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赵天成 《求是学刊》2004,31(3):37-42
德国古典哲学是由近代认识论思维范式向现代人类学思维范式转换的过渡和中介。作为德国古典哲学集大成者的黑格尔哲学,从人学指向的出发点、辩证方法、理论面向实际的合理内容等诸方面都生动体现了这一哲学与现代人类学思维范式的逻辑关联。在这方面,黑格尔的独特贡献是无可替代的。  相似文献   

谢永康 《求是学刊》2007,34(2):51-55
阿多尔诺在其关于形而上学的课程中对亚里士多德哲学的解读,对于理解否定的辩证法具有重要意义。在阿多尔诺看来,亚里士多德是第一个形而上学家,因为只是在他那里抽象概念与感性世界间的关系才第一次得到自觉、认真的对待。这种关系本身就表明了形而上学内在的辩证结构。亚里士多德提出“这个”、“质料”等概念,试图使非概念的领域概念化。而这类概念恰恰昭示着非概念物的不可消逝性,从而成为非概念物的踪迹。这些踪迹的存在表明了形而上学的不完整性,并将形而上学的问题引向了形而上学之外。阿多尔诺认为亚里士多德在形式与质料、特殊与普遍的关系中意识到了中介问题,但由于其对主体反思的完全陌生,这种中介只是一种“中庸”,而非辩证的中介。亚里士多德哲学中包含的非同一物的踪迹对于阿多尔诺反思近代形而上学也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

"心"的"形而上学"--论心理学哲学的理论根基、内容与功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"心理学哲学"涉及关于心理学的本体论和方法论等诸多方面的问题。对这些问题的回答,构成各自心理学体系或研究取向具有学术生长力的前提预设和理论逻辑。在此意义上,"心理学哲学"的理论功能在于它能够帮助心理学完成真切的自我体察和自我反思,并依此发展和建构具体的心理学实践。  相似文献   

高峰 《学习与探索》2006,1(1):120-124
学术界所探讨的马克思主义哲学的学术性与现实性范畴有其特定的内涵,两者之间的关系实质上关涉到对马克思主义哲学本真精神的理解,以及推进马克思主义哲学发展的路径选择问题.该问题之所以凸显出来,就马克思主义哲学研究本身而言,主要有对马克思主义哲学本质的不同理解等五个方面的原因.学术性和现实性的辩证统一是马克思主义哲学的基本品格和内在要求.在坚持马克思主义哲学的本真精神基础上,实现学术性与现实性的具体的历史的统一,进一步处理好相关问题是深化马克思主义哲学研究的合理路径.  相似文献   

The longstanding philosophical debate between idealism and materialism has recently entered the ontological terrain of critical realism (CR) and dialectical critical realism (DCR). This has been initiated by Roy Bhaskar’s most recent book, From East to West, which attempts an ambitious synthesis of philosophy, social theory and theology. On the one hand, Bhaskar’s attempt to root his philosophy and social theory in a ‘realist theory of God’ has found an echo within the CR and DCR research camp, some of whose members would urge us to take seriously the possibility of a ‘religious sociology’. On the other hand, Bhaskar’s abrupt ‘idealist turn’ has left many critical realists flabbergasted and horrified, particularly those working at the interface between realist philosophy and Marxist social science, especially since Bhaskar’s new philosophical trajec‐tory is radically at odds with the ‘synchronic emergent powers materialism’ outlined in his The Possibility of Naturalism. In response to this ‘split’ within the CR and DCR camp, the spectre of ‘realist agnosticism’ has been raised and defended by Mervyn Hartwig in this journal. Since neither science nor philosophy can settle the issue of what kind of stuff constitutes ‘rock bottom reality’, it is rational to be agnostic on the ‘ultimate question’, to deny positively affirming the claims of either one side or the other. Now this is the move that is resisted in this paper. My argument is that ontolog‐ical idealism is disputable on a number of grounds‐philosophical, scientific, ethical and political. In particular, I argue that objective idealism is unsupported by rational knowledge, is riddled with conceptual and logical defects, is contrary to the logic of scientific discovery, and is an obstacle to eudaimonia (human emancipation). Further, since realist agnosticism rests its case on the myth of infallible knowledge, and obviously stands or falls with the defensibility or other‐wise of objective idealism, this gives us ‘good enough’ reasons for accepting a thoroughgoing materialism as the ontological foundation of social theory.  相似文献   

The question of the uniqueness [svoeobrazie] of Russian philosophy and its distinctive features has been around for more than a century. Since the 1840s, when Russian philosophers set about studying the history of philosophical thought in Russia, the question immediately arose as to whether one could speak of Russian philosophy as a distinctive [samobytnoe] and original phenomenon, or whether it would be more correct to speak of philosophy in Russia, i.e., the existence in Russia of philosophical ideas whose roots lay not in Russia but beyond its borders, while in Russia they are merely disseminated, but not born.  相似文献   

