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读书人谈他的书房,就像女人谈她的首饰盒,是要惹人嫌厌的。 何况,据报馆里的朋友们分析,20岁以上的人,有百分之六十一,这半年来几乎没买过任何一本书。另外,百分之四十六的人在选择礼物赠送亲友时,从来都不把书考虑进去。剩下那些虽或想到可以送朋友一两本书的好人,当然大部分并不曾真送了书,因为他的朋友恰好就是不读书的。因此,所谓书房,恐怕是上古遗留下来的名词,  相似文献   

正随着严冬的到来,很多女性朋友都穿上了厚厚的衣物来抵御寒冷。而总有一些女性朋友,不管穿得再多都仍然会感到冷。其实,这是她们的体质在作怪。体质畏寒的女性.在严冬之季如何才能御寒呢?方法就是吃!因为衣物只能起到保暖的作用,要想让身体增加热能.还要依靠食物的功效。研究表明,能增加人体热能的食物主要有以下几种。畏寒怕冷的女性朋友有选择地去吃,就能轻轻松松地吃出一个暖美人。产热食物  相似文献   

女孩好宽容 跟一个朋友说道:“刚才我看到了一则新闻,一个女孩被前男友砸成重伤,醒来后只说了我原谅他。”朋友说:“天啊,是什么样的情感才能让女孩说出这样的话啊.遇到这样的女孩就娶了吧,哦,对了,是拿什么砸的啊?”我说:”唉,真可怜,都是十万的钞票绑成一捆,往女孩头上砸,都快砸出脑震荡了”。  相似文献   

项果这个女人,不可小觑。易扬第一次发现这个问题是在他首次带着项果参加朋友的派对上。那时她只不过是他一个临时的女伴而已,吃过两次饭,做过两次爱。易扬没打算第三次上她的床,因为他从没有见过一个女人做完爱倒头就睡的,这让他觉得自己没有被重视。那次决定带项果,是因为易扬实在不喜欢等女人化妆。他最喜欢项果这一点,做任何事从不拖泥带水,却又做得很细致,  相似文献   

想想 《现代妇女》2008,(9):52-52
天气微微有些凉意时,有男性朋友约你去吃自助烧烤,你就要注意啦!这可是嗳昧男女关系明朗化的最佳契机。 远古的时候,人们还没有学会打猎烧烤。每天拿着一根树枝蹲在河边,看见鱼游过来就奋力打去。有时候运气好,就可以打昏一条,捞上岸来又很烦恼,生鱼的味道实在难以下咽。  相似文献   

度媛 《女性天地》2007,(9):52-52
洗脸可不是一项简单的例行公事,它的顺序与步骤,如果操作得当,会使你的肌肤皮鲜透亮;否则,暗哑和干纹将是你挥之不去的烦恼。  相似文献   

刘升 《现代交际》2002,(7):22-22
当你事业有所建树,当你的努力接近成功时,你忽然发现,朝夕相处的朋友并非都来为你欢呼,有的竟然形同路人,还有的甚至心生嫉妒,处处为难于你……遭遇朋友嫉妒时该怎么办呢?  相似文献   

父亲有一位朋友,是知名画家。几乎每次去他家,总能遇上青年画家登门求教,他也总是耐心给人看画指点,常常一耽搁就是大半天。对于有潜力的青年画家,他还热心地向媒体推荐,更是消耗了他大量的时间和精力。我知道他的时间很宝贵,而提携后辈完全是尽义务,就忍不住问他:“伯父,您何必呢?您随便画一幅画就是几千或上万元钱,多画点画多好,何必把时间浪费在这些不知名的人身上?”  相似文献   

和许多同龄的中国女生相比,程秧秧的生活或许更加绚丽多彩。在香港学习,去美国工作,成为网络上颇具人气的语言老师.同时也是介绍好莱坞最新资讯的周播电视节目《Hello!好莱坞》的当家主持:29岁的秧秧用自己的亲身经历证明——只要够努力,一定有收获!  相似文献   

劳拉·克兰德尔在佛蒙特州斯托镇的一家豪华度假村做水疗中心协调员时,觉察到她的领导不太开心并正在考虑换工作。于是,克兰德尔自愿承担下更多工作、虚心向人求教、参加管理研讨班,借此学习处理领导份内的工作。  相似文献   

Because the media plays a critical role in cross‐cultural communication, bias in the portrayal of particular cultures is an important issue. In this article, we use the form of newspaper articles over time to arbitrate between two competing theories of media coverage: Is the media primarily driven by self‐interest, that is, the need to sell newspapers, or is it driven primarily by the same principled ideas that fuel international activism? Analyzing international newspaper articles on female genital cutting from 1978 to 1998, we find a close correspondence to international activism. Tracing the strategies of “transnational advocacy networks,’ most articles are primarily devoted to leverage and accountability themes. Further, the ultimate decrease in articles on female genital cutting was not preceded by a decrease in articles designed to shock readers but rather by a peak in stories that emphasized the accountability of governments to eradicate female genital cutting. Over time, perhaps as the appropriateness of action became more taken for granted, there were fewer news stories on proposed solutions but relatively more news stories on success and implementation.  相似文献   

