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当前,班主任教育制度已取得了长足的发展与进步,各大院校普遍都设置了辅导员和班主任,班主任早已成为高校管理队伍的有机组成部分.高校班主任如何正确定位、如何在班级建设中充分发挥其作用,关乎高等教育的发展、高校和谐文化氛围的营造、教师自我素质的提升、大学生个人的全面发展.为此,该文对此进行了探索,以期为广大高校班主任开展班级建设工作提供一些建议.  相似文献   

Class Notes: Toward a Critical Psychology of Class and Schooling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this epilogue, we offer a theoretical mapping of notions that have emerged across the articles in this issue of the Journal of Social Issues specifically dedicated to questions of social class. Social class is often included within the "race, class, gender, and sexual orientation" mantra of feminist and critical race work in psychology, but rarely scrutinized with rigor or serious scholarship. Thus, for the purposes of this epilogue, we theorize the relationship between the material, social, psychological, and the political. We identify four theoretical venues through which these researchers have opened a conversation about class and schooling: ideology, institutions, contradictions and consciousness, and method. We conclude by crafting a research agenda for a critical psychology of class and schooling .  相似文献   

当代发达资本主义国家阶级结构和阶级关系的新变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当代发达国家阶级结构和阶级关系发生了许多新的变化。同马克思经典作家所描述的有很大不同。阶级之间并未出现尖锐对立,呈现出多层次化和中间化的趋向。对当代资本主义社会发展产生了重大影响。需要认真研究。  相似文献   

关于中产阶级的理论与现状   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:25  
李强 《社会》2005,25(1):28-42
近年来,中产阶级成为国内的一个热门话题,这显然与国内正在迅 速成长的这样一个重要阶层有关。欧美国家在第二次世界大战以后, 以及所谓"亚洲四小龙"等在20世纪70年代经济繁荣以后,都曾经兴  相似文献   

工人阶级终结了吗——兼析A.高兹的《告别工人阶级》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴宁 《社会》2010,30(3):146-160
阶级研究是西方社会学、政治学等学科银论最为激烈的领域.随着后工业社会的到来,传统阶级特征弱化、阶级意识淡化、身份特征和身份意识强化、阶级政治退化以及去阶级政治强化等趋势的日益显著,西方学界围绕"阶级消灭"(the edn of class)的话题展开了激烈的争论,形成了对立的两派.  相似文献   

The problem of overcoming the significant social differences between town and country is primarily a problem of socialist transformation of the village, a problem of raising various aspects of rural life to urban standards, whether this pertains to improving the basis of production in materials and equipment, the forms of property, the gradual transformation of agricultural into industrial labor, elevation of the level of organization of rural work forces and voluntary organizations and of the level of people's education and culture, or the degree of civilization of their daily lives.  相似文献   

Analyses of Russian society often refer to the emergence of a new middle class in Russia, but attempts to establish its existence, size, characteristics, and behaviors are contradictory and inconclusive. In surveying this debate, Samson and Krasil'nikova argue that this is no longer a useful concept, and that a population's ability to adapt to global economic forces should be the basis for distinguishing strata.  相似文献   

This article shows the pattern of socioeconomic class differences in schooling outcomes and indicates some of the causes for those differences that lie within the public realm. Those causes include "nested inequalities" across boundaries of states, school districts, schools within a district, classes within a school, and sometimes separation within a class. In addition, urban public schools demonstrate a particular set of problems that generate differential schooling outcomes by economic class. The article also demonstrates ways in which class biases are closely entwined with racial and ethnic inequities. It concludes with the broad outlines of what would be necessary to reduce class (and racial) disparities in American public schools .

The American dream will succeed or fail in the 21 st century in direct proportion to our commitment to educate every person in the United States of America.
            —President Bill Clinton, 1995 ( Clinton, 1995 : 617)

There is no greater test of our national responsibility than the quality of the education we provide.
      —Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore, 2000 ( Gore, 2000 )

Both parties have been talking about education for quite a while. It's time to come together to get it done, so that we can truthfully say in America: No child will be left behind.
                —President George W. Bush, 2001 ( Bush, 2001 )

