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2005年大选之后的经历给伊拉克国内各政治力量留下了深刻教训,他们意识到国家的安全和稳定需要一个有什叶派、逊尼派以及库尔德人代表参加的联合政府。2010年大选产生了一个联合政府,该政府将有机会实现国家统一,并向邻国传递积极的信号,即伊拉克不会对它们产生威胁,同时新政府也将面临巨大挑战。选举产生的政府将承担起领导国家走向主权独立的历史责任,并努力提高伊拉克在该地区的地位和影响力,尤其是在2011年底美军撤出伊拉克之后。2010年12月21日,新内阁获得国民议会投票表决通过,从而开启了多党派联合执政的架构。  相似文献   

伊朗宗教地缘战略是指伊朗积极利用宗教纽带构建以伊朗为中心、涵盖伊拉克、叙利亚、黎巴嫩以及其他什叶派居住地区的势力范围的战略谋划。伊朗的宗教地缘战略建立在宗教认同的基础之上,而非伊斯兰革命的意识形态上,虽引起了国际社会的不安,但具有防御性和理性特点。鲁哈尼时期,伊朗将会对其宗教地缘战略有所克制,但不会放弃。  相似文献   

基于公正与平等理念的伊斯兰信用思想作为伊斯兰教经济思想的重要内涵,彰显了丰富的伦理内涵,但在全球化、金融一体化的浪潮中亦呈现出其阻滞伊斯兰社会金融发展、滞缓其全球化进程的因子,凸显了宗教伦理与经济发展的二元张力。伊斯兰教在留存其信用经济思想丰富伦理内涵的同时,也应依据创制精神对其加以阐释,以更好地应对全球化金融浪潮。  相似文献   

This paper discusses emerging dilemmas in social work education and practice in the United Arab Emirates. Here social work education is primarily based on Westernized curricula; however localized cultural sensitivities require that some mainstream issues, particularly in relation to issues of abuse, are not engaged with. Nevertheless research findings show that social problems such as these are clearly present in UAE society. Therefore it is argued that what is required is an accountable, effective social work education that retains cultural congruity whilst empowering practitioners with the knowledge needed to engage with contemporary social problems. Finally, to contextualize the dichotomy between local culture and the wider community of Islam in relation to social work, some comparisons are drawn with other Muslim nations, specifically Malaysia.  相似文献   

The authors of this article examine several controversial U.S. monuments and offer teachers a rationale, resources, and suggested activities for incorporating these historical monuments into classroom instruction. The authors discuss why controversial issues should be discussed in the social studies classroom through the critical examination of national monuments. We argue that discussing key social issues through the analysis of contentious monuments will not only provide students with a more complete picture of history but also allow them to develop critical twenty-first-century skills such as visual literacy and understanding multiple perspectives. The focus is to provide secondary social studies teachers with an alternative approach to examining historical monuments and controversial issues through the analysis of contemporary and historical debates regarding the nature of commemoration on the United States’ landscape. A brief rationale for the inclusion of monuments and controversial issues into the social studies curriculum is provided, as well as examples of provocative historic monuments, example activities to teach these monuments, and suggested resources to further examine this topic.  相似文献   

魏亮 《阿拉伯世界》2014,(1):99-109
“9·11”事件后中东地区格局发生重大变化。伊朗力量对外扩张的同时面临更为严峻的安全威胁。借助萨达姆政权倒台之机,伊朗通过各种途径对伊拉克进行全面渗透,并一跃成为可以直接影响伊拉克国内局势的主要力量。本文旨在探讨当前伊朗在伊拉克的影响力,并分析其政策目标与实施途径。  相似文献   

