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马年过去了。羊年即将到来。岁末年首通常是人们对新的一年满怀美好憧憬和希望的时刻 ,但在对过去的一年进行“盘点”的时候 ,我们却不得不触及一些严肃的话题。2 0 0 1年的“9.1 1”恐怖袭击已经过去一年多了 ,但它的负面影响依然是我们应该认真思考和研究的一个问题。这次事件给本不算太平的世界蒙上了厚厚的阴影 ,受到伤害的远不只是美国 ,也远不只是经济和相关领域。它的影响是世界性的 ,是持久的。在过去的一年中 ,全世界爱好和平的人们都在耕耘希望 :希冀有一个太平的世界 ,让饱受战争和恐怖威胁的人们从此不再生活在仇恨和恐惧中 ;祈…  相似文献   

The author suggests a number of corollaries between practices of contemplative Christianity and concepts found in psychodynamic psychotherapy. The act of looking upon the suffering of another – so central to both contemplative Christianity and psychotherapy – is compared to the monastic spiritual practice of lectio divina, the meditative reading of sacred texts. The practice of psychodynamic psychotherapy is conceptualized as a vocation to the contemplative life.  相似文献   

制造业的服务化和服务业的知识化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
服务业与制造业之间存在着显著的差别,二者又相互联系.服务业内部的知识化是经济增长的必要条件之一.目前,应大力发展生产性服务业,同时也要大力发展以知识型服务业为主导的新兴服务业.  相似文献   

Acceptable professional behaviour for social scientists has strayed from traditional ideals. Among other reasons, the predominantly middle-class world view of most social science professionals has contributed to a narrow perspective on social matters which often leaves prevailing societal assumptions unchallenged. The emerging vision of a socially responsible role for social scientists calls into question many currently accepted aspects of professionalism, and the paper argues for a change of emphasis within social science to accommodate this new vision within the fold of professional respectability.  相似文献   

Life as Fiction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Much attention has been given to the use of reflection in socialwork practice and education. The literature shows that reflectivedialogue can take place individually or in small groups. Inthis paper, the concept of dialogue is examined further at theinternal and external levels by referring to the works of Bakhtinand other related scholars. Two other concepts, phronesis byAristotle and kairos by Isocrates, are used to provide furtherinsights into understanding such processes. The relevance ofinternal and external dialogue to social work practice and educationis discussed. The integrated use of internal and external dialoguefacilitates a shift among different perspectives and bringsinto awareness the multiple voices of different parties. Sucha broadened view can limit the misuse of professional authorityand enable the social worker to give fuller expression to coresocial values such as respect, justice and equality.  相似文献   

Needs as Claims     
People “need” things if they will suffer negative effects without them. Needs are based in problems, but they are not only problems; they have to be understood in terms of a relationship between functional problems and resources. Needs are a form of claim made against services. The concept of “need” is not decisive in the allocation of resources, and this paper argues that the concept has to be understood as a form of claim-language. Once needs are understood in terms of claims, many of the apparent difficulties in conceptualizing the issues dissolve; the main conflicts are between different types of claims, rather than contested definitions of need. Similarly, the establishment of priorities between greater and lesser needs depends on the strength of the claim which the needs present, and the context in which services operate, rather than on intrinsic comparisons between different levels of need. It follows that need is often not the sole, or even the primary, determinant of the legitimacy of a claim. Greater needs only have priority over lesser ones if they also constitute a claim of a different, and stronger, kind.  相似文献   

思想是人类的能力和本性,思想的本性是永恒的否定和超越,思想的本性即是人的形而上学本性。以思想的方式把握世界,世界即是思想中的世界,时代就是思想中的时代。反思思想内容的基本逻辑规定,就是揭示存在和世界的本质。逻辑学即形而上学,思想是形而上学的秘密。思想形而上学的界限是以思想的形式把握世界的界限。表象、情感、意志和实践态度的把握世界的方式,亦有自身的真理和价值。所以,当代哲学超越形而上学的思想或后形而上学思想,根本问题在于寻求一种“非规定性的思”,或使思想得以可能的“存在”、“无”或“他者”。  相似文献   

The article reviews the various ramifications in the discussion on leadership, focusing on the view of leadership as relationships between leaders and followers. Three main types of leader-follower relations are discussed, and their specific characteristics are described: regressive relations, symbolic relations, and developmental relations. After analyzing the major implications, as well as the conceptual limitations, of these perspectives, the article suggests directions for a more integrative conceptualization of leader-follower relations.  相似文献   

