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This article presents a new approach to the field of motivation. To start, it reviews the previously available literature in the field and analyzes some of the more popular theories and finds the gaps. A new model is put forward, which aims to cover the relevant parameters—as well as to plug the identified gaps. The model proposes four types of drives—sensual, material, emotional, and spiritual. A quantitative study was done to validate the proposed theory and to have a better understanding in identifying the socioeconomic parameters that are significant in predicting which drive is likely to dominate in a person. Using the proposed theory and the results from the quantitative analysis, a model for motivation is proposed. This research is part of an ongoing research effort to test, validate, and generalize the proposed model.  相似文献   


Objective: This study investigated body dissatisfaction, neuroticism, and sex as potential predictors of calorie-tracking app usage amongst undergraduate college students. Participants: College students (N = 491) were recruited from a large northeastern university in October 2015. Methods: Participants completed an online survey asking about their sex, body dissatisfaction, neuroticism, and use of apps that track calories. Results: Analyses revealed that female sex and body dissatisfaction—but not neuroticism—were direct predictors of calorie-tracking app usage. Analyses also provided support for a causal sequence wherein neuroticism and body dissatisfaction mediate, in serial, the relationship between female sex and calorie-tracking app usage. Conclusions: The results from this study suggest that female college students are more likely to use calorie-tracking apps—a phenomenon which may be attributable to their higher levels of neuroticism and subsequent increased body dissatisfaction.  相似文献   


The rise of fundamentalisms—both secular and religious—threatens to become a key element in the functioning of the international system over the coming decades. But what exactly are fundamentalisms? This article provides a response to this question by taking up the relationship between sameness and difference, arguing that fundamentalisms are predicated on a deep desire for sameness. This desire for sameness becomes all the more potent in a period of rapid change and dislocation, and with the loss of ideological certainties. In the light of this, the implications for the emphasis on sameness are pursued in terms of what fundamentalisms make of the international system and globalization.  相似文献   


The Internet has substantially changed the way society consumes pornographic material and as become the most popular venue for this sexual purpose. However, researchers have paid little attention to why people use pornographic material online. Arguing that the use of Internet pornography is a motivated behavior meant to obtain what one wants to see, this study attempts to identify specific motivations for Internet pornography use. In addition, this study analyzes how gender and sexual affect—positive or negative—are associated with motivations for Internet pornography use. Overall, 321 undergraduate students including males and females responded to an online questionnaire. Findings show that motivations behind Internet pornography use can be broken down into four factors—relationship, mood management, habitual use, and fantasy. Males revealed far stronger motivations than females; and those with more erotophilic tendencies were more likely than those with more erotophobic tendencies to be motivated to use Internet pornography for all four motivational factors. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective: A campus—community partnership can be an effective vehicle for launching environmental strategies to prevent college alcohol-related problems. In this study, the authors' primary aim was identifying key factors that facilitate or impede colleges' efforts to build campus—community partnerships. Participants and Methods: From fall 2004 to summer 2006, administrators at five 4-year colleges participated in a multisite case study. Level of partnership development was the primary outcome. Results: Three interrelated factors facilitated higher-developed partnerships: college staff assigned to facilitate the partnerships who worked as community organizers, higherlevel college administrators who served as aggressive champions, and community initiation of the partnership. The authors did not observe this trio of factors among the less-developed partnerships. A lack of administrative support made it more difficult for a champion to emerge, a college administrator who staunchly advocated for a campus—community partnership, and for those assigned to facilitate the partnership to carry out their work. Conclusions: Colleges should appoint higher-level administrators to serve as champions, while also ensuring that those assigned to facilitate a partnership can apply community organizing skills.  相似文献   


Prison guards have generally escaped social science inquiry. Although the prison guards’ officially prescribed role (custody and security) is straightforward, part of the problem is their isolation from the free society and the danger and uncertainty surrounding their work. One attitude that is potentially emergent in this problematic environment is cynicism. To minimize the effects of cynicism on prison guards, correctional agencies have devised and implemented a plan of professionalization, which is characterized by a concern for higher standards in all areas and improved benefits and working conditions. Our focus was evaluating the effect, if any, professionalism has on cynicism.

