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In Kenya, where abortion is permitted only to save a woman's life, unsafe abortion accounts for over one-third of maternal deaths and hospital emergency rooms are overcrowded with women suffering complications of induced and spontaneous abortions. Postabortion care, a service linking emergency treatment of abortion complications with family planning counseling and comprehensive reproductive health care, is under review by the Population Council as a method of reducing maternal mortality and morbidity as well as the incidence of repeat unsafe abortion. An operations research study conducted by the Kenyan Ministry of Health identified several obstacles to such care: lack of information on abortion management, limited service provider skills, inconsistent supplies, and a lack of empathy for women presenting with incomplete abortion. Although 86% of abortion patients from 6 Kenyan hospitals expressed an interest in contraceptive counseling, only 5% reported actually receiving such information. As part of the operations research, these 6 hospitals introduced postabortion care, including, in 3 hospitals, use of manual vacuum aspiration. All 6 hospitals provided contraceptive counseling and psychosocial support. Based on the success of this experience, the Ministry of Health is considering introducing postabortion care to all hospitals in Kenya.  相似文献   

A recent Population Council publication, Reproductive Health Approach to Family Planning, discusses integration of reproductive health into family planning programs in a series of edited presentations that Council staff and colleagues gave at a 1994 meeting of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) cooperating agencies. The presentations reflect the Council's view that family planning programs ought to help individuals achieve their own reproductive goals in a healthful manner. The report discusses four areas of reproductive health: reproductive tract infections (RTIs), including sexually transmitted diseases; prevention and treatment of unsafe abortion; pregnancy, labor, and delivery care; and postpartum care. Christopher Elias (Senior Associate, Programs Division) argued that family planning programs ought to provide services that target RTIs, given that these illnesses afflict a significant proportion of reproductive-age women. The family planning community has an ethical responsibility to provide services to women who experience an unwanted pregnancy. They must have access to high-quality postabortion care, including family planning services. Professional midwives are ideally suited to serve as integrated reproductive health workers trained to combat the five major maternal killers: hemorrhage, sepsis, pregnancy-induced hypertension, obstructed labor, and unsafe abortion. This was demonstrated in a highly successful Life-Saving Skills for Midwives program undertaken in Ghana, Nigeria, and Uganda, and soon to start in Vietnam in conjunction with the Council's Safe Motherhood research program. Family planning services should be viewed as part of a comprehensive set of health services needed by postpartum women, which include appropriate contraception, maternal health checks, well-baby care, and information about breastfeeding, infant care, and nutrition. Family planning programs should incorporate breastfeeding counseling into their services. When programs aim to help individuals meet their own reproductive goals in a healthful manner, this implies that services will not increase clients' risk of morbidity.  相似文献   

The operations research and technical assistance (OR/TA) project in The Population Council has concentrated on fertility and infant mortality issues in Latin American and the Caribbean for more than a decade through INOPAL. INOPAL is an acronym for Investigacion Operacional en Planificacion Familiar y Atencion Materno-Infantil para America Latina y el Caribe (Operations Research in Family Planning and Maternal-Child Health in Latin America and the Caribbean). In March 1995, the project entered its third phase, INOPAL III, with the renewal of its contract from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). To facilitate communication between INOPAL, collaborating agencies, and USAID, INOPAL Director James Foreit moved from Peru to a Council office in Washington, D.C. INOPAL has six objectives: 1) to test the integration of family planning and reproductive health services; 2) to increase access to family planning; 3) to develop strategies to reach special populations; 4) to improve the sustainability of family planning programs; 5) to improve service quality; and 6) to institutionalize operations research capability in the region. INOPAL II conducted 61 subprojects in 12 countries in collaboration with 24 USAID cooperating agencies and other international organizations. The project established new services for postpartum women, adolescents, and rural women; improved program quality and financial sustainability; increased vasectomy promotion and the range of available contraceptives; and developed new modes of service delivery. A key finding of INOPAL II operations research was the importance of increasing cost-effectiveness to ensure program sustainability. INOPAL III will work toward all six objectives, with an emphasis on integrating reproductive health and family planning services. Operations research and technical assistance (OR/TA) subprojects will focus on the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, perinatal and postpartum care, and postabortion care.  相似文献   

In June, 1977, the U.S. House of Representatives voted against all abortion funding with Medicaid money, the Supreme Court issued 3 decisions stating that states are not required to finance abortions for low-income women, and the Senate limited Medicaid funding for abortion to pregnancies resulting from rape or incest or abortions deemed "medically necessary." These decisions will certainly result in increased antiabortion pressure on state legislatures to cut off state abortion funding and to restrict the provision of abortions in public hospitals. Private hospitals and clinics will have to reconsider their ability to subsidize abortion services for low-income women. These developments make it necessary for the procchoice lobby around the nation to reassess its political priorities.  相似文献   

