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《The Sociological review》1976,24(4):877-916
Book reviewed in this article: Organisation and Bureaucracy: An Analysis of Modern Theories by Nicos Mouzelis. Beyond Marx and Tito: Theory and Practice in Yugoslav Socialism by Sharon Zukin. Rehabilitation and Deviance by Philip Bean. Durkheim on Religion: A Selection of Readings with Bibliographies and Introductory Remarks by W. S. F. Pickering (ed). Agrarian Co-operatives in Peru: A Sodo-Econormc Survey by Peter Buchkr. Varieties of Residential Experience fay J. Tizard, I. Sinclair and R. V. G. Clarke (eds.) Authority and Organization in the Secondary School by Elizabeth Richardson. Education and Social Control: A Stitdy in Progressive Primary Education by R. Sharp and A. Green. Ideology and Social Welfare by Vic George and Paul Wilding. Paradigms and Fairy Tales: An Introduction to the Science of Meanings, Vols. I and 11 by Julience Ford. Methods of Social Study by Sidney and Beatrice Webb. Reprinted with an introduction by T. H. Marshall Who Rules The Universities? An Essay in Class Amdysis by David N. Smith. Slamming the Door by Robert Moore and Tina Wallace. The Female Offender by Annette M. Brodsky (ed.) The Sociology of the Third World: Disparity and Involvement by J. E. Goldthorpe. The Foreman: Aspects of Task and Structure by David Dunkerley. Madness and Morals: Ideas on Insanity in the Nineteenth Century by Vieda Skultans. Dilemmas of Discourse: Controversies about the Sociological Inter-pretation of Language by Anthony Wootton. Whatever happened to equality by Iohn Vaizey (ed.) The Drama of Social Reality by Stanford M. Lytnan and Marvin B. Scott. The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism by Daniel Bell. Social Psychology for Sociologists by David Field (ed.) The Highest Education: A Study of Graduate Education in Britain by Ernest Rudd. Religious Movements in Contemporary America by Irving I. Zaietsky and Mark P. Leone (eds.) Socialisation to Old Age by Irving Rosow.  相似文献   

New Books     
Careers in Public Planning and Administration, by Angelo Cohn. Adjustment to Blindness—Reviewed, by Mary K. Bauman and Norman M. Yoder. Learning by Discovery: A Critical Appraisal, by Lee S. Shalman and Evan R. Keislar, Editors. Dollars and Sense, by Joseph Bensman. Career Information in Counseling and Teaching, by Lee E. Comparative Theories of Social Change, by Hallis W. Peter, Editor. Opportunities in an Architecture Career by Robert J. Piper; Opportunities in a Dancing Career, by Paul Denis; Opportunities in Market Research, by John H. Platten, Jr.; Opportunities in the Textile Industry, by Robert A. Barnhardt. Your Career in Advertising, by George Johnson. The MacMillan Job Guide to American Corporations, by Ernest A. McKay, Editor. Planning Human Resource Development, by Russell C. Davis. Employment for the Handicapped, by Julietta K. Arthur.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1981,29(1):155-199
Book reviewed in this article: A Place on the Corner by Elijah Anderson Violent Criminal Acts and Actors by Lonnie H. Athens Radical Social Work and Practice by Mike Brake and Roy Bailey (eds.) Sociology and History by Peter Burke. Organisation, Class and Control by S. Clegg and D. Dunkerley. The World of Goods by Mary Douglas and Baron Middle-Class Couples: A Study of Segregation, Domination and Inequality in Marriage by Stephen Edgell A Society in the Making: Hungarian Social and Societal Policy 1945–75 by Zsuzsa Ferge More Bad News by Glasgow University Media Group The Celebration of Heroes by W. J. Goode The Hidden Economy: The Context and Control of Borderline Crime by Stuart Henry Contrology: Beyond the New Criminology by Jason Ditton Company Organisation and Worker Participation: A Survey of Attitudes and Practices in Industrial Democracy with Special Emphasis on the Prospects for Employee Directors by Ian B. Knight Boards of Directors in British Industry by Christopher Brookes Sociological Economics by Louis Lévy-Garboua (ed.) Change in Public Bureaucracies by Marshall W. Meyer School and the Social Order by Frank Musgrove Green and Pleasant Land? Social Change in Rural England by Howard Newby Capital and Land: