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Alfred Hitchcock’s film Psycho (1960) is a significant work on many levels—to Hitchcock’s career, to film history, to the horror genre. I propose that a crucial aspect of Psycho’s design, one that relates to Hitchcock films as a whole, is its thematization of a concept that I call the “death-mother.” A distinction between Mrs. Bates/“Mother,” on the one hand, and the death-mother, on the other hand, impels this discussion. The death-mother—which relates to the varieties of femininity on display but exceeds their specific aspects and implications—is an effect produced by the film text and can only be understood through an analysis of the work as a whole. Exceeding the specifications of the Mrs. Bates character, the death-mother maps onto tropes and preoccupations in Hitchcock’s oeuvre but, more importantly, indicates the aesthetic implications, for the male artist most commonly, of the dread of femininity. I develop the concept of the death-mother from the writings of Freud, Nietzsche, and André Green and from feminist psychoanalytic theory: Barbara Creed, in her reworking of Julia Kristeva’s theory of abjection, and Diane Jonte-Pace, in her analysis of Freud’s work. My analysis focuses on the relevance of the death-mother to issues of femininity and queer sexuality crucial to and enduringly controversial within Psycho.  相似文献   


The present study was conducted to learn more about the experiences of gay and lesbian parents and teachers, particularly about experiences relevant to disclosure of their homosexuality at school. Thirty-four teachers and nineteen parents responded to an anonymous questionnaire. Teachers were more likely to disclose their sexual orientation to fellow teachers than to principals, and to women than to men. Responses to disclosure were generally but not universally positive. Reasons for nondisclosure included fear of losing one's job and of exposure to others. Few parents had come out at their child's school, primarily due to fear of discrimination towards their child.  相似文献   

Gay men, like lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender persons, must negotiate their sexual orientation due to the socially constructed negative view of homosexuality in our culture. Stigma is experienced in various ways according to the meaning that the individual applies to it. This study gleans lessons from the life stories of 15 gay men who recognized the stigma of homosexuality and devised strategies to cope with it. An important finding was that mentors, acting as “cultural brokers,” played a significant role in helping to cope with stigma. The intent of this study is to add to the literature regarding mechanisms that social workers can employ to help gay men cope with stigmatization.  相似文献   

Research about children of LGBTQ parent(s) tends to be politically interested and evaluative, assessing the degree to which children with LGBTQ parent(s) are being raised well. As a consequence, much of that research glosses over the distinct experiences of children with LGBTQ parent(s) and how they tell their own stories. This article attends to that shortcoming by detailing how some children with LGBTQ parent(s) construct their identities. We draw upon data from interviews with 26 adult-children, specifically young, white women who were born to, or adopted by, heterosexual parent(s) who later divorced and began living as LGBTQ. We analyze the children’s interviews as coming out narratives, detailing how many tell a story of coming out as a process of growing up and negotiating specific family closets. We then discuss how these are gendered and racialized narratives of coming out, reflecting the way racism and sexism intersect with homophobia and the stories told about experiencing it. We also suggest that these are stories of a particular generation of adult-children, reflecting specific families and the homophobia of the times. We end by suggesting how future generations of adult-children with LGBTQ parent(s) will likely narrate their identities differently.
Kristin E. JoosEmail:

Kristin Joos   is a faculty member in the Department of Sociology at the University of Florida. She is also Coordinator of the Innovative Social Impact Initiative at UF. Her research interests center around children of LGBTQ parent(s) as well as other issues more broadly related to youth, emerging adulthood, social entrepreneurship, and civic engagement utilizing feminist/qualitative methodologies. K. L. Broad   is an Associate Professor jointly appointed in the Department of Sociology and the Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research at the University of Florida. Her research focuses on various aspects of interpretive and identity work in the current LGBTQ movement in the US. Her general research interests are sexualities, social movements, identities, and feminist/qualitative methodology.  相似文献   

Using agency and stewardship theories, this study examines howpublic administrators manage contracting relationships withnonprofit organizations. Interviews were conducted with publicand nonprofit managers involved in social services contractrelationships at the state and county level in New York State.The use of trust, reputation, and monitoring as well as otherfactors influence the manner in which contract relationshipsare managed. The findings suggest that the manner in which nonprofitsare managed evolves over time from a principal-agent to a principal-stewardrelationship but with less variance than the theories wouldsuggest. This results in part from the contextual conditionsthat include the type of service, lack of market competitiveness,and management capacity constraints. The intergovernmental environmentin which social services are implemented and delivered presentscomplex challenges for public managers responsible for managingcontract relationships. The findings from this study documentthose challenges and the corresponding management practicesused with nonprofit contractors.  相似文献   

