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Lynn R. LaMotte 《Statistics》2018,52(1):228-238
The between-within split of total sum of squares in one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is intuitively appealing and computationally simple, whether balanced or not. In the balanced two-factor setting, the same heuristic and computations apply to analyse treatment sum of squares into main effects and interaction effects sums of squares. Accomplishing the same in unbalanced settings is more difficult, requiring development of tests of general linear hypotheses. However, textbooks treat unbalanced settings with proportional subclasss numbers (psn) as essentially equivalent to balanced settings. It is shown here that, while psn permit an ANOVA-like partition of sums of squares, test statistics for main effects of the two factors generally test the wrong hypotheses when the model includes interaction effects.  相似文献   

Various computational methods exist for generating sums of squares in an analysis of variance table. When the ANOVA design is balanced, most of these computational methods will produce equivalent sums of squares for testing the significance of the ANOVA model parameters. However, when the design is unbalanced, as is frequently the case in practice, these sums of squares depend on the computational method used.- The basic reason for the difference in these sums of squares is that different hypotheses are being tested. The purpose of this paper is to describe these hypotheses in terms of population or cell means. A numerical example is given for the two factor model with interaction. The hypotheses that are tested by the four computational methods of the SAS general linear model procedure are specified.

Although the ultimate choice of hypotheses should be made by the researcher before conducting the experiment, this paper


presents the following guidelines in selecting these hypotheses:

When the design is balanced, all of the SAS procedures will agree.

In unbalanced ANOVA designs when there are no missing cells. SAS Type III should be used. SAS Type III tests an unweighted hypothesis about cell means. SAS Types I and II test hypotheses that are functions of the ceil frequencies. These frequencies are often merely arti¬facts of the experimental process and not reflective of any underlying frequencies in the population.

When there are missing cells, i.e. no observations for some factor level combinations. Type IV should be used with caution. SAS Type IV tests hypotheses which depend  相似文献   

Several methods are compared for constructing confidence intervals on the intraclass correlation coefficient in the unbalanced one-way classification. The results suggest that a conservative approximation of the exact procedure developed by Wald (1940) can be used for hand calculations, When the exact solution is desired, a solution procedure is recommended that is computationally convenient and allows the investigator to determine the precision of the estimate. In cases where a prior estimate of the correlation is available, researchers may select intervals based on either the analysis of variance or unweighted sums of squares estimator.  相似文献   

We propose a new generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (GARCH) model with tree-structured multiple thresholds for the estimation of volatility in financial time series. The approach relies on the idea of a binary tree where every terminal node parameterizes a (local) GARCH model for a partition cell of the predictor space. The fitting of such trees is constructed within the likelihood framework for non-Gaussian observations: it is very different from the well-known regression tree procedure which is based on residual sums of squares. Our strategy includes the classical GARCH model as a special case and allows us to increase model complexity in a systematic and flexible way. We derive a consistency result and conclude from simulation and real data analysis that the new method has better predictive potential than other approaches.  相似文献   

Testing of hypotheses under balanced ANOVA models is fairly simple and generally based on the usual ANOVA sums of squares. Difficulties may arise in special cases when these sums of squares do not form a complete sufficient statistic. There is a huge literature on this subject which was recently surveyed in Seifert's contribution to the book of Mumak (1904). But there are only a few results about unbalanced models. In such models the consideration of likelihood ratios leads to more complex sums of squares known from MINQUE theory.

Uniform optimality of testsusually reduces to local optimality. Here we prespnt a small review of methods proposed for testing of hypotheses in unbalanced models. where MINQUEI playb a major role. We discuss the use of iterated MINQUE for the construction of asymptotically optimal tests described in Humak (1984) and approximate tests based on locally uncorrelated linear combinations of MINQUE estimators by Seifert (1985), We show that the latter tests coincide with robust locally optimal invariant tests proposeci by Kariya and Sinha and Das and Sinha, if the number of variance components is two. Explicit expressions for corresponding tests are given for the unbalanced two-way cross classification random model, which covers some other models as special cases. A simulation study under lines the relevance of MINQUE for testing of hypotheses problems.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the problem of “improving” interval estimators of variance components in one-way random model. The traditional method of construction relies on the establishment of confidence intervals, depending on corresponding sums of squares, from the analysis of variance. It has been shown in the paper how information on the estimator for a population mean can be used to “improve” the estimation of variance components.  相似文献   

