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We are at the decisive phase in the reform of the content of school education. The changeover to the new content of education was stipulated by a decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the USSR Council of Ministers on the school in 1966, based on recommendations on curricula and syllabuses by the Commission of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. This decree formulated the following principles that determine the nature of the new content of education: the relevance of education to the development of science, technology, and culture; continuity in the study of the principles of science from the 1st to the last grade; a more rational distribution of subject matter throughout the years of schooling; the commencement of systematic instruction in the principles of science beginning with the fourth year of instruction; the elimination of superfluous detail and second-rate [vtorostepennogo] material from curricula and textbooks to avoid overburdening pupils.  相似文献   

健康的心理和健全的人格 ,是实施素质教育的重要方面。小学低年级学生的心智尚未成熟 ,教师在课堂上适时采取体态、团体参照、创设情境以及角色融入等暗示方式 ,是培养儿童健康心理和健全人格的有效手段  相似文献   

经典文化德育教育的关键在于形成制度,扎实工作,不作秀,不走过场,要从"口"与"脑"落实于具体行动,使学生明确道德意识,获得身体力行的成效.  相似文献   

论高职学生就业中的思想政治教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王继辉  Shen Qunxi 《社科纵横》2008,23(7):122-124
将大学生就业工作纳入到思想政治教育研究范围足社会发展的必然趋势,高职学生就业中的思想政治教育包括五大部分:指导大学生转变传统的就业观、引导大学生树立正确的择业观、帮助大学生树立正确的创业观、倡导学生建立正确的就业准备观、教育学生养成崇高的职业道德.通过思想政治教育行为和活动,转变大学生错误的不适应就业需要的就业观念,树立科学的正确的切合就业市场需要的就业观,促进大学生顺利就业.  相似文献   

郑广智 《创新》2009,3(1):21-23
ISO标准质量体系引入教育行业,引起了我国高等教育理论界的关注。我国远程高等教育引入ISO标准质量体系有利有弊,应借鉴其他行业的经验,在实施过程中不断加以完善。  相似文献   

国外中小学校的道德教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在有记录的人类历史上 ,各个社会中的成年人都对年轻人的价值观和品德培养给予极大的关注。 2 0世纪中期以后 ,这种关注在一些国家曾有所减弱 ,并带来了严重的社会后果。 2 0世纪后期 ,不少国家吸取了学校忽略道德教育的教训 ,并采取了相应措施 ,加强道德教育已经成为社会的共识。  相似文献   

新时期加强大学生劳动教育有着极其重要的意义,它是促进大学生职业生涯发展的现实需要,是高校落实立德树人根本任务的重要途径,更是提升时代新人整体素质的客观要求.高校应紧密结合新的时代背景下社会对于劳动者的素质要求和角色期待开展劳动教育,通过提升大学生对劳动教育时代性的认识,引导大学生体验积极的劳动情感,激励大学生磨炼坚强的劳动意志,帮助大学生掌握良好的劳动本领以及构建"三位一体"的劳动教育共同体等途径着力开展劳动教育,确保劳动教育落地生根.  相似文献   

Christopher F. Black, Italian Confraternities in the Sixteenth Century (1989), xiv + 321 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £35.00).

Ralph Houlbrooke, English Family Life, 1576–1716: An Anthology from Diaries (1988), xiv + 268 (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, £14.95).

Judith Moore, A Zeal for Responsibility: The Struggle for Professional Nursing in Victorian England, 1868–1883 (1988), xvii + 214 (University of Georgia Press, Athens, Georgia, $23.00).

Dieter Fricke, Handbuch zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung 1869 bis 1917 (1987), 2 vols, 1468 (Dietz Verlag Berlin, East Berlin, DM 58). [Handbook for the History of the German Labour Movement, 1869–1917].

Diane Langmore, Missionary Lives. Papua, 1874–1914 (1989), xxiv + 408 (University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, $28.00).

