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Correspondence to: Professor Noel Timms, 157 Kingsway, Pens Wood, Kent BR5 1PP Summary This article explores a largely ignored account of the practicecalled social work, that was developed by what is known in theUSA as the Functional School of Social Work. Their views werehewn out of a fierce controversy within social work. This articleargues that a reconsideration of the Functional School is due:it presented an explicit psychology, though not sociology, ofhelping and centred the nub of practice in the social welfareagency, served by disciplined professionals. Reflection on thetheorizing and practice of the Functionalists illuminates presentconcerns over the knowledge and the value base of social workand leads to a reconsideration of the place of coherence ineach.  相似文献   

清人李渔在《闲情偶寄》里将小巧简洁的耳环比作“丁香”,繁复华丽的耳坠称为“络索”,让小小的耳饰更显诗意.李渔说女子“一簪一珥,便可相伴一生”,耳饰为女性增添了无限的风情,是最能让脸部散发光彩的饰物,难怪从古至今一直深受女性的喜爱.早在《诗经》中就已有“玉之瑱也”的咏叹,而宋代女子喜欢戴耳环,掀起了新的风尚.耳环在清代妇女中也十分盛行,特别是满族妇女,还流行着一个耳垂上悬挂三件坠饰的习俗,时称“一耳三钳”.  相似文献   

李恒田 《唐都学刊》2005,21(2):108-111
当今的经济全球化能否引进到文化全球化还是一个见仁见智的话题,但全球越来越频繁的文化交流趋势却是可以肯定的.对于文化交流,我们原来有"拿来主义",时下又有人提出"送去主义",这些原则是否适应当今的时代及社会的需要,我们对此应该予以明晰,在选择当今的文化交流原则时必须和时代的要求相符.  相似文献   

Policy makers, professionals and the public have become increasinglyconcerned with identifying and managing young people who arenot only troubled or at risk, but troubling or risky. Socialwork, however, has been relatively silent on the subject. Insocial work practice, young people have become largely ‘someoneelse’s problem’; in the academy, relatively littlecritical attention has been given to their risk taking, or tothe way we ‘make’ or construct it. This paper takesan exploratory rather than systematically comprehensive journey,across a range of discursive terrains, to open up the debate.Examining current concerns with youth and risk, it exploressome of the social and psychological theory bases whereby youthis constructed as a risky business. Drawing on empirical researchfrom several disciplines, it examines patterns and dynamicsof young people’s risk taking, and explores concepts ofrisk culture and cultural learning, identity capital and Bourdieu’snotion of ‘habitus’, to frame these. The discussionhighlights the need for critically reflective social work tounderstand the complex interplay of identity and agency, structure,culture and context that underpins young people’s risktaking. It encourages us to scrutinize our judgements of whatis acceptable or unacceptable riskiness, what within and whatbeyond the pale.  相似文献   

姜景奎 《南亚研究》2009,(1):157-160
对整个世界来说,2008年因为金融危机而成为极不寻常的一年。对中国人来说,2008年也极不寻常,在与整个世界共同面对金融危机的同时,我们既遭遇了天灾也经历了人祸,当然也有荣耀和骄傲。不过,笔者还有一番感触,那就是对中国与其他国家关系的若干表现。  相似文献   

文化产业的创新模式包括创意文化资源推动型创新模式、科技推动型创新模式、产业融合型创新模式和政府推动型创新模式。21世纪以来,数字化已经成为传媒行业发展的必然趋势,电子出版正在改变传媒产业结构。从数字出版现状来看,我国的传媒文化产业类企业的创新模式略显单一,存在创新瓶颈,文化创新亟需人才。文化产业的发展趋势是互联网、多媒体技术与文化资源的结合,信息技术与文化产业之间已经形成了强大的融合趋势。以数字化为基础的科技驱动文化产业创新是我国文化产业发展的必经之路。四种文化产业的创新模式都具有增长效应,充分利用四种创新模式才能实现文化产业的全面创新。  相似文献   

Summary This paper analyses a demonstration project that enabled socialworkers to practise effectively in their home community (a Bedouin-Arabcity in the Negev, Israel) where gender relations are patriarchaland the interface of social work and cultural practices hadpreviously impeded professional functioning. Collaborative workwith cultural mediators, individuals with high social statusand knowledge of community traditions, rendered interventionsmore culturally appropriate, bridged gaps between the culturaland professional canons, and promoted social work's role ina society that had a limited understanding of, and experiencewith, the profession. Future social work practice and researchcould focus on further enhancing women's choice making opportunitiesin this patriarchal culture.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展,涌现出众多关于外派人员文化适应问题的研究,有关外派学者工作适应的研究则相对滞后和不足。外派学者是一群有着特定才能,通常受过高等教育且专长于某一领域的人员。当他们去海外大学或研究机构进行合作研究或学习时,也面临着与商业人员相似的工作适应问题。在国家留学基金委员会的帮助下,收集了前往21个国家进行学习研究的1310名中国国家公派留学访问学者的数据,在排除其他控制变量(如传记性特征等)的作用下,我们用多层线形模型验证了学习目标导向、跨文化动机和文化距离对他们工作适应的影响。研究发现外派学者的学习目标导向对工作适应没有影响,文化距离对此也没有调节作用。而跨文化动机与工作适应呈正相关,并且文化距离会加强这两者之间的关系。跨文化动机对工作适应的主效应及文化距离的调节效应在本研究中得到了证实。  相似文献   

