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The Russian identity in post-Soviet conditions is ambiguous, and a new identity is still not formed. Data from the southern regions show that religion and ethnicity are more powerful sources of identity than being a citizen of Russia.  相似文献   

Until quite recently, Russian philosophy was studied mainly from the standpoint of its development "along the path to Marxism." Understandably, attention was mainly devoted to "the solid materialist tradition," which overshadowed all other currents of Russian thought. However, the question arises of whether this "materialist tradition," i.e., the philosophy of the Russian revolutionary democrats, is so consonant with Marxism. One need only examine the facts to persuade oneself of the untenability of such an assumption.  相似文献   

成东娥  熊伟 《唐都学刊》2000,16(4):71-75
文章对东西方宗教做了比较,界定了南禅解脱论历史地位形成的起点;概述了南禅解脱论形成前史,点明它的理论渊源;指出顿悟是南禅所强调的惟一解脱方式,分析了以顿悟为核心的解脱论体系数  相似文献   

Identification with a religion in Russia varies among regions, ethnic groups, and socioeconomic strata, although among believers, the degree of commitment may be increasing. While in Soviet society there was reluctance to declare religious belief, in today's Russia there is reluctance to declare oneself an atheist; thus, self-assessments of religious status in Russia are still unreliable measures of belief.  相似文献   

车玉玲 《求是学刊》2012,39(3):13-17
在当前“去魅化”的科学时代,非理性的情感与不可言说的心灵体验越来越被边缘化,作为精神世界最高体验的神圣与神秘主义通常被仅仅从理性的角度进行理解,神秘主义甚至被等同于迷信而受到批判.正是在这样的背景下,20世纪的俄罗斯宗教哲学家力图恢复神圣与神秘在人的生命存在中的位置.文章认为,神圣与神秘主义不仅是俄罗斯宗教哲学的灵魂,同时在俄罗斯文学、民间艺术以及俄罗斯民族的性格中都有着深刻影响.应该明确的是,俄罗斯思想家的目标不是恢复宗教的地位,而是指出神圣与神秘主义作为人的内在体验是克服现代人之存在的物化状态的一个主要途径.  相似文献   

文章采用罗马法一语的法典法意思,证明金砖国家法律方面的共性是法典法。分别说明了中国法、俄罗斯法、巴西法、南非法与罗马法的渊源。通过研究印度的法典编纂史,证明了与罗马法无关的印度法也是法典法。文章建议金砖国家的学者加强法典编纂经验的交流,以及在多民族-宗教的条件下制定统一的人身关系法经验方面的交流。  相似文献   

Ratings from Russian television broadcasts of international sports events featuring Russian teams and players show an increasing public interest in sports as a source of national pride. Success of Russian teams increases positive feelings of Russians for their society and is a source of social integration.  相似文献   

秦晓伟 《阅江学刊》2013,(1):106-112
自由意味着摆脱束缚,是具有较高价值的人学概念。随着现代社会的发展,自由的含义发生了一定的变迁,自由演变为孤独、恐惧,成为现代人不得不逃避的精神负担。弗罗姆在《逃避自由》中剖析了这种现象。逃避自由表面上是逃避孤独和无能为力,实则是逃避成为自己。此外,逃避自由也是一种由意识形态生产出来的社会现象。弗罗姆提出通过自发性的劳动和爱来实现积极自由,使个体成为自己。这一方案充满了乌托邦色彩。  相似文献   

Research data show that Russians still strongly adhere to the notion of a uniquely Russian path as a source of identity, but that this sense of uniqueness is based more on a negative view of the other than a positive view of the contents of Russian uniqueness. This view reinforces a degree of Russian isolation from the outside world, a sense of being surrounded by hostile forces, and a rejection of the West.  相似文献   

现代东北文学中出现了众多的俄罗斯人形象,东北作家们对俄罗斯人形象的描摹,一方面显示了近代以来由于种种历史政治等方面的原因俄罗斯文化对现代东北文学的深刻影响,为现代东北文学增添了几许异国风味,另一方面也折射出生活在东北这块黑土地上的人们所演绎的独特的社会人生景观.现代东北文学中的俄罗斯人形象反映了近代以来东北地区战乱频仍的历史现实和多元文化杂糅、儒家文化传统薄弱的文化状态.  相似文献   

Data on population trends in Russia show that despite fluctuations, the long-term trend is a continued decline in the size of the Russian population. The government's pro-fertility policies may not be able to stem this trend, and the potential for in-migration of people of Russian descent is almost exhausted.  相似文献   

An analysis is provided of the results of a study of the scholarly productivity of Russian doctors of science in the middle generation who work within the Russian Academy of Sciences system. We show that the scholars’ achievements on the international versus domestic Russian arenas are not only different, but are also only weakly related. This gives reason to conclude that the competencies and social capital of scholars that facilitate their achievements inside the country and abroad are different, and sometimes even alternatives to each other. We also reveal that scholarly citation indexes are insufficient to evaluate domestic Russian achievements by scholars, while the evaluation of their international achievements is much more accurate.  相似文献   

在中国传统文化中,儒家的主体思想大致有仁者爱人、修己慎独、经世致用、和而不同、义以为上、伦理精神等几个方面,其中和而不同的处世风度,也就是中国人的中和之道,最有现实意义和世界意义,这是中国贡献给世界的一笔宝贵财富。  相似文献   