Analysis of data derived from 144 prison guards showed that the relationship between professionalism and cynicism is complex. Generally, only one professionalism dimension—sense of calling to the field—reduced a prison guard's cynicism. Effects of other professionalism dimensions on cynicism ranged from negligible to moderate.  相似文献   


To determine whether absentee-owned firms destabilize local economies, we examine the relationship between absentee ownership of manufacturing companies and employment change in manufacturing for 109 Pennsylvania towns. This issue arises because some earlier studies find that corporate connections through absentee-owned firms are positively related to local employment growth, whereas other work claims that locally owned operations are more stable. We attempt to reconcile these findings by arguing that absentee ownership is destabilizing only in the case of non-conglomerate firms. Our results show that absentee ownership in fact increases the closure rate of firms, thereby negatively affecting manufacturing employment change. Yet, this relationship differs by the parent company's organizational structure. Employment in branches of non-conglomerate firms is more detrimental than employment in branches of conglomerates — an important qualification of the argument that the “conglomeratization” of advanced industrial societies negatively affects communities.  相似文献   


Examining the poetry of Allen Ginsberg in the light of that of John Keats, the possible connections between ‘Siesta in Xbalba’ — a long poem by Ginsberg that received much more critical attention in the eighties than today — and Keats’s so-called Great Odes are investigated. ‘Siesta’ is here read as a composite mainly recycling ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’ and ‘Ode to a Nightingale’, whose themes and motifs Ginsberg both preserves and subverts. This is the first attempt to conflate ‘Siesta’ with Keats’s Great Odes.  相似文献   


Adlerian psychology has been publicly neglected for many years but has been used covertly in many modern psychologies. Social work theory owes much to Adler's philosophy and many social workers probably unknowingly use it — in whatever guise — as their starting-point. But if Individual Psychology is their spring-board, the casework relationship may be their life-raft — to the detriment of creative and therapeutic work with people. Adler's ideas and social work theory are of value only in so far as they are expressed in the relationship of the worker with the client. For the most part, certainly in statutory agencies, other demands make it difficult for workers to operate from anything other than a defensive position. Therapeutic community practice, in contrast, reflects both Adlerian psychology and the best of social work theory: an egalitarian approach springing from a commitment to self-determination for both clients and workers.  相似文献   


This article describes a framework for measuring activity demands and the psychometric properties of a related measurement tool, the Multidimensional Activities Demand Strength for Assisted Living (MADS-AL). Nine experts—three in physical, cognitive, and social domains, respectively—rated demands of 37 common assisted-living activities. Interrater reliability and internal consistency for physical, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)(2, 3) = .96, Cronbach's α = .97, cognitive, ICC(2, 3) = .71, α = .93, and social, ICC(2, 3) = .80, α = .86, scales give preliminary support for reliability of the MADS-AL tool. Overall, this article moves the field toward considering task demands as a relevant variable to inform future activities research and practice.  相似文献   


This article contends with the view that the political crisis in some Anglophone Caribbean countries—primarily Jamaica—can be understood as arising from the black middle‐class leadership's use of race and nationalism to obscure class issues. It argues that the race and national issues were and are legitimate class issues and that it is theoretically and practically a mistake to counterpose the two. The black middle class achieved important victories against colonialism and racism but now is faced with global economic and political forces for which it is ill‐equipped to address. The political crisis that it faces is more a result of these global forces than it is of the internal weakness of this class.  相似文献   


Objective: To examine the relationship between race, gender, and pre-hookup relationship intentions and college students’ participation in condomless vaginal sex. Participants: 3,315 Black and White college students who participated in the Online College Social Life Survey (OCSLS). Methods: Secondary data analysis of the OCSLS using Chi-square and multiple logistic regression analyses. Results: The model revealed that students who did not want a relationship with their hookup partners and students unsure of their relationship intentions were more likely to use condoms during their last vaginal hookup. Further, White and Female students were less likely to have used condoms during their last vaginal hookup.

