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With the socio-economic transformation, regional development factors recombination and followed industrial restructuring have changed the rural areas in eastern coastal China deeply. The interaction between the material and non-material elements affecting rural production and lifestyles shaped different rural development types depending on a carrier, which is composed of different industries. Accordingly, this paper makes the definitions of four rural development types, i.e., farming industry dominated rural development type (FIT), industry dominated rural development type (IDT), rural development type focusing on business, tourism and services industries (BTT), and balanced rural development type (BDT), and classifies the rural development types in eastern coastal China. Then, taking the social representation approach and basing on the major factors affecting the long-term rural development and the exertion of the functions of the countryside with regard to society, the assessment indicator system of rurality degree index (RDI) was established to distinguish the rurality degree of different types. The results indicated that, to some extent, the RDI may accurately reflect the status quo of rural development and the exertion of the functions of the countryside with regard to society, and can also reflect the different stage in what the same rural development type in different region stays. The authors argue that the study on the interaction of rural development factors in the process of economic and social transformation and the subsequent rural development model is very important to deeply understand the rural development and to smoothly achieve coordinated and balanced rural–urban development in developing countries, which are experiencing rapid industrialization and urbanization.  相似文献   

浅谈现代性背景下的农村城市化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
周志文  毕普云 《城市》2011,(2):18-21
我们对农村城市化实践的反思在理论上有着深刻的思想渊源,结合到世界范围内的城市化理论与历史来梳理这种理论渊源,最简洁的方式莫过于从现代化与现代性这两个重要的学术概念入手。对于现代化与现代性的研究以及两者之间关系的讨论,已经成为哲学、政治学、社会学等诸多学科的热门课题。就现实社会生活而言,现代化与现代性其实渗透在日常生活的方方面面,人们对它们只不过是“日用而不知”。  相似文献   

中国的可持续发展与城市化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
牛凤瑞 《城市》2005,(5):8-11
中国的可持续发展已经作为国家发展战略并付诸实践。由基本国情和特定的发展阶段所决定,中国的可持续发展面临着多重矛盾:一是庞大的人口数量和人均资源消耗量增加与国内资源供给相对稀缺的矛盾,这是制约中国可持续发展的深层次矛盾。二是经济发展加快、规模扩大与生态环境容量  相似文献   

研究城镇化问题,必须清醒认识这一变化可能带来的各种挑战,认清城镇化自身发展的背景和规律。尽管从指标上看,上海等一些经济发达地区的城镇化程度已经很高,但是要看到城镇化模式日益趋同,农业边缘化、人口空心化、离农人口就业保障弱化等各种矛盾交织在一起。因此,必须在推进城镇化进程中正确处理好相关关系。  相似文献   

中国的城市化现象及其导向性思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚士谋 《城市》2001,(3):12-15
随着社会经济的迅速发展,世界城市化进程已进入了21世纪最富有历史意义的新阶段,呈现出由城市工业化、信息化而逐步引起区域性的城市化现象,这也是人类文明进步的一个重要标志。  相似文献   

本文简要回顾了我国近10年来城市化快速发展的理论和政策背景,指出快速城市化进程中存在土地、能源等自然资源过渡消耗和浪费问题,也存在重城轻乡等突出社会问题;采用人口供需平衡的方法,分析评价了我国人口城市化水平同经济发展水平、工业化水平和土地城市化的关系;对城市化加速理论进行剖析,认为我国当前工业化技术体系不适用于机器技术体系下城市化加速的经验规律,应该结合我国新型工业化的要求走资源节约型的新型城市化道路;建议适当降低城市化发展目标与速度,纠正城市化过程中"城市偏向"和"以物为本"的做法,体现国家赋予城市化带动农村发展的重任,实现城乡统筹发展。  相似文献   

郭金兴 《城市》2009,(4):12-15
一、“宅基地换房”模式提出的背景 天津市是全国三个特大城市之一.根据《2007年天津市国民经济与社会发展统计公报》的数据,2007年末全市常住人151115万.其中农村人15378.77万.占总人15的33.97%。从就业和产值的结构来看.2007年天津市在第一产业就业的人口比例为13.09%.而创造的产值仅占全市GDP的2.05%。  相似文献   

