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Methadone Overdose Deaths Lead to Restrictive Bills in West Virginia Alabama Using SA Treatment Funds for Patients Discharged from Mental Facility Medical Examiners and Methadone Death Data Utah Governor Requests New Facilities, Drug Court Expansion Counseling Key to Buprenorphine Treatment SA Seen as Common Thread in Repeat Emergency Patients Briefly Noted Resources Names in the News Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

N.Y. Agency Enhances Treatment Services at Innovative Correctional System Campus Citing Suicidality, FDA Orders Black Box Warnings for Two Smoking Cessation Drugs Less Than 1 in 10 Young Adults Who Need Treatment Receive It Budget Stalemate in North Carolina Continues Past Start of FY Why Recovery‐Oriented Care Systems are More Than a Passing Fad Briefly Noted State News Resources Coming up  相似文献   

Bordering States of N.Y., N.J. Miles Apart in Curbing Smoking in Treatment Centers DSM‐V Diagnostic Criteria to Move Away From ‘Abuse’ and ‘Dependence’ Stimulus Funds can be Used Creatively to Fund Addiction Treatment More Than Parity: Insurance Reform Must Include Addiction NIAAA vs. NIDA Screening Tools Briefly Noted Marijuana Found to Improve Compliance With Naltrexone Treatment State News Call for Comment Coming up  相似文献   

When State SA Agencies Merge CADCA Speaker: Coalitions Must Diversify Community Outreach Strategies Consolidation and Cutbacks in Proposed DOJ Budget San Diego's Project Connect: Services for People with Developmental Disabilities Briefly Noted State Watch Resources Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

Training Your Patients to Become Advocates for Themselves and for Systems Change New York Provider Agencies Could Seek Revisions to Landmark Smoking Ban Methadone and Advocacy Ondansetron Under Study to Treat Binge Drinking in 18‐25 Year Olds OxyContin Settlement Money a Battle Ground in West Virginia AG Race Useful Websites for Voters Briefly Noted State Watch Resources Coming up  相似文献   

Parity Bill Misses Senate Passage by Narrow Margin; Field Buoyed Anyway N.Y. Providers Guardedly Optimistic on Minimizing Problems from Smoking Ban CAADAC Splits from NAADAC in Bitter end to Contract Dispute NAADAC's Concerns about Calif. Licensure Bill Fentanyl Report Shows Need for Case Definition of Overdose Deaths Briefly Noted State Watch Resources Coming up  相似文献   

Va. Report: Treatment Cost‐Effective, but More Proof Needed Before Money will Flow CASA Report Links Marijuana Harms to Increased Potency Program Sued by EEOC for Firing Counselor on Methadone Odyssey House to Run Collaborative Program with New York Corrections Study of ‘Avoidable Costs’ of Alcohol Abuse Urges Interventions Briefly Noted State Watch Business Resources Names in the News Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

Providers Temper Hopes for Health Reform, but Predict Other Progress with New Leader Policy Experts Expect Federal Drug Policy Shift Toward Demand Reduction Study of Young Adults Shows Risks of Short‐Term Suboxone Parents Receptive to SBI in Pediatrician Offices SAMHSA Study: SBIRT Reduced Illicit Drug Use 67.7 Percent Briefly Noted State Watch Business Coming up  相似文献   

Delaware Uses Penalties and Rewards to Increase Utilization and Retention ONDCP Strategy Document Addresses Rx Monitoring, ATR, Screening Delaware: Not NOMs Sex‐Drug Fusion Complicates Methamphetamine Recovery House Passes Parity Bill No Medication‐Substance Abuse Link Found in ADHD Study Clarifications Briefly Noted State Watch Business Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

SBI Plus Referral to Treatment has Potential to Positively Impact Addiction Workforce Peer‐Based Workforce Continues to Grow, Linking to Treatment Federal Employees Now Covered for SBI BLS Data: Counselor Workforce Will Grow 34 Percent by 2016 Training Requirements to Expand Treatment Capacity ‘Welcoming’ May not Create Unsafe Work Environment Briefly Noted State Watch Coming up  相似文献   

Premiums May Be Low, but Cost Sharing May Discourage SUD Treatment Insurance Contracts Don't Just Walk Through Your Doors Legal Action Center Expects Confidentiality to Be Preserved Clarification: SAMHSA May Change 42 CFR Part 2 Wording ‘Dear SAMHSA: Don't Walk Away From Recovery Month’ Hazelden and Betty Ford Center to Merge, Expand Outpatient State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Patients in Methadone Treatment Losing Custody of Babies Mass. Center Sees New Patients by Being Embedded in Hospital Welfare Recipients in Florida Must Take Drug Tests Under New Law Voices of Recovery San Mateo County: Vision, Mission, Governance Post‐Release Treatment Cuts Risk of Return to Prison ADHD Linked to Subsequent Substance Abuse Briefly Noted In the States Coming up  相似文献   

SAMHSA Makes Big Changes in Personnel, Issues Revised Block Grant Application Maine OTP Seeks to Preserve Mission by Improving Service Efficiency Providers Offering MAT in Missouri Despite Cost, Culture Barriers Number of Patients Receiving MAT in 2010 Number of Adult Patients Admitted to Treatment in 2010 by Primary SA Problem Citing Failure of Referrals, TRI to Study More SBI Visits CRC Contracts With Tricare for 28‐Day Treatment at Four Sites Briefly Noted In the States Pharma News Coming up  相似文献   

Quality Group Urges Greater Utilization of Medications to Treat Addiction Foundations Embraces Model for Integrated MH and Addiction Most Americans Don't Know About Parity Law: APA Survey Legislators Look at Ways to Fund Addiction Treatment in W. Va. Act Now, Don't Wait for Budget Cuts to Come Downstream Briefly Noted In the States Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

CRC's New CEO Launches Inpatient Pre‐Vivitrol Detoxification Program Detox Center Operator Perseveres in Face of Siting Opposition Revised Anti‐Drug Media Campaign Effective, Study Finds Drug Control Budget: Where is Prevention Money Disappearing To? Voices of Recovery San Mateo County: Delivering Recovery Support SAMHSA Releases Screening Guide, Recommending Outdated CAGE CAGE Questions Briefly Noted Coming up  相似文献   

Good News for SBI: Medicare May Pay for Alcohol Misuse Screening Facility's Social Media Policy Mirrors Rules on Other Interaction Partnership at Drugfree.org Acquires Join Together SAMHSA Pushes All Providers for MI and SUD Assesments Alcohol and Marijuana Dominate Probation/Parole Referrals Illinois Providers in Two‐Week Limbo, Still Face State Defunding Briefly Noted In the States Resources Coming up  相似文献   

Surgeon General Endorses Needle Exchanges, Paves Way for BG Funding Maine Center Sees Changes Afoot in Residential, Outpatient Payment New Jersey Treatment Program to Handle Needle Exchange Referrals SAMHSA May Tap BG to Cover More HIV/AIDS Services HIV Services Required to Be Provided by Certain States Louisiana Privatizes Inpatient System, Merges SA and MH FY 2011 Bills Fail in Senate; Next Deadline Is March 18 Thirteen States Receive MOE Waivers for FY 2010 Briefly Noted In the States Resources Coming Up  相似文献   

South Dakota Counselors Cry Foul in State ‘Takeover’ by Mental Health Common‐Sense Efforts Improve Access, Revenues at Maine Center South Dakota Stats MedMark Expansion Underscores Trend to For‐Profit OTPs Spirituality: The Other Elephant, in a Different Room Briefly Noted In the States Resources Coming up  相似文献   

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