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This paper briefly discusses the history of English novels, including the following parts: novels before Defoe, 18 th-century fiction, Victorian fiction, fiction of 1920 s, fiction of 1930 s and postwar fiction.  相似文献   


A brief history of evolutionary theory illustrates its long development and sociopolitical context. Major theoretical concepts in evolutionary theory are introduced that lay the groundwork for more detailed discussion in later texts. Two incarnations of evolutionary theory—sociobiology and evolutionary psychology—are described in some detail. Criticisms of these ideas are reviewed and evaluated. Evolutionary psychology, with its emphasis on sexual selection theory, has proven to be a rich approach, generating many new insights into human sexuality.  相似文献   

Founded in 1929 by Emory S. Bogardus, the PSA is the oldest regional sociological association. During its 85-year history, the association has steadily increased in membership, participation, registration and size of its annual meeting, complexity of organizational structure, and has moved from a gemeinshaft to a gesellshaft culture and to a more inclusive and democratic association. Much of this change has mirrored the growth of sociology in general and of higher educational institutions in U.S. and has been made possible essentially through the work and effort of volunteers.  相似文献   

The author presents the 6 stages in the development of career counseling in the United States. In the 1st stage (1890–1919), placement services were offered for an increasingly urban and industrial society. In the 2nd stage (1920–1939), educational guidance through the elementary and secondary schools became the focal point. The 3rd stage (1940–1959) saw the focus shift to colleges and universities and the training of counselors. The 4th stage (1960–1979) was the boom for counseling and the idea of work having meaning in a person's life came to the forefront; organizational career development began during this period. The 5th stage (1980–1989) saw the beginning of the transition from the industrial age to the information age and the growth of both the independent practice of career counseling and outplacement counseling. The 6th stage (1990—present), with its emphasis on technology and changing demographics, has seen an increased sophistication in the uses of technology, the internationalization of career counseling, the beginnings of multicultural career counseling, and the focus on the school‐to‐job transition.  相似文献   

Not acknowledging the history and metaphysics of the fact/value distinction has led to confusion about the difference between the normative and the cognitive, and disputes on whether there are ways to move from one side, facts, to the other, values. One solution is to recognize values as more “objective” than facts, and thus blur the common way of drawing this distinction. The origin of the distinction between facts and values appears in the space between them, when and where it is uncertain whether an observation becomes fact or value. Once values turn into subjective beliefs, the entire distinction collapses, and modernity begins to end.  相似文献   

Language is one of the most wonderful phenomena in human's social life. The scientific study of language is called linguistics. The history of linguistics is closely related to the origin of human language. This paper briefly introduces the history of linguistics before the 18th century.  相似文献   

Popular media may be described as television, film, radio, and print media primarily offered for the purpose of entertainment. Such popular media have been the object of critical analysis for decades, both for academic scholars and popular pundits. Our focus is not on quantitative or experimental research concerning popular media effects, but instead on qualitative scholarship that seeks to interpret and critically engage such media. For the past several decades, scholarship informed only by the critic's analysis of the so-called texts of popular media has been augmented by scholarship that recognizes the need to listen to audience members. The point of this article is to provide a brief rationale and history of such audience research.  相似文献   

The author acknowledges the significance of the 6 steps presented by M. Pope (2000) in his article “A Brief History of Career Counseling in the United States.” It is proposed that the historical stages for each kind of career counselor are most appropriately organized around federal legislation that affects it. Alternative “stages,” which the author believes are appropriate in tracing the history of the school counselor movement, are presented as an example of this approach.  相似文献   


This article is a brief reply to Dutton's rebuttal (Dutton, this issue) to the author's critique of Dutton's analysis of the role of gender in intimate partner violence.  相似文献   

《Australian Social Work》2013,66(2):199-201
Eclecticism in social work has been criticised because interventions may be based on theories that have incompatible basic assumptions. The author offers a structural analysis of theories informing social work practice, according to each theory's basic assumptions about the nature of human society as either conflict or consensus, and human behaviour as a product of either free will or determinism. Four basic paradigms of practice in social work are created as quadrants within a circle and labelled, respectively, as the functionalist, existentialist, humanist and structuralist paradigms. The structure is then modified to establish a fifth ‘heuristic paradigm’ as an inner circle. The author suggests that heuristic paradigm theories are those that best accommodate the paradoxical coexistence of free will and determinism, and also conflict and consensus. Heuristic practice is therefore not seen simply as intuitive eclecticism, but an active and reflective use of various theories as ‘heuristic tools’ to shape practice interventions and thereby build practice wisdom.  相似文献   

Historical metaphors and mythical realities.- structure in the early history of the Sandwich Islands kingdom, by M. Sahlins. Pp. viii + 84. Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania, Special Publication 1. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 1981.  相似文献   

郑穗嫔 《现代妇女》2013,(12):218-219
Language works as one of the most important instrument of social interaction. From social point of view,two aspects of language behavior are very important. 1) The function of language in establishing social relationships. 2) The role played by language by conveying information about the speaker, That is to say,sociolinguistics concerns with the interaction between the society and the language. In this paper,we are going to talk about the interaction in two aspects: the basic social functions of language,and the relationship between language and society.  相似文献   

In the Victorian period, “edginess” referred to “hardness of outline”: fringe softened, I argue here, the literal and figurative hard edges of that historical moment. In the 20th century, edginess moves inside the subject: it connotes irritability. This etymological journey from the literal to the figurative, and from the outside to the inside, traces a larger cultural trend I wish to resist. The prescribed reliance on metaphor and irony in modernist and postmodernist interpretive schemes means that we have lost the ability to understand other modes of representation, including the literal—a mode that was still available in the 19th century. By performing the forbidden maneuver of taking fringe literally and interpreting it, I argue for the importance of reconsidering representational strategies we have stopped valuing, as if their obviousness makes them too clear to harbor significant meaning or to do critical psychic and cultural work.  相似文献   

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