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1.THE NECESSITY OF BILINGUALTEACHING IN IT FIELDSSince China has joined the WTO and the speed ofglobalization in our country.The professionals with both upto date technological knowledge and good English areneeded urgently.Today the centers of world science,technology,and economy are in the United States andEurope,but the spread of science and technology is fromthese world leaders to the developing countries.China is adeveloping country.Under such a situation,it is a greatc…  相似文献   

Little Jack asks his mother to tell him a very very long story,or he is notgoing to bed.So his mother begins to tell him like this.There is a very big old house,and thers is some rice in it.One day abird goes into the house and comes out with apiece of rice.Then another birdgoes into the house and comes out with a piece of rice.Then a third bird goesinto the house and comes out with a piece of rice.Then a fourth bird…Thena fifth bird…“Stop,stop!I want to go to bed.”Jack says.阅读自评译…  相似文献   

Although language study can be very interesting, it is admittedly about the most complex type of learning that a student can undertake, it is very important that we realize that language study is different from the study of science or mathematics and is more complex. Therefore the mechanical methods employed in the learning of multiplication tables, for example, may not be he most appropriate methods to use in teaching language. Real ability with language is the ability to communicate ideas. A student may know a lot of sentence patterns and rules of grammar and  相似文献   

Issues caused by different social cultures A clulture has a close connection with a particular language and plays an improtant role in the learn-ing and teaching of it.As we know,every nation has its own culture and the cultures of nations of theworld,generally,are different from each other.Owing to the disparities in culture,to people whospeak different languages,a word or phrase used to express good intention may surprise or irritate peo-ple;a common sentence can sometimes amuse one person greatly and cause laughter,but‘strange e-nough',it can be too,dull enough in the eyes of another person with different culture background.  相似文献   

Base on the exigency and necessity of China new country construction without enough finance to affect the development of the China new country construction to resolve the issue of bottle - neck of the finance, the paper analyses the instance of the China new country construction and points out the construction of the finance is the first pushing and advance countermeasure and policy from the demand and foreground, the status of the country residence, the national and foreign finance, the policy , approach, methods, system and reformation mechanism of the commercial and finance of the country construction.  相似文献   

To paraphrase is a helpful method frequently used in English teaching. What does it mean? How to do paraphrase? The writer cites some sentences from textbooks and some teaching materials so as to sum up the way of paraphrasing in several aspects. One is paraphrasing the key words and expressions of a sentence in a paraghaph. The other is paraphrasing the rhetorical device by explaining or revealing the implication of the figure of speech and extending the meaning on the basis of the centural idea or in accordance with the logical coherence of the context.  相似文献   

The job of teaching is one of the most important careers that exist in this modern day in which we live. It is much more than a job. It is a vocation with it the connotation of a call upon an individual's life to sacrifice all that he has, and is in order to shape the lives of those who have been entrusted to his care. The teacher, though highly regarded and respected, is still one of the lowest paid professionals anywhere in the world. This is sad, but true. An individual seeking to amass a  相似文献   

Historically, women have becn considered to be inferior to men. They have discriminated in one way or another. This unequal sexist phenomenon is reflected in language, too. Rccently, thcre has becn a noticeablc increase in the numberof articles and books on the subject of Language and Sexism. We have noticed sexism exists in language and women have a language of their own, which is different from and inferior to the language of men in socicty, This paper attempts to discuss such kind of inequality in English language.  相似文献   

One of the literary aspects of Russian Formalism is the concept of defami-liarization.It can be defined as:a renewed awareness of reality achievedthrough new word combinations,images, symbols, metaphors, and word struc-tures. Language is made strange or unfamiliar through this process. Whatmakes literary works powerful and everlasting is its differences from full reality.As Victor Shklovsky puts it, art defamiliarizes things that have become habitualor automatic. Though Russian Formalism stresses too much the importance ofform, it has laid a foundation for modern structuralism and helps develop semio-tics. The concept of defamiliarization is well appreciated and successfully used  相似文献   

儿童教育产业在全世界范围内都是一个大产业,在我国由于特定的文化传统及现实状况,使得这一产业又被扩大化。中国加入WTO以后,儿童教育产业又面临着巨大的冲击,需要从立法、行政多方面进行管理,使之符合我国教育主权之理念,有利于我国儿童身心的健康发展。  相似文献   

