also call into question the common practice of correcting the small-sample bias of conventional estimators.  相似文献   

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