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Modern methods for detecting changes in the scale or covariance of multivariate distributions rely primarily on testing for the constancy of the covariance matrix. These depend on higher-order moment conditions, and also do not work well when the dimension of the data is large or even moderate relative to the sample size. In this paper, we propose a nonparametric change point test for multivariate data using rankings obtained from data depth measures. As the data depth of an observation measures its centrality relative to the sample, changes in data depth may signify a change of scale of the underlying distribution, and the proposed test is particularly responsive to detecting such changes. We provide a full asymptotic theory for the proposed test statistic under the null hypothesis that the observations are stable, and natural conditions under which the test is consistent. The finite sample properties are investigated by means of a Monte Carlo simulation, and these along with the theoretical results confirm that the test is robust to heavy tails, skewness and high dimensionality. The proposed methods are demonstrated with an application to structural break detection in the rate of change of pollutants linked to acid rain measured in Turkey lake, a lake in central Ontario, Canada. Our test suggests a change in the rate of acid rain in the late 1980s/early 1990s, which coincides with clean air legislation in Canada and the US. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 48: 417–446; 2020 © 2020 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider sure independence feature screening for ultrahigh dimensional discriminant analysis. We propose a new method named robust rank screening based on the conditional expectation of the rank of predictor’s samples. We also establish the sure screening property for the proposed procedure under simple assumptions. The new procedure has some additional desirable characters. First, it is robust against heavy-tailed distributions, potential outliers and the sample shortage for some categories. Second, it is model-free without any specification of a regression model and directly applicable to the situation with many categories. Third, it is simple in theoretical derivation due to the boundedness of the resulting statistics. Forth, it is relatively inexpensive in computational cost because of the simple structure of the screening index. Monte Carlo simulations and real data examples are used to demonstrate the finite sample performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new procedure to estimate the distribution of a variable y when there are missing data. To compensate the presence of missing responses, it is assumed that a covariate vector x is observed and that y and x are related by means of a semi-parametric regression model. Observed residuals are combined with predicted values to estimate the missing response distribution. Once the responses distribution is consistently estimated, we can estimate any parameter defined through a continuous functional T using a plug in procedure. We prove that the proposed estimators have high breakdown point.  相似文献   

A commonly used procedure for reduction of the number of variables in linear discriminant analysis is the stepwise method for variable selection. Although often criticized, when used carefully, this method can be a useful prelude to a further analysis. The contribution of a variable to the discriminatory power of the model is usually measured by the maximum likelihood ratio criterion, referred to as Wilks’ lambda. It is well known that the Wilks’ lambda statistic is extremely sensitive to the influence of outliers. In this work a robust version of the Wilks’ lambda statistic will be constructed based on the Minimum Covariance Discriminant (MCD) estimator and its reweighed version which has a higher efficiency. Taking advantage of the availability of a fast algorithm for computing the MCD a simulation study will be done to evaluate the performance of this statistic. The presentation of material in this article does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of Austro Control GmbH and is the sole responsibility of the authors.  相似文献   

The authors consider a robust linear discriminant function based on high breakdown location and covariance matrix estimators. They derive influence functions for the estimators of the parameters of the discriminant function and for the associated classification error. The most B‐robust estimator is determined within the class of multivariate S‐estimators. This estimator, which minimizes the maximal influence that an outlier can have on the classification error, is also the most B‐robust location S‐estimator. A comparison of the most B‐robust estimator with the more familiar biweight S‐estimator is made.  相似文献   

In multivariate data analysis, Fisher linear discriminant analysis is useful to optimally separate two classes of observations by finding a linear combination of p variables. Functional data analysis deals with the analysis of continuous functions and thus can be seen as a generalisation of multivariate analysis where the dimension of the analysis space p strives to infinity. Several authors propose methods to perform discriminant analysis in this infinite dimensional space. Here, the methodology is introduced to perform discriminant analysis, not on single infinite dimensional functions, but to find a linear combination of p infinite dimensional continuous functions, providing a set of continuous canonical functions which are optimally separated in the canonical space.KEYWORDS: Functional data analysis, linear discriminant analysis, classification  相似文献   

