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在现代思想家们关于现代性危机的各种反思中,从道德视角进行的反思和批判占据了很重要的位置.赫勒对现代道德理论的重建主要是围绕着"好人存在,但好人何以存在?"这一道德中心问题而展开的,最终落脚干对理性化进程中道德规则的重新阐释.赫勒转换了道德规则划分的标准,即从按照层级划分变成按照领域划分.详细论述了现代社会中道德准则和法则、道德原则和格言等多样性的道德规则,并强调,多样性道德规则的内化对于消除外在道德规范和个体的内在自由之间的张力具有重要价值.正是通过对道德规则的一系列重新阐释.赫勒为克服现代性危机提供了一种道德重建的改革方案.  相似文献   

论人权的两面性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人权的两面指的是作为道德权利的一面和作为道德义务的一面。人们在理解人权之概念时,往往只看到其道德权利一面,而极少看到其道德义务一面。其实,作为道德权利的人权表达的是人之为人应该具备的资格和人之尊严的价值,它强调了人权之目的与理想;而作为道德义务的人权则表达了人权实现的手段与工具价值,注重了人权之现实。作为道德权利的人权与作为道德义务的人权,应当是我们在完整理解人权时皆须认真对待的,二者不可偏废。  相似文献   

家庭道德教育是社会道德教育的有机组成部分。中日两国素来具有重视家庭德育的传统,他们既有着共同的特点,也有着巨大的差异性。比较两国家庭德育的特点,借鉴日本家庭德育的成功经验,对于改进我国家庭德育教育方法,提高德育实践能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In moral psychology, it has long been argued that empathy is a necessary capacity of both properly developing moral agents and developed moral agency ( Blair, 2008 ; Hume et al., 1978 ). This view stands in tension with the belief that some individuals diagnosed with autism—which is typically characterized as a deficiency in social reciprocity (including empathy)—are moral agents. In this paper we propose to explore this tension and perhaps trouble how we commonly see those with autism. To make this task manageable, we will consider whether high functioning individuals diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder are capable of empathetic responses. If they are, then they possess a capacity that, on the view above, is required for moral agency. If they are not so capable, and yet sometimes engage in moral behaviour, this casts some doubt on the claim that empathy is required for moral agency. This second possibility will necessitate an exploration of the capacity of some individuals with autism to engage in moral behaviour, giving us further grounds to re-see these individuals as moral agents.  相似文献   

论信息传播的道德过滤   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过互联网进行的信息传播 ,较之以往的信息传播具有更大的自由性。虽然不能再像以往那样实行过于严厉的信息传播管制 ,但仍然有必要对信息传播予以一定的道德限制。道德过滤是公共信息通道中的外在道德限制 ,尽管它由于具有外在性、他律性而不同于信息传播主体的自我道德限制 ,但却可以弥补信息传播主体的道德自律之不足 ,并能够促进道德自律的形成。构建道德过滤的一般模式 ,应当充分考虑分级、分类、分圈这三方面的要求  相似文献   

Moral education is a practice to promote the moral competence of adolescents, particularly in nurturing their moral judgement and moral behaviour. In China, under the rapid development of social work practice at schools, moral education could serve as a collaborative point between teachers, school counsellors, social workers and policymakers to promote the moral, holistic and healthy development of students. However, moral education is not as yet widely and systematically evaluated? particularly the details of relevant policy, curriculum, textbooks, teaching and learning approach, examination and evaluation. This paper takes an initiative to conduct a comprehensive literature review and theoretical discussion on the subject ‘Moral and Character Education’ (Sixiangpinde思想品德) which is a mandatory moral education subject for Grade 7–9 students in junior high schools in China. It also provides reflections and suggestions on how the subject and moral education could be promoted under the contexts of promotion of adolescent holistic development and involvement of social work practice.  相似文献   

