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Over the last decade there has been a call for a new kind of sociological gaze, a digital sociology for a digital age. Has there been fundamental change in the key principles, the nature, and functions of social life in a digital age? In social and cultural theory, there is a long history of looking at how technology transforms art. In this article, I will use the medium of digital art to consider the unique nature of the digital age, the demand for a digital sociology, and the interrelated speculative imagination of such claims. Broadly situated within the sociology of art the methodological contribution of this article is to offer an analysis of artworks themselves, via the construction of a digital visual methodology. What digital culture, politics, and revealed in digital art? How can looking at digital art expand the tools for understanding digitally mediated lives?  相似文献   

Gold and Workers 1886–1924: A People's History of South Africa Vol. 1 by Luli Callinicos. Johannesburg: Ravan Press, 1981. Drawings by Andy Mason, bibliography, index, references. 112 pp. R3.75.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades the public sector has been eroded and its capacity to meet social objectives undermined. Social workers wishing to offer an effective critique face the question of whether or not post-structuralism can contribute to this end. This paper suggests that it can do so if it is prepared to engage with traditional questions relating to economic forces, the place of the state, systematic inequality and the nature of reform. This involves a willingness to recognise the insights of Marxist, feminist and social democratic schools. This paper illustrates this with reference to four issues: structural explanation; the state; global categories; and normative judgements.  相似文献   

This article critically surveys the current historiography of port cities, which have recently attracted a lot of interest, particularly from global historians of the 19th and early 20th century. The article contextualizes this body of scholarship within larger recent and older trends in the discipline. Recently, historians and other scholars have predominantly analyzed port cities as “nodal points” or “hubs” within global networks. The article argues that these perspectives project spatial patterns defined by the imaginary of globalization today into the past, failing to acknowledge how tightly interwoven globalization and urbanization were in port cities during the age of steam. However, port cities can provide concrete narrative focal points to develop empirically-grounded global histories, and remind us of the various efforts to control, limit, or prevent unsolicited forms of mobility and entanglement in the sites where these were moored or fixed. Finally, port cities can render the labor of the urban masses visible that facilitated the making of steam age connectivity and a globality anchored in the urban space of the ports.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between lesbian independent cinema and transnational cinema in Europe. The first part of the article outlines two main directions--one thematic and the other aesthetic--in which independent lesbian films in Europe utilize aspects of transnational cinema. The next section considers how these films articulate lesbian desire in relation to new discourses of sexual citizenship and immigration in Europe. The third part of the article examines lesbian independent films that seek to underscore the violence of immigration controls in Fortress Europe. What is significant about this group of films is that they encourage us to rethink the issue of sexual citizenship from a transnational perspective.  相似文献   

Theory and Society - Cultural sociologists have devised numerous theoretical tools for analyzing meaning making among individuals and groups. Yet, the cognitive processes which underpin these...  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to the expanding discourse on inter- and transdisciplinarity. Referring to well-established distinctions in philosophy of science, the paper argues in favor of a plurality of four different dimensions: Interdisciplinarity with regard to (a) objects (“ontology”), (b) knowledge/theories (epistemology), (c) methods/practices (methodology), and further, (d) problem perception/problem solving. Different philosophical thought traditions can be related to these distinguishable meanings. The philosophical framework of the four different dimensions will be illustrated by some of the most popular examples of research programs that are labeled “interdisciplinary”: nanoresearch/nanoscience/nanotechnology, complex systems theory/chaos theory, biomimicry/bionics, and technology assessment/sustainability research. Thus, a minimal philosophy of science is required to understand and foster inter- and transdisciplinarity.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to analyse whether and to what extent the network concept has become the Leitbild of an emerging new economy. The analysis is based on a company survey conducted in eight European territories. There is empirical evidence that only a minority of companies have applied the network concept as a dominant restructuring model, while various types of Fordism are still influencing companies' view on efficient techno-organisational forms. The regional analysis demonstrates that there is not only one path into an informational economy. Some territories still stick to low-tech Fordism, while others apply a technology-based flexi-Fordism, in which ICT functions as a key mechanism to make Fordist structures more flexible. Only in a minority of territories is an informational network economy emerging in which ICT has the function of enabling and supporting communication and co-operation within decentralised organisational forms.  相似文献   

The meanings attached to “race” across the globe are myriad, particularly as anti‐Islamic discourse once again links race and religion. Yet scholars lack a common terminology to discuss this phenomenon. This article hopes to expand critical race theory and scholarship across national lines. This critical examination of recent race‐related scholarship provides scholars with empirical suggestions to uncover and document the different processes, mechanisms, trajectories and outcomes of potentially racialized practices that essentialize, dehumanize, “other,” and oppress minority groups while imbuing privileged groups with power and resources in nations across the globe. Ten empirical indicators will allow international researchers to assess the particular situation of different groups in different nations to determine whether, and the extent to which, they are subject to racialization. Specifically, this paper calls for a unified terminology that can accurately account for and address race when and where it occurs and a global broadening of a critical comparative dialogue of racial practices.  相似文献   


