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The emergence of the Times Up and the #MeToo movements has sparked a conversation in the United States uncovering the grim realities that many women face. As the focus on gender equity and power dynamics between men and women continue to garner national attention, the authors of this article were curious to see if this progress manifested itself in recently revised Tennessee world history standards. It is not surprising that we found a vastly disproportionate amount of material focusing on men. Thus, we proceed to offer readers a rationale for broadening the world history narrative to include the lives and experiences of women, while also offering specific lesson plan examples and resources that could be used by classroom teachers to supplement the curriculum and highlight the pivotal role women have played in shaping human history. 相似文献
Preverbal infants engage in statistical and probabilistic inference to learn about their linguistic and physical worlds. Do they also employ probabilistic information to understand their social world? Do they infer underlying causal mechanisms from statistical data? Here, we show, with looking‐time methods, that 10‐month‐olds attend to statistical information to understand their social–psychological world and plausibly infer underlying causal mechanisms from violations of physical probabilities. 相似文献
Ashley Warner 《Clinical Social Work Journal》2013,41(1):68-76
This paper explores the contributions of Heinz Kohut and self psychology to the conceptualization of art and healing on an individual and cultural level. The roles of normative narcissistic development, selfobject experience, and empathy are emphasized in the formation and maintenance of creative expression. Crayton Rowe’s addition of the undifferentiated selfobject is also explored. The lives and work of legendary artists, as well as a case example from the ongoing clinical treatment of a creative professional, provide illustration. 相似文献
AbstractA PsychINFO search and literature review revealed five major movements in the psychological study of runaway youths in the 20th century. These movements were: (i) A conceptual shiftfrom the study of running away as a behavior of delinquents to the study of runaways whose behavior is often delinquent. (ii) The influence of the Great Depression and subsequent changes from models of intellectual deficit and psychopathology to broader, multi-causal explanations, including running away as a normal reaction to adverse conditions. (iii) The sharp decline of publications related to runaways in the 1950s and reversion to deficit models. (iv) the influence of the Counterculture movement and return of multi-causal and normalized models of running away behavior. and (v) the cultural creation of the “street kid”. 相似文献
Frederick L. Pond 《Social Studies》2013,104(6):254-261
Global education has been debated and studied for the last two decades because of the developments in the world. Although global education involves different approaches and conceptualizations, it has influences on educational systems and curricula across the world. Likewise, the recent curriculum reform in Turkey has brought global education into perspective. The purpose of this article is to analyze the influence of global education on Turkey's current social studies curriculum and to discuss possible revisions of the curriculum to empower global education in Turkey. 相似文献
Clarice J. Weeden 《Social Studies》2013,104(6):249-255
Using Lani Guinier's notion of “racial literacy” and the findings from a study that analyzed how recent K-12 social studies textbooks portray racial violence against African Americans, I argue in this article that students come to teacher education programs possessing a limited understanding of racism as a historically situated, institutionalized practice. I consider the implications this gap has on preservice teacher education and offer suggestions on how social education might assist K-12 students and later preservice teacher candidates develop critical racial literacy. 相似文献
Ruth Grossman Dean 《Clinical Social Work Journal》1998,26(1):23-37
This paper considers the ways that narratives can be used in groups to create meaning, organize the past, explain the present and consider alternatives for the future. Narratives are formats for self-creation; they can also be used to provide support or education, promote self-understanding and interpersonal effectiveness. Already familiar in self-help groups and reminiscence groups for the elderly, narrative approaches can be useful in many other formats. In this paper I discuss ways of eliciting narratives, understanding their meaning from many perspectives and using them to promote growth and healing in groups. The group leader's role is reconfigured into that of participant observer and manager of the group process. It is up to the leader to provide a context in which multiple accounts can emerge for consideration. 相似文献
Benjamin Shepard PhD LMSW 《Journal of Progressive Human Services》2013,24(1):103-113
No abstract available for this article. 相似文献
Frank Bockus 《Journal of marital and family therapy》1975,1(3):251-258
An event of marital communication and negotiation is conceived as a cybernetic system composed of many parts and stages, following the framework of general systems theory. Couple communication is presented as a feedback loop based on the congruent transmission and effective reception of personal and interpersonal information. Couple negotiation is viewed as a system in development. Connections between component subsystems are mapped along with the pathways of progression from one stage to the next. No subsystem is taken as final but is constantly reworked in relation to the system as a whole. Implications for counseling, education, and research are suggested. 相似文献
Abstract The authors propose a new framework for studying religious commitment. Commitment is viewed as a general social process which occurs in various aspects of life (e.g., marriage, work, politics, and religion). It consists of subjective and behavioral components. Religious commitment is defined as the interaction between people's religious consciousness and religious participation. Other religious beliefs, feelings, and intellectual inclinations are considered to be parts of people's religious orientations, not aspects of commitment as other approaches have suggested. Data from members of six Christian denominations are used to explore this conceptualization and the relationships among these variables. Some determinants and consequences of commitment also are considered. The evidence yields several propositions regarding factors that affect commitment and the effects of religion on people's attitudes and behaviors. The paper's implications for future research on religious commitment in particular and commitment in general also are discussed. 相似文献
《Journal of divorce & remarriage》2013,54(4):85-90
The traditional Jewish law of divorce, which permits a husband to divorce his wife, but does not sanction the wife's divorcing him, has created hardship for Jewish women for centuries. In view of the new attitudes toward the equality of women, the rabbis of the Reconstructionist Movement in Judaism have innovated an egalitarian "get" (divorce), a bold effort to prevent Jewish women from becoming agunot (abandoned wives.) By means of the new type of divorce, the Jewish woman takes the initiative and divorces the husband. 相似文献
Howard A. Halpern Joseph R. Canale Bobby L. Gant Cheryl Bellamy 《Journal of marital and family therapy》1979,5(2):87-94
This paper presents a model which integrates a wide range of possible interventions using family treatment and provides a method of differential decision making with regard to the intervention to be used in a given case. The model uses an ecological perspective and draws on concepts from general systems theory and crisis theory. A number of case examples are provided to demonstrate how the model has been applied in a clinical setting. 相似文献
C. De Ruysscher C. Claes T. Lee F. Cui J. Van Loon J. De Maeyer R. Schalock 《Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations》2017,28(6):2530-2545
Currently, disabilities organizations are increasingly being challenged by the requirement for individualized service, expectations to show personal outcomes, and the need to base their services on evidence-based practices. Social entrepreneurship (SE) is being put forward as an innovative approach for dealing with these challenges. This article presents a systems approach to SE based on a program logic model. This model identifies the input factors (a strong social vision, exploiting opportunities, maximizing resources), throughput strategies (entrepreneurial orientation, critical thinking skills, networking, capacity building), and outcome components (improving people’s lives, community-building, improving society) of SE at the micro, meso, and macro level. Also, the importance of planning for contextual changes as a social entrepreneur is discussed. The article concludes with presenting three inspiring practices regarding SE in the field of disabilities organizations. 相似文献