A new technique is devised to mitigate the errors-in-variables bias in linear regression. The procedure mimics a 2-stage least squares procedure where an auxiliary regression which generates a better behaved predictor variable is derived. The generated variable is then used as a substitute for the error-prone variable in the first-stage model. The performance of the algorithm is tested by simulation and regression analyses. Simulations suggest the algorithm efficiently captures the additive error term used to contaminate the artificial variables. Regressions provide further credit to the simulations as they clearly show that the compact genetic algorithm-based estimate of the true but unobserved regressor yields considerably better results. These conclusions are robust across different sample sizes and different variance structures imposed on both the measurement error and regression disturbances.  相似文献   

In 1960 Levene suggested a potentially robust test of homogeneity of variance based on an ordinary least squares analysis of variance of the absolute values of mean-based residuals. Levene's test has since been shown to have inflated levels of significance when based on the F-distribution, and tests a hypothesis other than homogeneity of variance when treatments are unequally replicated, but the incorrect formulation is now standard output in several statistical packages. This paper develops a weighted least squares analysis of variance of the absolute values of both mean-based and median-based residuals. It shows how to adjust the residuals so that tests using the F -statistic focus on homogeneity of variance for both balanced and unbalanced designs. It shows how to modify the F -statistics currently produced by statistical packages so that the distribution of the resultant test statistic is closer to an F-distribution than is currently the case. The weighted least squares approach also produces component mean squares that are unbiased irrespective of which variable is used in Levene's test. To complete this aspect of the investigation the paper derives exact second-order moments of the component sums of squares used in the calculation of the mean-based test statistic. It shows that, for large samples, both ordinary and weighted least squares test statistics are equivalent; however they are over-dispersed compared to an F variable.  相似文献   


The purposes of this paper are to abstract from a number of articles variance component estimation procedures which can be used for completely random balanced incomplete block designs, to develop an iterated least squares (ITLS) computing algorithm for calculating maximum likelihood estimates, and to compare these procedures by use of simulated experiments. Based on the simulated experiments, the estimated mean square errors of the ITLS estimates are generally less than*those for previously proposed analysis of variance and symmetric sums estimators.  相似文献   

Prediction under model uncertainty is an important and difficult issue. Traditional prediction methods (such as pretesting) are based on model selection followed by prediction in the selected model, but the reported prediction and the reported prediction variance ignore the uncertainty from the selection procedure. This article proposes a weighted-average least squares (WALS) prediction procedure that is not conditional on the selected model. Taking both model and error uncertainty into account, we also propose an appropriate estimate of the variance of the WALS predictor. Correlations among the random errors are explicitly allowed. Compared to other prediction averaging methods, the WALS predictor has important advantages both theoretically and computationally. Simulation studies show that the WALS predictor generally produces lower mean squared prediction errors than its competitors, and that the proposed estimator for the prediction variance performs particularly well when model uncertainty increases.  相似文献   

With linear dispersion effects, the standard factorial designs are not optimal estimation of a mean model. A sequential two-stage experimental design procedure has been proposed that first estimates the variance structure, and then uses the variance estimates and the variance optimality criterion to develop a second stage design that efficiency estimates the mean model. This procedure has been compared to an equal replicate design analyzed by ordinary least squares, and found to be a superior procedure in many situations.

However with small first stage sample sizes the variance estiamtes are not reliable, and hence an alternative procedure could be more beneficial. For this reason a Bayesian modification to the two-stage procedure is proposed which will combine the first stage variance estiamtes with some prior variance information that will produce a more efficient procedure. This Bayesian procedure will be compared to the non-Bayesian twostage procedure and to the two one-stage alternative procedures listed above. Finally, a recommendation will be made as to which procedure is preferred in certain situations.  相似文献   

The between-classes sum of squares in a between- and within-classes analysis of variance has, under normality, a χ2 distribution. Although “substantial mathematical machinery” (Stigler 1984) is often used in classroom derivation of this distribution, it can be avoided by using induction and independence properties of standard normal variables. This is the derivation given here for unequal subclass numbers data. Independence of the between- and within-classes sums of squares is also shown.  相似文献   

The problem of change point in autoregressive process is studied in this article. We propose a Bayesian information criterion-iterated cumulative sums of squares algorithm to detect the variance changes in an autoregressive series with unknown order. Simulation results and two examples are presented, where it is shown to have good performances when the sample size is relatively small.  相似文献   