杨喜梅 《唐都学刊》2007,23(6):52-54
农民工国民待遇问题既是一个制度问题,也是一个伦理问题。当前,我国农民工国民待遇缺失严重,其根本原因就在于现行制度对农民工道德权利的忽视,具体表现在农民工道德行为选择自由权的缺失、农民工道德主体人格平等权的缺位以及农民工道德行为公正评价权的缺乏三个方面。要解决这一问题,不仅要靠公正的制度安排,更需要对农民工关怀的伦理意识。  相似文献   

There has been considerable study of the development of moral reasoning in adolescence within the cognitive–developmental paradigm, but less empirical attention to the development of moral valuing and motivation. In a two‐year longitudinal study, we examined the correlates of high‐school students’ endorsement of explicitly moral values as ideals for the self. Those who reported being involved in community helping activities at age 17 were subsequently more likely to increase their relative emphasis on the importance of prosocial moral values for themselves. As predicted, an authoritative family parenting style was associated with more parent–adolescent value agreement in general (regarding both moral and non‐moral values). Particularly for males, reports of greater parent monitoring and strictness were associated with more emphasis on moral values for the self. This relation between parental strictness and males’ self‐ideals was mediated over time by perceived stronger emphases on moral values by both parents and friends. These findings suggest the potential utility of studying moral motivation to help understand prosocial development in adolescence.  相似文献   

柯尔伯格的道德认知发展理论及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
柯尔伯格的道德认知发展理论主要包括道德发展论、道德教育论和公正群体途径理论。这些理论对我国德育具有重要的借鉴意义,主要体现在:在德育内容方面,根据学生心理、道德发展水平应呈现不同层次的德育内容;在德育观念上,对德育需要重新认识,德育不是外部的强加,而是学生理解、选择、体验的过程;德育目标不仅注重传递道德知识,更应侧重于道德判断力的培养;德育课程要增强情境性,贴近学生生活。与此同时,我国德育需要加强学生道德实践能力的训练。  相似文献   

吕宏波 《唐都学刊》2007,23(3):36-39
梳理康德关于"道德情感"理论的转变过程.康德最早受苏格兰启蒙时期"道德情感"理论的影响,将"道德情感"作为道德的基础之一,但发展到后来康德坚决否定了"道德情感"作为道德准则的作用.康德将面对道德律所产生的"敬重"重新界定为"道德情感",它所产生的道德意向促使遵守道德法则,但绝不是建立道德法则的基础.康德"道德情感"理论的转变是他在事实与价值之间划界的结果,显现的是康德伦理学在应然与必然之间的巨大张力.  相似文献   

曹刚 《唐都学刊》2004,20(5):55-59
应用伦理学的"判例模式"可以取代日益受到质疑的"工程模式"。"判例模式"的运用是在伦理委员会这个"道德实验室"里进行的。它指通过一定的程序,在先前的与现实的道德事件的比较权衡中来解决道德困境,作出道德决策的过程。应用伦理学的"判例模式"的确立,有助于通过一种循序渐进的方法,实现道德与社会需要的动态统一与均衡、创造出新的道德结构。  相似文献   

Contemporary moral psychology has been enormously enriched by recent theoretical developments and empirical findings in evolutionary biology, cognitive psychology and neuroscience, and social psychology and psychopathology. Yet despite the fact that some theorists have developed specifically “social heuristic” (Gigerenzer, 2008) and “social intuitionist” (Haidt, 2007) theories of moral judgment and behavior, and despite regular appeals to the findings of experimental social psychology, contemporary moral psychology has largely neglected the social dimensions of moral judgment and behavior. I provide a brief sketch of these dimensions, and consider the implications for contemporary theory and research in moral psychology.  相似文献   

The real‐life complexity of moral motivation can be examined and explained by reintegrating time and development into moral inquiry. This article is one of the possible integrative steps in this direction. A dynamic developmental conception of moral motivation can be a useful bridge toward such integration. A comprehensive view of moral motivation is presented. Moral motivation is reconceptualized as a developmental process of self‐organization and self‐regulation out of which moral judgment and action emerge through the interplay of dynamically intertwined cognitive and emotional components. Moral identity is proposed to emerge from long‐term self‐organization of moral motivation. In turn, as a higher‐order construct, moral identity has a top‐down influence on real‐time self‐organization. The article includes an account of short‐term changes in moral motivation, and an account that connects real‐time moral functioning with long‐term changes. Moral motivation is qualified as a dynamic developmental process on the basis of self‐organization, multicausality, nonlinearity, interconnectedness of time scales and substantial intrapersonal variability through motivational pluralism.  相似文献   