Christine Collette, For Labour and For Women: The Women's Labour League, 1906–1918 (1989), iii + 225 (Manchester University Press, Manchester, £29.95).

Sebastian Balfour, Dictatorship, Workers, and the City. Labour in Greater Barcelona since 1939 (1989), viii + 288 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, £30.00).  相似文献   

制度学派对经济学的发展做出了巨大贡献 ,它所强调的制度分析、演进观念和对新古典经济学的批评 ,都已结出了累累硕果 ;新制度主义经济学集中体现了制度学派的学术影响 ,二者在制度分析、交易成本概念、权力分析、企业组织和制度变迁研究等方面 ,具有理论继承关系 ,因此不能忽视制度学派的学术影响。并且根据已有的迹象和趋势 ,可以预言随着经济学的融合 ,制度学派也可以进入主流经济学之例  相似文献   

田径运动作为运动之母,是所有运动项目的基础,在学校体育教学中处于主导地位,其作用可见一斑.然而,当前诸多研究表明学生喜欢体育,但是不喜欢上体育课,就是因为体育课的内容设计没能真正吸引学生.该文就如何使我国田径课程内容科学化、系统化展开论述,提出以下策略:(1)应着重强调田径课的价值;(2)内容应符合年龄特征;(...  相似文献   

集团化办学视域下校企共建学前教育专业实训基地,要取得合作各方满意的效果,需要切实坚持就业导向原则、能力目标原则、发掘自身资源原则和规范化原则,在这些原则的约束与指导下,校企共建学前教育专业实训基地还需要采取包括强化合作办学,加大联合培养人才的深度和广度;产教深度融合,强化校外实训基地建设;校企深度合作,共同培养“双师型”教师;强化管理工作,完善双轨管理体制以及完善评价体系,探索创新与及时总结并行等在内的科学途径。  相似文献   

近年来,我国大力实施创新驱动发展战略,培养创新创业型人才成为高等教育人才培养的新时代要求和导向.创新创业教育不仅要培养大学生创新创业意识、精神和能力,还要融入世界观、人生观和社会主义核心价值观等思政元素.该文在梳理思想政治教育和创新创业教育基本理论的基础上,剖析论证了创新创业教育与思政教育融合发展的重要意义,挖掘了创新创业教育中的唯物辩证法、爱国主义、理想信念、国际视野、道德法规等思政教育内容,从而实现提高高校创新创业型人才培养质量的目标.  相似文献   

剖析乡镇成人文化技术学校的发展历史与现状,将其新功能定位在服务于本乡镇社区所有居民教育需求的社区教育,要以所在乡镇的社区发展任务为核心对其组织结构、教育资源配置和管理方式重新调整,并提出转变功能的举措.  相似文献   

Research data on the dynamics of ethnocultural adaptation of migrant family students in Moscow schools shows a tension between assimilation and retention of one's cultural background. Ethnic differences create barriers between those of Russian and non-Russian ethnicity, including difficulties with language and the widespread phenomenon of withdrawal into their own culture and narrow circle, as well as lack of a tolerant social and educational environment. Helping children overcome these barriers could guarantee their successful adaptation and reduce cultural distance.  相似文献   

Among the various educational models in Latin America that seek to increase parental participation in schooling, perhaps the most far‐reaching is the experiment with self‐managed schools. These are publicly funded schools administered by parents. Broad public powers, such as the capacity to decide the budget and make staffing decisions, are given to parents, many of whom have had very limited prior administrative experience. How does this policy innovation impact on civil society? Does parental participation in school administration empower participating citizens or strain civil society? There are various ways of answering these questions. This article looks at some possible ways to conceptualize and assess the relationship between parental participation in self‐managed schools and civil society. The article draws from the experience of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, where these reforms have advanced significantly since the 1990s.  相似文献   

The incorporation, into the curriculum of the Soviet general education schools, of elective courses for deeper theoretical and practical study of certain subjects is integrally associated with the imminent transition to universal secondary education.  相似文献   

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