Critical realism has been an important advance in social science methodology because it develops a qualitative theory of causality which avoids some of the pitfalls of empiricist theories of causality. But while there has been ample work exploring the relationship between critical realism and qualitative research methods there has been noticeably less work exploring the relationship between dialectical critical realism and qualitative research methods. This seems strange especially since the founder of the philosophy of critical realism, Roy Bhaskar, employs and develops a range of dialectical concepts in his later work in order to extend the main tenets of critical realism. The aim of this paper is to draw on Bhaskar's later work, as well as Marxism, to reorient a critical realist methodology towards a dialectical approach for qualitative research. In particular, the paper demonstrates how dialectical critical realism can begin to provide answers to three common criticisms made against original critical realist methodology: that the qualitative theory of causal powers and structures developed by critical realists is problematic; that critical realist methodology contains values which prove damaging to empirical research; and that critical realists often have difficulties in researching everyday qualitative dilemmas that people face in their daily lives.  相似文献   

“前提批判”与“问题反思”表征着两种不同的哲学立场,同时也构成当代哲学不同的出场路径。“前提批判”是以形态学立场为前提、以重构形态为旨趣的话语行为。它遮蔽了一个真实的基础:一切真正的哲学都起源于问题,对问题的批判性反思才是哲学走向深处的真正语境。虽然形态建构一直是哲学话语体系的存在方式,但是它始终是对实践问题的哲学解答方式,问题与形态相比不能不占首位并具有根本性质。马克思哲学革命提出的“反思的问题学”指涉实践论和“问题学”立场,强调哲学本质上是问答逻辑。坚持以“改变世界”的问题为中心,通过反思批判“问题中的哲学”和“哲学中的问题”,才能达到哲学形态的前提,进而才能构建合理的哲学形态。  相似文献   

推论规则是逻辑学研究的核心内容。法律逻辑是一门应用逻辑,但它并不是形式逻辑的推论规则在法律领域中的简单运用,而是形式逻辑的推论规则加上法律领域中的特殊推论规则的结果。因此,法律逻辑中的推论规则与形式逻辑中的推论规则相比,既有共性的一面,又有个性的一面。其共性表现为形式逻辑的基本推论规则是构成法律逻辑中的推论规则必不可少的组成部分,其个性表现为法律逻辑中有着与形式逻辑中的推论规则所不具有的特殊推论规则——证明责任规则。  相似文献   

In modern Chinese thought, “philosophy” and the whole disciplinary system rooted in it have had a far-reaching influence on the Chinese understanding and interpretation of their own tradition. If we are to avoid a naïve and simplistic final interpretation of traditional thought, the most prudent and reliable way to go about it is to ponder the whole framework and realm on which this understanding is based before we proceed to understand tradition. Before the inevitable problematization of “Chinese thought,” we should try to problematize “philosophy.” This demands that we find, in the constant rise and fall of philosophical trends, the view of philosophy by which Chinese thought is generally judged, and make it the object of questioning. Mou Zongsan’s attempt to reinterpret classical Chinese thought, based directly on Aristotle’s theory of the four causes, cannot be viewed as a success. The so-called first beginning of philosophy means establishing, led by the question of being—ontology, a system in which cheng (completion) is prior to and identical with sheng (generation). Now that Chinese thought has encountered Heidegger and thus rediscovered Aristotle and the whole of classical Western thought, the time is ripe for us to reexamine and assess the beginning of philosophy in terms of the complete and original experience whence Chinese thought arose.  相似文献   

吉砚茹 《社会》2018,38(5):41-69
齐美尔在与康德的对话中提出“社会何以可能”的问题,将社会学确立为对社会化形式的研究,探究现代个体如何与周遭世界产生联系并由此构建自我。齐美尔通过对比古今社会化形式,进而得出对现代生命内在困境的基本洞察。面对现代世界的外在化和碎片化的生活感受,他并未完全采取康德的思路--用认知的方式构建统一的世界来解决主客体冲突,而是参照歌德的生命观,提出一种介于康德与歌德之间的生命学说,使个体能从自身生命的根基生长出与世界的深刻关联,在生命直观之中达成自我与外在世界的和解。  相似文献   

康德最为人熟知的辩证法乃是消极的意义上的幻相的逻辑,不过这并不是康德对于辩证法理论的最为重要的贡献。康德最为重要的辩证法理论乃是潜藏在其知性逻辑中的想像力的辩证法,这一辩证法理论不仅是康德知性逻辑得以建立的必要前提,而且也规定了费希特、谢林哲学辩证法的根本任务,即阐明从受动性直观到主动性直观的辩证运动。  相似文献   

李海青 《唐都学刊》2004,20(6):63-67
综观整个形而上学史,柏拉图的思想以有所变化的形态始终起着决定性作用。传统形而上学的问题、内涵、思维方式、方法特征在柏拉图哲学中已被决定性地展示出来了,不理解柏拉图,就不可能理解形而上学。王路先生在分析形而上学时之所以忽略柏拉图,原因就在于他常常只是纯粹从语言学和逻辑学、而且是形式逻辑的观点看问题。这虽然使分析严谨细致,但却往往失其宏旨,难于把握其内容要义。  相似文献   