In a typical workplace in the United States, two knowledge-producing activity systems are in motion. Each produces knowledge about how to do the work of that workplace, but they are differently motivated: one toward productivity, and the other toward earning a living. The conflict between these two systems is addressed through the process of negotiation. A.N. Leont'ev's insight on the power of motive to shape an activity system through which consciousness is constructed provides direction for exploring how people learn to negotiate their conditions of work. Observations and interviews conducted in the course of my work as a union-based and then a university-based labor educator suggest that negotiating knowledge (NK) is similar to work process knowledge in that it is useful for the work that is being done, has a theoretical dimension, and is generated by problem solving. However, because it is generated through the second activity system, it differs from work process knowledge in its perspective. Characterizing NK makes it easier to recognize and enables research into its creation, which in turn can inform the practice of labor education. Examples considered in this article include a grocery warehouse, steel mill, cleaning company, federal office, an apartment building, public school, and musical instrument factory.  相似文献   

Despite government interest in promoting birth registration, more than a third of Indonesian children do not have a birth certificate, affecting the realisation of both their human and citizen rights. While barriers to registering children's births in Indonesia have been assessed, there is limited research on how communities perceive the importance of having a birth certificate. This study used focus group discussions to explore parental motivations around birth registration. The results of a thematic analysis found that perceived use of birth certificates, perceived control over the application process and social norms related to certificate ownership affect the intention to apply.  相似文献   

Research has increasingly noted that gay male adults are more at risk for developing body image dissatisfaction than other male populations. Body image issues warrant attention, particularly since they have been connected to the development of disordered eating patterns. Studies have often traced gay male body dissatisfaction to various sociocultural elements and phenomena, particularly the media. In fact, various media genres have been implicated as being instrumental in propagating idealized male physiques, which in turn may negatively influence observers. Using objectification theory, this paper aims to review the process by which media imagery are internalized by some gay men and how such internalizations harmfully impact their body image. The clinical implications and treatment of body dissatisfaction will be reviewed in terms of social work practice with gay male populations.  相似文献   

We argue here for a contingency theory of accommodation in public relations based on a continuum from pure accommodation to pure advocacy. The theory posits that antecedent, mediating, and moderating variables lead to greater or lesser accommodation. We identify 87 variables for inclusion in the matrix of factors affecting the degree of accommodation undertaken by public relations practitioners. We offer the theory as an alternative to the normative theory of excellence in public relations based on the two-way symmetrical model.  相似文献   

This study applies the global theory of generic principles and specific applications, based on the excellence study, to South Korea. Data were collected using the International Association of Business Communicators's excellence questionnaire and Hofstede's cultural values questionnaire. Results show that the excellence theory could be used to explain South Korean public relations practice. In addition, findings on influence of societal culture show that excellent public relations practice in South Korea may be enhanced by collectivism and dynamic elements of Confucianism.  相似文献   

This grounded theory study utilized interviews with 16 service providers and 19 lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (LGBTQ) youth to develop a substantive theory of resilience processes among LGBTQ youth. The core category, paving pathways through the pain, suggests that LGBTQ youth build on emotional pain inflicted by external adversities to carve out pathways to resilience. Youth employed the following resilience processes: (1) navigating safety across contexts, (2) asserting personal agency, (3) seeking and cultivating meaningful relationships, (4) un‐silencing marginalized identities, and (5) engaging in collective healing and action. Youth focused on particularly painful adversities and engaged intentionally in one or more of the resilience processes related to the origins of their pain.  相似文献   

In an attempt to reconcile public relations research with a range of critical concerns, J. Grunig and colleagues have proposed a two-way symmetrical model that reformulates public relations as a more inclusive, balanced, and ethical practice. A contradiction exists, however, between two-way symmetrical theory and the asymmetrical research agenda it perpetuates: an agenda that continues to subsidize commercial and state communications at the expense of other segments of the population. To achieve real inclusion and balance in public relations, research must begin to address the public communications needs and constraints of previously excluded segments of the population  相似文献   

