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航空工业必须走集群创新发展之路。集群创新体系包括集群创新主体、集群创新网络和集群创新环境,因此必须从培育创新主体、构建创新网络、塑造创新环境3个方面推动上海航空工业的发展。此外,国家层面应从优化航空工业布局、改革航空工业体制、构建国家航空科技创新体系、完善航空工业政策、发展航空运输市场等几个方面给予上海航空工业发展提供必要支持。  相似文献   

近年,成都会展业发展迅速,多种会展经济形态得到全面发展,展览场馆数量较足,政府主导大型展会以及多层次的会展人才培养体系对会展业快速发展提供了必要的保障。然而,成都会展业仍然存在着品牌化和国际程度不高、场馆规模小和利用率较低、政府管理理念仍需创新、"产学研"结合不紧密等问题。本文通过分析当下成都会展业的绩效与不足,希望能为优化成都会展经济的产业结构、促进会展产业的转型和品牌升级提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

制造业创意产业是一种以创新、创意带动制造业整体提升能级的新颖发展模式或形态。大力发展制造业创意产业,是突破资源环境约束瓶颈、提升制造业产业能级、促进"三、二、一"产业融合发展的一条重要途径。上海应把制造业创意产业列入上海中长期发展规划,围绕产业升级和结构调整,以"产业创意化"为目标,编制上海制造业发展的新蓝图。  相似文献   

城市既是本地居民的生活空间,也是外来游客的旅游目的地。长期以来,我国城市建设以工业生产为主,服务业落后。在城市规划和开发中对于公共服务设施大都是以常住居民人口作为基础,很少考虑外来游客的规模数量,致使旅游城市功能残缺,对外来游客环境不友好。尤其是在城市改造过程中的大拆大建和推陈出新,割裂了城市文脉和历史传统的有机联系,成为国外设计师的试验场。在新型城镇化建设中,应该重新思考旅游城市建设方向。  相似文献   

发展旅游产业推动后世博上海经济转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上海具有发展旅游产业的先天条件和资源优势,在世博会的带动下,完全能够将发展旅游产业作为调整经济结构、转变发展方式、促进城市转型的突破口和核心竞争力。因此,上海应抓住世博契机,大力发展旅游支柱产业,在国内市场化与国际全球化的推动下,吸引制造、经贸、金融、会展等各要素积聚,从而成为全球要素配置中心。同时,提出发展上海旅游产业的战略定位、具体措施和政策建议。  相似文献   

新加坡通过不断调整工业政策和适时进行产业升级,用40多年的时间走完了发达国家100多年的工业化进程,并首创以工业园区为主导的开发模式,从而成为众多发展中国家学习的标杆城市。本文梳理了新加坡在不同发展时期的产业政策和空间布局的演变历程,并总结新加坡工业发展的经验,以期为当前中国的产业升级和城市发展提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,上海先进制造业大致经历了"在调整中发展、在发展中调整、在发展调整中提升"三个阶段,已经形成了比较强的竞争优势。然而,上海先进制造业也面临巨大挑战,尤其是面对全球金融危机的冲击以及金融危机结束后世界产业发展格局的调整,上海工业如何保持先发效应,走通高新技术产业化的现实路径,实现持续发展,形成与服务经济相适应的产业体系,具有极其重要的战略意义,也是制订"十二五"产业发展规划的重要前提。  相似文献   

基于海量数据资源的挖掘和应用催生的大数据产业,是新一代信息领域的重点产业及大数据时代的基础支撑产业,是全球下一个发展创新、角力竞争、提高生产力的战略性产业。目前,国内外大数据产业标准和产业格局尚未形成,这是广州促进大数据产业跨越发展的难得机会。广州应借鉴美国等发达国家经验,把握大数据时代到来的机遇,高度重视和超前谋划,整合资源合力加快广州大数据产业跨越发展,抢占战略性新兴产业发展的制高点。  相似文献   

