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AbstractWeibull mixture models are widely used in a variety of fields for modeling phenomena caused by heterogeneous sources. We focus on circumstances in which original observations are not available, and instead the data comes in the form of a grouping of the original observations. We illustrate EM algorithm for fitting Weibull mixture models for grouped data and propose a bootstrap likelihood ratio test (LRT) for determining the number of subpopulations in a mixture model. The effectiveness of the LRT methods are investigated via simulation. We illustrate the utility of these methods by applying them to two grouped data applications. 相似文献
The need to use rigorous, transparent, clearly interpretable, and scientifically justified methodology for preventing and dealing with missing data in clinical trials has been a focus of much attention from regulators, practitioners, and academicians over the past years. New guidelines and recommendations emphasize the importance of minimizing the amount of missing data and carefully selecting primary analysis methods on the basis of assumptions regarding the missingness mechanism suitable for the study at hand, as well as the need to stress‐test the results of the primary analysis under different sets of assumptions through a range of sensitivity analyses. Some methods that could be effectively used for dealing with missing data have not yet gained widespread usage, partly because of their underlying complexity and partly because of lack of relatively easy approaches to their implementation. In this paper, we explore several strategies for missing data on the basis of pattern mixture models that embody clear and realistic clinical assumptions. Pattern mixture models provide a statistically reasonable yet transparent framework for translating clinical assumptions into statistical analyses. Implementation details for some specific strategies are provided in an Appendix (available online as Supporting Information), whereas the general principles of the approach discussed in this paper can be used to implement various other analyses with different sets of assumptions regarding missing data. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Susan M. Paddock 《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C, Applied statistics》2007,56(3):293-311
Summary. Measuring the process of care in substance abuse treatment requires analysing repeated client assessments at critical time points during treatment tenure. Assessments are frequently censored because of early departure from treatment. Most analyses accounting for informative censoring define the censoring time to be that of the last observed assessment. However, if missing assessments for those who remain in treatment are attributable to logistical reasons rather than to the underlying treatment process being measured, then the length of stay in treatment might better characterize censoring than would time of measurement. Bayesian variable selection is incorporated in the conditional linear model to assess whether time of measurement or length of stay better characterizes informative censoring. Marginal posterior distributions of the trajectory of treatment process scores are obtained that incorporate model uncertainty. The methodology is motivated by data from an on-going study of the quality of care in in-patient substance abuse treatment. 相似文献
In longitudinal studies, as repeated observations are made on the same individual the response variables will usually be correlated. In analyzing such data, this dependence must be taken into account to avoid misleading inferences. The focus of this paper is to apply a logistic marginal model with Markovian dependence proposed by Azzalini [A. Azzalini, Logistic regression for autocorrelated data with application to repeated measures, Biometrika 81 (1994) 767–775] to the study of the influence of time-dependent covariates on the marginal distribution of the binary response in serially correlated binary data. We have shown how to construct the model so that the covariates relate only to the mean value of the process, independent of the association parameters. After formulating the proposed model for repeated measures data, the same approach is applied to missing data. An application is provided to the diabetes mellitus data of registered patients at the Bangladesh Institute of Research and Rehabilitation in Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders (BIRDEM) in 1984, using both time stationary and time varying covariates. 相似文献
This paper considers a finite mixture model for longitudinal data, which can be used to study the dependency of the shape
of the respective follow-up curves on treatments or other influential factors and to classify these curves. An EM-algorithm
to achieve the ml-estimate of the model is given. The potencies of the model are demonstrated using data of a clinical trial. 相似文献
In the analysis of competing risks data, cumulative incidence function is a useful summary of the overall crude risk for a failure type of interest. Mixture regression modeling has served as a natural approach to performing covariate analysis based on this quantity. However, existing mixture regression methods with competing risks data either impose parametric assumptions on the conditional risks or require stringent censoring assumptions. In this article, we propose a new semiparametric regression approach for competing risks data under the usual conditional independent censoring mechanism. We establish the consistency and asymptotic normality of the resulting estimators. A simple resampling method is proposed to approximate the distribution of the estimated parameters and that of the predicted cumulative incidence functions. Simulation studies and an analysis of a breast cancer dataset demonstrate that our method performs well with realistic sample sizes and is appropriate for practical use. 相似文献
Jiin Choi Thomas J. Richards Wesley K. Thompson 《Journal of applied statistics》2014,41(10):2192-2205
We implement a joint model for mixed multivariate longitudinal measurements, applied to the prediction of time until lung transplant or death in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Specifically, we formulate a unified Bayesian joint model for the mixed longitudinal responses and time-to-event outcomes. For the longitudinal model of continuous and binary responses, we investigate multivariate generalized linear mixed models using shared random effects. Longitudinal and time-to-event data are assumed to be independent conditional on available covariates and shared parameters. A Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm, implemented in OpenBUGS, is used for parameter estimation. To illustrate practical considerations in choosing a final model, we fit 37 different candidate models using all possible combinations of random effects and employ a deviance information criterion to select a best-fitting model. We demonstrate the prediction of future event probabilities within a fixed time interval for patients utilizing baseline data, post-baseline longitudinal responses, and the time-to-event outcome. The performance of our joint model is also evaluated in simulation studies. 相似文献
J. Fan R. L. Prentice & L. Hsu 《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical methodology》2000,62(1):181-190