This article expands on the theoretical idea that public relations should be a two-way symmetrical process in which organizations use principles of communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution to manage relationships with strategic publics. We point out that the symmetrical model is two-way and does not explain the situation in which an organization must communicate with multiple publics about a problem. In the typical public relations case, the organization carries on a public debate with at least one relevant public in front of numerous other publics. This article adapts the method of field dynamics for assessing the relative positions of publics and organizations. The method makes it possible to compare organizations and publics on the dimensions of dominance—submissiveness, friendly-unfriendly, and group versus self-orientation. We compare our method with the situational theory of publics, co-orientation, and cultural analysis—all of which have been used in public relations theory and research. We then apply field dynamics to a dispute with Native Americans in Wisconsin and suggest intervention strategies for dealing with the dispute.  相似文献   

Despite the longstanding shift in conceptualizing HIV/AIDS as a site of chronic care, versus one of acute palliation, few attempts have been made to examine caregiving in the context of this change. This study constitutes a preliminary attempt at exploring the evolving nature of HIV/AIDS caregiving among sexual minorities, primarily by comparing the narratives of two partnered caregivers of HIV-positive gay men whose stories are located in disparate sociohistorical contexts. Whereas one caregiver provided support during an era in which HIV/AIDS was primarily conceptualized as acutely life-limiting, the other did so in the contemporary period of chronic HIV care. Although similarities are noted across the stories, distinctions are also apparent in how the caregivers encounter expressions of homophobia and HIV stigma, and negotiate these realities distinctly as a function of sociohistorical context. In particular, despite the salience of these systemic barriers across the two narratives, these expressions of marginalization appear to occur more routinely and indefinitely in the context of chronic care. This article concludes with implications of the study's findings on theory, research, policy, and practice.  相似文献   

Consistent with a cognitive sensegiving-sensemaking perspective (Gioia & Chittipeddi, 1991), this study views firms as sensegivers attempting to influence the meaning construction of sensemakers. Following from this interpretivist perspective, this article proposes that cognitive schema theory can be a valuable tool in helping firms to develop more effective public relations strategies for the firm's different stakeholders. As an illustration, this article looks at firm to financial analyst communications following acquisition announcements and shows how schema theory can be used in this context to help develop a more effective public relations strategy.  相似文献   

Feminist scholarship in public relations thrives. This work, however, tends to focus on practitioners, relies mostly on liberal and radical feminisms, adopts sociological and sometimes psychological models of gender, and remains too White and too first world. To update this impressive body of work, I recommend several theoretical adjustments: First, reclaim Lana Rakow's communication model of gender as performative to accommodate embodiment and multiple fluid identifications across context and time. Second, define diverse women through intersectionality and interstitiality as method and habit to get past the paradoxes of binary difference. Third, build on equality goals to encompass social justice goals that expand and serve the mission of public relations beyond the organization. Last, I illustrate these theoretical moves by way of transnational, third space, and Womanist feminisms in terms of the commitments of feminist public relations theory.  相似文献   

No psychological research has been done investigating the experiences of adoption by sexual minorities living in Europe. This qualitative study is the first cross-national research within the European context giving the floor to LG (lesbian and gay) adoptive parents in order to explore the main challenges they encountered in the transition to adoptive parenthood. Sixty-two LG adoptive parents (16 lesbians and 46 gay men) living in Belgium (n = 14), France (n = 26), and Spain (n = 22) participated in this study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to gather information about two key steps in the adoptive path: the decision making and the adoption process itself. Results revealed that while choosing to adopt, LG adoptive parents experienced numerous self-doubts and emotional conflicts driven by introjected heteronormative assumptions about family. During the adoption procedure, they were confronted with a large number of challenges and legal roadblocks connected to their sexual minority status. Exploring the experience of the first generation of LG adoptive parents in Europe provides insight into the great impact that the sociolegal context has on their lives. Findings suggest the necessity of promoting practice geared not only to fight discrimination but also to provide better support to LG people throughout the adoption process.  相似文献   

Higher education has made great progress in creating open classroom and organizational environments for diverse populations. However, little research has been published on the experiences of lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals (LGB) in college and university classrooms. The primary purpose of this study is to identify the strategies used by LGB educators to incorporate LGB issues, concerns, and experiences into college and university classrooms. To provide a context for these efforts, the secondary purpose of this study is to examine educators' experiences as LGBs in the classroom and within higher education in general. Toward these ends, the study presents the results of a survey that examined specific classroom strategies used by LGB educators and administrators and their experiences in the classroom and within departments in college and university settings. The survey revealed that LGBs are actively working to enhance classroom environments through a variety of empowerment strategies; they also encounter positive experiences within the classroom and within academic organizations as a whole.  相似文献   

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