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胡利明 《创新》2016,(4):21-32
民族法学理论上属于法学学科门类,事实上从属于民族学学科却从事法学职业。民族法学和法学在法学价值上有融合和契合,但不能等同或替代,原因在于法价值理念有冲突矛盾。民族法学研究方法既来源于又高于法学研究方法,作为"客观存在"具有充分的理论根据。民族法学研究方法理念创新需要突破传统的研究方法,探析理念创新的理论根据,将其引导到价值衡量分析的学术轨道上来,在理论和实践上具有可行性,重点集中突出核心价值和价值功能。  相似文献   

Data on Russian students show that there is a large gap between declaring oneself a believer or identifying oneself with a religion and actually participating in it. Students are in favor of keeping religion and politics separate, and so in general show very weak support for recent statements about making Russian Orthodoxy the new state religion.  相似文献   

试论劳动价值论的适用范围   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳动价值论在解释现实经济现象时存在一定的困难 ,不是劳动价值论自身逻辑和体系问题 ,而是劳动价值论所研究的价值理论与价格理论、分配理论有联系也有区别 ,劳动价值论有其自身的适用范围 ,必须科学界定劳动价值论的适用范围 ,从历史唯物主义和经济学的角度重新认识劳动价值论的科学性和伟大意义  相似文献   

One of the most remarkable phenomena in the complicated life of contemporary Russian academe is the mass departure of scholars for politics. Although this kind of "brain drain" cannot compare in scale with other types, such as the emigration of Russian researchers and their entry into business, it is comparable to them in importance, for it has an appreciable effect on both academics and politics.  相似文献   

现代东北文学中出现了众多的俄罗斯人形象,东北作家们对俄罗斯人形象的描摹,一方面显示了近代以来由于种种历史政治等方面的原因俄罗斯文化对现代东北文学的深刻影响,为现代东北文学增添了几许异国风味,另一方面也折射出生活在东北这块黑土地上的人们所演绎的独特的社会人生景观.现代东北文学中的俄罗斯人形象反映了近代以来东北地区战乱频仍的历史现实和多元文化杂糅、儒家文化传统薄弱的文化状态.  相似文献   

Conflicting opinions in Russia on how to view Russian history in general, and the role of Stalin in particular, raise the issue of how to treat painful subjects in school textbooks. As a key goal of education is to inspire students, it is understandable that Russian textbook authors, like those in other countries, may prefer to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative.  相似文献   

The "Orthodox revival," the "second Christianization" of post-Soviet Russia, and other clichés in our media require empirical verification, of course. The findings of representative surveys regularly conducted by VTsIOM [the Russian Center for Public Opinion Research] since 1989 enable us to analyze the quantitative aspect of the problem (fluctuation in the number of believers over several years, frequency of church attendance, observance of basic rituals), as well as to trace the connection between Russians' stated religious beliefs, on the one hand, and their value orientations on other levels (ethnic stereotypes, ideas about the past, political attitudes), on the other. At issue is the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC): the number of believers in the regular VTsIOM surveys who belong to other Christian denominations and to non-Christian faiths falls within the limits of statistical reliability, that is, statistically permissible error; Islam has the highest number of believers (about 4 percent), while the others do not reach even 1 percent. Hence other faiths will be excluded from what follows, and the terms "believers" and "Orthodox" will be used provisionally as synonyms.1  相似文献   

The question of the uniqueness [svoeobrazie] of Russian philosophy and its distinctive features has been around for more than a century. Since the 1840s, when Russian philosophers set about studying the history of philosophical thought in Russia, the question immediately arose as to whether one could speak of Russian philosophy as a distinctive [samobytnoe] and original phenomenon, or whether it would be more correct to speak of philosophy in Russia, i.e., the existence in Russia of philosophical ideas whose roots lay not in Russia but beyond its borders, while in Russia they are merely disseminated, but not born.  相似文献   