Conclusions: White and female students, as well as students desiring romantic relationships with hookup partners may be at risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) due to decreased condom use. However, more research is needed to explore the factors driving STI disparities facing Black students despite higher condom use.  相似文献   


The multifaceted Russian author, singer, and actress Nataliia Medvedeva’s (1958–2003) creative output was synonymous with performance. Her image became iconic in worldwide popular culture as the carefree, smiling young woman on the cover of the New Wave rock group “The Cars”’s eponymous 1978 album. Then Medvedeva was twenty years old and had been living in the United States for about three years; she returned to Russia in 1994 after nineteen years abroad, mainly in the US and France, and died at the age of forty-four, possibly of a fatal mixture of alcohol and tranquilizers. By the time of her death, Medvedeva—author, poet, journalist, singer, musician, model, and designer—was, and remains, an enigmatic yet colourful figure of the Russian émigré and post-Soviet literary, music, and cultural scenes.

From an early age in Leningrad, she showed an aptitude for constructing performance and (re)presenting herself. This article suggests that Medvedeva used her early autobiographical writing as a method of thinking through her ideas and beliefs about the nature of performance, especially as it related to perceptions of the sexual, sexuality, and shocking-ness, as well as to the relationship between the audience and herself, indeed, between society and the self. To support my thesis, I focus, in particular, on her autobiographical novel Liubov’ s alkogolem [Drunk Love, 1987?, 1995, 2001], as well as foundational ideas from the field of performance studies.  相似文献   


This essay enters the debate over the French appropriation of Poe not by seeking redress for the supposed political misdeeds of either Poe or the French, but rather, by addressing itself to the American response to the French reception of Poe. While American cultural studies critics in particular have sought to hold the French accountable for ignoring Poe's troubling biography — one in which the question of Poe's relationship to, and possible support of, antebellum slavery remains unanswered to this day — I argue that the important question of how we as critics situate ourselves in relation to material history is too often buried under a moralizing rhetoric of accountability. Following from, and extending, Jacques Derrida's notion of ‘speciality,’ I maintain that material history is itself a kind of conjuration that belies any strict distinction between the material and the immaterial. Against the demand for accountability, the notion of history‐as‐conjuration allows us to address questions of historical responsibility in a manner that circumvents the impulse to hold Poe accountable for his crimes’.  相似文献   


Journalist Janet Malcolm recently published several articles and a book in which she accused her own profession of manipulation and deceit in its listening and interviewing practices. Specifically, she focused on the Jeffrey MacDonald murder case, on which Joe McGinniss' book, Fatal Vision, was based. McGinniss, she claimed, fostered a close and seemingly empathic relationship with the accused in order to betray him later—and in this event Malcolm saw the prototypical journalist-interviewee relationship. Her accusations about the role of journalism raised intense professional scrutiny. This essay examines the case from the standpoint of journalistic listening. Are the temptations for deceptive or “slanted” empathy inherent in the journalistic interview? Does the journalist have a responsibility not only to listen to the person being interviewed, but to “listen” equally well to the demands of a developing story—as if it, too, were a living entity? Do ethical standards within journalism demand that an interviewer's listening style, especially as it is seen in empathic behavior, be congruent with his or her unexpressed conclusions?  相似文献   