The Wake County Public School System (WCPSS), in the state of North Carolina, has gone through considerable recent effort to revise, support, and assess their seventh-grade social studies curriculum in an effort to serve three goals: comply with the Common Core State Standards (Common Core), comply with the North Carolina Essential Standards (Essential Standards), and create a curriculum that best serves students. Meanwhile, the curriculum theory of social meliorism was conceived of over a century ago. Since its inception it has influenced curriculum development and provided a foundation for many other curriculum theories that all start from an assumption that social meliorism holds to an accepted truth that the purpose of education is to improve society and address its injustices. Given contemporary discussions about how to achieve social justice, this is a philosophy that seems particularly meaningful when thinking about the ways that schools can help to accomplish the goals of social justice. I intend to investigate the seventh-grade social studies curriculum of WCPSS in 2014 and juxtapose it with the goals and ideals of social meliorism, determine how well the curriculum addresses the goals of that curriculum theory, and make suggestions for how a social meliorist might suggest modifying the curriculum to better serve the needs of society.  相似文献   

清真寺建筑作为与伊斯兰教密不可分的宗教建筑,与其他宗教建筑相比,具有独特的建筑形制(规划布局、朝向、建筑体型与轮廓、内部结构、建筑用材、艺术表现和附属建筑等方面)。本文从清真寺建筑形制入手,剖析了清真寺与其他宗教建筑的不同特性,阐述清真寺的社会功能与其建筑形制的相关性,并就有关的功能性因素作探究,以此来透视伊斯兰教作为世界性宗教的基本特性。  相似文献   

Although social justice is an overarching goal of most every department of teacher education, college of education, and US College or University, it is rarely an identified goal for K–12 schools. We contend that the field of social studies education also substantively focuses on social justice, and as such, this article clarifies the ways in which classrooms can provide a social justice education. In particular, we explore the role of dispositions, reflective thinking, and controversial issues, and the ways in which they position students to understand, confront, and undermine social injustices. Finally, we provide specific curricular ideas and points of departure for middle school and high school social studies teachers to operationalize social justice education within their classes.  相似文献   

伊斯兰主义首先是一种宗教内部不断重复的变迁现象,其在当代兴起同近代以来尤其是上世纪七十年代伊斯兰世界在全球体系中的不利处境密切相关。伊斯兰主义的兴起即是希望通过宗教的符号来进行社会变革,以应对这一不利的局面。从社会形式讲,伊斯兰主义主要表现为一种社会运动,其本质则是政治意识形态。当代伊斯兰主义发生的一个主要背景在于全球化,而其自身同时也被全球化;不仅表现为全球化的组织,更具有全球性的意识形态和目标。  相似文献   

Many thinkers have discussed the possibility of intelligent social reconstruction; but few have examined the nature of such reconstruction as closely as did George Herbert Mead. This paper explores Mead's analysis through his understanding of human nature and intelligence, his discussion of value conflicts and the possibility of their resolution by means of the community, and his recognition of the need for popular commitment as a necessary condition for any wide-spread success. While pointing to certain problems with his position, this paper concludes that there is a basic soundness to Mead's approach.  相似文献   

The author uses a sociology of time framework to explore how six communities acknowledge the first and second anniversary of Hurricane Hugo. Employing the concept anniversary with a conventional time framework, a comparative case study of coastal and inland communities is used to illustrate how past events surrounding a disaster, such as Hurricane Hugo, are reconstructed to have meaning and utility for the present.  相似文献   

伊斯兰教伦理准则是以《古兰经》和"圣训"为依据的,对协调社会关系起了重要作用。其主要包括:协调人与人、人与社会之间的关系;协调穆斯林个体与社会之间的关系;担负起社会的责任和义务;构成了穆斯林生存的心理定力等。  相似文献   

Contemporary global events of the War on Terror, the War on ISIS, and the United States contentious relationship with Muslim societies make it crucial to teach about Islam and Muslims in school. However, negative representations of Islam and Muslims often impede this process. Overcoming these challenges is critical for the development of compassionate and informed students who are capable of thinking critically in a complex and globalized world. This article shows the importance of addressing Muslim representation in the media, debunks myths about Islam and Muslims, and provides concrete classroom recommendations for teachers.  相似文献   

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