If someone claims that individuals behave as if they violate the independence axiom (IA) when making decisions over simple lotteries, it is invariably on the basis of experiments and theories that must assume the IA through the use of the random lottery incentive mechanism (RLIM). We refer to someone who holds this view as a Bipolar Behaviorist, exhibiting pessimism about the axiom when it comes to characterizing how individuals directly evaluate two lotteries in a binary choice task, but optimism about the axiom when it comes to characterizing how individuals evaluate multiple lotteries that make up the incentive structure for a multiple-task experiment. We reject the hypothesis about subject behavior underlying this stance: we find that preferences estimated with a model that assumes violations of the IA are significantly affected when one elicits choices with procedures that require the independence assumption, as compared to choices elicited with procedures that do not require the assumption. The upshot is that one cannot consistently estimate popular models that relax the IA using data from experiments that assume the validity of the RLIM.  相似文献   

Research on Russian women shows that definitions of sexual harassment are different from those in the United States, and that when it occurs there is a preference for dealing with it informally rather than through institutional channels.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of periodical adjustments of financial parameters which govern the revenue side of social protection systems and adjustments of social benefits-in-payment in a volatile visionary environment: in short, the indexation problem. It attempts to provide an insight into this problem by focusing on cyclical wage movements, usually ignored in economic and actuarial projections. Preliminary results are drawn from two numerical examples, showing impacts on social security finances, equity and consumption. Some general conclusions are drawn, notably the problem affects both pay-as-you-go and funded systems. Essentially, in terms of adjustment as in other spheres, when it comes to addressing problems in the present, past experience is not necessarily the best basis for constructing a rational future.  相似文献   


When ageing families of an adult with a lifelong disability embark on a process of planning for the future, they generally think in terms of making hard and fast decisions about: (1) where the person with the disability is going to live when “the time comes”; and (2) who will take on their direct care. However, there is common trepidation among many families when it comes to launching their son or daughter with a lifelong disability. Generally, many families ignore, neglect, or simply do not engage in making any formal plans at all. When ageing families do make plans, they often focus only a place to live. This can mean that other significant aspects of a person's life (i.e., quality of life factors) are negated or neglected. Reviewing population demographics for both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, it was ascertained that a sizable number of parents will be aging in the near future and that some formalized assistance for future planning was needed. To this end, a planning instrument, What the Future Holds, was developed in order to help families and other carers with planning for the future and involving a variety of quality of life domains, including health, financial, vocational, social, civil, and residential well-being.  相似文献   

Research data show that Russians still strongly adhere to the notion of a uniquely Russian path as a source of identity, but that this sense of uniqueness is based more on a negative view of the other than a positive view of the contents of Russian uniqueness. This view reinforces a degree of Russian isolation from the outside world, a sense of being surrounded by hostile forces, and a rejection of the West.  相似文献   

何海兵 《唐都学刊》2012,28(2):105-109
对大学生进行马克思主义理论教育是党和国家的战略选择。在马克思主义课程化传播中,教师和学生都是认知、评价、实践的主体,大学生看待马克思主义的偏好与教师传播马克思主义的思想困境直接制约着马克思主义课程化传播的当代效度。大学生更多地从实际、理性、自我表达与实现、理想实现的角度看待马克思主义传播,教师则面临着信仰与职业、政治与学术、公共意识与专业意识等多重思想困境。对此,在价值目标上,应大力培育大学生的批判性思维、理论思维和反思能力,深化对马克思主义传播者教师的人文关怀,促进教师把大学生在课堂上提出的问题作为问题意识的重要来源和时代触摸屏,建设教师的学术共同体和精神家园。  相似文献   

American medical institutions throughout the 20th century prescribed high customer satisfaction, but when it came to death, largely ignored it. An accelerated accumulation of esoteric medical information and the application of this knowledge to affect new cures and longer lives instilled an unquestioning reverence for the medical community among the patient population. Diminishing marginal gains in life expectancy, escalating costs related to life sustaining technologies, and a psychographic shift in the dominant consumer base have challenged this traditional reverence. Armed with unprecedented access to medical information, a more knowledgeable and assertive patient population has emerged in the 21st century to institute its own standards of what constitutes quality health care. In terms of end of life care, this has meant recognition that the emotional needs of the dying have been largely underserved by the current American medical model. Patients and their families are no longer willing to accept the traditional medical perspective of death as failure and have numerous international palliative care models that serve as benchmarks of success when it comes to quality of dying. When cure is a possibility, Americans will pursue it at all costs, but when it is not a possibility, they want honest communication and the opportunity to say good-bye to their loved ones. In the context of these emergent needs, life review is offered as a solution. The value proposition targets not only dying patients and their families, but also society as a whole.  相似文献   