This article engages with the relationship between Lacanian psychoanalytic theory and poststructuralist gender theory by comparing and contrasting the questioning of the symbolic phallus (function) undertaken by Jacques Lacan and Judith Butler. The debate takes place through Lacan’s 1958 paper “The Signification of the Phallus,” to which Butler responded critically in Gender Trouble and Bodies That Matter, published in 1990 and 1993, respectively. Lacan explains that the symbolic phallic function is the “anchor”’ from and around which the symbolic works and ties the discussion to the question of sexual difference by explaining that men and women are positioned differently in relation to it. Butler charges that Lacan’s schema is heteronormative—because it is limited to the male/female schema—and patriarchal because within that heteronormative framework it affirms the masculine perspective. Rather than follow the usual route taken by recent Lacanian scholarship on this issue and focus on Lacan’s later works, especially Seminar XX on female sexuality, I appeal to the contents of two works written in the same year (1958) as “The Signification of the Phallus”—Seminar V and “Guiding Remarks for a Convention on Female Sexuality”—to offer a qualified defense of Lacan that accepts that his early framework is heteronormative but questions the patriarchal charge by showing that within these pre-Seminar XX texts he explicitly works to undermine that logic.  相似文献   

Background and purposePrevious studies report that foster care placement is associated with an increased risk of delinquency. Yet it remains unclear which aspects of the placement experience increase the risk of delinquency. The current study addresses this knowledge gap. This study investigates the relationship between geographic neighborhood change and the risk of delinquency for adolescents in foster care settings. Based on findings from the neighborhood effects literatures, we hypothesize that moving to a neighborhood characterized by concentrated disadvantage and residential instability is associated with increased risk of delinquency.MethodsThe design for the current study is longitudinal. The sample is comprised of 145 foster youth from two birth cohorts, one born in 1983 and one in 1984, in Chicago, Illinois. The sample was 92% African American and 52% male. Overall, 11% had an official juvenile arrest. We used data from multiple sources, including the 1990 census data and administrative data from the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and the Cook County Juvenile Court. To measure neighborhood change, we calculated a difference between children's home and placement neighborhoods on ten census variables: percentages of households in a given neighborhood that were below the poverty line, neighborhood households on public assistance, female-headed households, unemployed population, and persons < 18 years old, African American, Latino, foreign-born, residents living in the same house as five years earlier, and owner-occupied homes, all of which are commonly used in neighborhood studies. We identified two factors within the neighborhood variables—concentrated disadvantage and residential instability,—and used the two-factor scores in the following analysis. We conducted a Cox regression to model time to first arrest.ResultsThe results indicate that moving to a neighborhood with high residential instability significantly increases an individual's risk of juvenile delinquency. In addition, two subgroups—male foster youth; and all foster youth with an experience of neglect—are significantly more likely to be associated with a formal delinquency petition.Conclusions and implicationsThe current study is unique and builds the knowledge base with regard to the placement of children and adolescents in substitute care settings. The findings indicate that the neighborhoods in which children are placed do matter in terms of their outcomes, and thus they should be considered in the placement decision process. This finding is consistent with the “person-in-environment” concept advanced by social work professionals.  相似文献   


Although recent studies have explored various aspects of licensed practice in social work, there is little information about the current continuing education activities and needs of professionals involved in such practice. This paper describes a 1992 survey of a random sample of 421 licensed clinical social workers in Virginia to assess their perceived educational needs. Overall, practice theories and practitioner roles were most often identified as areas in which training is needed. Private practitioners wished for training in object relations theory more often—and training in supervision and cognitive theory less often—than their agency-based colleagues. The implications of these findings for continuing social work education and for the profession are discussed.  相似文献   


Max Weber differentiated mysticism from active asceticism and regarded the two as polar orientations to the world. It is the contention here that, although Transcendental Meditation (TM) is based on a traditional Eastern otherworldly mysticism, it nevertheless serves to reinforce an innerworldly ascetic orientation. Evidence is presented that the TM technique is promoted as a means to mundane (worldly) ends and that elements of the belief system—coupled with the physiological correlates of meditation—serve to facilitate and reinforce an attitude of active mastery rather than accommodation and contemplation. This instrumental use of a mystical religious tradition is explained in terms of the process of secularization.  相似文献   

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