Landownership by Capital in Great Britain by Doreen Massey and Alejandrina Catalano The Deviance Process by Edwin, H. Pfuhl, Jr. Interpreting Deviance by E. M. Schur. H. B. Paternalism in Early Victorian England by David Roberts. Servants of Post-Industrial Power? ‘Sociologie du travail’ in Modern France by Michael Rose Wealth and the Wealthy in the Modern World by W. D. Rubinstein (ed.) Bäuerlicher Widerstand und feudale Herrschaft in der frühen Neuzeit by Winifried Schulze A Critique of Sociological Reasoning by Charles W. Smith The City and Social Theory by Michael Smith Bureaucratic Opposition: Challenging Abuses at the Workplace by Deena Weinstein  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1967,15(3):357-388
Book reviewed in this article: Social Relations in a Secondary School by D. H. Hargreaves A Sociology of English Religion by David Martin Roleplaying in Psychotherapy: a Manual by Raymond J. Corsini and Samuel Cardone Political Systems: Some Sociological Approaches by H. V. Wiseman A Social Geography of Zambia by George Kay The Changing Social Structure of England and Wales 1871–1961 by David C. Marsh Group Conflict and Co-operation: Their Social Psychology by Muzafer Sherif Approaches to Cross-Cultural Psychiatry edited by Jane M. Murphy and Alexander H. Leighton Communities in Britain: Sodal Life in Town and Country by Ronald Frankenberg Mental Health and Contemporary Thought edited by Kenneth Soddy and Robert H. Ahrenfeldt Supervision in Sodal Work by Dorothy E. Pettes Psychological Needs and Cultural Systems: A Case Study by Joel Aronofif Education and Social Work edited by F. H. Pedley The Lazy South by David Bertelson The Political Economy of Slavery by E. D. Genovese Intelligible Fields in the Social Sciences by C. A. O. von Nieuwenhuijze Passing On: The Social Organization of Dying by David Sudnow Dilemmas of Social Reform: Poverty and Community Action in the United States by Peter Marris and Martin Rein Poverty in Canada and the United States by Benjamin Schlesinger The Govemment of Associations: Selections from the Behavioral Sciences edited by W. A. Glaser and D. L. Sills Wages and Work Allocation: A Study of Social Relations in a Garment Workshop by Sheila Cunnison The Origins of Modem Town Planning by L. Benevolo Basic Thinking in Regional Planning by F. B. Gillie Land and People by D. R. Denman and others The City Region in Western Europe by R. E. Dickinson Kinship and Casework by Hope Jensen Leichter and William Mitchell  相似文献   

《Sociological inquiry》1996,66(4):509-539
Book reviews in this article.
The Long Twentieth Century , by Giovanni Arrghi
The Colonizer's Model of the World: Geographical Diffusionism and Eurocentric History , by J. M. Blaut
Civilizations and World-Systems: Two Approaches to the Study of World-Historical Change , edited by Stephen K. Sanderson
East Asia and the World Economy , by Alvin Y. So and Stephen W. K. Chiu
State and Party in America's New Deal , by Kenneth Finegold and Theda Skocpol
Theologies and Liberation in Peru: The Role of Ideas in Social Movements , by Milagros Péna
Utopia in Zion: The Israeli Experience with Worker Cooperatives , by Raymond Russell
The Emerging Network: A Sociology of the New Age and Neo-Pagan Movements , by Michael York
Feminist Generations: The Persistence of the Radical Women's Movement , by Nancy Whittier
School Talk: Gender and Adolescent Culture , by Donna Eder with Catherine Colleen Evans and Stephen Parker
State and Status: The Rise of the State and Aristocratic Power in Western Europe , by Samuel Clark
Alcohol and Homicide: A Deadly Combination of Two American Traditions , by Robert Nash Parker, with Linda-Anne Rebhun
Black Wealt/White Wealth: A New Perspective on Racial Inequality , by Melvin L. Oliver and Thomas M. Shapiro
Degrees of Control: A Sociology of Educational Expansion and Occupational Credentialism , by David K. Brown  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1969,17(2):267-299