This study explored retirement and the work life experiences of working-class women. Ninety-nine black and Caucasian women ranging in age from 66 to 84 were administered a telephone questionnaire assessing why they retired, and why they returned to work after retirement. Most compelling among the findings from this research were low earnings status and its lasting effects on psychological, physical, social, and economic well-being during retirement. Furthermore, occupations segregated by sex were associated with discrimination and low pay. A work life spent in sex segregated jobs, along with discrimination, left most of the working-class women with an economically insecure retirement. This resulted in women returning to the work force after retirement to supplement their income.  相似文献   

李黎明  李卫东 《社会》2009,29(5):114-131
本研究利用2007年“阶层背景和本科毕业生职业地位”的抽样调查数据,通过分析阶层背景对本科毕业生职业地位获得的影响,探讨了市场转型期间的阶层相对关系模式,发现在市场转型过程中,政治与市场的同进化过程同样是新旧利益群体竞争性的分化与共享,以及对体力劳动者阶层子代本科毕业生排斥的过程,政治与市场的汇流使得优势阶层被垄断性继承,从而使代际继承呈现二元分割性。  相似文献   

王咏 《浙江学刊》2004,(3):35-39
一、"美国乐土"神话的缘起 二战以后,美国向世人昭示这样一个"事实"--美国,一个富裕的国度.并且它和以往所有富裕国度的不同之处是:美国没有贫富悬殊,它的富裕是被大部分人共享的.总之,很多人认为美国不再有贫富两极对立,它是一个同质性的、富裕的中产阶级"大同"社会.  相似文献   

目的 探讨对分课堂和案例教学在基于虚拟仿真技术的临床血液学检验实验课中的应用效果.方法 选择许昌学院2019级医学检验本科学生59名,1班30人为实验组,利用对分课堂与案例教学开展临床血液学虚拟仿真技术检验实验课教学,2班29人为对照班,采用常规教学,通过调查问卷和实验考试比较两组学生的学习效果.结果 调查问卷表明在基...  相似文献   

宋阳春,是一名另类的"幼儿园阿姨",人们戏称他为"阿舅".他的班里有40个活泼可爱的小朋友.这个男老师用他特有的个人魅力为他的小朋友们编织着七彩的童年!  相似文献   

法制是整个世界范围内的普遍现象,而法治却是西方社会独有的社会现象,究其深层原因,是西方社会结构变迁之特殊性使然.而这一特殊性就在于西方中产阶级的兴起,它改变了传统的社会结构,也使其社会发展呈现出不同于其他文明的独特轨迹.西欧中产阶级的兴起,为法治的形成奠定了社会结构性基础,使近代法治得以确立.而美国作为移民社会,其缔造者以身份普遍平等的中产阶级为主,他们建立起现代最为先进的民主宪政体制,成为众所接受的政治规范.因此,推进中国的法治进程也必须从建构法治的社会根基--中产阶级着手.  相似文献   

文章根据教学实践,利用集合运算的方法给出了教学环节中课表排表算法的解决方案,分析了集合运算在此算法中的优点及难度问题,分析了排课问题及元素间的约束问题,给予了解决的方法。  相似文献   

第二次世界大战结束后被远东国际军事法庭判处死刑的日本甲级战犯,是不折不扣的杀人恶魔。杀人恶魔却抬出救苦救难的观世音菩萨来美化自己,这是善良的人们难以想像的。热海市位于东京以南近百公里的静冈县伊豆半岛入口处,是日本家喻户晓的海滨名胜。在距城市中心部不甚远的伊豆山上,葱郁的山林中矗立着一尊通体赤铜颜色、高约一丈的观音像。此像名为“兴亚观音像”,建于1 94 0年2月,发起人乃甲级战犯松井石根。松井于1 937年8月1 5日被任命为日本华中方面军司令,指挥侵华日军从吴淞口登陆,一直打到南京,制造了骇人听闻的“南京大屠杀”,其双…  相似文献   

在传统的K-均值聚类算法中,聚类数K必须事先给定,然而,实际中K值很难被精确的确定,K值是否合理直接影响着K-均值算法的好坏。针对这个缺点,提出一种优化聚类数算法,根据聚类算法中类内相似度最大差异度最小和类间差异度最大相似度最小的基本原则,构建了距离评价函数F(S,K)作为最佳聚类数的检验函数,建立了相应的数学模型,并通过仿真实验进一步验证了新算法的有效性。  相似文献   

A comprehensive Marxist-Leninist analysis of state monopoly capitalism offers the key to understanding the most important economic and political trends in contemporary bourgeois society and to developing proper strategy and tactics for the revolutionary struggle of the working class.  相似文献   

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