我国城市化战略的演变及政策趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王雅莉 《城市》2008,(11):51-58
一、问题的提出 发展战略问题是发展中国家寻求发展的首要问题.其核心是谋求国家独立、繁荣与发展的基本目标和对策。进入21世纪.我国开始步入第三步发展战略阶段。此阶段的总目标是要通过建设更加宽裕的小康社会来逐步走向现代化。据估计.我国还需要50年时间才能实现这一目标.这是一个较长的发展阶段。  相似文献   

The long-term care (LTC) literature has been generally associated with industrialized countries. However, LTC needs are increasing in the developing world at a rate that far exceeds than experienced by industrialized countries. Using China as a case study, the purpose of this report is to provide an example of an emerging institutional care system for rural elders in a rapidly developing country. It covers two major domains of the system: service delivery and financing. The report presents several main issues involved in the development of institutional care for elders and discusses relevant policy implications.  相似文献   

我国城市化进程中的小城镇发展选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟祥林 《城市》2006,(4):20-22
一、中外城市化进程中的小城镇发展趋势 (一)中国的小城市发展趋势 从1760年产业革命导致城市化的兴起以来,人们就不断从理论和实践两个方面对城市化进程进行探索.直到目前学界对城市化的概念还未达成一致意见,一些专家从物质要素转化的角度来定义,认为城市化即非农化、城镇化;另外一些学者则从精神要素转化的角度来定义,认为城市化是一个由乡村文明逐步转变为现代城市社会和城市文明的自然历史过程.无论怎样,城市化过程均表现为地域内人文和经济景观状态的变化.  相似文献   

盛广耀 《城市》2005,(6):16-18
一、对城乡分割的城市化道路的反思 近年来,在我国经济和城市化快速发展的背景下,城乡差距越来越大.农业、农村和农民(简称"三农")问题日益成为困扰我国经济发展、社会公平和实现现代化的核心问题之一.我国的城市化率由1985年的23.7%提高到2004年的41.8%,提高了18.1个百分点,但城乡居民收入差距却由1.9:1上升到3.5:1,农民人均纯收入占人均GDP的比重由35%下降到28%.农村居民并没有分享到经济发展所带来的实惠,相反,城市建设过程中"三农"利益受到损害的现象却屡见不鲜.为什么会出现这种情况呢?究其原因,是城乡二元体制扭曲了城市化进程,弱化了城市化对"三农"发展乃至国民经济发展的带动作用.  相似文献   

This study is based on interviews conducted in Xiao San Jiang Township, China. This article describes the health care system before and after the reforms of the late 1970s and the impact on community mobilization and health care provision. The success of the Chinese health care system is attributed to mass participation in disease prevention. There were the public health campaigns of the 1950s at the brigade level that mobilized people to adopt personal and environmental sanitation, pest control, and primary health education. There were organizations, such as the Youth Leagues and the Women's Federations. The large groups encouraged use of services, such as family planning services, gynecological screening, and immunization. The Barefoot Doctor and Cooperative Medical Care Insurance Schemes were introduced. Brigades became directly involved in health care delivery, and health workers increased access to primary health services. There was multisectoral collaboration between mass and government organizations. Each commune official had multiple roles and information flowed between sectors. The end result was community mobilization of resources in an organization-intensive social structure and increased hopes for improvements in health. The propaganda was effective in health promotion. In the late 1970s, township management districts and village committees replaced the brigades and communes. The responsibility system gave households responsibility for the productivity of specific plots of land in order to fulfill government quotas. Members of a health project funded by a Hong Kong-based primary health care organization discovered a number of problems. Community mobilization was waning, and mass organizations were not effective. The insurance system collapsed. People tired of political slogans. Although other countries are now adopting community health approaches, China is moving away from this approach.  相似文献   

城市化进程中的现代服务业发展与问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卢卫 《城市》2005,(4):6-8
一、城市化与服务业互动发展的主要问题 (一)适宜服务业发展的制度环境还不够完善 1.城市化落后于工业化,抑制现代服务业发展.  相似文献   