Books review in this article: The Sociology of Max Weber by Julien Freund Society and Democracy in Germany by R. Dahrendorf Latent Structure Analysis by Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Neil W. Henry The Sociology of Marx by Henri Lefebvre Delinquents and Non-delinquents in Perspective by S. and E. Glueck Moral Education by W. Kay Explanation in Social Science: A System Paradigm by Eugene J. Meehan The Coloured Worker in British Industry by P. L. Wright The Cloistered Elite by John Wakeford Essays on Research in the Sociology of Religion edited by Joachim Matthes Family and Kinship in Modern Britain by C. Turner Readings in Mathematical Social Science, edited by Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Neil W. Henry The Sociology of Education by D. F. Swift The Protestant Ethic and Modernization edited by S. N. Eisenstadt British Parliamentary Election Statistics 1918-1968 by F. W. S. Craig The British Voter by M. Kinnear Experiment in Industrial Democracy: A Study of the John Lewis Partnership, by Allan Flanders, Ruth Pomeranz and Joan Woodward Artistic Expression—A Sociological Analysis by V. Kavolis The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups by Mancur Olson Jr. Sociology and the Stereotype of the Criminal by Dennis Chapman Social Class and Delinquency by Lynn McDonald  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1973,21(4):657-684
Book reviewed in this article: Small Groups and Political Behcwiour: A Study of Leadership by Sidney Verba. Power in Britain edited by John Urry and John Wakeford. Society and the Policeman's Role by M. E. Cain. A Sociology of Religion by Michael Hill. The Dialectics of Social Lije by Robert F. Murphy. Sociolinguistics edited by J. B. Pride and J. Holmes. Plans and Provisions for the Mentally Handicapped by M. Bone, B. Spain and F. M. Martin. Community Studies by Colin Bell and Howard Newby. Progressives and Radicals in English Education, 1750–1970 by W. A. C. Stewart. Survey Research in Africa: Its Applications and Limits edited by W. M. O'Barr et al. Migration and Race Relations in an English City: A Study in Bristol by A. H. Richmond et al. Education and Modernization in the USSR by S. M. Rosen. The Family by Robert O. Blood. The Education of Teachers in Britain edited by D. E. Lomax. The Formal Organization edited by R. H. Hall. Herbert Spencer on Social Evolution edited and with an Introduction by J. D. Y. Peel. Regional Variations in Britain: Studies in Economic and Social Geo-graphy by B. E. Coates and E. M. Rawstron. Reflections on the Causes of Human Misery by Barrington Moorej Jr. Careers in Dope by Dan Waldorf. A Critique of Max Weber's Philosophy of Social Science by W. G. Runciman.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1976,24(1):135-176
Book reviewed in this article: Development and Social Change in Yugoslavia: Crises and Perspec-tives of Building a Nation by Peter Jambrek. The Family: Its Structures and Functions edited by Rose L. Coser. Prisoners of Society: Attitudes and Aftercare by Martin Davies. Class, Codes and Control, Volume 3, Towards a Theory of Educational Transmissions by Basil Bernstein. Leisure and the Family Life Cycle by Rhona Rapoport and Robert N. Rapoport. Agrarian Reform and Agrarian Reformism: Studies of Peru, Chile, China and India edited by David Lehmann. Sociological Theory: Uses and Unities by Stephen Mennell. Central Ideas in Sociology by David Berry. Hidden Myth by V. L. Leymore. Education, Eqitality and Society, edited by Bryan R. Wikon. British Political Sociology Yearbook, Vol. II; The Politics of Race edited by Ivor Crewe. The Savage in Literature by Brian V. Street. Industrial Behcaiiour: Theoretical Development since Taylor by Michael Rose. Race and Labour in London Transport by D. Brooks. Image and Influence: Studies in the Sociology of Film by Andrew Tudor. The Origins of the Liberal Welfare Reforms by J. R. Hay. Regulating the Poor by F. F. Piven and R. A. Cloward. Law and State: The Case of Northern Ireland by K. Boyle, T. Hadden and P. Hillyard. Lives of Labour: Work in a Maturing Industrial Society by Peter N. Steams. Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge by Paid Feyerabend. Evidence and Explanation in Social Science by Gerald Studdert-Kennedy. Worker' Participation in Industry by M. Poole. The Sociology of Entile Durkheim by Robert A. Nisbet. Form and Content in Industrial Democracy by F. E. Emery and Einar Thorsrud. The Development of the West of Scotland: 1750–1960 by Anthony Slaven. Hermeneutic Philosophy and the Sociology of Art: An Approach to Some of the Epistemologicd Problems of the Sociology of Knowledge and the Sociology of Art by Janet Wolff. People on the Move edited by Leszek A. Kosinsid and R. Mansell Prothero.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1975,23(3):645-677
