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城市化中的空间社会分层与中国机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国社会分层研究的一个新趋向是从资源性分层进入空间性分层,快速发展的城市化及其内含的空间不平等被作为重要社会问题得到关注。国内已有研究发现,中国的某些现象尽管可在西方社会找到对应物,但总体上不能从西方理论得到解释。然而,研究者们尚未提出基于中国现实和资料的理论。作为建立中国理论的一个尝试,提出与西方的市场制相对应的统管制概念,并利用中国资料予以证明;分析了统管制的内涵、样式、运作以及特殊的社会分层效应。  相似文献   

中国单位社会解体后,社区治理中的维权问题逐渐凸显。基于不同的社区治理模式,可以将后单位制时代社区维权模式和行为特点分为个体为主、松散联合和集体维权三种主要类型。通过对某单位小区维权行为的个案研究,分析了集体维权模式成功的先决性条件、组织性条件、资源性条件、策略性条件、特殊性条件以及可能存在的缺点。后单位制时代,在集体维权的模式下,运用依法维权、理性维权、资源动员等行动策略时,应避免维权矛盾扩大化和过激化,这样才能确保维权效果的良性、长期性和可持续性发展。  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义文化建设的战略构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭建宁 《创新》2009,3(3):5-8
在新的历史起点上,加强中国特色社会主义文化建设,就要建构社会主义核心价值体系,发挥其引导性和主导性作用;就要提升国家文化软实力,发挥其竞争性和凝聚性作用;就要弘扬中华文化,发挥中华民族共有精神家园的基础性和资源性作用:就要促进社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,发挥创造性,增强整合性,使中华文化更加具有吸引力、感召力。  相似文献   

"十一五"期间我国主要价格指数均呈现出较快上升后快速回落的特点,但与上世纪八九十年代相比,我国价格波动趋于平缓,价格波动的影响因素也在发生变化:农副产品和资源性产品价格对价格总水平的影响加大,国际传导因素日益突出。随着我国主要农产品、资源性产品对国际市场依赖程度的进一步提高,国际市场初级产品价格波动加剧,"十二五"我国价格水平将呈现"前低后高,温和上涨"的趋势。  相似文献   

必须认识到中国工业化进程的长期性和艰巨性,研究中国工业化道路的特殊性,解决我国工业化进程中的主要矛盾:一是农村剩余劳动力向非农产业转移的任务艰巨;二是资源性产品供给不足是制约我国经济持续快速增长的瓶颈;三是工业化的技术来源过多依赖国外,产业技术的自主创新能力薄弱;四是区域经济发展不平衡,东西部地区间经济发展差距不断扩大;五是在扩大开放条件下提高国际产业分工地位面临的外部压力。  相似文献   

近些年来,我国城乡居民的收入分配已经有了比较明显的改善,基尼系数呈回落趋势,但数值仍然偏高,如何继续改善中国居民家庭的收入水平和分配差异,是我国在全面建成小康社会进程中应该高度关注的问题。通过对城乡居民之间、城镇居民内部、不同国民经济行业间以及不同地区间各种收入的动态和静态比较,指出通过鼓励民营经济的发展,扩大非农产业就业是当前中国改善居民收入和分配的重要途径。  相似文献   

文化是一个民族赖以生存发展的血脉和灵魂,人文历史资源、地域文化是彰显地方特色的名片。承载过大地湾文化、仰韶文化、齐家文化、成纪文化等的静宁县,具有文化资源性优势。挖掘本土历史文化积淀,打造富有地域特色的文化品牌,推进当地文化繁荣与发展,大有可为。  相似文献   

