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This study tested the applicability of the Excellence Study (L. A. Grunig, J. E. Grunig, & Dozier, 2002) to developing the study of public diplomacy to respond to Signitzer and Coombs's (1992) call for empirical research to "delineate and test" (p. 145) transferable public relations theories and to rigorously examine conceptual convergence between both spheres. This study delineated underdeveloped conceptions of public diplomacy practices and excellence in public diplomacy as a gap preventing theory building for both practices and excellence. It proposed the conceptual frameworks for public relations behavior and excellence in public relations in the Excellence Study to be applicable to developing the underdeveloped conceptions. In testing the applicability, this study examined the fits of 2 measurement models of public relations behavior and excellence in public relations developed from the conceptual frameworks of the Excellence Study. It tested the models with survey data on public diplomacy practices and management collected from 113 embassies in Washington, D.C. The findings showed that the conceptual and measurement frameworks of the Excellence Study are applicable: The 2 measurement models fit the public diplomacy data.  相似文献   

人文外交作为一种崭新的外交形式,是对当今国际关系领域中国家、市场与社会三者互动的有效应对,也是对文化外交和公共外交的有机整合。人文外交以软实力理论、国家形象理论、建构主义理论和文明对话理论为依托,在当今中国的外交政策中占有重要地位。新中国对阿拉伯世界的外交实践则为人文外交的理论创新积累了宝贵经验。在对阿关系中,人文外交在各时期都促进了中国国家利益的拓展。当下,国际体系处于转型期,尤其是2010年年底以来阿拉伯世界所发生的社会和政治动荡,使中国对阿拉伯世界的外交政策面临挑战。只有将人文外交继续作为我国对阿外交政策的重点,才能在政治动荡的阿拉伯世界始终维护中国的国家利益。  相似文献   

在后"9·11"时代的反恐背景下,为了重塑在阿拉伯-伊斯兰民众中的形象,美国一直在探索与调整其公共外交战略.本文旨在梳理这一调整过程的总体脉络,把握最新走向,从公共外交的视角来考察布什政府中东反恐战略思想的演变.  相似文献   

在后“9·11”时代的反恐背景下,为了重塑在阿拉伯—伊斯兰民众中的形象,美国一直在探索与调整其公共外交战略。本文旨在梳理这一调整过程的总体脉络,把握最新走向,从公共外交的视角来考察布什政府中东反恐战略思想的演变。  相似文献   

伊斯兰世界联盟与伊斯兰合作组织是泛伊斯兰主义制度化的产物,伊盟主要通过朝觐平台间接对伊斯兰国家政治施与影响,伊合则通过推进议题的方式直接对伊斯兰国家政治产生影响;我国历来重视发展与这些泛伊斯兰国际组织的友好关系,并取得了宝贵历史经验与良好的成效;在明确我国与泛伊斯兰国际组织开展人文交流与合作的资源优势、基本目标及其实现途径的基础上,探索我国对中东国家开展“全方位、多层次、宽领域”人文外交的应对之策,旨在进一步提升我国对中东伊斯兰国家的人文外交能力.  相似文献   

The current study analyzes Russia's use of the advertorial as a tool of direct communication with readers of the Washington Post and The Times of India. The study introduces the concept of government social responsibility (GSR) and discusses its role in government to foreign citizen public diplomacy.  相似文献   

“9·11”之后,对抗恐怖主义成为美国对阿拉伯-伊斯兰世界外交工作的重中之重,公共外交也因此成为炙手可热的外交命题.进入21世纪,美国公共外交所处的国际环境发生了三个重要变化:非国家行为体的增多、传播技术的革命以及宗教因素在国际事务中的影响力上升.正因为这些变化,在传统的公共外交策略之外,美国又发展出了新公共外交策略.美国对阿拉伯-伊斯兰世界公共外交的非传统性特征包括:公共外交的品牌化和私营化、媒体工具的互联网化、项目内容的价值观化.  相似文献   

