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2014年土耳其的首次总统直选将总统制改革正式提上了议程,2017年修宪公投的成功使土耳其进入了从议会制到总统制的过渡时期,2018年的总统选举则标志着土耳其议会制的终结和总统制的开启,可谓是"百年未有之变局"。土耳其通过民主选举的方式实现了国家政治体制的转型,是自主探索本国发展道路的尝试,虽然"新土耳其"的前景仍具有不确定性,但无论是否成功,这对于中东国家甚至全球转型国家都具有借鉴意义。本文无意于探讨议会制与总统制的制度优劣,而主要考察土耳其在建国之初何以选择议会制和20世纪后期出现总统制辩论的原因,埃尔多安的总统制设想及其演变过程,土耳其实现从议会制到总统制转型的动因,以及总统制为土耳其带来的机遇与挑战等问题,以期丰富学界对土耳其政治发展道路和民主转型等问题的理解。  相似文献   

Although left–right items are a standard tool of publicopinion research, there is little agreement about the optimalresponse format. Two disputes can be identified in the literature:(1) whether to provide respondents with a small or large numberof answer categories, and (2) whether or not to administer theresponse scale including a midpoint. This study evaluates theperformance of the 101, 11, and 10-point left–right scales,which directly speak to the two disputed aspects of measuringthe left–right dimension. Drawing on data from a splitballot multitrait multimethod experiment carried out in a methodologicalpretest to the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), the analysisshows that the choice of a response format makes a differencein terms of data quality: the 11-point left–right scaleproduces the highest validity of left–right data closelyfollowed by the 10-point scale. Moreover, an application fromelectoral research illustrates that the choice of response formatsaffects substantive interpretations about the nature of theleft–right dimension. Since all three scales perform aboutequally well in terms of reliability and the ease of administration,the findings suggest that the 11-point left–right scaleshould be used in survey research.  相似文献   

Among the increasing number of tourists to the Lesser Three Gorges are many foreigners.  相似文献   

THE Yangtze (Changjiang) Three Gorges or the Larger Three Gorges are famous all over the world for their magnificen scenery of valleys and distinguishing features of mountains and water. On the lower reaches of the Ninghe River flowing through Wushan County in Chongqing is the Lesser Three Gorges, which is becoming known by more and more people with its  相似文献   

Theory Choice and Problem Choice in Science   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):137-154
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

网络恶搞:青少年集体狂欢的新主题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络恶搞的风浪甚嚣尘上,它已成为青少年疯狂追捧的对象.本文以大众传播学、网络心理学、哲学、文化社会学、经济学的多维视角,深刻阐述当代青少年热衷追捧网络恶搞的原因,辩证思考网络恶搞对当代青少年的影响,指出减少与控制网络恶搞对青少年的消极影响需要青少年自身与社会等方面的共同努力.  相似文献   

The oldest Norse and Celtic literature is likely to treat of exceptionalities, including those that we would call disabilities, in a fashion quite unlike that to which we are accustomed to find in modern literature. In the archaic literature, we find mythological motifs about contact with the supernatural and the related notion of a trade-off of a body part for superhuman abilities, and at the same time we notice a general disinterest in impairments as they might affect a character's competence. While there does seem to be some concern for dangers an individual's impairment might pose to society and some desire for cures, there is no evidence for the later disabling notion of daemonic possession, little recognition that impairments might be medical conditions or personal tragedies, and no hint of marginalizing pity or consequent charity.  相似文献   

EGMs are a form of entertainment, and the gambling environment is an important contributor to the overall experience. Logically, to select a play-environment, EGM gamblers must choose the platform through which to access the EGM (e.g., internet, mobile application or land-based venue), a particular provider (e.g., specific website, app vendor or branded casino), and the game itself (e.g., based on graphical theme or bonus features; Thorne et al. in J Gambl Stud, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s10899-016-9601-2). A discrete choice experiment was conducted to identify the features of the platform, provider and game that are most strongly preferred by EGM gamblers. Participants were 245 EGM gamblers from clubs in Victoria, Australia and 7516 EGM gamblers from an Australian online panel. Results indicate that the ideal environment for the average gambler consists of: gambling at a club that is close to home; with a group of friends; in a relatively quiet place that has air conditioning, cheap food and a large space to play in; on a classic game with quality animations and small bet sizes; where you feel safe and secure; and where there is a wide variety of other games to play when you are done. Segmenting these results by problem-gambler status highlights important differences in preferences between problem and non-problem gamblers. Problem gamblers are less likely to give weight to the company they share and have a preference for larger venues. Using a powerful paradigm from marketing research, the present study was able to determine the relative value of different features of the EGM gambling environment, and also contributes important insight towards what constitutes a safer environment for recreational play.  相似文献   

The contemporary retreat from marriage in the United States has had a differential impact across socioeconomic and racial groups. Here, 1990 marriage rates and propensities for Virginia, North Carolina, and Wisconsin are analyzed regarding (a) the likelihood that persons in different groups ever marry and (b) patterns of partner choice with respect to race and educational level. Marriage remains strong in most race‐education groups but is substantially lower among Blacks and among those with less than 12 years of education. Patterns of partner choice have shifted to show greater symmetry between the educational levels of brides and grooms. Changes have been modest with regard to the level and pattern of interracial (Black‐White) marriage. Marriage is increasingly a union of equals, but a union chosen more by Whites than by Blacks and more by the well educated than by the poorly educated.  相似文献   

We use C.H. Mead's perspective on the meaning of social objects and his theory of the past and Harold Garfinkel's application of indexicality to describe how people respond to social objects as evil. Mead's notion of an implied objective past illuminates how social actors not only connect objects to past evils but also invoke an objective past to index evil in the future. Focusing on guns and illegal drugs, we maintain that responses to each draw on conceptions of the past in ways that attempt to make their connection to evil in the past and future justifiable. Such responses create meaningful categories that actors then use to anticipate future responses to objects. We note that while people appear to be comfortable using pasts and indexical expressions to define Schedule I drugs as evil in themselves, the attempt to make guns into evil objects has met with strong resistance and requires elaborate contextualization.  相似文献   

A writer's choice in the narrator is crucial for the way a work of fiction is perceived by the reader.It governs the reader's access to the story and determines just how much he can know at any given moment about what is taking place.If you alter or change the point of view,you could alter and change the story.  相似文献   

The article addresses the main theory of the political public sphere generally, and the role of the Internet and Internet‐based media in the theory specifically. It first reviews briefly the initial social research on the Internet in the 1990s concerning political participation. After a presentation of Jürgen Habermas' theory of the contemporary public sphere, it proceeds to discuss the main problems concerning the Internet as a platform or infrastructure for public debate: segmentation and concentration. It argues that a general conclusion is that the public sphere differentiates and become more complex. A key task for future research, it argues, is to investigate the complex connections between Internet publics and mass media publics.  相似文献   

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