This paper considers a class of summary measures of the dependence between a pair of failure time variables over a finite follow-up region. The class consists of measures that are weighted averages of local dependence measures, and includes the cross-ratio-measure and finite region version of Kendall's τ; recently proposed by the authors. Two new special cases are identified that can avoid the need to estimate the bivariate survivor function and that admit explicit variance estimators. Nonparametric estimators of such dependence measures are proposed and are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal with variances that can be consistently estimated. Properties of selected estimators are evaluated in a simulation study, and the method is illustrated through an analysis of Australian Twin Study data. 相似文献
The authors consider children's behavioural and emotional problems and their relationships with possible predictors. They propose a multivariate transitional mixed‐effects model for a longitudinal study and simultaneously address non‐ignorable missing data in responses and covariates, measurement errors in covariates, and multivariate modelling of the responses and covariate processes. A real dataset is analysed in details using the proposed method with some interesting results. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 37: 435–452; 2009 © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada 相似文献
This article introduces the appropriate within estimators for the most frequently used three-dimensional fixed effects panel data models. It analyzes the behavior of these estimators in the cases of no self-flow data, unbalanced data, and dynamic autoregressive models. The main results are then generalized for higher dimensional panel data sets as well. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(9):1686-1696
Paired binary data arise naturally when paired body parts are investigated in clinical trials. One of the widely used models for dealing with this kind of data is the equal correlation coefficients model. Before using this model, it is necessary to test whether the correlation coefficients in each group are actually equal. In this paper, three test statistics (likelihood ratio test, Wald-type test, and Score test) are derived for this purpose. The simulation results show that the Score test statistic maintains type I error rate and has satisfactory power, and therefore is recommended among the three methods. The likelihood ratio test is over conservative in most cases, and the Wald-type statistic is not robust with respect to empirical type I error. Three real examples, including a multi-centre Phase II double-blind placebo randomized controlled trial, are given to illustrate the three proposed test statistics. 相似文献
Three regression models for ordinal data, those of Fienberg, McCullagh, and Anderson, are applied to an analysis of kidney function among transplant recipients. The conclusions arising from each model are presented and contrasted. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(16):3367-3382
When a two-level multilevel model (MLM) is used for repeated growth data, the individuals constitute level 2 and the successive measurements constitute level 1, which is nested within the individuals that make up level 2. The heterogeneity among individuals is represented by either the random-intercept or random-coefficient (slope) model. The variance components at level 1 involve serial effects and measurement errors under constant variance or heteroscedasticity. This study hypothesizes that missing serial effects or/and heteroscedasticity may bias the results obtained from two-level models. To illustrate this effect, we conducted two simulation studies, where the simulated data were based on the characteristics of an empirical mouse tumour data set. The results suggest that for repeated growth data with constant variance (measurement error) and misspecified serial effects (ρ > 0.3), the proportion of level-2 variation (intra-class correlation coefficient) increases with ρ and the two-level random-coefficient model is the minimum AIC (or AICc) model when compared with the fixed model, heteroscedasticity model, and random-intercept model. In addition, the serial effect (ρ > 0.1) and heteroscedasticity are both misspecified, implying that the two-level random-coefficient model is the minimum AIC (or AICc) model when compared with the fixed model and random-intercept model. This study demonstrates that missing serial effects and/or heteroscedasticity may indicate heterogeneity among individuals in repeated growth data (mixed or two-level MLM). This issue is critical in biomedical research. 相似文献
The authors study the asymptotic behaviour of the likelihood ratio statistic for testing homogeneity in the finite mixture models of a general parametric distribution family. They prove that the limiting distribution of this statistic is the squared supremum of a truncated standard Gaussian process. The autocorrelation function of the Gaussian process is explicitly presented. A re‐sampling procedure is recommended to obtain the asymptotic p‐value. Three kernel functions, normal, binomial and Poisson, are used in a simulation study which illustrates the procedure. 相似文献
Jennifer S.K. Chan Anthony Y.C. Kuk James Bell & Charles Mc Gilchrist 《Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics》1998,40(1):1-10
The paper develops methods for the statistical analysis of outcomes of methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). Subjects for this study were a cohort of patients entering MMT in Sydney in 1986. Urine drug tests on these subjects were performed weekly during MMT, and were reported as either positive or negative for morphine, the marker of recent heroin use. To allow correlation between the repeated binary measurements, a marginal logistic model was fitted using the generalized estimating equation (GEE) approach and the alternating logistic regression approach. Conditional logistic models are also considered. Results of separate fitting to each patient and score tests suggest that there is substantial between-patient variation in response to MMT. To account for the population heterogeneity and to facilitate subject-specific inference, the conditional logistic model is extended by introducing random intercepts. The two, three and four group mixture models are also investigated. The model of best fit is a three group mixture model, in which about a quarter of the subjects have a poor response to MMT, with continued heroin use independent of daily dose of methadone; about a quarter of the subjects have a very good response, with little or no heroin use, again independent of dose; and about half the subjects responded in a dose-dependent fashion, with reduced heroin use while receiving higher doses of methadone. These findings are consistent with clinical experience. There is also an association between reduced drug use and increased duration in treatment. The mixture model is recommended since it is quite tractable in terms of estimation and model selection as well as being supported by clinical experience. 相似文献
Richard Kay 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(15):1743-1756
Extensions to Cox's proportional hazards regression model (Cox, 1972) for the analysis of survival data are considered for a more general multistate framework. This framework allows several transient disease states between initial entry state and death as well as incorporating possible competing causes of death. Methods for parameter and function estimation within this extension are presented and applied to the analysis of data from the Stanford Heart Transplantation Program (Crowley and Hu,1977). 相似文献