中国人的信仰认同模式:以儒教信仰为中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李向平  石大建 《社会》2008,28(6):71-89
英语中的“宗教”,就西方基督教而言,是一种制度宗教;汉语中的“宗教”,则不一定指称宗教制度。中国儒教当然不等同于西方语义中的制度宗教,但无疑是一种具有宗教特征的信仰结构。杨庆堃所谓“扩散宗教”的概念,与本文讨论的中国“信仰”,及其在权力秩序和制度宗教之外那种私人、扩散式的信仰认同模式非常相似。为此,本文把儒教的信仰认同模式作为个人信仰与他人信仰、儒教信徒与其他社会成员的互动结果,并以信仰“认同”作为儒教的行动单位,同时亦作为一种分析工具,经由对儒教信仰认同规则的考察,讨论儒教信仰及其信仰群体的建构逻辑,进而分析儒教信仰经纬中中国社会的模式及其演变路径。  相似文献   

Links between religion and prejudice have been interpreted to suggest that religion can both reduce and exacerbate prejudice. Here, the analysis of religion as a meaning system illuminates how religion can affect intergroup attitudes. Traditional psychological perspectives on religion and prejudice are summarized, followed by a discussion of religion and prejudice in cross-cultural and cross-religious contexts, involving varying target groups. Next, we explore possible explanatory mechanisms by proposing how four levels of meaning associated with religion—cognitive, motivational, societal, and intergroup—may both promote and attenuate prejudice. Finally, additional factors that might facilitate the paradoxical coexistence of religious egalitarian intentions with prejudiced attitudes are considered, and we speculate about the potential for religious groups to reduce prejudice within their adherents.  相似文献   

Religion as a Meaning System: Implications for the New Millennium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Every human action, ranging from benevolence to inhumane violence has been justified in the name of religion, which has been a pervasive feature of human life throughout history. This article describes religion as a meaning system that is unique in centering on what is perceived as sacred, and in its special ability to address the quest for meaning. The article recommends the meaning system approach for the study of religion, suggesting that this approach can illuminate the resiliency of religion, and its complicated relations with individual and societal well-being. It describes the outline of the volume, and concludes with recommendations for research, education, and policies in the arena of religion that can facilitate well-being in the new millennium.  相似文献   

吴越 《社会》2005,40(5):169-189
本文认为,“宗教礼物论”是一个具有潜力的理论视角,它以莫斯等人的礼物理论为基础,探讨宗教现象及其与社会的关系。本文在述评现有文献的基础上,探讨礼物与宗教的内在关系,进而分析礼物理论与宗教社会学的亲和性。文章认为:首先,礼物与宗教是双向关联的,两者相辅相成,不仅宗教现象中蕴含着礼物逻辑,而且宗教为礼物的内在价值提供了神圣性的基础;其次,礼物和宗教都与社会团结的法则直接关联,这一点体现在两者共通的自愿式义务性上,两者既融合了情感性联系和工具性联系,也融合了相互性伦理和等级性伦理;最后,“宗教礼物论”的优势最可能体现在对宗教之“非自主选择性”的分析上,而它的潜在挑战则主要在应对社会变迁与价值倾向上。  相似文献   

研究中国宗教的社会学范式杨庆堃眼中的中国社会宗教   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金耀基  范丽珠 《社会》2007,27(1):1-1
摘要:本文通过杨庆堃教授对中国宗教极其卓越和具有开创性的研究,来审视中国宗教的社会学范式。杨氏的《中国社会中的宗教》是一部堪称现代经典的华丽巨著,是中国宗教社会学研究的典范之作,是社会学学者研究中国宗教的重要参考书,具有极高的学术价值和理论创新意义。相对于西方宗教的制度性,杨氏提出发散性宗教的概念,指出散开宗教的信仰和仪式有机会发展为有组织的社会体系,同时它是作为社会组织模式整体的一部分,在散开的形式中,宗教发挥着多样的功能,以组织的方式出现在中国社会生活中。杨氏是第一个从宽阔的社会学角度来证明中国宗教存在形式、合理性以及历史传统的华裔学者,对于其后学者的研究奠定了重要的学术基础。  相似文献   

李向平 《创新》2012,6(3):17-23,126
中国宗教与信仰近30年的变迁,始终围绕着宗教与信仰的双重社会化问题。这些问题主要有:信仰自由与宗教自由、"宗教危机"的社会意义、私人信仰与中国法制建设、宗教消费方式对中国宗教—信仰的影响、"宗教民族主义"的抬头"、执政党信仰"的建构与认同等。解决这些问题,对使"宗教危机"转为"宗教转机"具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Objective. Past research reveals how religion and opinions about the cause of homosexuality influence attitudes concerning same‐sex unions. No study to date contains a comprehensive collection of religion measures while also accounting for views of the cause of homosexuality. Therefore, this study investigates the extent to which religion predicts certain attribution beliefs as well as attitudes toward same‐sex unions while controlling for attribution beliefs. Method. The Baylor Religion Survey (2007 ) is used to estimate binary logistic models predicting the effects of religion and attribution beliefs on attitudes toward same‐sex unions. Findings. First, religion is strongly associated with the belief that homosexuals choose their sexual orientation. Second, religion maintains a significant association with attitudes toward same‐sex unions despite inclusion of an attribution variable. Conclusion. Even if a biological explanation for homosexuality is ultimately proven, unfavorable attitudes toward same‐sex unions will most likely endure due to religion's persistent effect.  相似文献   

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