I present a theory of alienation that accounts for the cognitive processes involved with moral thinking and political behavior in modern societies. On my account, alienation can be understood as a particular kind of atrophy of moral concepts and moral thinking that affect the ways individuals cognize and legitimate the social world and their place within it. Central to my argument is the thesis that modern forms of social integration—shaped by highly institutionalized, rationalized and hierarchical forms of social life—serve to constrain the moral‐ cognitive powers of subjects leading to a condition of alienation as moral atrophy. This state results from the withering of the subject's internal powers of moral reflection and an overriding predisposition to rely on external value schemas to make sense of moral and political problems. I then present an analysis of alienated moral consciousness and its implications for modern social theory.  相似文献   

文学作为一种精神存在方式,体现了对人的生存状态深刻的道德关注甚至终极关怀,优秀的文学作品常常包含了道德上的自省和反思,能够通过启迪和诱导人们的行为方式而发挥道德感化功能.文学中的道德判断是以情感判断的形式表现出来的,并且是从主体出发,由情感而生判断,个人的价值观念和主观好恶免不了渗透其中.因而文学的道德评判是有一定的适用性和局限性的,优秀的文学作品常常超越道德判断的层次,把人物或行为纳入多维价值系统进行立体的观照,从而做出更高的富于人生哲理意味的把握,因此,文学的道德诉求与道德超越是文学与道德关系的两面.  相似文献   

The self is conceptualized in a multitude of ways in different scholarly fields; at the same time moral agency appears to presuppose a unitary conception of the self. This paper explores this tension by introducing ‘moral senses’ which inform the normative evaluations of a person. The moral senses are featured as innate dispositions, but they inevitably recruit discursive categorizations in order to function. These senses forward both an ‘individual self’, by experiencing a unitary body, mind and character, and a ‘social self’, that is similarly experienced as a body, a mind, and a character. This social self is enabled by the capacity to internalize other people's feelings and intentions and the need to have otherworldly explanations for observable reality. This integrative framework of moral senses provides an understanding that helps to address the challenge of moral heterogeneity and plurality.  相似文献   

Children's Moral Reasoning Regarding Physical and Relational Aggression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Elementary school children's moral reasoning concerning physical and relational aggression was explored. Fourth and fifth graders rated physical aggression as more wrong and harmful than relational aggression but tended to adopt a moral orientation about both forms of aggression. Gender differences in moral judgments of aggression were observed, with girls rating physical and relational aggression as more wrong and relational aggression as more harmful than boys. In addition, girls were more likely to adopt a moral orientation when judging physical and relational aggression and girls more often judged relational aggression than physical aggression from the moral domain. Finally, moral reasoning about aggression was associated with physically and relationally aggressive behavior. Considered together, the results indicate that children tend to adopt a moral orientation about aggression, but that they nonetheless differentiate between physical and relational aggression in their moral judgments.  相似文献   

Classical evolutionary explanations of social behavior classify behaviors from their effects, not from their underlying mechanisms. Here lies a potential objection against the view that morality can be explained by such models, e.g. Trivers' reciprocal altruism . However, evolutionary theory reveals a growing interest in the evolution of psychological mechanisms and factors them in as selective forces. This opens up perspectives for evolutionary approaches to problems that have traditionally worried moral philosophers. Once the ability to mind-read is factored-in among the relevant variables in the evolution of moral abilities and counted among the selection pressures that have plausibly shaped our nature as moral agents, an evolutionary approach can contribute, so I will argue, to the solution of a long-standing debate in moral philosophy and psychology concerning the basic motivation for moral behavior.  相似文献   

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