This work stems from the idea of describing the scientific productivity of Italian statisticians. There are several problems that must be addressed in achieving this goal: What data should be used? Have the data been cleaned? What techniques can be used? We propose the use of multiple sources and multiple metrics to get a complete information base. We check the correctness of the data using multivariate outlier identification techniques. We appropriately transform the data. We apply robust clustering to verify the existence of homogeneous groups. We suggest the use of forward search to establish a ranking among scholars. The proposed methodology, which, in this case, allowed us to group scholars into four homogeneous groups and sort them according to multidimensional data, can be applied to other similar applications in bibliometrics.  相似文献   

We have compared the efficacy of five imputation algorithms readily available in SAS for the quadratic discriminant function. Here, we have generated several different parametric-configuration training data with missing data, including monotone missing-at-random observations, and used a Monte Carlo simulation to examine the expected probabilities of misclassification for the two-class quadratic statistical discrimination problem under five different imputation methods. Specifically, we have compared the efficacy of the complete observation-only method and the mean substitution, regression, predictive mean matching, propensity score, and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) imputation methods. We found that the MCMC and propensity score multiple imputation approaches are, in general, superior to the other imputation methods for the configurations and training-sample sizes we considered.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of different methods for replacing missing data in discriminant analyses conducted on randomly generated samples from multivariate normal and non-normal distributions. The probabilities of correct classification were obtained for these discriminant analyses before and after randomly deleting data as well as after deleted data were replaced using: (1) variable means, (2) principal component projections, and (3) the EM algorithm. Populations compared were: (1) multivariate normal with covariance matrices ∑1=∑2, (2) multivariate normal with ∑1≠∑2 and (3) multivariate non-normal with ∑1=∑2. Differences in the probabilities of correct classification were most evident for populations with small Mahalanobis distances or high proportions of missing data. The three replacement methods performed similarly but all were better than non - replacement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the multiple group (>2) discrimination problem in which the group sizes are unequal and the variables used in the classification are correlated with skewed distributions. Using statistical simulation based on data from a clinical study, we compare the performances, in terms of misclassification rates, of nine statistical discrimination methods. These methods are linear and quadratic discriminant analysis applied to untransformed data, rank transformed data, and inverse normal scores data, as well as fixed kernel discriminant analysis, variable kernel discriminant analysis, and variable kernel discriminant analysis applied to inverse normal scores data. It is found that the parametric methods with transformed data generally outperform the other methods, and the parametric methods applied to inverse normal scores usually outperform the parametric methods applied to rank transformed data. Although the kernel methods often have very biased estimates, the variable kernel method applied to inverse normal scores data provides considerable improvement in terms of total nonerror rate.  相似文献   

Among many classification methods, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is a favored tool due to its simplicity, robustness, and predictive accuracy but when the number of genes is larger than the number of observations, it cannot be applied directly because the within-class covariance matrix is singular. Also, diagonal LDA (DLDA) is a simpler model compared to LDA and has better performance in some cases. However, in reality, DLDA requires a strong assumption based on mutual independence. In this article, we propose the modified LDA (MLDA). MLDA is based on independence, but uses the information that has an effect on classification performance with the dependence structure. We suggest two approaches. One is the case of using gene rank. The other involves no use of gene rank. We found that MLDA has better performance than LDA, DLDA, or K-nearest neighborhood and is comparable with support vector machines in real data analysis and the simulation study.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that unlabeled data are promising for improving prediction accuracy in classification problems. Although theoretical studies about when/how unlabeled data are beneficial exist, an actual prediction improvement has not been sufficiently investigated for a finite sample in a systematic manner. We investigate the impact of unlabeled data in linear discriminant analysis and compare the error rates of the classifiers estimated with/without unlabeled data. Our focus is a labeling mechanism that characterizes the probabilistic structure of occurrence of labeled cases. Results imply that an extremely small proportion of unlabeled data has a large effect on the analysis results.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a new robust technique for the analysis of spatial data through simultaneous autoregressive (SAR) models, which extends the Forward Search approach of Cerioli and Riani (1999) and Atkinson and Riani (2000). Our algorithm starts from a subset of outlier-free observations and then selects additional observations according to their degree of agreement with the postulated model. A number of useful diagnostics which are monitored along the search help to identify masked spatial outliers and high leverage sites. In contrast to other robust techniques, our method is particularly suited for the analysis of complex multidimensional systems since each step is performed through statistically and computationally efficient procedures, such as maximum likelihood. The main contribution of this paper is the development of joint robust estimation of both trend and autocorrelation parameters in spatial linear models. For this purpose we suggest a novel definition of the elemental sets of the Forward Search, which relies on blocks of contiguous spatial locations.  相似文献   