维基解密网站泄密事件发生后,美国等西方国家的官方外交一度受挫。本文认为,官方外交遭遇危机或陷入僵局时,民间外交可对各个国家和民族的交往发挥积极作用,通过各类媒体以及依靠与非政府组织的合作寻求各国各民族间的合作点,有助于拓宽民间组织在全球范围内的交流与合作。在信息革命与全球化时代,应最大限度地利用各类民间渠道开展民间外交,参与维护国内稳定和世界和平,致力于克服以美国为首的野蛮全球化所建立的官方外交中存在的各种弊端,构建一种更具人文性的全球化蓝图。  相似文献   

This essay reviews recent and less recent literature on the consequences of social movements and protest activities. It focuses on three types of consequences: political, personal and biographical, and cultural. Political consequences and, in particular, policy outcomes receive most attention, as they are those which have been addresses most often by students of social movements. The review of existing work shows that the field is full of valuable works dealing with this crucial issue and is rapidly growing thanks in particular to a new wave of scholars interested in this topic. Further work should pay more attention to the unintended consequences of social movements, look also at other types of impacts, and carry more comparative analyses.  相似文献   

This study applies the global theory of generic principles and specific applications, based on the excellence study, to South Korea. Data were collected using the International Association of Business Communicators's excellence questionnaire and Hofstede's cultural values questionnaire. Results show that the excellence theory could be used to explain South Korean public relations practice. In addition, findings on influence of societal culture show that excellent public relations practice in South Korea may be enhanced by collectivism and dynamic elements of Confucianism.  相似文献   

姚一民 《城市观察》2016,(4):122-131
本文从新加坡公共外交的范畴界定,新加坡的文化外交、媒体外交、教育外交、企业外交等角度对新加坡公共外交成功经验进行了梳理。在此基础上,阐述了其对广州的启示。  相似文献   

目前,美国中东战略进入调整阶段,许多传统盟友关系存在变化和动摇的可能.究其原因,中东地区对于美国而言之所以重要的内在因素发生了变化,美国调整的重要特点是弱化军事存在,加强外交特别是公共外交手段的运用.面对这一局面,中国应尽早明确和提升对中东地区这一重要能源供应地和广阔消费市场的战略定位,通过有针对性的公共外交手段予以反制.  相似文献   

Political public relations and public diplomacy both focus on managing communication to build and maintain relationships for a political purpose. Public diplomacy focuses on foreign publics and involves governments and organizations seeking to build relationships internationally. This study explored relationship cultivation, i.e., the process of initiating, nurturing positive, and recovering from negative relationships between various public diplomacy actors. Data included 32 in-depth interviews with communication officers in the United States. Results confirmed some of the previously developed relationship cultivation dimensions and suggested new ones. The study offers a nuanced discussion of relationship cultivation factors and an explanation of how they apply to public diplomacy engagement.  相似文献   

Based on the influence of the contingency factors of inner organizational and external situational factors, contingency theory of accommodation provides a good explanation for the real public relations practices. A recent series of experimental studies supports the idea that the theory is also applicable in the public's estimation pattern regarding an organization's public relations practices. This survey study is theoretically important when examining and sorting out significant factors in the real population of a notable public diplomacy domain. That is, this research examines how the South Korean people perceive the contingency factors and how people estimate the South Korean government's stance toward its opposing public, North Korea. The regression model of perceived contingency factors and stance estimation was generalizable in the population of this study (R 2 = .279). The most influential perceptual predictors in the model include: the North Korean leader's preference for the South Korean president, the relative power of South Korea, the level of commitment of North Korea, the South Korean president's preference for the North Korean leader, the US government's support for the South Korean policy toward North Korea, the South Korean government's certainty to deal with the North Korean military threat, situational difficulties, the South Korean government's knowledge and skill to deal with the threat, the situational duration of threat, and the South Korean president's relation-oriented leadership. Finally, this study discussed practical implications for the government practitioners.  相似文献   