The article is concerned with punishment as retribution. A number of reasonable assumptions concerning the punishment of criminals as well as the punishment of innocent individuals are made. These assumptions are consistent and from them a comprehensive justice map is drawn. Several implications concerning justice are derived and there is an analysis as to where slack in the pursuit of justice is most likely to occur. It is then shown that all of the assumptions and consequently all the results can be derived from a simple utility maximization model. Throughout the paper, behavior consistent with the concept of retribution is presented and there is some comparison to other theories of punishment. More generally, the article can be seen as a building of a social welfare function. In contrast to other work on social welfare functions which begin with just methods of aggregating preferences, this article begins with just preferences.I would like to thank David Kaun and Richard Posner for their comments.  相似文献   

This paper examines grief as an emotion and contrasts it with an alternative conception of grief as a disease. Emotions and (to a lesser extent) diseases are constituted, in part, through their relation to social systems. Recently, there has been a trend toward "treating" grief within the health care system. As this trend continues, grief will inevitably accrue some of the aspects of a disease, and it will lose some of its meaning as an emotion. The theoretical and social implications of this shift in meaning are explored.  相似文献   


Covering terrorist attacks has posed numerous challenges to mainstream media across the world. Bringing information to the public quickly remains a primary goal for news media, but the journalistic duty to tell the truth comes with an increased responsibility for the accuracy of reports. When news is broken by civilian eyewitnesses and is posted by social media before it has even gone through the barest of verification checks, news media editors struggle to fulfil the task of informing the public while reporting on stories that hold the potential to alarm the audience. This paper offers some insights into the ways the New Zealand news media organised reporting on the March 15th terrorist attack in Christchurch. Based on face-to-face interviews with selected editors of major news organisations in New Zealand, it investigates the ways they operated in this situation. It explores key moments in editorial decision making on 15 March 2019, the first day of coverage of the terrorist attack. It focuses on the ‘first responder’ elements of news media work – speed and accuracy in providing information about the mosque attacks – to identify how journalistic norms are adapted and changed to report this breaking news.  相似文献   

Qualified social workers were employed in the newly established Community Service Centers (Matnas) in Israel to take part in efforts to initiate services and define each Matnas' domain. The organizational structure of a Matnas encourages its workers to use their professional skills in making entrepreneurial initiatives: The local board, the untenured, multidisciplinary staff, and the ability to utilize mixed resources, affords the Matnas the flexibility to easily contract ‘in’ and ‘out’ of programs, giving it and its staff a competitive position within the free market of service providers. This structure also permits the establishment of formal and informal contacts with constituents and authorities. This paper presents the case and discusses the role of social workers in innovating service programs.  相似文献   

叶启政 《社会》2016,36(2):77-98
过去,一些重要的西方社会学者主张,社会学者最主要的任务乃在于挖掘与诠释社会互动现象所可能意涵的“未预期结果”。在结构功能论之思维传统的主导下,最具代表性的,莫过于默顿的说法,他认为,“未预期结果”是客观地存在于社会体系中的一种具潜在功能作用的社会事实,乃反映着那些有助于体系的调整与适应、但却未能为该体系之参与者所意图、且认识到的客观结果。在本文中,笔者则采取另类的观点,尝试表达如下的见解,其实,社会学家原本只不过是一个编织故事的艺匠而已。他大体上犹如都市中漫游的行走者,一直处于当下此刻,在一再分岔的街道上一边行走一边浏览着沿途的景观,也就是说,他选择个人特别亲近的、但具深邃文化-历史意涵的某种核心概念作为出发点,以不断分岔的方式来编织“社会”的图像。准此,韦伯所提出之理念型的研究策略,可以说是最为典型的例证。  相似文献   

韩玲梅 《社会》2002,(11):30-32
“民主就是人民当家作主” ,这几乎是每个人看到民主这个词后的第一反应。然而 ,人们这种普遍的理解大多侧重于政治层面 ,诸如近年来常见诸于媒体的“我国选举权扩大到农村基层组织”等。在这里 ,笔者要指出的是民主远比这些范围广 :它不仅是一种政治口号、一种意志集中过程的理想模式 ,一种自上而下权力的释放 ,更重要的是 ,民主的存在必须有社会基础 ,即让民主渗透于我们的日常生活中 ,形成一种生活习惯 ,从而赋予民主真正的实质性的内容 ,以使得更高、更广的民主在全社会范围内不至于停留在形式上 ,而使其真正成为理想的政治民主的基本动…  相似文献   

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