When using a Satterthwaite chi-squared approximation, it is generally thought that the approximation is satisfactory when it is applied to a positive linear combination of mean squares. In this note, we describe how the Williams - Tukey idea for getting a confidence interval for the among groups variance in a random one-way model can be incorporated into Satterthwaite’s procedure for getting a confidence interval for a variance. This adjusted Satterthwaite procedure insures that his chi-squared approximation is always applied to positive linear combinations of mean squares. A small simulation is included which suggests that the adjustment to the Satterthwaite procedure is effective.  相似文献   

Much research has been conducted to develop confidence Intervals on linear combinations and ratios of variance components in balanced and unbalanced random models.This paper first presents confidence intervals on functions of variance components in balanced designs.These results assume that classical analysis of variance sums of squares are independent and have exact scaled chi-squared distributions.In unbalanced designs, either one or both of these assumptions are violated, and modifications to the balanced model intervals are required.We report results of some recent work that examines various modifications for some particular unbalanced designs.  相似文献   

General mixed linear models for experiments conducted over a series of sltes and/or years are described. The ordinary least squares (OLS) estlmator is simple to compute, but is not the best unbiased estimator. Also, the usuaL formula for the varlance of the OLS estimator is not correct and seriously underestimates the true variance. The best linear unbiased estimator is the generalized least squares (GLS) estimator. However, t requires an inversion of the variance-covariance matrix V, whlch is usually of large dimension. Also, in practice, V is unknown.

We presented an estlmator [Vcirc] of the matrix V using the estimators of variance components [for sites, blocks (sites), etc.]. We also presented a simple transformation of the data, such that an ordinary least squares regression of the transformed data gives the estimated generalized least squares (EGLS) estimator. The standard errors obtained from the transformed regression serve as asymptotic standard errors of the EGLS estimators. We also established that the EGLS estlmator is unbiased.

An example of fitting a linear model to data for 18 sites (environments) located in Brazil is given. One of the site variables (soil test phosphorus) was measured by plot rather than by site and this established the need for a covariance model such as the one used rather than the usual analysis of variance model. It is for this variable that the resulting parameter estimates did not correspond well between the OLS and EGLS estimators. Regression statistics and the analysis of variance for the example are presented and summarized.  相似文献   

We consider statistical inference for partial linear additive models (PLAMs) when the linear covariates are measured with errors and distorted by unknown functions of commonly observable confounding variables. A semiparametric profile least squares estimation procedure is proposed to estimate unknown parameter under unrestricted and restricted conditions. Asymptotic properties for the estimators are established. To test a hypothesis on the parametric components, a test statistic based on the difference between the residual sums of squares under the null and alternative hypotheses is proposed, and we further show that its limiting distribution is a weighted sum of independent standard chi-squared distributions. A bootstrap procedure is further proposed to calculate critical values. Simulation studies are conducted to demonstrate the performance of the proposed procedure and a real example is analyzed for an illustration.  相似文献   

Staggered nested experimental designs are the most popular class of unbalanced nested designs in practical fields. The most important features of the staggered nested design are that it has a very simple open-ended structure and each sum of squares in the analysis of variance has almost the same degrees of freedom. Based on the features, a class of unbalanced nested designs that is a generalization of the staggered nested design is proposed in this paper. Formulae for the estimation of variance components and their sums are provided. Comparing the variances of the estimators to the staggered nested designs, it is found that some of the generalized staggered nested designs are more efficient than the traditional staggered nested design in estimating some of the variance components and their sums. An example is provided for illustration.  相似文献   

This article considers the sequential monitoring problem of variance change in stationary and non stationary time series. We suggest a CUSUM of squares procedure to detect variance change in infinite order moving average processes, and a residual CUSUM of squares procedure to detect variance change in non stationary autoregressive processes. Moreover, we introduce a bandwidth parameter to improve the monitoring power when change point does not occur at the early stage of monitoring. It is shown that both procedures have the same null distribution. The procedures are illustrated via a simulation study and an investigation of daily Mexico/US exchange rates.  相似文献   

Life insurance companies want to predict the average claimed sums they have to pay in events of death for specific groups of customers in order to derive group specific premiums. This requires estimation of the variability of claims across groups. We derive a corresponding mixed linear model for claim data from many groups of customers that incorporates group-specific age distributions, the Compertz-Makeham mortality function and an unknown group-specific random hazard factor. It takes the form of a generalized replicated model with two variance components where the between blocks variance component depends on the common mean of all observations. Two methods of parameter estimation are derived along the lines of C. R. Rao's MINQUE and generalized least squares estimation. Simulations show both methods to work well for large sets of data.  相似文献   

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