A report published in 1995 by the Population Council described the impact of the quality of family planning services on the incidence of unplanned pregnancy in Peru. This report followed a 1994 study that assessed the impact of quality on contraceptive usage by linking data from Peru's 1991-92 Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) and a 1992 Peru Situational Analysis study of the status of family planning (FP) services at 3000 individual service delivery points. The 1995 study added data from a follow-up survey of a sample of the DHS respondents. The 1994 study used an innovative quality of care index that measured the quality of FP services available in a geographic area to women with partners living nearby. This index was then assigned to every woman in the area and correlated with her use of modern contraceptives. The analysis revealed that availability of high-quality FP services greatly increased the number of women using modern contraception. The 1995 study analyzed the impact of quality of care on rates of unintended pregnancy and found that the percentage of unwanted births was significantly higher in areas with low-quality FP services. The researchers note that these results only hint at a relationship between quality of care and reproductive behavior and that the findings should be interpreted conservatively. However, the studies support the importance of investing in quality FP care.  相似文献   

终止妊娠问题在规范层面一是作为对于违反计划生育规定生育子女的行为所采取的纠正措施之一而存在的;二是对基于非医学需要性别鉴定/选择的终止妊娠的禁止,但存在当事人终止妊娠的动机难以确定、控制性别比例的初衷难以实现、对符合生育条件的妇女与不符合生育条件的妇女区别对待、缺乏设定行政许可的上位法依据等问题。在实践层面上,选择性别的终止妊娠未得到真正禁止。规范与实践层面问题背后的出路在于厘清问题所涉及到的权利冲突,并对其进行价值权衡。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of prenatal sex selection on fertility through a stochastic dynamic model with uncertainty in conception as well as in gender, where a woman makes decisions on conception and abortion with or without gender detection tests (i.e. sex-selective or sex-unselective abortion). The paper shows that, when the cost of gender detection test falls, the sex ratio at birth rises due to more selective abortions, but fertility can rise or fall with rising sex ratio. Fertility may rise (fall) if there are more (less) women giving up unselective abortions for selective abortions than women giving up childbirths without test for selective abortions. Similarly the paper shows that the sex ratio can rise or fall, when fertility decreases as the cost of children increases. I test these propositions as well as their implications against micro survey data on the pregnancy history of Korean women.Responsible editor: Junsen Zhang.  相似文献   

Growth of world population over the next 100 years, until the year 2100, will produce an estimated 11.5 billion people. The past focus on reducing rapid population growth exclusively through family planning has not been sufficient. Population policy needs to be broadened to include health care, education, and poverty reduction. The population policy recommendations of Population Council Vice-President John Bongaarts and Senior Associate Judith Bruce were to reduce unwanted pregnancies by expanding services that promote reproductive choice and better health, to reduce the demand for large families by creating favorable conditions for small families, and to invest in adolescents. The Population Council 1994 publication "Population Growth and Our Caring Capacity" outlined these issues. Another similar article by John Bongaarts appeared in the journal "Science" in 1994. In developing countries, excluding China, about 25% of all births are unwanted; 25 million abortions are performed for unwanted pregnancies. The provision of comprehensive family planning programs will go a long way toward achieving a reduction in unwanted pregnancies. In addition, changes are needed in male control over female sexuality and fertility and in cultural beliefs that are obstacles to use of contraception. Stabilization of population at 2 children per family will not occur unless there is a desire for small families. In most less developed countries, large family sizes are preferred. Governments have an opportunity to adopt policies that reduce economic and social risks of having small families. This can be accomplished through the widespread education of children, a reduction in infant and child mortality, improvement in the economic and social and legal status of women, and provision of equitable gender relations in marriage and child rearing. The rights of children to be wanted, planned, and adequately cared for need to be supported. These aforementioned measures will help to reduce fertility, provide support for small families, and justify investment in social development. Population momentum will keep population growing for some time even with replacement level fertility. Investment in adolescents through enhancement of self-esteem and promotion of later childbearing can lengthen the span between generations and slow population momentum. Population policies will be more effective when human rights are protected.  相似文献   

The Philippines Department of Labor, in conjunction with the U.N. Fund for Population Activities, is sponsoring a pilot family planning program. The industrial program, supervised by the Labor Management Coordinating Council, aims at integrating family planning services into the health services or clinics of 1000 corporations with at least 200 employees within the 2-year period ending June 1977. Family planning seminars are conducted at 3 levels within the corporations and include training sessions for medical personnel. Companies have found that provision of family planning services is more economical in the long run than provision of family welfare services for employees and families.  相似文献   

Summarizes the deliberations and recommendations of the (1978) 4th International Population Conference: "Expanding Rural and Urban Community Participation in Population Programs," sponsored by the World Population Society and the Population Center Foundation, and held in the Philippines. The 2 main concerns were finding ways of involving people in rural villages and urban communities in population programs, and fostering the sharing of ideas and experiences for the benefit of program administrators. Topics covered by the conference and reviewed here were organization and action for community participation; relating population and family planning to other services and the relevant personnel; role of women and women's organizations; involvement of youth; distribution of family planning information, techniques, and supplies; and new ideas and approaches. The resolutions of the delegates and other recommendations are also reviewed.  相似文献   