略论21世纪中国城市化发展的战略基点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭鸿懋 《城市》2004,(6):3-6
2003年,中国城市化水平已达到40.5%,进入城市化发展的加速阶段.中国城市化的加速发展是在经济的全球化和信息化阶段实现的,又是在一个世界上最大的发展中国家和经济制度实行转轨的国家中实现的,这一切决定了中国的城市化和城市经济的发展进程是一个极具特色的、巨大的系统工程.它的内容极其丰富,值得研究的问题很多.但是,如果我们从全局发展的战略视角来研究,至少有下面三个问题需要深入研究和努力实践.  相似文献   

郭鸿懋 《城市》2005,(4):9-11
比较研究从来都是一种重要的研究方法,它不仅可以了解不同事物质的规定性,而且由于共性寓于个性之中,它还能够从更广阔的视角探索事物发展的规律性.高佩义博士是我国早期运用比较分析方法研究城市化发展规律的学者,1991年出版的他所著的<中外城市化比较研究>是同一研究领域学者引用率最高的一本著作,在理论界产生了很好的影响.进入新世纪,我国步入了城市化快速发展阶段,在深入研究了最近十几年来中外城市发展的新历程和大量研究成果的基础上,作者于2004年又出版了这本著作的修订版,与原版相比,修订版篇幅增加了一倍,内容更加丰富,比较研究领域更加广阔,规律性的理论研究更加深入,而且结合经济全球化和中国改革开放的新进展,显著地加强了中国城市化面临的机遇与挑战和中国城市化战略的内涵与对策的研究,提出了综合性的研究成果,其中不乏理论上的创新和振聋发聩之见,极大地增强了这部著作的理论价值和现实意义.  相似文献   

在全世界范围内,森林正在消失,农业用地正在被侵蚀。蓄水层正被消耗殆尽,动植物存量不断减少,土地、水和空气被污染。行星正在变暖,由此导致暴风雨的增加和降水量的变化。那些研究自然资源和地球状况的学者不断发出警告,他们说人类很早以前就越过可持续线而陷入不可持续的生活状态。  相似文献   

21世纪中国城市化进程与城市人才培养的战略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王建廷 《城市》2003,(1):3-11
由天津城市建设学院课题组承担的《21世纪中国城市化进程与城市人才培养的战略研究》软科学课题已于2002年11月12日通过专家评审,评审委员会由中国城市经济学会的知名专家饶会林、郭鸿懋、刘玉麟、王明浩、冯更新、张人广、李树琮等人组成。专家们一致认为,该课题的研究成果填补了我国高等教育在该领域的空白,达到了国际先进水平。天津城市建设学院副院长王建廷教授为课题负责人,张集、王钟钦和陈静为主要研究人员。现将课题主要内容刊发,以飨广大读者。  相似文献   

Microcredit has gained worldwide acceptance in recent years as a flexible mechanism to expand individuals’ (especially the poor's) access to financial services, which is considered as an efficient way to achieve poverty reduction and other social development. A large number of empirical studies have been done to examine the welfare effects of microcredit on the borrowers and such effects are well documented in many other countries such as Bangladesh. However, the impacts of microcredit on China rural households’ livelihood are not well documented. This paper attempts to empirically evaluate the impact of microcredit on household welfare outcomes such as income and consumption in rural China. The estimation is based on the difference-in-difference approach which is an increasingly popular method of tackling the selection bias issue in assessing the impacts of microcredit. The study uses a two-year panel dataset, including both primary and secondary data collected through a household survey in rural China. Our empirical results favour the wide belief in the literature that joining microcredit programme helps improve households’ welfare such as income and consumption. Despite the optimistic findings on how microcredit has changed the rural households’ living conditions, our results show that the vast majority of the programme participants are non-poor, which casts some doubts on the social potential (such as poverty reduction) of China's microcredit programmes.  相似文献   

城镇化及其可持续发展的内涵解析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张军涛  梁志勇 《城市》2007,(2):10-13
一、城镇化内涵新解 城市化由西班牙工程师阿尔达方索·塞达于1860年~1861年提出,距今已有近150年的历史,但城市化过程从西方工业革命就开始启动了.由于它强调一个动态发展和扩展的过程,所以中译时就根据它的字根的基本意思而译成城市化.然而由于城市化研究具有多学科性,城市化发展过程极其复杂,对于城市化内涵的理解一直以来众说纷纭,莫衷一是.  相似文献   

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