Throughout the 1990s, Europe's rural areas increasingly embraced local action and local development solutions to face the challenge of the continued re-structuring of the agricultural industry. In parallel, in both the EU and the UK, a policy discourse has emerged which envisages a fundamental shift in support policies for rural areas from a sectoral approach (essentially agriculture) to one that is territorial. At the vanguard of these developments has been the EC's LEADER Programme. From a low base of entrepreneurial activity in rural Northern Ireland, LEADER area-based local action groups have acted as beacons for developing new approaches to diversifying the rural economy—in particular stimulating a significant reappraisal of the rural resource base. This paper charts the operational terrain of LEADER local action groups in the Province, suggesting that their strengths have been in developing the institutional capacity of rural communities and brokering connections in the local economy. Examples will be considered which illustrate enhanced coordination and collaboration of local economic actors and sectoral interests, and a strong facilitator role for LEADER groups in the local arena, with an explicit rural focus. The paper argues that this multi-level collaborative activity is rooted in partnership governance, enabling a communicative process among local stakeholders.  相似文献   

转变经济增长方式,首要的是深化改革。收入分配、腐败、消费比重过低、外贸不平衡等问题,需要通过深化改革加以解决。如果将双轨制改革遗留的弊病革除掉,形成一个有效的市场,经济增长会很快,产业也会继续升级;在产业升级的过程中,政府发挥作用,经济增长是可以持续的。我国经济持续高速增长的潜力很大,而且在经济增长的过程中,收入分配会持续改善,消费比重也会提高,投资比重则会下降,并且生态环境也会随着我国进入高收入国家行列、经济结构向服务业逐渐转型以及实施环境治理而不断改善。  相似文献   

The social and solidarity economy (SSE) is a viable strategy in dealing with some contemporary problems known both in industrial and developing countries. SSE is contextualized against the background of recent developments: the liberalization of goods and capital flows worldwide, continued industrialization, and the increased global division of labour. Addressed is how local populations could reach certain objectives and satisfy certain needs using techniques characteristic of SSE and, thus, carve out a social and economic space of their own vis-à-vis anonymous markets, global actors, and local and national elites. Within this self-governed space, it is suggested, a path can be laid for the necessary transition towards local, social, and ecological sustainability. The Social Economy Basel (SEB, founded 1996) will serve as an example to suggest how SSE principles could be operationalized into organizational practice.  相似文献   

“十二五”时期是上海经济转型的重要时期。上海大力发展航运业,建设国际航运中心有利于促进城市产业规模的提高,带动城市产业升级与经济转型,实现腹地城市之间的互动发展;同时也会带来城市环境污染、交通拥挤和港口非良性竞争等负面效应。因此,上海国际航运中心建设需要借鉴国际经验和惯例,通过先行先试,不断创新体制、机制和政策,必须从过去单纯追求“量”的外延式增长转变为注重“质”的内涵式发展,由传统意义的货物集散中心迈向现代意义的资源配置中心。为此,上海港口与航运服务业必须率先转变发展方式、调整产业结构、创新服务功能、实现错位异构发展。在上述分析基础上,提出上海城市转型时期国际航运中心建设的主要对策。  相似文献   


During the interwar period, the US industrial and financial sectors expanded at a phenomenal rate. Despite the Depression, America had become an economic, industrial, and cultural powerhouse by the beginning of the Second World War. The advertising industry had been both a beneficiary of this growth and, indeed, a key contributor – spreading the American Dream to national and international audiences, including Australia. An important member of this audience was Australia's advertising industry. Like its American counterpart, the local advertising industry was directly involved in the process of Americanization. However, the Australian advertising industry did not simply ape its American counterparts. By examining the discourse of America in interwar Australian advertising literature, this article argues that the Australian advertising industry was interested in American advertising methods and techniques because they had been devised by the most modern advertising industry in the world. For Australian advertising agents, Americanization was simply viewed as a means to an end – to maximize consumption.  相似文献   

盛久元 《科学发展》2011,(11):31-35
台湾高新技术产业以其良好的发展势头,成为上海引进世界先进技术与管理经验的重要载体和桥梁,促进了上海产业调整、结构升级,在上海城市产业发展中占据重要地位。同时,上海在长三角地区、海西地区和成渝经济区吸引台商竞争中既占有独特优势,也面临不可回避的挑战。上海应采取优化两岸金融合作政策和人才政策、完善项目扶持制度和服务台商的工作机制、设立专项引导基金和加强对台交流的机制性平台等措施来优化台商投资环境、把握对台经贸发展趋势。  相似文献   