Book Reviewed in this article: A Sociology of Organisations by J. E. T. Eldridge and A. D. Crombie. Political Woman by Melville Currell. The Crisis of Industrial Civilization. The Early Essays of Auguste Comte, edited and introduced by Ronald Fletcher. Critical Criminology edited by Ian Taylor, Paul Walton and Jock Young. The Mafia of a Sicilian Village, 1860–1960: A Study of Violent Peasant Entrepreneurs by Anton Blok. Early Child Care in Sweden by Ragnar Berfenstam and Inger William Olsson Population and Its Problems: A Plain Man's Guide edited by H. B. Parry. Contemporary Research in the Sociology of Education edited by John Eggleston. The Structure of Social Science by Michael Lessnoff. Social Stratification in Science by Jonathan R. Cole and Stephen Cole. The Decline in Fertility in Germany, 1871–1939 by John E. Knodel. Religion and Social Class: The Disruption Years in Aberdeen by A. Allan MacLaren. To Do the Sick No Harm, A Study of the British Voluntary Hospital System to 1875 by John Woodward. What School is For by Gabriel Chanan and Linda Gilchrist. Measuring Disability by Sally Sainsbury. Bradstow: A Study in Status, Class and Power in a Small Australian Town by R. A. Wild. Power and the Structure of Society by James S. Coleman. British Factory—Japanese Factory by R. Dore. Marxist Perspectives in the Sociology of Education by Maurice Levitas. Communication in Science by A. J. Meadows.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1967,15(2):221-261
Book reviewed in this article: Genetic and Environmental Factors in Human Ability edited by J. E. Meade and A. S. Parkes Adolescent Boys of East London by Peter Willmott Adolescents and Morality by E. M. & M. Eppel Learning Theory and Social Work by Derek Jehu Mental Health in the Service of the Community edited by K. Soddy and R. H. Ahrenfeldt Margery Fry: The Essential Amateur by Enid Huws Jones Schools for Young Offenders by Gordon Rose Organisations for Treatment by David Street, Robert D. Vinter, and Charles Perrow Medical Practice in Modem England: The Impact of Specialization and State Medicine by Rosemary Stevens Race Community and Conflict by John Rex and Robert Moore The Concept of Equilibrium in American Social Thought by Cynthia Eagle Russett The Psychology of Human Ageing by D. B. Bromley Adoption, Policy and Practice by Iris Goodacre Foster Parenthood: A Role Analysis by David Fanshel Sociology in Social Work by Peter Leonard An Introduction to Administration for Social Workers by Joyce Warham The Student and Supervision in Social Work Education by Priscilla Young Social Technology by Olaf Helmer Caring for People-Staffing Residential Homes. The Report of the OMnmittee of Enquiry set up by The National Council of Social Service Multivalent Man by A. McClung Lee Questionnaire Design and Attitude Measurement by A. N. Oppenheim Social Problems: A Modem Approach edited by H. S. Becker African Law: Adaptation and Development by Hilda Kuper and Leo Kuper (ed.) Social Structure and Mobility in Economic Development edited N. J. Smelser and Seymour Martin Lipset Health and Welfare Services in 1975 by Deborah Paige and Kit Jones The English Voter by A. J. Allen British Political Parties by R. T. McKenzie (2nd Edidon) Black British: Immigrants to England by R. B. Davison Ideology and Organisation in Communist China by H. F. Schurmann Stayed in China by William G. Sewell  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1966,14(2):201-230

Book Reviews     
《The Sociological review》1972,20(2):257-292
