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列维-斯特劳斯作为结构人类学大师,他的作品从问世以来就不断遭到无历史的诟病和抨击,列氏本人也从不同角度回应过这些批评.列维-斯特劳斯并非无视历史,在他的理论体系中,历史本身也是一种结构,是用日期来标记在前与在后关系的编码系统,因为历史的全部的独特性和特殊性正在于理解在前和在后之间的关系,如果历史的各个事项不能,至少是潜在地被标以日期的话,历史就必然会解体. 相似文献
在众多的汉学家之中,欧文.拉铁摩尔(Owen Lattimore,1900~1989)无疑是最具传奇色彩的一位,既神秘,又敏感.拉铁摩尔1900年出生于美国华盛顿,幼年、青年时代居住于中国,直到28岁才第一次看到美国[1].他能熟练地运用中文和蒙文.尽管他再三强调自己并不是一个循序渐进(stage by stage)的学院派汉学家,除了在哈佛大学人类学系进行过短暂培训外,其研究所得(revelation)并非按部就班(by design),而是更多地来自偶然(by accident),[2]但他无疑是一位极具影响的中国问题专家,曾短暂访问过延安(1937年),并曾担任蒋介石的政治顾问(1941年),对美国的中国政策产生了持续性影响. 相似文献
Monica M. Trieu Nicholas Vargas Roberto G. Gonzales 《Journal of ethnic and migration studies》2016,42(7):1177-1198
A growing literature has examined the prevalence of transnational engagement among children of immigrants. However, few studies have been equipped to analyse underlying dynamics that serve to impede or perpetuate transnational practices among them in the United States. In this article, we compare transnationalism narratives between 1.5- and second-generation children of immigrants to more fully adjudicate enduring transnational ties over time. Our analysis of 134 interviews from the Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study suggests that children of immigrants from Southern California conceptualise transnational experiences in diverse but remarkably similar ways. The meanings attached to transnational behaviours and identities employ certain patterns, and are often related to strength of kin-based ties, ethnic language fluency, and levels of structural access to the homeland. Moreover, findings indicate that the second-generation is nearly as transnationally engaged as the 1.5-generation. This provides novel but limited evidence in support of claims that transnational ties are sustained across generations. 相似文献
长期以来,中国研究一直不是美国经济人类学所关注的热点问题,而另一方面,中国学术界对于这一在大洋彼岸兴起的边缘学科非常陌生,仅有零星的、少量论作问世。本文首次对这些"特例"性的学术行为与观点,作了全面系统的回溯,并对经济人类学中国化问题进行了初步的思考与梳理。 相似文献
李安宅(1900~1985年)先生在<<仪礼>与<礼记>之社会学的研究>一书中充分地表露了他在吴文藻等向马林诺夫斯基、拉德克里夫一布朗学习社区功能主义研究视角之前对于"内证的""社会学"研究方法的探索,他对于建立中国式社会理论的野心以及他对于国粹主义的批判态度. 相似文献
近30年来,国内外学术界从经济学、政治学、历史学、社会学、人类学等多种学科的角度,对近代以来持续不断的大规模国际移民做了深入的探讨,关于国际移民包括美国移民的研究已经取得了许多成果,但是在以下方面仍显不足:第一,用移民理论来分析美国族群结构的变化不够;第二,国内虽然已有学者对美国的亚洲和拉美移民进行了研究,但很少有人对这两个族群进行综合、比较研究,这就很难避免研究的片面性和局限性;第三,国内虽已有为数不多的学者在探讨国际人口迁移的趋势,但对于美国移民发展的趋势尚研究不足。因此,本文试图以2 0世纪90年代以来美国的… 相似文献
藏传佛教造型艺术不仅是宗教艺术,更是世俗社会的美学化表现,其中的身体表现神态包含了隐蔽的内容,身体的外在比例层次与精神层次相关联,当其与政治地位联系起来的时候,等级分明的身体表现形式又为世俗政权提供了强大的合法性依据,统治阶级和被统治阶级两个对立关系被内化于身体造型之中. 相似文献
ABSTRACTThe ratio of Asian American teachers to Asian American students is the most disproportionate of all racial groups, where Asian American students are least likely to have an Asian American teacher. In addition, little research focuses on the experiences of Asian American teachers, particularly in connection with issues of racism. Using AsianCrit, internalized racism, and stereotype management, this study investigates how Asian American male mathematics teachers conceptualize their racial/ethnic and mathematics teacher identities given the prevalence of the Model Minority Myth. Using photovoice interviews, findings indicate that participants experienced internalized racism and engaged in stereotype management by distancing themselves from other Asian Americans, discussing their own difficulties in mathematics, and actively reaching out to form relationships with Black and Latinx students. We recommend supports for Asian American teachers and all teachers of color to build critical consciousness to reduce internalized racism and empower themselves and their students. 相似文献