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Elementary students are often hampered by a tendency to ascribe innovation to increasing human intelligence or individual agency rather than increased information, better access to information, or collective and institutional agency. As a result, they struggle to build evidence-based interpretations of the distant past. A fifth-grade “experimental archaeology” approach to studying ancient Eastern Woodlands Indians served as an intellectual tipping point in students' interpreting ancient people's intellect, ingenuity, and agency. As fifth-graders participated in a field-based experience with chaîne opératoire (the sequence of operations) for tools and technologies, classroom-based opportunities to consider material objects as primary sources, and opportunities for reflection, they confirmed the power of “engaged understanding” in supporting the humanistic and civic goals of social studies.  相似文献   


The American City. By Stuart Alfred Queen and David Bailey Carpenter. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1953. Pp. viii, 383. $5.00. Reviewed by Wayne C. Neely.

Out of Step. By Joseph Trenaman. New York: The Philosophical Library, Inc., 1952. Pp. xx, 223. $4.75. Reviewed by J. F. Santee.

Readings in Sociology. College Outline Series, Alfred M. Lee, Editor. New York: Barnes and Noble, Inc. 1951. Pp. 1, 439. $1.75. Reviewed by Wilfred T. Grenfell.

The War of the Revolution, Christopher Ward, edited by John Richard Alden, New York: Macmillan, two volumes. $15.00. Reviewed by Ralph Adams Brown.

The Rise of Modern America, 1865–1951. By Arthur Meier Schlesinger, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1951. Pp. xvii, 607. $5.25. Reviewed by Mahlon H. Helleruh.

Some Modern Historians of Britain. Edited by Herman Ausbel, J. Bartlet Brebner, and E. M. Hunt. New York: The Dryden Press, 1951. Pp. xxii, 384. $5.00. Reviewed by Raymond G. Cowherd.

Display for Learning. By Marporie East. Edited by Edgar Dale, Dryden Press, 3 W. 54th St., New York 19, N. Y. Pp. 306. $3.00.

Interstate Cooperation. A Study of the Interstate Compact. By Vincent V. Thursby. Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1953. Pp. vii, 152. $3.25.

Exploring Pennsylvania: Its Geography, History and Government. By Sylvester K. Stevens; Ralph W. Cordier; Florence O. Benjamin. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1953. Pp. xi, 624. $3.84. Reviewed by Mahlon H. Hellerich.  相似文献   


Factor Analysis: An Introduction and Manual for the Psychologist and Social Scientist. By Raymond B. Catell. New York: Harper &; Brothers, 1952. Pp. xiv, 462. $6.00. Reviewed by Kenneth V. Lottick.

Veterans in Politics: The Story of the G.A.R. By Mary R. Dearing. Baton Rouge, La.: Louisiana State University Press, 1952. Pp. iv, 523. $6.00. Reviewed by Horace Samuel Merrill.

Race and Culture Relations. By Paul A. F. Walter, Jr. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1952. Pp. xi, 482. $5.50. Reviewed by Milton M. Gordon.

The American System of Government. By John H. Ferguson and Dean E. McHenry. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1953. Pp. xii, 1056. $6.00. Reviewed by Charles Roger Hicks.

The World in the Twentieth Century. By Geoffrey Brunn. Boston, Massachusetts: D. C. Heath &; Co., 1952. Pp. 800. $5.50. Reviewed by Herbert A. Crosman.

Henri Comte de Saint-Simon. Selected Writings. Edited and Translated by F. H. M. Markham. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1952. Pp. Ixix, 116. $2.00. Reviewed by J. F. Santee.  相似文献   

In this article we identify opportunities for students to use timelines and textbooks to meet standards. Through the use of timelines, textbooks, and selected activities, upper elementary and middle school students are able to (1) be engaged in content area reading and writings; (2) understand large themes in social studies including time, continuity, and changes; and (3) participate in the inquiry process.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to empower those interested in teaching students powerful and engaging social studies. Through the lens of Supreme Court simulations, this article provides educators with a viable, classroom-tested lesson plan to bring Problem-Based Learning into their classrooms. The specific aim of the lesson is to provide students with an opportunity to engage in relevant and powerful civics education.  相似文献   

The authors provide an overview of children's books published in the United States during the last decade (2000–2010) that deal with Mexico and Mexican people. Suggested guidelines for selecting quality books and a list of award-winning titles are included as resources for teaching about Mexico.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Ann Brooks and Alison Mackinnon (eds.), Gender and the Restructured University Deborah Cameron, Good to Talk? Living and Working in a Communication Culture Jody Miller, One of the Guys: Girls, Gangs and Gender David D. Hall(ed.), Witch–hunting in Seventeenth–century New England: A Documentary History 1638–1693 Carla Freeman, High Tech and High Heels in the Global Economy: Women, Work, and Pink Collar Identities in the Caribbean  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Carol Miller and Shahra Razavi (eds), Missionaries and Mandarins: Feminist Engagement with Development Institutions Joel F. Handler and Lucie White (eds), Hard Labor: Women and Work in the Post‐Welfare Era K. Kempadoo and J. Doezema, Global Sex Workers: Rights, Resistance, and Redefinition Paul Iles, Managing Staff Selection and Assessment Danusia Malina and Sian Maslin‐Protheroe, Surviving the Academy: Feminist Perspectives Jim Stewart, Employee Development Practice  相似文献   