金融危机对就业与社会保障的联动影响及其策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际金融危机给我国失业结构、就业趋势以及社会保障都带来了深刻影响.从失业主体看,由体制转轨时期的下岗失业者向下岗失业者、大学生和农民工并存转化,从40-50人员失业向40-50人员以及青年人失业并存转化;从失业分布看,由内陆、中西部向内陆、中西部、东部沿海地区并存转化,从煤炭、森林等资源性行业向资源性行业、服装纺织等劳动密集型行业并存转化;从失业维度看,由国有大企业向国有大企业与私有中小企业并存转化,由开放程度低的企业向开放程度低与开放程度高的企业并存转化.失业结构变化及其产生的新特点,使就业形势呈现更为严峻复杂的局面,社会保障也因此受到挑战而产生挤压效应.为减少政策博弈成本,增加政策产出效率,建议对就业与社会保障政策进行联动调整.即:以就业为主,由积极的就业政策调整为更加积极的点面结合的就业循环支持政策,开辟就业循环通道和网络;以社会保险为辅,由强化社保政策调整为完善社会保险、服务就业与民生的弹性政策;以社会救助为网,由强化低保配套救助政策调整为低保、低收入救助一体化的系统、动态的救助政策,并构建就业与社会保障政策联动调整的体制和机制.  相似文献   

本文分析了中日关税、汇率政策与中日贸易问题.笔者研究发现,如果中日两国发生了双边关税制裁,则日本增加关税不一定会引致中国贸易收支变差、日本贸易收支改善.并且,一般来说,人民币实际汇率升值会引致中国贸易收支变差、日本贸易收支改善;反之,则相反.但是,在一定条件下,人民币实际汇率升值可能伴随有中国贸易收支改善、日本贸易收支变差.在中日双边关税、人民币实际汇率以及中日总产出同时变动的情况下,则中日贸易收支取决于中日两国关税变动、人民币实际汇率变动以及中日总产出变动等力量之间的对比,仅从中国某一政策变动就得出对日本贸易收支不利的论断是没有理论依据的.  相似文献   

资源和环保约束下中小企业竞争力转换探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着资源性产品价格全面上涨和"民工荒"的出现,随着国内环保力度的加大和国际贸易中"绿色壁垒"的增多,我国中小企业靠高投入、高消耗、高污染为特征的成本竞争优势遇到了资源和环境的双重约束。这种约束使中小企业竞争力构成发生了深刻变化:成本竞争力下降,环境竞争力上升。中小企业必须采取各种措施提高环境竞争力,以便在市场竞争中保持长期优势。  相似文献   

Optimal control theory is used to analyze buffer stock price stabilisation. Linear econometric models of the world cocoa and copper markets are estimated over the period 1956-75 and the simulated to determine the “systematic” price for each commodity—the price when stochastic sources of market variation are suppressed. Stabilization at this price reduces the instability of producer revenue and also increases total revenue for both commodities. However, the buffer stocks are expensive. Net costs over the period 1966-76 are estimated at $1.7 billion for cocoa and $0.9 billion for copper.  相似文献   

Optimal control theory is used to analyze the implications of the adoption of price and LDC export revenue stabilization objectives by an international buffer stock for cocoa. The results obtained for the period 1956–76 suggest that the stabilization of either price or revenue at systematic trend would reduce the instability of both variables from that during the sample period. Although the stabilization of revenues at systematic trend decreases their average level, the stabilization of price has the opposite effect. Because of this, it may be financially feasible for the LDCs to provide the necessary resources for a price-stabilizing buffer stock.  相似文献   

Social security contributions make up around a fourth of total tax revenue in OECD countries. However, there are concerns on the economic effects of high levies on labour. Recent studies suggest that at least a third of taxes on labour are shifted onto employers, leading to higher wage costs. We find substantial evidence in the literature that the nature of social security contributions matters. With a clear connection between contributions and rights, the employee will perceive this contribution as a price and not as a tax. As a consequence, these contributions will be less distortive in terms of labour supply, wage costs and private savings.  相似文献   

在产权结构多元化的过程中,随着所有权不断分割、裂变成各式各样的产权以及产权不断被明晰界定,新的产权主体会获得收益,这种收益的产生一方面源自于激励,另一方面源自于对闲置资源的利用,其结果是开辟了新的税源,进而提高所得税收入、影响税制结构。这意味着,在解决税收收入不足以及税收调节问题时,可以不局限于传统的手段,通过在产权结构多元化过程中对不同产权主体的清晰界定与保护,同样可以促进新税基的产生,进而起到优化税制的作用。  相似文献   