American medical institutions throughout the 20th century prescribed high customer satisfaction, but when it came to death, largely ignored it. An accelerated accumulation of esoteric medical information and the application of this knowledge to affect new cures and longer lives instilled an unquestioning reverence for the medical community among the patient population. Diminishing marginal gains in life expectancy, escalating costs related to life sustaining technologies, and a psychographic shift in the dominant consumer base have challenged this traditional reverence. Armed with unprecedented access to medical information, a more knowledgeable and assertive patient population has emerged in the 21st century to institute its own standards of what constitutes quality health care. In terms of end of life care, this has meant recognition that the emotional needs of the dying have been largely underserved by the current American medical model. Patients and their families are no longer willing to accept the traditional medical perspective of death as failure and have numerous international palliative care models that serve as benchmarks of success when it comes to quality of dying. When cure is a possibility, Americans will pursue it at all costs, but when it is not a possibility, they want honest communication and the opportunity to say good-bye to their loved ones. In the context of these emergent needs, life review is offered as a solution. The value proposition targets not only dying patients and their families, but also society as a whole.  相似文献   

经历漫长的沉寂,19世纪的俄罗斯文学异军突起,名列欧洲乃至世界的前列,产生了世界瞩目的文学巨匠。俄罗斯民族中蕴藏着的深厚的文学潜能受到激发,俄罗斯民族深沉的情感以及强大的文学批评力量的支持,是俄罗斯文学迅速发展的主要原因。  相似文献   

The passionate pursuit of authorships is fuelled by the value they represent to scholars and scientists. This article asks how this value differs across scientists and how these different processes of valuation inform authorship articulation, strategies, and publication behavior in general. Drawing from a qualitative analysis of authorship practices among nutrition scientists employed at universities, contract research organizations, and in food industry, I argue that two different modi operandi emerge when it comes to authorship. These different ways of working produce different collaborative approaches, different credit distribution strategies amongst collaborators, and different value placed upon (the pursuit of) authorship. These different valuation processes are neither explicit nor recognizable to those reading (and judging) author lists. As a consequence, in the politics of authorship, the names standing atop a scientific publication in nutrition science represent different types of value to both the individuals and employing organizations.  相似文献   

The Russian state has over the last five years gradually increased its ability to control the Internet. Russian Internet companies recognize that in order to continue to work in Russia they have to be willing to help state security and to exert pressure on foreign IT companies. The ability of the Russian government to secure the Internet is limited by the openness of Russian society and of the Russian Internet itself. While the government has so far not succeeded in countering this openness, it is likely to continue to try, as the priority is now on securing the regime against external and internal threats rather than ensuring the personal security of Russians.  相似文献   

The lack of housing in areas where young adults have greater opportunities to study and get work complicates young adults’ entry into the adulthood. Difficulties in accessing housing may therefore delay childbearing and may negatively have an effect on education opportunities. To increase housing accessibility, some municipalities have earmarked apartments for young adults. These “youth dwellings” are criticized for being small and not necessarily facilitating family formation and fertility, better suiting students’ needs. We have in this paper compared the long-term pattern of childbearing and education for young adults that entered their housing market through small cheap youth housing with those youngsters that received a rental apartment from the ordinary housing stock. To be able to draw the conclusion that differences in fertility and educational pattern between these two groups comes from the different housing situation and not from differences in in preferences when it comes to childbearing or individual prerequisites for higher education, we have used a geocoded data and information on the individual’s family background as well as a matching technique to create a comparison group that are similar to the treatment group in several aspects. The present results indicate that building affordable housing that is small and space efficient is sufficient and positive if the aim is to promote higher education. Affordable housing is on the other hand not enough to promote childbearing, instead, it seems to inhibit childbearing until there is a possibility of moving on in the housing career. Our result also indicates that the next step need not necessarily be homeownership, as earlier research has indicated. Entering the housing market via youth housing and then being able to move on to rental accommodation in the ordinary housing market also seems to have a positive effect on overall childbearing, although moving to cooperative housing or owned housing has an even larger effect.  相似文献   

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