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任何社会的政治经济制度都包括利益和信仰(即意识形态)两个方面。社会的进步与否取决于人类组织的成功或失败,而政治经济组织的成功与失败总是伴随着某种价值观念的兴起和衰微。理想的制度是利益和信仰二者完美结合的化合物,它不仅满足人们的自然物质需求,还将现存制度的正当性和合法性深深地植入人心之中。只靠利益联结或只靠意识形态的价值观念维系的人类组织都不可能长久地健康地存在下去。前者会因为各种利益要求无法同时得到满足而陷入无休无止的社会冲突之中,后者则由于长期漠视利益的存在而丧失热情和活力。如果说改革前中国的…  相似文献   

《慈善法》史无前例地将信息公开作为法律的单独一部分,明确了社会组织信息公开的许多重要立法原则和内容,为我国社会组织信息公开的立法确立了一个纲领性文件。我国目前社会组织信息公开中还存在诸多问题,包括信息公开主体没有做区分、信息公开对象不明确、信息公开途径不统一、信息公开内容参差不齐以及信息公开的评估主体不健全等,这要求我们必须健全社会组织的信息公开制度,进一步细分社会组织的信息公开内容或范围,建立健全政府的统一信息公开平台,建立多主体联动的信息共享机制,建立信用记录制度和评估制度,建立相应的救济制度。  相似文献   

都市化是一种最一般的社会现象,在按不同社会经济形态规律发展的现代工业高度发达的国家中,这种社会现象在表面上有某种相似之处。都市化的客观必要性受生产力发展的逻辑本身制约。它的性质、方向和目标则取决于社会关系的类型。都市化的具体进程不仅取决于普通社会学的规律,而且也取决于一定社会形态的规律。工业发达资本主义国家(西德、英国、加拿大、美国、日本、法国等)的现代都市化程度达到了顶峰。城市人口增加极少,甚至还在减少(如英国)。但是,城乡之间和城市问题本身的矛盾却日  相似文献   

杨宁  王银娥 《唐都学刊》2010,26(1):39-42
廉政制度的有效性不仅取决于制度本身,而且也受制于廉政制度所依存的多重社会、政治生态环境,其中既有显性制度生态环境的约束,也有隐性制度生态环境的影响。从政治生态学的视角,分析当前廉政制度生态环境现状及成因,树立明确的政治生态优化的价值取向,进而推进廉政制度的完善与创新;构建和谐的廉政非正式制度体系,营造公民文化氛围,开发公民意识等方式来实现廉政制度生态环境的优化。  相似文献   

政治认同本质上是要确立一种以支配为目的不平等关系以实现有效的政治统治,然而在形式上必须通过意识形态、制度和治理绩效来强化政治权力客体的平等感受,但其作用发挥必须基于社会权力资源的公平配置,这一要求使得政治认同水平的提高最终取决于公民社会的有效建构.  相似文献   

当前中国社会正经历着一场深刻的社会转型,城市基层社会整合与治理逐渐由"社区制"取代"单位制",社区问题变得多元复杂,社区建设面临诸多挑战,这为社会工作介入社区创造了新的条件。社会工作在构建和谐社区事业中作用的发挥很大程度上取决于其职业化发展的水平。社区社会工作职业化探讨离不开对其所处环境及其面临问题的剖析,需要深化在制度环境、组织环境、社会认可、人才环境等方面的认识,针对各种制约因素加以应对,寻求合适的职业化推进策略。  相似文献   

不同社会存在着许多共同的秩序问题,而解决的方式和手段也比较相似.在建立和维护建基于特定产权结构体系之上的社会秩序问题,习俗、禁忌和个人与社会群体自我约束的作用遍及于各种社会.此外,国家或政府的作用在国家社会里极为突出.国家总是和特定的利益集团联系在一起,并能够在很大程度上决定经济秩序.自由放任和守夜人的说法,或者完全是一种理想,或者纯属虚构的神话.在现代市场经济的发展过程中,国家对秩序的作用可以是积极的,也可以是消极的.这并不取决于任何必然性,而是取决于制度和组织背后的人.  相似文献   

本文论述了明代官员考察制度化的过程及其内容。认为这是我国历史上官员考核制度成熟的标志。由于明代封建专制的社会历史条件,考察制度的推行受到各种权力的干扰,加之明代后期政风腐败以及考察制度本身的一些弊病,使罢黜不职官吏的制度反而成为滋长贪污腐败和党同伐异的工具,最后趋于瓦解。但明代官员考察制度本身的一些内容,于今日仍有很多可惜鉴之处。  相似文献   