Book reviewed in this article: Explanation and Understanding by Georg Henrik von Wright. Patterns of Evaluation in Science: Institutionalisation, Structure and Functions of the Referee System by Harriet Zuckerman and Robert K. Merton. Hostels for Probationers. A Home Office Research Unit Report by Ian Sinclair. Two Blades of Grass: Rural Co-operatives in Agricultural Moderniz-ation edited by P. Worsley. Ethnic Minorities in Britain by Ernest Krausz. Class Inequality and Political Order: Social Stratification in Capitalist and Communist Societies by Frank Parkin. Social Research in Bethnal Green: An Evaluation of the Work of the Institute of Community Studies by Jennifer Platt. Managers and their Wives: A Study of Career and Family Relation-ships in the Middle Class by J. M. and R. E. Pahl. Homelessness in London by J. Greve, D. Page and S. Greve. Homeless Near a Thousand Homes by Bryan Glastonbury. The Sociology of Occupations by E. A. Krause. Automation and Alienation: A Study of Office and Factory Workers by J. M. Shepard. Socwhgical Aspects of Crime and Delinquency by Michael Phillipson. Learning and Social Behaviour by Barry McLaughlin. A Sociology of Work in Industry by Alan Fox. Young People and Leisure by John Leigh. School and Society prepared by the School and Society Course Team at The Open University. The Planning of Social Security, International Social Security Associ-ation. The Urban Mosaic by D. W. G. Timms. Patterns of Power and Authority in English Education by Frank Musgrove. The Scientist's Rôle in Society: A Comparative Study by Joseph Ben-David. The Emerging Worker: Equality and Conflict in the Mass Con-sumption Society by William A. Westley and Margaret W. Westley. Deviance and Society by Laurie Taylor. The Nigerian Military: A Sociological Anlaysis of Authority and Revoltj 1960–67 by Robin Luckham.  相似文献   

Books review in this article: The Affluent Worker: Political Attitudes and Behaviour by John H. Goldthorpe, David Lockwood, Frank Bechhofer, Jennifer Plan International Systems and the Modernization of Societies by J. P. Nettl and Roland Robertson The Educational Innovators, Vol. 2 by W. A. C. Stewart Readings in Urban Sociology edited by R. E. Pahl One in Twenty: A Study of Homosexuality in Men and Women by Bryan Magee The African Predicament by Stanislav Andreski The Sociology of Education by Olive Banks Social Stratification by Carol Owen Industrial Disputes: Essays in the Sociology of Industrial Relations by J. E. T. Eldridge Society and the Adolescent Self-Image by Morris Rosenberg Main Currents in Sociologial Thought II by Raymond Aron Social Stratification edited by J. A. Jackson Readings in Reference Group Theory and Research edited by H. H. Hyman and E. Singer Dialectical Sociology: An Analysis of the Sociology of Georges Gurvitch by Phillip Bosserman Urban Sociology by R. N. Morris Political Mobilisation: A Sociological Analysis of Methods and Concepts by J. P. Nettl Commitment to Welfare by Richard M. Titmuss Israeli Society by S. N. Eisenstadt Organizational Careers: A Sourcebook for Theory by B. G. Glaser A Reader in Social Administration edited by A. V. S. Lochhead Theory and Methods of Social Research by J. Galtung Halfway Houses by R. Z. Apte Comparative Social Administration by Barbara Rodgers, John Greve and John S. Morgan Personnel Management in Context by Anne Crichton Readings in the Sociology of Language edited by Joshua A. Fishman Progress and Disillusion: The Dialectics of Modem Society by R. Axon The Affluent Worker: Industrial Attitudes and Behaviour by J. H. Goldthorpe, D. Lockwood, F. Bechhofer, J. Platt  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1977,25(1):157-202
Book Reviewed in this article Power and Authority in the Public Schools (1700–1850) by Eric Dunning Marxism and Literary Criticism by T. Eagleton The Socialist Industrial State—Towards a Political Sociology of State Socialism by David Lane Change, Choice and Conflict in Social Policy by P. Hall, H. Land, R. Parker and A. Webb Sociology and Social Policy by Peter Townsend On Trotskyism: Problems of Theory and History by Kostas Mavrakis, 1973. French edition translated by John McGreal Policy and the Polytechnics by Lex Donaldson Rethinking Symbolism by Dan Sperber, translated by Alice L. Morton The Rise of the Mediocracy by David Tribe The Rise of the Medical Profession: A Study of Collective Social Mobility by Noel Parry and Jose Parry The Reorganised National Health Service by Ruth Levitt Rôle Structure and Analysis of the Family