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全球化对阿拉伯文学的影响是多方面的.无论是从全球文化一体化还是全球文化多元化的角度来看,全球化都对阿拉伯文学产生了积极的影响,使阿拉伯文学得到了极大的发展,文学的体裁、创作的手法都变得丰富多彩.但是,全球化对阿拉伯文学的负面影响也是显而易见的,它在一定程度上妨碍了阿拉伯文学对民族传统文化的发掘与表达.面对全球化的浪潮,阿拉伯文坛正在思考应对的策略.  相似文献   

阿拉伯伊斯兰文化在阿拔斯朝初期定型,确立了以伊斯兰教为核心的哲学、理性、宗教相统一的制度宗教文化特性。在近代,进行了一定程度的现代化整合。冷战后期开始发展至今的全球化,在某种程度上出现了超越现代化的趋向,是一个统一与断裂的平行矛盾体,对阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的生存和发展是机遇又是挑战。阿拉伯伊斯兰文化必须展开新一轮的整合,才能在全球华进程中找到自己的位置并发扬光大。从短期看,这一整合仍将以宗教为核心,并面对不利的内外环境,但只要顺应时代潮流,阿拉伯伊斯兰文化将走出困境,并对全球文化的发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

阿拉伯伊斯兰文化在阿拔斯朝初期定型,确立了以伊斯兰教为核心的哲学、理性、宗教相统一的制度宗教文化特性.在近代,进行了一定程度的现代化整合.冷战后期开始发展至今的全球化,在某种程度上出现了超越现代化的趋向,是一个统一与断裂的平行矛盾体,对阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的生存和发展是机遇又是挑战.阿拉伯伊斯兰文化必须展开新一轮的整合,才能在全球化进程中找到自己的位置并发扬光大.从短期看,这一整合仍将以宗教为核心,并面对不利的内外环境,但只要顺应时代潮流,阿拉伯伊斯兰文化将走出困境,并对全球文化的发展做出贡献.  相似文献   

阿拉伯-伊斯兰文化承上启下、连贯东西,它与多民族文化的接触长期、全面而深入。这种文化的交流与融合必定要反映在语言上,特别是语言的词汇层面中。每一次文化交流大潮过后,都会在交流各方的语言中沉淀下一层交流的印证——借词。在阿拉伯语和其他民族的语言中都沉积下了大量的借词。本丈专门讨论阿拉伯语输出的借词。  相似文献   

全球化问题不是新的世界现象,对于全球化进程的认识早在150年前马克思、恩格斯就做了深刻的把握和分析,他们提出了世界历史理论,世界历史理论实际上就是对全球化进程发展趋势的早期的一个理解和分析;全球干匕是一个多维度的现象,而文化就是其中很重要的一个维度;全球化产生了一对悖论性的文化后果,即文化单质化和文化多元化,二者都有其产生和存在的理由和合理性,二者将长期并存,我们对于二者应当有着清楚和辨证的认识。  相似文献   

在典籍浩瀚的世界文学宝库中,阿拉伯文学占有显著的地位.这支别具一格、绚丽多彩的奇葩,对世界文化的发展产生过极大影响.何谓阿拉伯文学?历史上,古代是指阿拉伯半岛人民的文学,中古时期是指阿拉伯帝国的文学,后来一提到阿拉伯近代和现代文学,则是指阿拉伯各国的文学.古代阿拉伯文学是以散文和诗歌为主的民间口头文学.阿拉伯半岛上过游牧生活的阿拉伯人民  相似文献   

诗歌具有文以载道的社会功能。当今阿拉伯诗坛出现了以互联网体验为内涵的诗歌作品,这与正在世界范围内不断深入的全球化进程有着千丝万缕的联系。面对阿拉伯世界正在遭受的文化入侵,阿拉伯学者深感不安,他们用警惕的眼光审视着这股以西方为主导的全球化浪潮。  相似文献   

国少华 《阿拉伯世界》2003,(2):55-59,52
本文从政治,经济,宗教,语言等各方面分析了阿拉伯伊斯兰文化从弱势向强势转化的过程及其对阿拉伯语传播的作用;探索了阿拉伯民族与被征服民族的历史渊源,阿拉伯语与闪含语系及其他语言的亲属关系及其对传播阿拉伯语的影响,同时还通过与我国北方少数民族建立政权,特别是满族入主中原后被汉文化同化的比较,进一步剖析了阿拉伯伊斯兰文化,阿拉伯语广为传播的原因。  相似文献   

诗歌具有文以载道的社会功能。当今阿拉伯诗坛出现了以互联网体验为内涵的诗歌作品,这与正在世界范围内不断深入的全球化进程有着千丝万缕的联系。面对阿拉伯世界正在遭受的文化入侵,阿拉伯学者深感不安,他们用警惕的眼光审视着这股以西方为主导的全球化浪潮。  相似文献   