R. O. Hughes 《Social Studies》2013,104(6):285-288
In a world that is, on the one hand, determined to sustain distinct national and group identities and, on the other hand, becoming increasingly globalized, interconnected and interdependent, social studies educators are regularly faced with the challenge of supporting diversity, creating a unified national community, and promoting global perspectives through education. This paper explores how the Singapore education system addresses these disparate goals through its national social studies curriculum for secondary schools, particularly through its use of international case studies. The Singapore social studies curriculum also serves as an interesting case study of how a national social studies curriculum has been shifted away from an exclusive focus on a nation-centric paradigm to one that is more globally oriented in nature, while still being firmly anchored to the nation-state and its priorites.  相似文献   

What role might education play in the reinvigoration of a robust American democracy? We argue that common understandings of democracy, citizenship, and democratic education are too anemic to right the political inequalities and stagnancies that have deadened American democracy. Instead, we look to notions of paideia and an educated, enlightened citizenry to shape a multicultural democratic education. Multicultural democratic education cultivates the full and flourishing lives and minds of all citizens in American democracy rather than focusing on narrow preparation for voting. It does this through the practice of critical and authentic caring, the cultivation of community across difference, the connection to a global context, and the opportunity for social action. Most importantly, multicultural democratic education takes as its starting point equity and justice in a pluralistic society by committing to the cultivation of the minds and intellects of all students – in stark contrast to the unequal and mind-numbing education that most marginalized and minority students receive.  相似文献   

In an age of increasing global and multicultural forces, the social studies is usually the subject charged with promoting a deeper level of understanding in regards to cultural diversity. To achieve this mission, many social studies teachers have turned to the use of world fairs. However, these activities often end up promoting surface level understandings, and may even end up reinforcing existing stereotypes amongst students. In this article, the authors, based upon key research in this area, provide a meaningful framework for teachers, when using world fairs. This framework better situates students for a deeper, more substantive understanding of culture.  相似文献   

The article presents a student‐impact assessment of a model two‐year place‐based intercultural approach to indigenous education. Students at Lewis & Clark Primary School in Missoula, Montana, connected face‐to‐face with tribal educators and members residing in the nearby American Indian reservation. The program’s learning outcomes included impressive gains in knowledge of Montana tribes, fewer stereotypical images, enhanced consciousness about the histories and cultures of the place in which students’ reside, heightened appreciation for and connectedness with Native Americans, and increased cultural awareness. The power of the place‐based intercultural‐education approach is that K‐5 students can acquire cultural knowledge, break stereotypes, and develop new appreciation for, and interest in, diverse peoples and issues by directly experiencing the local context in which diversity resides.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed
Romaine, Suzanne. Communicating Gender
Chouliaraki, Lilie and Fairclough, Norman. Discourse in Late Modernity: Rethinking Critical Discourse Analysis
Fishman, Joshua A. (ed.). Handbook of Language and Ethnic Identity
Kontra, Miklo´s; Phillipson, Robert; Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove and Va´rady, Tibor (eds.). Language: A Right and a Resource. Approaches to Linguistic Human Rights
Foulkes, Paul and Docherty, Gerard (eds.). Urban Voices. Accent Studies in the British Isles
Baron, Naomi S. Alphabet to Email: How Written English Evolved and Where It's Heading  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Monica Heller, Linguistic Minorities and Modernity: A Sociolinguistic Ethnography Philip Baker and John Eversley, (eds.) Multilingual Capital. The Languages of London's Schoolchildren and their Relevance to Economic, Social and Educational Policies Ralph Penny, Variation and Change in Spanish Maria Pilar Navarro Errasti, Rosa Lores Sanz, Silvia Murillo Ornat and Carmina Buesa Gomez, (eds.) Transcultural Communication: Pragmalinguistic Aspects Deborah Cameron, Good to Talk? Living and Working in Communication Culture Susan Ehrlich, Representing Rape: Language and Sexual Consent Mikko Lehtonen, The Cultural Analysis of Texts  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Stephen Whitehead and Roy Moodley (eds), Transforming Managers: Gendering Change in the Public Sector Julia O'Connell Davidson, Prostitution, Power and Freedom Su Maddock, Challenging Women Kathleen Weiler and Sue Middleton (eds), Telling Women's Lives Eileen Drew, Ruth Emerek and Evelyn Mahon, Women, Work and the Family in Europe Ian Proctor and Maureen Padfield, Young Adult Women, Work and Family  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Rampton, Ben, Crossing: Language and Ethnicity among Adolescents
Drechsel, Emanuel J., Mobilian Jargon: Linguistic and Sociohistorical Aspects of a Native American Pidgin
Hensel, Chase, Telling Our Selves: Ethnicity and Discourse in Southwestern Alaska
Silverman, David, Discourses of Counselling: HIV Counselling as Social Interaction
Goebl, Hans; Nelde, Peter H.; Starý, Zdeněk and Wölck, Wolfgang (eds), Kontaktlinguistik, Contact Linguistics, Linguistique de contact
Baxter, Leslie A. and Montgomery, Barbara M., Relating: Dialogues and Dialectics
Lanstyák, István and Szabómihály, Gizella, Magyar nyelvhasználat – iskola – kétnyelvüség [Hungarian language use, schools and bilingualism]
Zentella, Ana Celia, Growing up Bilingual: Puerto Rican Children in New York
Fairclough, Norman, Media Discourse  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: L.A. Reese and K.E. Lindenberg, Implementing Sexual Harassment Policy: Challenges for the Public Sector Workplace Amy Flowers, The Fantasy Factory: An Insider's View of the Phone Sex Industry Helinä Melkas and Richard Anker, Gender Equality and Occupational Segregation in Nordic Labour Markets John Denton, Organisational Learning and Effectiveness Carol Lee Bacchi, Women, Policy and Politics  相似文献   

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