在公共文化服务的视野下,公共图书馆是公共文化服务的重要机构。文中从网络对公共图书馆的挑战出发,分析公共图书馆面临的问题与解决对策。  相似文献   

Dans cette étude, nous examinons les répercussions sociales de la mondialisation dans une perspective culturelle. Notre analyse porte sur le conflit qui existe entre le discours sur la mondialisation et les priorités locales, entre les droits de l'individu et les engagements des pouvoirs publics ainsi que sur la difficulté de trouver de nouveaux points d'ancrage de l'identité culturelle dans un contexte où les frontières territoriales entre les États s'effacent et où les idées de progres, de modernité et d'évolution se sont érodées. Ces traits accompagnent la transformation amorcée dans le cadre des relations complexes et hégémoniques qui caractérisent aujourd'hui le système mondial. Ce conflit et ces problèmes demeurent un axe fondamental du débat politique. Nous suggérons que les différentes formes de participation se traduisent de diverses façons dans le champ de l'expression politique et dans Interprétation des exigences sociales et des droits, et influent sur la vie publique à la veille du XXIesiécle. This article explores the social implications of globalization as cultural vision. Discussion bears upon the tension between the discourse of globality and local priorities, of individual rights and public commitments, and upon the problems of finding new ways for grounding identities as territorial state boundaries are weakened and the ideas of progress, modernity and evolutionary perspectives are eroded as part of a process of change initiated in the developed and hegemonic settings of the world system. It is claimed that these tensions and problems remain a crucial axis of political debate. It is suggested that different patterns of participation meld in manifold ways into recreated forms of political will and varied interpretations of social claims on and rights to affect the shaping of public life at the turn of the century.  相似文献   

In this case study of a class-action suit against the U.S. Department of State, I focus on sex discrimination in job assignments as a way of exploring the existence and consequences of organizational culture on public relations and, more specifically, on female professionals aspiring to a managerial role. I begin with a look at women's history in the Foreign Service and continue with a discussion of its personnel system. Taken together, this historical and contemporary analysis (accomplished through a triangulation of methods that included lengthy personal interviews and examination of relevant documents) suggests that despite legal progress and a change in organizational culture, female Foreign Service officers continue to be disadvantaged. The explanation for the clash that led to their 14-year-long legal struggle lies in a strong subculture operating primarily in posts overseas. That male-dominated counterculture limited women's abilities for career advancement. I conclude that discrimination against women whose work involves communication as part of their diplomatic service also might adversely affect their constituencies, particularly in developing countries.  相似文献   

In this paper we argue that issues of inclusion and exclusion to public space can be examined by invoking the principle of “aesthetics”. Those that are aesthetically pleasing, tasteful, or desirable are allowed in public spaces, yet these characteristics are defined through social and cultural mechanisms. Differences between cultural groups in terms of body movement, proximity relationships, definition of personal space, clothing, and other visible features, are evaluated and judged through the filter of power relations. Numerous non‐European migrants who reside in the North experience discrimination as a result of being “visible foreigners”. They are not welcome in public areas and they do not meet the prevalent aesthetic standards, defined by the dominant discourse around aesthetics. This trend obstructs the development of multicultural coexistence and the possibility of transnationalism. In order to realise cultural expression for all, we extend an invitation to scrutinise power inequalities by means of multicultural educational programs.  相似文献   

上海公共文化服务供给侧改革需要研究公共服务"要素配置""生产率提升"等问题,让公共文化服务从保基本需求的需求引导型公共文化建设向需求引导型和消费引导型相结合的"大都会公共文化供给机制"转型,打通文化产业与文化事业之间交互配置的渠道,探索适合上海国际文化大都会、国际创意城市建设的公共文化服务新模式,建构政府、企业和公益性志愿机构多主体参与的竞争机制,激发文化服务"全要素生产率"的提升.  相似文献   

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