Dialectics (Greek dialektike [tekhne] - the art of conversation, from dialegomai - I conduct a conversation, I reason) is the theory and method of cognition of reality, the science of the most general laws of development of nature, society and thought. The term "dialectics" has had different uses in the history of philosophy. Socrates regarded dialectics as the art of revealing the truth through the clash of opposing opinions, a means of conducting scholarly conversation leading to true definitions of concepts (Xenophon, Vospominaniia o Sokrate [Memorabilia], IV, 5, 12). Plato termed dialectics a logical method which, when employed in the analysis and synthesis of concepts, provides knowledge of that which truly exists - the idea - the movement of thought from lower to higher concepts. The Sophists put the word "dialectics" in bad odor, calling it the art of presenting the false and dubious as the true (Aristotle, Rhetoric, II 24, 1402 a 23), while the Megarians called dialectics the art of dispute (Plato, The Sophist, 253 DE). In Aristotle's philosophy, dialectics is a means of proof when one begins from propositions that are obtained from others, and the truth of which is unknown. Aristotle distinguished 3 types of inference: apodictic, which is suitable for scientific proof; dialectic, which is employed in argument; and eristic. In dialectical proof the point of departure is probable judgments, from which one arrives at probable conclusions. It is only by accident that truth may be found by dialectical inference. Eristic inference is inferior to dialectic, for it leads to conclusions that are only apparently true (Topika, II, 100 a 27). In medieval philosophy the term "dialectics" was employed in the widest variety of meanings. Duns Scotus called dialectics a special teaching on the real; while Abelard called it the art of distinguishing between truth and falsehood (Dial., p. 435). The term "dialectics" was employed in the sense of "logic" and sometimes it was understood to be the art of discussion.  相似文献   

I defend the integrity of the question of what the cognitive status of economic theory could amount to, and I argue that the theory is best understood as a compartment of formal political philosophy, in particular a species of contractarianism. This seems particularly apt as an account of general equilibrium theory. Given the intentional character of the explanatory variables of economic theory and the role of information in effecting choice, it is argued that economic theory is unlikely to secure the predictive power that would enable it to function as a factual instead of a normative theory.  相似文献   

张法 《阅江学刊》2010,(4):121-130
20世纪上半叶的《哲学辞典》《新哲学辞典》《辩证唯物论辞典》《最新哲学辞典》等四本中文哲学辞典,勾勒了中国现代哲学语汇的缘起与定型过程,同时,也代表了西方哲学和苏俄哲学的两种方向,从时间和逻辑的统一上,似可说,从《哲学辞典》到《辩证法唯物论辞典》,代表了从西方到苏俄的转向,同时也是中国现代哲学语汇的简化和规范化;从《辩证法唯物论辞典》到《新哲学辞典》《最新哲学辞典》,呈现了在基本转向后苏俄语汇自身的简化和规范的规律,进而揭示出中国现代哲学在语汇体系上的建立过程。  相似文献   

马克思文化哲学思想的展开逻辑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马克思是否具有文化哲学思想,这是一个备受学界关注的问题.文章认为,虽然马克思没有频繁地使用"文化"概念,也没有提出系统的文化理论,但是马克思一生的哲学思考中贯穿着人的自由、解放和全面发展的内在逻辑,这实际上是以主体性为核心的文化哲学的逻辑;只有抓住马克思思想的这一内在的文化哲学的逻辑,才能更好地理解马克思晚年人类学笔记对历史唯物主义的补充意义以及他对现代性的文化批判.  相似文献   

This paper extends the work of Toulmin on argumentation and Rescher on modal logic by combining them into a single framework. The result is a powerful tool for analyzing the structure and dynamics of arguments. In particular, it allows us to construct a novel model of dialectical reasoning. The model is capable of handling both qualitative and quantitative aspects of dialectical reasoning. The qualitative aspect pertains to the fact that there is a dramatic shift in the structure of an argument during a dialectic. The quantitative aspect pertains to the fact that there is a radical shift in the underlying axiomatic structure which governs the credibilities of the components of the argument.  相似文献   

王玲 《学习与探索》2002,1(2):12-15
在对马克思哲学本真精神的理解中 ,辩证唯物主义的提法不足以反映出马克思哲学的创新 ;而实践唯物主义只是马克思哲学的具体形态 ,其底蕴则是现代人类学思维范式。认清马克思实践哲学的这一底蕴具有重大的理论和现实意义  相似文献   

思想是人类的能力和本性,思想的本性是永恒的否定和超越,思想的本性即是人的形而上学本性。以思想的方式把握世界,世界即是思想中的世界,时代就是思想中的时代。反思思想内容的基本逻辑规定,就是揭示存在和世界的本质。逻辑学即形而上学,思想是形而上学的秘密。思想形而上学的界限是以思想的形式把握世界的界限。表象、情感、意志和实践态度的把握世界的方式,亦有自身的真理和价值。所以,当代哲学超越形而上学的思想或后形而上学思想,根本问题在于寻求一种“非规定性的思”,或使思想得以可能的“存在”、“无”或“他者”。  相似文献   

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