Objective. Only a select set of states still do not require mandatory public disclosure of real estate sales prices. In this article we examine the possible public‐sector consequences of failing to make real estate sales prices publicly accessible. Methods. We propose a set of possible public‐sector consequences of sales price nondisclosure (property tax assessment inequities, tax revenue leakages, administrative inefficiencies, and related ancillary effects). We identify examples, provide limited empirical evidence (simple regressions and distributional analyses) on the restricted data available, and discuss the relevant legal considerations at a variety of administrative and geographic scales. Results. The limited statistical results and examples provide evidence of possible inequities in effective tax rates and tax revenue leakages that may be connected to sale price nondisclosure. Conclusions. We argue that there is a strong prima facie case for legitimate public concerns attached to real estate sales price nondisclosure.  相似文献   

This article studies intertemporal monopolistic pricing strategies when demand is dynamic and when price volatility may harm other producer objectives, e.g. the political good will for an international cartel. The major implications from this framework are that the introduction of a penalty for price changes may actually change an otherwise (at least locally) monotonic policy into a (transiently) oscillatory strategy; on the other hand, penalizing price changes smooths the price policy when demand is convex and the optimal strategy would otherwise be extremely volatile. But, then, all various types of solutions—cyclical and even unstable solutions—may occur.  相似文献   

In recent years, price policies and price changes derived from environmental regulations have played a more important role to promote residential energy conservation. Using recent annual state-level panel data for 48 states, we estimate a dynamic partial adjustment model for electricity demand elasticities on price and income in the residential sector. Our analysis reveals that in the short run, one unit price increase will lead to 0.142 unit of reduction in electricity use after controlling for the endogeneity of electricity price. Thus, raising energy price in the short run will not give consumers much incentive to adjust their appliances to reduce electricity use. However, in the long run, one unit price increase will lead to almost one unit consumption reduction, ceteris paribus. In addition, we find new evidence that for states of higher per capita GDP, raising the electricity price may be more effective to ensure a cut in consumption.  相似文献   

Legalized gambling as a revenue source is evaluated on the basis of data derived from a nationwide survey. The major findings include: (1) gambling is essentially a consumer commodity which people purchase because they enjoy it, rather than because they expect to make money; (2) maximum revenue potential depends on consumer responsiveness to the price of a given game; (3) high take-out rates encourage gamblers to participate in illegal substitutes; (4) state receipts from gambling, regardless of the details of the way they are collected, are economically identical to any other form of excise tax; (5) although gambling outlays tend to increase with income, the amount of increase is disproportionate to the amount of income, and therefore gambling tends to be a highly regressive form of taxation; and (6) the maximum revenue which states could expect to collect as the result of legalizing gambling is about a 4 percent addition to total receipts from other sources of revenue.  相似文献   

ICMS is a value-added tax and the most important tax in Brazil in terms of revenue. This paper investigates the technical feasibility and impact of a reform to ICMS. The aim of the reform is twofold, on the one hand, to modernize the tax and redress some current flaws in terms of neutrality, simplicity and transparency and, on the other, to reduce its regressivity, increase redistribution, reduce poverty and impact positively on social welfare (without a loss in the tax revenue). A static behavioral microsimulation model was purpose-constructed to study the proposed reform. The new tax simplifies the current system by introducing a single general tax rate and an increased rate for alcoholic beverages and tobacco, without exemptions, combining this with a total or partial refund for the poorest families. The empirical results show that the new tax is superior to the current one, both in terms of efficiency and equity.  相似文献   

世界性金融危机对我国经济产生了巨大冲击,经济下滑,企业倒闭、裁员、欠薪、断保甚至雇主欠薪逃匿等问题不断发生。在我国社会保障体制尚不完善的情况下,金融危机对劳动者权益的影响远胜于对企业的影响。在危机应对中,保护劳动者合法权益,关系到我国劳动关系能否和谐稳定的终极目标的实现。一方面要依据国家统一立法,贯彻劳动法倾斜保护的基本原则;另一方面,应当积极推进劳资协商对话机制,使之成为我国劳动者权益保护的主流模式。  相似文献   

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