This article outlines an innovative field for training efforts that foster the abilities of undergraduate social work students so that they are able to empower local communities in disability issues. It discusses the contribution of social work education in improving livelihoods of families with disabled members, challenging families as well as attitudes of local communities towards the disabled. Social work students were placed in a centre for children with developmental disabilities for a period of eight months. At this stage of their training, students were required to demonstrate their skills in working with individuals, families and communities. They were also required to identify opportunities for interventions that addressed stigma and social inclusion. Key outcomes from students’ voices were captured through their field notes, some limited observations and focus group discussions. The field training demonstrated that students managed to establish a support group for mothers with disabled children to provide a safe place to share their experiences. Student outcomes highlighted that the field experience was effective and feedback from families indicated that training raises disability awareness and facilitates women’s access to existing support systems. In addition, it engages professionals and families to work together in developing a long-term strategy to reduce isolation and exclusion, as well as to tackle health and social inequalities in Jordan.  相似文献   

Balint R 《Signs》2012,37(3):544-554
In 1901, Broome—a port town on the northwest edge of the Australian continent—was one of the principal and most lucrative industrial pearling centers in the world and entirely dependent on Asian indentured labor. Relations between Asian crews and local Aboriginal people were strong, at a time when the project of White Australia was being pursued with vigorous, often fanatical dedication across the newly federated continent. It was the policing of Aboriginal women, specifically their relations with Asian men, that became the focus of efforts by authorities and missionaries to uphold and defend their commitment to the White Australia policy. This article examines the historical experience of Aboriginal women in the pearling industry of northwest Australia and the story of Asian-Aboriginal cohabitation in the face of oppressive laws and regulations. It then explores the meaning of “color” in contemporary Broome for the descendants of this mixed heritage today.  相似文献   

丁玲  千庆兰  李土金 《城市观察》2013,27(5):130-138
区域物流产业是区域经济的重要组成部分,也是现代城镇经济形成与发展过程中不可或缺的一部分。本文以广州市花东镇为例,通过实地调研、GIS可视化及问卷调查法对该镇物流企业的发展特征和模式进行分析。研究发现,花东镇的物流企业目前存在产业关联性不强、物流企业集聚效应有限、企业对外联系较少等问题。在此基础上,根据其特征归纳出镇域物流业的三种发展模式,即政府主导物流园区发展模式、机场带动发展模式和跨国公司带动发展模式。  相似文献   

《Journal of Socio》2006,35(1):123-141
This paper studies the relationship between organizational innovation, industrial relations and economic performance at the firm level. It adopts an applied perspective by means of a comprehensive survey on a specific industrial sector, the food industry, with the aim of investigating: (i) the degree of organizational innovation and the diffusion of HRM practices; (ii) the relevance of the interaction between unions and top management in the process of decision-making at an operative, organizational and strategic level; (iii) the relations between the intensity of organizational innovation and the quality of industrial relations; (iv) the effects of organizational changes on firm performance.The focus is on firms with bargaining activity at establishment level where worker committees exist. The dataset is derived from a structured questionnaire submitted to union members concerning structural data on firms and local productive units, production flexibility, organizational models, compensation systems, industrial relations and firm performance.The quantitative analysis highlights the following critical elements.First, the firm governance seems characterized by a strong relevance of industrial relations, in terms of “good quality atmosphere” and “involvement of worker representatives and employees”: their action proves to be a stimulus to organizational changes. The set of industrial relations variables does emerge as a significant factor explaining firm innovation intensity.Second, although we cannot ascertain the causal link given the cross-sectional nature of data, firm performance and organizational innovations arise as two elements which are strictly and positively related to each other.Third, the evidence points out that good industrial relations are important as far as the firm performance is concerned; nevertheless their role is mediated by their effects on organizational changes rather than having a direct impact on performance.  相似文献   

发展机器人产业对上海意义重大,上海机器人产业和技术发展的战略定位须着眼于上海的转型发展和自身的基础。为此,应加强战略引导和资源整合,制定上海机器人产业与技术整体规划和路线图;加强需求的政策引导,发挥本土市场的拉动作用,促进机器人在各领域的应用;吸引大型企业参加应用开发,培育龙头企业;支持中小型企业加速发展,在细分市场形成竞争优势;完善机器人产业园区,提高政策优惠力度;协调整合产、学、研、用和跨学科资源,建立以企业为中枢的研发体系,以促进产业集聚和创新行业。  相似文献   

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