企业文化是现代企业管理研究的重要课题。在当今全球化和信息化的冲击之下,阿拉伯企业将自身的传统习俗和宗教信仰与现代先进企业管理理念相结合,创造出独特的阿拉伯特色企业文化。这种独特的企业文化主要体现在企业发展战略的制定、组织结构、财务管理、人力资源管理、营销管理及其形象设计和公关等方面。  相似文献   

《Public Relations Review》2005,31(3):323-332
This article discusses the practice of public relations in the Arab World. It looks at the major problems it encounters such as misconceptions, confusion in tasks and prerogatives, lack of professional manpower, and the absence of a culture of democracy, transparency and public opinion. Public relations is still looked at as a tool for the organization to foster its image through public information, publicity and propaganda. Planning and research are badly missing mainly in public sector organizations. In spite of these drawbacks, public relations is the profession of the future in the Arab World. It is growing and expanding rapidly in all sectors of life. Arab countries need public relations to meet the challenges of democracy, public opinion, civil society and globalization.  相似文献   

The Arab Gulf’s relationship to London epitomizes the processes of globalization i.e. flows of people, images, ideas and wealth beyond national borders. The rise of oil wealth in the mid–1970s financed the growth of London as a centre of Gulf Cooperation Council–funded Arab cultural production. The British capital’s populations of ex–servicemen, former diplomats and Middle Eastern immigrants serve as ‘third culture’ mediators. Often well educated, well heeled and well connected, these intermediaries possess the social position and cultural know–how to play a central role in the construction and marketing of Gulf Arab local culture and heritage. Romantic notions of Gulf Arab cultural particularism feature prominently in mediators’ products and activities. In the case of Arab London’s mediation industries, globalization results not in cultural homogenization, but rather in the (re)production and commodification of reified notions of cultural difference.  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years, there has been an exponential increase in satellite television in the Arab world, with programming ranging from music videos to news, from reality TV programs to Islamic talk shows. Concurrent with this development has been the growth of academic scholarship on understanding the relationship between Arab television and social and political transformations in the Middle East. This article provides an overview of Arab television growth, especially that of pan‐Arab satellite channels such as Al‐Jazeera, and of scholarship about it. Academic work that focuses on theories of media globalization and the public sphere, and that is in conversation with Western journalism and global media studies, is highlighted.  相似文献   

以计算机、互联网和卫星通讯为代表的现代信息技术自20世纪七十年代开始在全球飞速发展。信息全球化正改变着人们以往的生产和生活方式,发达国家凭借信息技术优势优先享有信息全球化带来的诸多裨益,而处于先天弱势的发展中国家如何面对信息不对称竞争已成为所在国文化安全战略的重要考量。同样,阿拉伯国家虽然与发达国家在该领域存在差距,但为了建立符合本国利益的信息化社会,这些国家正加大对信息技术的投入,一些依托自身优势条件发展信息产业的阿拉伯国家已崭露头角。  相似文献   

This paper was part of qualitative research that sought to explore motivations of Masters-level students (n = 53) in taking an elective course in international social work at a large public university in the Southeastern US. A review of the literature includes the foundational aspects of globalization and its relationship with social work education. Through content analysis, results show comportment of students' stated motivations for taking the course and the contemporaneous literature on globalization. Themes expressed are the historical context of globalization, concern about global inequalities, and the varying impacts of globalization around the world. Discussion is directed towards exploring ways of effectively infusing globalization content in the social work curricula.  相似文献   

Aaron Koh 《Globalizations》2013,10(2):228-239

In view of the broad scope of literature on globalization, this paper provides a synoptic reading of some of the globalization literatures, organized as ‘discourses’. The analysis of the discourses on globalization is confined to three overlapping discourses, namely, regional, ideological and economic discourses. Specific references and examples of local uptake of globalization will be drawn from Singapore and the wider Asia pacific region, as Beck (2002) has reminded us that we cannot even think about globalization or discuss it effectively without the reference to specific locations and places. Hence the subtitle of this paper, ‘A View from the East’, is deliberate to signal the often forgotten fact that Singapore, as well as the wider Asia Pacific region, is ‘part of the “global” sphere that the West has dispersed itself into’.  相似文献   

Patriarchy and development in the Arab world   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The author defines patriarchy in the Arab context as the prioritizing of the rights of males and elders, and the justification of those rights within kinship values which are usually supported by religion. She considers the systematic impact of patriarchy throughout Arab society in the attempt to understand the persistence of patriarchy in the Arab world. Patriarchy in the Arab world, and other regions, is an obstacle for women, children, families, and states. It affects health, education, labor, human rights, and democracy. The author argues that patriarchy is powerful in the Arab world because age-based kinship values and relationships are crucial socially, economically, politically, ideologically, and psychologically. Sections discuss social patriarchy, economic patriarchy, political patriarchy, religious patriarchy, patriarchy in the self, and development planners, practitioners, and patriarchy.  相似文献   

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