by F. Ivan Nye, et al. Team Care in General Practice by Geoffrey Marsh and Peter Kaim-Caudle Stalinism and After by Alec Nove Change in Contemporary South Africa edited by Leonard Thomson and Jeffrey Butler Sodd Structure in Divided Gemumy by Jaroslav Krejci Trade Unions and Revolution: The Industrial Politics of the Early British Communist Party by James Hinton and Richard Hyman Migrants and Refugees: Muslim and Christian Pakistani Families in Bristol by Patricia Jeffrey An Invitation to Critical Sociology: Involvement, Criticism, Exploration by D. A. Hansen Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century by Harry Braverman Socialist Ownership and Political Systems by Wlodzimierz Brus, translated by R. A. Clarke An Introduction to Medical Sociology by Davki Tuckett (ed.) Capitalism in Crisis: Inflation and the State by Andrew Gamble and Paul Walton Social Science and the Ignoble Savage by R. L. Meek Medical Sociology: A General Systems Approach by L. S. Robertason and M. C. Heagarty  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1975,23(1):151-173
Book Reviewed in this article Reply to David McNamari's review of School Organisation and Pupil Irwolvement The Child's Right to Play by Arvid Bengtsson Poverty, Inequality and Class Structure edited by Dorothy Wedderburn Elites and Power in British Society edited by P. Stanvrorth and A. Giddens Research into Retailing and Distribution edited by D. Thorpe Public Housing in Europe and America edited by J. S. Fuerst Fact in Fiction: The Use of Literature in the Systematic Study of Society by Joan Rockwell Nursing in Contemporary Society by Una Madean The First Shop Stewards' Movement by James Hinton Pitmen, Preachers and Politics: The Effects of Methodism in a Durham Mining Community by Robert Moore Emile Durkheim on Morality and Society: Selected Writings edited with an Introduction by Robert N. Bellah Deviance and Social Control edited by Pajil Rock and Mary Mclntosh Traditiondtism, Conservatism and British Political Culture by Bob Jessop The Intemationd Urban Crisis by Thomas L. Blair Black Migrants: White Natives by Daniel Lawrence The Family: An Introducton by J. Ross Eshleman  相似文献   

New Books     
Federal Aid for Schools, by Howard S. Rowland and Richard L. Wing. Your Career in Computer Programming, by I. J. Seligsohn. Teaching Strategies for the Culturally Disadvantaged, by Hilda Taba and Deborah Elkins. Your Career in Teaching, by Dorothy and Joseph Dowdell. Your Career in Selling, by Robert A. Liston. Your Handicap—Don't Let It Handicap You, by Sarah Splaver How to Prepare for the Graduate Record Examination, by Samuel C. Brownstein and Mitchel Weiner. Research Guidelines for High School Counselors, by the Experimental Designs Committee of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. Opportunities in a Drafting Career, by Benjamin J. Stern; Opportunities in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, by S. Paul Shackleton; Opportunities in the Hotel and Motel Industry, by Shepard Henkin; Opportunities in Journalism Careers, by John M. Barry.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1979,27(3):579-627
Book reviewed in this article: Hermeneutics and Social Science: Approaches to Understanding by Zygmunt Bauman Structure, Consciousness and History by Richard Harvey Brown and Stanford M. Lyman (eds.) The Politics of Legitimacy: Struggles in a Belfast Community by Frank Burton. City, Class and Power by Manuel Castells, translated by Elizabeth Lebas Australian Society. A Sociological Introduction by A. F. Davies, S. Encel and M. J. Berry (eds.) The Bard of Savagery: Thorstein Veblen and Modern Social Theory by John P. Diggins Groups and Individuals: Explanations in Social Psychology by Willem Doise Industry and Labour: Class Struggle at Work and Monopoly Capitalism by Andrew L. Friedman Illegitimacy, Sexuality and the Status of Women by Derek Gill Teachers, Ideology and Control: A Study in Urban Education by Gerald Grace The Liberation of Women: A Study in Patriarchy and Capitalism by Roberta Hamilton Renaissance Man by Agnes Heller The Working Class in Welfare Capitalism: Work, Unions and Politics in Sweden by W. Korpi Power and the State by Gary