Any social action plan, scheme, or program for welfare or intervention can be formulated only on the basis of data generated by research findings. Empirical data forms the backbone of the formulation of policy. This paper outlines the summary of the Indian research effort in the area of aging. An examination of the research trends shows both strengths and weaknesses. The generation of large and varied pieces of data across disciplines is a strength, while the absence of methodological rigor, integration of research effort, and the building of theory are the lacunae. The needs of the elderly, elder-care issues, State vs. family care, elder abuse, interventional and action plan research are some areas that need accentuation. Documentation of data, creation of databases, and a national body for overseeing research are requirements that cannot be delayed any longer.  相似文献   

This article puts forward a theory of the role of digital media in social change. It begins by criticizing three theories that currently dominate our understanding of digital media and of media generally: network theory, mediatization theory and actor-network theory. It also identifies a gap in current communication theory, namely, that digital media mostly do not fit the divide into mass and interpersonal communication. A further problem is that insufficient attention is given to the difference between political communication and popular culture or everyday life. The article develops an alternative, focusing on four countries that provide a range of relationships between media and society; the U.S., Sweden, India and China. In all four countries, despite their differences, digital media, in contrast to traditional broadcast and interpersonal media, have led to a more differentiated media landscape. Greater complexity in political communication nevertheless runs up against the continuing dominance of elite agenda-setting. In terms of popular culture, all four countries have experienced a proliferation of media offerings and greater tetheredness between people. Hence, new divides are emerging between more active and variegated as against more passive and restricted media uses. The article concludes with implications of digital media for understanding media generally: with new digital media, there is now a need to rethink media theory in terms of fundamental debates about how media transform or preserve the social order.  相似文献   

This paper reviews some of the employment problems faced by women and examines how these difficulties might be overcome through entrepreneurship. However, recent empirical work by Goffee and Scase suggests that it is inappropriate to speak of ‘the’ female entrepreneur: there are different types of female business proprietors. Based on an empirical study of 34 aspiring female proprietors, the authors investigate the validity of Goffee and Scase's assertions. Results suggest that there are indeed different types of female entrepreneur, and that while there are some similarities between the typology developed in this paper and that presented by Goffee and Scase, there are also significant differences between them. Possible policy implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper the relationship of various types of work-home interaction (i.e. negative and positive influence from work to home, and the other way around) with demographic, family, and (perceived) work characteristics as well as with experienced health was explored in a sample of 751 postal employees. By using cluster analysis, we tried to uncover whether specific combinations of the various dimensions of work-home interaction (WHI) were more prevalent than others. Our results showed that employees did not simply experience negative work-home interaction or not, but that participants should be classified in five distinct clusters: (1) 239 employees experienced no interaction at all; (2) 74 employees experienced primarily negative interaction between both domains; (3) 113 employees experienced primarily positive influence from work; (4) 195 employees experienced primarily positive influence from home; and (5) 122 employees experienced negative and positive interaction simultaneously. Results further showed that the emerging WHI-clusters appeared to have distinct profiles with respect to demographic and family characteristics, perceived working conditions, and reported health and well-being. It was convincingly shown that workers who experienced negative interaction between work and home, perceived their working conditions as least favourable and experienced most psychological health complaints, while those with primarily positive influence from work had the most favourable perceptions of their working conditions and experienced better health than the other clusters. Employees who experienced virtually no interaction between both domains did not seem to enjoy a better quality of life than the other clusters. Implications of this exploratory study are discussed. Dans cet article nous avons exploré, dans un échantillon constitué par 751 employés de la poste, la relation entre les différents types d'interaction entre le travail et la vie domestique d'un côté (c'est à dire l'influence positive et negative du travail sur la vie domestique comme l'effet inverse), et de l'autre coté, les caractéristiques démographiques, familiales et de travail (perçu), et l'expérience de la santé. En utilisant des analyses agglomérées nous avons essayé de comprendre si les combinaisons spécifiques des différentes dimensions de l'interaction travail-domicile prévalaient sur d'autres. Nos résultats démontrent que non seulement les employés faisaient l'expérience positive ou negative de l'interaction travail-domicile, mais que en plus les participants pouvaient etre classés selon cinq agglomérats différents: (1) 239 employés ne montraient aucune forme d'interaction; (2) 74 employés percevaient seulement de l'interactions négative entre les deux domaines; (3) 113 employés ressentaient principalement de l'influence positive de leur travail; (4) 195 employées percevaient seulement l'influence positive de leur vie domestique; et (5) 122 ressentaient de l'interaction positive et négative simultanément. En outre, les résultats montrent que ces cinq groupes disposaient de profils différents en ce qui concerne les caractéristiques démographiques et familiales comme leur experiences de santé et de bien-être. Nous avons démontré de façon convaincante que les travailleurs qui ressentaient une interaction négative entre travail et domicile percevaient leurs conditions de travail comme les moins favorables et reportaient le plus de plaintes de santé psychologique, tandis que ceux qui ressentaient principalement une influence positive de leur travail reportaient les perceptions de conditions de travail les plus favorables et percevaient leur santé comme meilleur que les autres groupes. Les employées qui ne ressentaient pratiquement pas d'interaction entre les deux domaines ne donnaient pas l'impression d'avoir une meilleur qualité de vie que les autres agglomérats. Les implications de cette étude exploratoire sont discutées.  相似文献   

Theory and Society - The framework that I have used, I suggest, provides insights into how the paradigms in our discipline, or any discipline for that matter, are generated, become dominant and,...  相似文献   

Towards a reconstruction of historical materialism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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