基于贸易增加值方法,利用世界投入产出数据库,测算了2000-2014年中国造纸业在全球价值链中的贸易利益。结果显示:中国造纸业的国内增加值率呈现逐年下降的趋势,实际获利逐年递减;中国造纸业在全球价值链中的融入程度不断加深,出口附加值比重却没有相应地提升,贸易利益呈现量大利小的局面,与世界造纸发达国家存在明显差距。基于中国造纸业的现状与问题,提出了提升我国造纸业贸易利益的建议。  相似文献   

运用偏离-份额法分析南京市软件服务产业的结构状况,研究结果表明:系统集成服务行业已成为衰退型的行业;嵌入式系统服务行业具有较强的竞争力和资源集聚力,IC设计服务虽具有很强的竞争优势,但其发展受制于资源的约束;南京市应着重构建以嵌入式系统软件服务为主,以IC设计服务行业为辅的产业发展模式。为促进南京市软件服务业进一步发展,建议:(1)建立软件服务产业相关统计制度;(2)出台扶持软件服务业的产业政策及制度;(3)引进和培养软件服务人才;(4)培育企业的自主创新能力;(5)完善软件服务产业园区的自身建设和内部运作机制。  相似文献   

基于经济全球化的城市工业园区功能定位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以知识经济为主导的经济全球化已经成为21世纪我国城市工业园区方兴未艾的基本背景。本文以经济全球化对城市功能和结构的深刻影响为依据,提出了城市工业园区的基本职能要立足于制造业基地的基本论点,并深入分析了功能定位时应辩证处理的若干关系。  相似文献   

作为高新科技、数字化技术和文化创意结合的产物,动漫产业近年来在全球获得迅速发展,被视为21世纪最有希望的朝阳产业。以中国动漫产业为研究对象,探讨了我国目前动漫盈利模式的现状,明确了解决问题的对策,对于提升我国动漫产业的盈利水平和动漫产业竞争力具有重要参考作用。  相似文献   

试论零售商业的基础产业性质及其功能作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
零售商业按产业发展时序应归并为第三产业,从而也一直被认为是国民经济的后续产业。但经过深入的思考和分析,本文则提出在现代市场经济产业结构序列中,零售商业应属于基础产业,并系统论证了其作为基础产业的性质特征和功能作用。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代工业小说回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国当代文学史上,相对于其他题材,工业文学处于相对薄弱的地位,工业题材小说也是如此.而90年代的现实主义冲击波,似乎给工业小说的复兴提供了机遇.而一度喧嚣之后,当我们回头审视之时,就会发现这一现象并未达到他们宣传中的预期效果.工业小说仍然未能成为文坛重头戏,其原因是多方面的.  相似文献   

从产业结构对就业增长影响的角度出发,分析第二、三产业与其就业增长关系和现状,发现边疆少数民族地区第二产业产值增长并没有促进该产业就业有效增长,第三产业产值就业弹性远比第二产业的大,第三产业已经成为整个国民经济增长拉动就业增长的主力军。同时还发现,第二产业发展虽然没有促进第二产业就业的有效增长,但是它拉动了第三产业就业的增长,并且第三产业就业的增长比东部发达地区更依赖第二产业的发展。所以,进一步深化经济体制改革和工业化依然是解决就业问题的根本。我们以一些地区的经济发展和就业增长为佐证,提出边疆少数民族地区在注重发展以文化产业为主的第三产业、以更快增加就业量解决就业问题的同时,也更应该根据各自的资源优势和区位优势发展第二产业,把资源优势和区位优势转化为经济优势,走具有边疆少数民族地区特色的工业化之路。  相似文献   

哈尔滨市乳业集群发展程度评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哈尔滨市是乳业发展较具优势的地区,乳业发展基础雄厚,已经形成了乳业集群。对哈尔滨市乳业集群发展程度的研究是为了进一步提高哈尔滨市乳业集群发展水平,因此本文运用区位商法对哈尔滨市乳业集群集聚度进行测定和评价,据此来衡量哈尔滨市乳业集群发展程度。测算的结果表明,哈尔滨市乳业集群集聚度较高,乳业集群发展已经达到一定水平,但同时也存在着产业链条上的某些环节发展不均衡的问题。  相似文献   

人们熟知的文化产业是内容产业、市场产业、大众产业、创意产业,却鲜少考虑这些特性对于文化产业的经营意味着什么,这是诸多文化产业项目难以成功的重要原因。通过对文化产业特性的梳理和分析,重在揭示这些特性对于文化产业在经营上的必然要求,以期提醒人们重视对文化产业自身规律的研究和把握,提高文化产业经营的自觉性,减少盲目性。  相似文献   

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