Littlejohn, Barry Smart, John Wakeford and Nina Yuval-Davies (eds. Marx: Sociology/Social Change/Capitalism by Donald McQuarie (ed) Marx's Theory of Politics by John M. Maguire The Rules of Disorder by P. Marsh, E. Rosser and R. Harré The Dilemmas of Contemporary Religion by David Martin A General Theory of Secularization by David Martin Tragic Realism and Modem Society: Studies in the Sociology of the Novel by John Orr Karl Mannheim's Sociology of Knowledge by A. P. Simonds Ways of the Hand: The Organization of Improvised Conduct by David Sudnow The Personnel Managers: A Study in the Sociology of Work and Employment by Tony J. Watson Social and Cultural Change in Contemporary Wales by Glyn Williams (ed.) The American Ideology: Science, Technology and Organization as Modes of Rationality in Advanced Industrial Societies by H. T. Wilson The Declining Significance of Race: Blacks and Changing American Institutions by William Julius Wilson  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1981,29(4):775-775
Book reviewed in this articles: The Readable Maths and Statistics Book, by Barry Edwards. An Introduction too Data Analysis, by Bruce D. Bowen & Herbert F. Weisberg The Sociology of Youth Culture and Youth Subcultures by Mike Brake. Law and Society: Readings in the Sociology of Law by Colin Campbell and Paul Wiles (eds.). The State, the Family and Education by Miriam E. David. The Sociology of Women: an introduction by Sara Delamont. Attitudes to Class in the English Novel, from Walter Scott to David Storey by Mary Eagleton and David Pierce. Classifications in Their Social Context by Roy F. Ellen and David Reason (eds.). Symbolic Classification by Rodney Needham. Sociology: Its Nature, Scope and Elements by Ronald Fletcher Sociology: The Study of Social Systems by Ronald Fletcher. The Making of Post-Christian Britain: A history of the secularization of modern society by Alan D. Gilbert. The Literacy Myth. Literacy and Social Structure in the Nineteenth-Century City by Harvey J. Graff. Gender and Class Consciousness by Pauline Hunt. Historical Research on Social Mobility: Western Europe and the USA in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, by Hartmut Kaelble. The Village and the State: Administration, Ethnicity and Politics in an Israeli Co-operative Village by Leonard Mars. The Breaking of the Image by David Martin A Christian Social Perspective by Alan Storkey Theories of Trade Unionism. A sociology of industrial relations by Michael Poole. The Ceremonial Order of the Clinic. Parents, Doctors and Medical Bureaucracies by P. M. Strong. The Social Production of Art by Janet Wolff. Culture by Raymond Williams.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1976,24(3):609-657

《The Sociological review》1968,16(1):101-128
Book reviewed in this article: The American Occupational Structure by Peter M. Blau and Otis Dudley Duncan Social Work with the Mentally Subnormal by F. Joan Todd The State oj Psychiatry by Aubrey Lewis Inquiries in Psychiatry by Aubrey Lewis The Oldest Profession: A History of Prostitution by Lujo Basscrraann The Computer and the Clerk by Enid Mutnford and Olive Banks Working with Unattached Yoiith: Problem, Approach, Method by George W. Goetschius and M. Joan Tash The Sharing of Power in a Psychiatric Hospital by R. Rubenstein and H. D. Lasswell Adopted Children: How They Grow Up by Alexina McWhinnie Law, Morality and Religion in a Secular Society by Basil Mitchell Voprosy Filosofii (Questions of Philosophy), Monthly Review published by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR The Sociology of Religion: A Study of Chnstendom, Vol. III. The Universal Church by Werner Stark The Myth of the Machine: Technics and Human Development by Lewis Mumford Sovet Sociology, Historical Antecedants and Current Appraisals, ed. with an introduction by Alex Simirenko Catholic Action in Italy: The Sociology of a Sponsored Organization by Gianfranco Poggi Themes in Economic Anthropology edited by R. Firth Eighteenth-Century Optimism: A Study of the Interrelations of Moral and Social Theory in English and French Thought between 1986 and 1987 by Charles Vereker  相似文献   

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