论市场信用与诚实信用的互动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对经济与法律关系的认识有待进一步深化,其中市场信用与诚实信用可以作为一个观察点。市场信用与诚实信用的多义性为多种不同的解读提供了可能,对其准确的界定需要运用语义的、历史的、经济的、法律的等各种分析方法。市场信用是一种经济伦理道德,是道德在经济领域中的表现,而诚实信用在经过道德转化为法律后,获得了新义。两者的关系是良性互动的,它们本身及其关系从根本上说都取决于现实的发展。而社会实践的发展要求我们充分利用后发优势,借鉴一切先进的技术、制度和文化理念,建立内容完备、制度健全、体系协调的法律制度,培育良好的市场信用,以实现经济持久繁荣的目标。  相似文献   

"国家尊重和保障人权"规范的民主意义阐释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"国家尊重和保障人权"规范是作为宪法中的人权保障原则确立的。它的确立要求从民主的角度予以阐释。这不仅因为该规范本身就蕴涵着民主要求,而且该规范落实的过程归根到底就是人民依据宪法通过民主的方式组织国家权力保障人权的过程。不仅如此,该规范同时意味着人权获得保障的过程事实上就是民主获得促进的过程。同时,作为国家尊重和保障人权的重要机制,违宪审查制度也具有重要的民主意义。  相似文献   

周雪光 《社会》2019,39(2):1-30
黄仁宇悖论描述了中华帝国组织形态松散关联但国家秩序坚韧稳定的矛盾特点。本文以科举制为线索,着眼于历史上中华帝国的观念制度来解读这一悖论,特别是这一松散关联组织形态的机制和过程。在中国历史上,科举制度提供了观念一体化的组织基础,导致了官僚体制内外正式与非正式制度的双向渗透和互构,国家与基层社会上下名与实的仪式性连接。这一观念制度提供了各地区、各层次间的同构性和相互关联,同时造就了一个松散关联的官僚组织。结束部分的“余论”指出,在当代中国,国家治理模式发生了重要转型,从观念一体化转向为组织一元化,为国家治理带来了一系列鲜明的特点和新的挑战。  相似文献   

Post-crisis learning is a challenge for public organizations, and especially for agencies which handle health and environmental risks. This article investigates how the Belgian Food Safety Agency settles mechanisms for drawing lessons from crises while ensuring day-to-day routine. The framework by Crozier and Friedberg is used as a guideline to consider both the actors and the system, both strategic games and institutional constraints. The article helps in understanding the institutional logics underpinning how the public organizations learn from societal risk and crisis. Centralization and openness appear to be guiding principles, resulting from the learning games. They also generate tensions that the actors’ games manage by defining new rules for cooperation. Both the practice (through our case study) and the theory (combining actors and institutions) broaden the lens of policy analysis for what policy-making at organizational level concerns.  相似文献   

李峰 《社会》2013,33(2):84-110
本文利用上海市的调查数据,从宗教归属、人口学变量、社会经济地位因素、社会信任、社会参与和其他机构信任等方面对宗教组织信任进行分析,了解人们对宗教组织信任的现状及影响因素,并对相关的研究进行回应。结果显示,与对其它机构的信任相比,民众对宗教组织的信任处于一个较低水平;宗教归属、社会信任、组织参与和对世俗机构的信任对宗教组织信任的影响最大;阶层、社会参与也有一定的影响;性别、年龄、受教育程度和政治面貌等无影响。  相似文献   

市场转型与“单位”变迁再论“单位”研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李路路  苗大雷  王修晓 《社会》2009,29(4):1-25
改革开放三十年后,中国基本实现了向市场经济体制的转型,社会结构发生了巨大变化。中国城市社会的基层组织制度和社会秩序,尤其是“单位”和“单位体制”,也随之发生了深刻的改变。本文对在市场转型的制度背景下的“单位”变迁研究进行了系统的梳理。文章从概念辨析入手,分为“单位”体制及其变迁、单位内部的权力结构与行为方式、单位与社会分层三个方面展开具体论述。作者认为,采用细致的个案调查方法来研究不同类型“单位”的内部权力结构和行为方式,挖掘“单位”社会分层效应的具体微观机制,进而探讨“单位”和“单位体制”的变迁,并且,以此为参照来理解中国社会组织的新特点、新功能,将是“单位”研究的方向所在。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the extent to which the civil society organizations (CSOs) have influenced the decision‐making of the local government toward the needs and priorities of citizens. In development discourse, civil society organizations hold a significant importance as they are deemed to provide holistic and new ways to ensure participatory local governance. Therefore, their role against the backdrop of their involvement in mobilizing citizens’ involvement and influencing decision‐making in Pakistan calls for further research. This paper aims to fill this gap. Using qualitative research methods, the current paper appraises the role of CSOs in mobilizing public involvement in the decision‐making process of local government institutions of Punjab, Pakistan. The paper finds that the effectiveness of CSOs is very low due to various institutional and political constraints. Motivations for CSOs seeking citizen involvement have been instrumental in nature rather than motivated by participatory principles.  相似文献   