社会工作的产生和发展与特定的文化背景相联系,在中国发展社会工作一定要考虑中国的文化特点。但在这一过程中,我们也不应排斥外来文化和西方社会工作,而要在文化对话中,实现文化的交流和融合。中国在社会工作本土化的过程中,既要立足本土文化,也要吸收、借鉴西方的社会工作的优点和经验,最终形成具有中国特点的,适应中国本土文化的社会工作。  相似文献   

This paper tries to raise awareness of the distortions thatviolent political conflict may introduce into social work practicewith members of the rival community, and proposes training guidelinesfor social workers to help reduce those distortions. The understandingof the impact of political conflict on practice is based onthe Israeli–Palestinian experience. The suggestions regardingwhat social workers should be aware of when practising in situationsof political conflict, however, and the training guidelinesthat are offered can apply to practice in other conflict-riddenareas worldwide.  相似文献   

以企业文化建设为切入点 加强和改进思想政治工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业文化是以价值观念为核心的思维、心理和行为方式,是企业三个文明建设的重要内容,它不仅反映了企业的精神面貌,而且有利于振奋斗志,提高劳动生产力和群众素质,具有导向、凝聚、协调、规范、鼓励功能,对发展企业,造福职工有重大作用。  相似文献   

本文旨在区分“现代学术专家”和“新文化专家”的学术实践。笔者运用韦伯和帕森斯的社会学理论,阐释  相似文献   

谢小娜 《探求》2020,(2):108-114
我国的城市建设已从增量时代进入存量时代,城市发展进入"城市修补"的阶段。这种城市修补的目的在于阻止城市的衰退,促进城市形成新的发展。城市新发展不但是硬件条件的更新,更重要的是城市中老旧街区的功能新生和焕发结构性新活力。历史文化街区中老旧片区的改造可以说是城市老旧街区功能新生和焕发结构性新活力的典型尝试。本文以广州市荔湾区恩宁路历史文化街区的改造为例,从恩宁路所在的片区背景入手,分析永庆坊改造模式,梳理永庆坊改造模式取得的成绩和存在的问题,在此基础上思考恩宁路老旧街区焕发新活力的路径。  相似文献   

张严 《阅江学刊》2010,(6):141-145
海德格尔的《艺术作品的本源》通过对设置入艺术作品的真理的考察,探讨了真理、艺术与存在三者的关系,阐明了人与存在在艺术中的关系。相对于海德格尔以前的作品,《艺术作品的本源》大大提升了空间的地位,更多地从空间的角度来探讨存在,并对艺术进行规定。艺术作品是存在的真理所照亮的澄明之境,是人与存在共属的"位置"和"空间"。  相似文献   

Many agencies actively recruit bilingual social workers. This study presents the reactions of 10 Chinese bilingual social workers to the expectations and demands of their agencies. The study employed a qualitative design with a phenomenological approach. The participants’ responses provide insight into how they manage ethnic and cultural mental health issues in Chinese populations. This study aims to improve social service delivery for clients with limited English proficiency by identifying effective, culturally competent services. The findings suggest that when hiring bilingual social workers, it is just as important for them to be culturally competent as it is for them to be an ethnic or language match with the client base. Having all of these qualities will result in staff members who can provide more effective services by making accurate diagnoses and identifying appropriate treatment plans. In addition to employing bilingual social workers, it is important to maintain good supervision as this will allow supervisees to have a unique perspective on what is involved in providing effective delivery of services to clients with limited English proficiency. Implications for research, practice, and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

职务犯罪是我国转型期带来的严峻的社会问题,也是摆在法学工作者面前的一个重要课题。职务犯罪的范围要比国家工作人员犯罪范围要宽泛,还包括企事业单位管理者。职务犯罪的预防与惩治是辩证统一关系:惩治职务犯罪是预防职务犯罪的前提和保障,预防职务犯罪又是惩治职能的自然延伸,是惩治职能的必要补充。我国当前防范与惩治职务犯罪在立法与司法方面都应进一步完善,强调了对职务犯罪应防范与惩治并举、预防与惩治相结合。  相似文献   

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