A method of regularized discriminant analysis for discrete data, denoted DRDA, is proposed. This method is related to the regularized discriminant analysis conceived by Friedman (1989) in a Gaussian framework for continuous data. Here, we are concerned with discrete data and consider the classification problem using the multionomial distribution. DRDA has been conceived in the small-sample, high-dimensional setting. This method has a median position between multinomial discrimination, the first-order independence model and kernel discrimination. DRDA is characterized by two parameters, the values of which are calculated by minimizing a sample-based estimate of future misclassification risk by cross-validation. The first parameter is acomplexity parameter which provides class-conditional probabilities as a convex combination of those derived from the full multinomial model and the first-order independence model. The second parameter is asmoothing parameter associated with the discrete kernel of Aitchison and Aitken (1976). The optimal complexity parameter is calculated first, then, holding this parameter fixed, the optimal smoothing parameter is determined. A modified approach, in which the smoothing parameter is chosen first, is discussed. The efficiency of the method is examined with other classical methods through application to data.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of selecting variables in two-group discriminant analysis for high-dimensional data with fewer observations than the dimension. We consider a selection criterion based on approximately unbiased for AIC type of risk. When the dimension is large compared to the sample size, AIC type of risk cannot be defined. We propose AIC by replacing maximum likelihood estimator with ridge-type estimator. This idea follows Srivastava and Kubokawa (2008). It has been further extended by Yamamura et al. (2010). Simulation revealed that the proposed AIC performs well.  相似文献   

We propose a mixture of latent variables model for the model-based clustering, classification, and discriminant analysis of data comprising variables with mixed type. This approach is a generalization of latent variable analysis, and model fitting is carried out within the expectation-maximization framework. Our approach is outlined and a simulation study conducted to illustrate the effect of sample size and noise on the standard errors and the recovery probabilities for the number of groups. Our modelling methodology is then applied to two real data sets and their clustering and classification performance is discussed. We conclude with discussion and suggestions for future work.  相似文献   

In the analysis of recurrent events where the primary interest lies in studying covariate effects on the expected number of events occurring over a period of time, it is appealing to base models on the cumulative mean function (CMF) of the processes (Lawless & Nadeau 1995). In many chronic diseases, however, more than one type of event is manifested. Here we develop a robust inference procedure for joint regression models for the CMFs arising from a bivariate point process. Consistent parameter estimates with robust variance estimates are obtained via unbiased estimating functions for the CMFs. In most situations, the covariance structure of the bivariate point processes is difficult to specify correctly, but when it is known, an optimal estimating function for the CMFs can be obtained. As a convenient model for more general settings, we suggest the use of the estimating functions arising from bivariate mixed Poisson processes. Simulation studies demonstrate that the estimators based on this working model are practically unbiased with robust variance estimates. Furthermore, hypothesis tests may be based on the generalized Wald or generalized score tests. Data from a trial of patients with bronchial asthma are analyzed to illustrate the estimation and inference procedures.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an asymptotic approximation for the expected probabilities of misclassification (EPMC) in the linear discriminant function on the basis of k-step monotone missing training data for general k. We derive certain relations of the statistics in order to obtain the approximation. Finally, we perform Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate the accuracy of our result and to compare it with existing approximations.  相似文献   

Yanfang Li  Jing Lei 《Statistics》2018,52(4):782-800
We study high dimensional multigroup classification from a sparse subspace estimation perspective, unifying the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) with other recent developments in high dimensional multivariate analysis using similar tools, such as penalization method. We develop two two-stage sparse LDA models, where in the first stage, convex relaxation is used to convert two classical formulations of LDA to semidefinite programs, and furthermore subspace perspective allows for straightforward regularization and estimation. After the initial convex relaxation, we use a refinement stage to improve the accuracy. For the first model, a penalized quadratic program with group lasso penalty is used for refinement, whereas a sparse version of the power method is used for the second model. We carefully examine the theoretical properties of both methods, alongside with simulations and real data analysis.  相似文献   

A researcher is often confronted with the difficult and subjective task of determining which of m models best fits a set of observed data. A general robust statistical procedure for model selection is examined which uses discriminant analysis on significance levels resulting from various tests of hypotheses concerning the models. The use of Monte Carlo simulation to obtain the significance levels associated with the tests is presented. The technique is illustrated by application to four band recovery models useful in wildlife studies. Error rates due to misclassification are also reported.  相似文献   

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