We argue that responsible conduct research (RCR) instruction should be extended beyond students and trainees funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or National Science Foundation (NSF) to include all students, trainees, faculty, and research staff involved in research. Extending the scope of RCR instruction can help institutions develop and maintain an environment that promotes ethical research conduct. Universities and scientific organizations have objected to expanding the scope of RCR instruction on the grounds that it would be a major undertaking that would require the expenditure of additional institutional resources. We argue, however, that expanding the scope of RCR instruction can be done efficiently without placing undue burdens on institutions.  相似文献   

文化与制度关系新探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任洁 《唐都学刊》2005,21(5):62-65
在对文化与制度范畴作基本的概念界定的基础上,可将二者分别界定为文化观念和正式规则。从不同层次上分析文化与制度的相互关系,才能超越“文化是体制之母”和“制度决定文化”的循环论证。从归根结底的意义上而言,文化观念的形成和积淀,制度的形构和变迁皆源于人们的社会生产实践;截取历史发展的某一阶段,文化观念是制度的发生学意义上的直接来源,然而文化观念在不同的内源性和外源性制度变迁模式和制度变迁的不同阶段会有不同的作用,需做具体分析。  相似文献   

Our research reports on Brigham Young University (BYU) field studies carried out in Central America to assess the impacts of village banking on indigenous families. We first introduce the growing movement of microfinance institutions (MFIs), organizations that provide small loans as start-up capital for the unemployed poor in Central America. We briefly describe the native nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that allocate their financial resources. Our methods are described and the survey instrument we created is analyzed, as well as the process of data collection. Finally, we report our findings and interpret their conclusions and implications, as well as suggest further studies on poverty alleviation.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(2-3):171-192
All social workers in America are keenly aware of the continuing thrust towards de-institutionalizalion. They are equally familiar with the promotion of the community's responsibility for the so-called deviant populations in our society. Many may not be so aware, however, of a paradoxical trend that is occurring simultaneously. The use made by these populations of a great variety of residential facilities is on the increase. Nevertheless, indications are that these facilities are being used differently to achieve quite different aims now than in the past. For example, periods of admission to institutions are shorter and more frequent. Temporary admissions for many are often arranged to give some relief to their family members or other caregivers. Further, two different types of institutionalized populations are emerging as: (a) those who become socialized to the institution because of repeated or long-term admissions, and (b) those who become dependent on the institutions almost immediately upon their admission to it. Thus, if institutions are to become more than merely custodial services, these trends forecast the need for a more differentiated practice by the social workers who work in them (Anthony & Farkas, 1982; Mercier, 1986; Toews & Barnes, 1986). This paper asserts that group practice with individuals residing in institutions contributes significantly to the constructive use they make of institutional services. Not only does the group provide a therapeutic milieu to its members for the resolution of psychosocial problems through interactions within the group. The group is also a powerful influence on the institutional environment of the group, as well as on the external community of each of its individual members. It is further contended that there are special competencies inherent in this kind of practice with groups whose members reside in institutions. Thus the impact of institutional services on members and staff is explored in order to identify the salient practice issues. In the light of these issues the external influence of the group is conceptualized. This conceptualization is then tested against the realities of practice with groups in two contrasting institutional contexts.  相似文献   

Is there such a thing as “institutional readiness” for integrated watershed management? One element of readiness is the ability of managers with watershed-related responsibilities to identify the policy and management objectives of potential partners. The geographic areas encompassed by large watersheds are under the overlapping jurisdictions of many agencies and organizations from each sector (public, non-profit, and private) as well as private landowners. Developing a watershed-based institutional atlas is a promising strategy for coping with this jurisdictional complexity. The authors examine the potential for developing such an atlas in the Maumee River watershed of Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan, and they assess other signals of readiness and partnerships in progress in the basin.  相似文献   

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