This article examines a potential unintended consequence of the mandated Medicaid citizenship verification requirements of the 2005 Deficit Reduction Act (DRA). We investigate whether or not these new rules led to an increase in the Medicaid exit rate among enrollees using state administrative data from Georgia. We do this by comparing the exit rate for children enrolled in Medicaid whose first coverage recertification occurs just after implementation of the DRA (which we refer to as a “high impact” first recertification) with those whose first recertification occurs just prior (which we refer to as a “low impact” first recertification). Our analysis suggests that children in the high‐impact first recertification group were about 2 percentage points more likely to exit Medicaid than those in the low‐impact group. Furthermore, these additional exits occurred in racial and ethnic groups more likely to be citizens than noncitizens and prereform estimates suggest that there were very few (roughly 0.10%) noncitizen Medicaid enrollees to begin with. Taken together, our results suggest that the DRA‐enhanced citizenship verification rules led to an increase in Medicaid disenrollment, and thus a reduction in coverage, among citizens. (JEL I18, I38, J13)  相似文献   

Despite the growth in health insurance products that differentially cover preventive care and nonpreventive care, little is known about how preventive care utilization responds to targeted changes in coverage. Using administrative data from a large company, this paper examines the implementation of an insurance benefit design which differentially increased the price of nonpreventive care while decreasing the price of prevention. Leveraging a difference‐in‐differences research strategy, we find that preventive care utilization did not increase and even declined due to the differential price change. This evidence indicates a meaningful negative cross‐price effect, suggesting that nonpreventive care and preventive care are complements. (JEL I13, I11)  相似文献   

This paper examines the television networks' coverage of theunemployment rate, the inflation rate as measured by the ConsumerPrice Index, and the growth rate of real GNP over the twelveyears from 1973 through 1984. This time period includes twomajor recessions, two severe bursts of inflation, and threepresidential elections. A common complaint is that the networksoveremphasize bad economic news. Using two measures of coverage,this paper examines whether the television networks give greatercoverage to these statistics when they are deteriorating. Theempirical results reveal that the networks do give greater coverageto bad economic news during nonelection years, but this patterndisappears during election years. The empirical results alsoreveal that presidential comments are very powerful in shapingthe amount of coverage given to these economic statistics.  相似文献   

Most recent sociological analysis of corporate Political Action Committee (PAC) behavior focuses on the 1980 election, but 1980 was highly unusual, with many characteristics of a critical or realigning election. Thus, previous findings that business was highly unified, or that ideological conservatives were more unified than pragmatic corporations, may be artifacts of special conditions in 1980. This study shows, however, that on a race-by-race basis business was even more unified in 1986 than in 1980. In 1986, as in 1980, conservative corporations were more unified, though they changed their behavior substantially between 1980 and 1986, becoming much more cautious.  相似文献   

Mass media credibility has been defined and studied largelyas an attribute of message sources. This article argues thattrust in media can be better understood as a relational variable—anaudience response to media content. In addition, audience assessmentsof credibility are commonly explained as the result of eachindividual's skeptical disposition, either toward mass mediain particular or as a general trait. The author dissents fromthis view as well, proposing that distrust is more likely tobe a situational response, stemming from involvement with issuesand groups. Using data from a national probability sample, thehypothesis was tested by analyzing the effect of numerous independentvariables on respondent ratings of newspaper and televisionnews coverage of social groups. As hypothesized, a respon dent'sown group identification proved to be the strongest predictor.The evidence was strengthened by replication across social groups,which provided built-in controls and demonstrated that an importantpart of the variance in trust of mass media news is within personsrather than between persons.  相似文献   

Using the oil crisis of the late 1970s as a case study, we examine,the intertwined influences of public opinion and media attentionon the credibility of regulatory threats. We focus on threefactors: the intensity of public demands for regulatory intervention,the extent to which there are other competing demands on legislativeattention, and the availability of scapegoats external to theindustry. We use television news coverage of various topicsto measure these three factors. We hypothesize that firms threatenedwith potential regulation restrained price increases, with thelargest and most publicly visible firms exercising the greatestrestraint. We find that large, visible oil firms restrainedprice increases for the most important decontrolled prodicts(diesel fuel oil) when media coverage of the oil industry wasextensive. These firms exercised less restraint when the governmentwas busy with other issues or when political instability inthe Middle East offered an external rationale for oil priceincreases.  相似文献   

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