A blueprint for responsible parenthood titled "The Tokyo Initiative" was drawn up at a conference sponsored jointly by the Japan Science Society and the Population Crisis Committee in April 1977. Representatives of several U.N. agencies and nongovernmental organizations participated. The blueprint urges additional resources to make family planning services available in rural areas and unserved areas of cities. Expanded social and economic roles for women were also recommended since it was felt that unless women were allowed to participate in family and community decision-making, "programs for responsible parenthood will be doomed to failure." Adolescents should be educated about reproductive behavior, stressing the adverse effects of early pregnancy. Integrated family planning services which serve the cause of infant and child health and total responsibility for program design be placed as close as possible to people affected. The conference then issued a call for action to implement these family planning objectives.  相似文献   

The lessons from the 1994 World Population Conference in Cairo, Egypt, are summarized in this publication. The topics of discussion include the evolution of population policies, the changing policy environment, demographic trends, and solutions in the form of gender equity, provision of reproductive health services, and sustainable social and economic development. The program of action supported by 180 governments and targeted for 2015 articulated the goals of universal access to a full range of safe and reliable family planning methods and reproductive health services, a specified level of reduction in infant and child mortality, a specified level of reduction in maternal mortality, an increase in life expectancy to 70-75 years or more, and universal access to and completion of primary education. Other features include goals for improving women's status and equity in gender relations, expansion of educational and job opportunities for women and girls, and involvement of men in childrearing responsibilities and family planning. Steps should be taken to eliminate poverty and reduce or eliminate unsustainable patterns of production and consumption. Population policy must be integrated within social and economic development policies. About $22 billion will be needed for provision of family planning and reproductive health services by the year 2015. Costs will increase over the 10-year period due to the increased population to be served. Per person user costs for family planning alone are higher in countries without infrastructure and technical skills. Actual costs vary with the cost of contraceptive supplies, patterns of use, and efficiency of delivery systems. Although the plan offers 16 chapters worth of advice and recommends 243 specific actions, countries will have to be selective due to cost limitations. The 20/20 Initiative is proposed for sharing social service costs between international donors (20%) and host countries (20%). A separate UN projection of need is for 33% of support from international donors for family planning and related programs. The constraints to the implementation of the action plan are identified as the rate of demographic change, the extent of public support for population limitation and provision of family planning services, and potential conflicts of interests and funding between cooperating agencies. The World Bank has developed guidelines for policy development according to a country's identification as an emergent, transitional, or advanced country.  相似文献   

人口问题是困扰俄罗斯诸多问题中紧迫问题之一。俄罗斯的人口危机不单纯是人口问题,是国家综合危机症的一个方面,它同经济问题、家庭问题、妇女价值观问题、妇幼医疗保健问题等等是纠合在一起的,绝非国家几项应急措施所能轻易解决得了的。但俄罗斯必须尽快扼止人口的急降趋势,这涉及国家的根本利益。要解决俄罗斯人口问题,首先要解决经济下滑问题,其次才是制定人口政策和某些价值观念的改变。  相似文献   

A recent Population Council survey of 1860 married women and 1056 of their husbands in urban Zambia found that many women who use contraception do so without their husbands' knowledge and that those women who hid their practice of contraception from their husbands did so because they found it very difficult to bring up the subject of family planning with them. These findings indicate that low levels of contraceptive use are not the result of a simple communication matter. Sex and sexuality are often the exclusive domain of African husbands. As such, if a wife initiates a discussion of family planning, she may threaten her husband's sense of control and create discord within the family. The culture of silence about sex and sexuality is very strong in Africa. 57% of women stated that were they to propose contraceptive use with their husbands and the husband opposed such practice, they would nonetheless use them without his knowledge. 7% of the women stated that if their husbands disapproved of contraceptive use, they would nonetheless openly use a method against his wishes. The majority of women correctly perceived their husbands' views on family planning use and fertility preferences. In focus groups, both men and women said that they did not believe that women have the right to independently act upon their reproductive preferences. A husband's inadequate financial support of his children could, however, justify clandestine contraceptive use. These findings point to the need to include easily hidden methods in the mix of contraceptives family planning programs offer. Moreover, service providers should not automatically encourage husbands' involvement. A client's right to privacy should always be respected.  相似文献   

Using data from a 1966–1967 probability sample of West Malaysian married women 15–44 years of age, this paper analyzes the characteristics of women who were active in diffusing information about family planning. The woman’s age and her parity, her educational attainment, her race, her present residence (urban-rural), and whether or not she wanted more children were significantly related to opinion leadership in bivariate tables. However, these relationships appeared to be substantial mainly because these social and demographic characteristics were highly related to whether the woman participated in discussions about family planning with other women. Among women who did participate in such discussions, the social and demographic variables were not substantially related to opinion leadership. In fact, the critical variables for opinion leadership appeared to be participation in the discussions, greater knowledge of family planning, and a higher level of family planning use. An attempt is also made to assess the effect of interpersonal communication on the adoption of family planning among women in the sample.  相似文献   

We use data from the nationally representative 1997 Demographic and Reproductive Health Survey to examine use of maternity services in rural China. The data indicate that roughly 60 per cent of women had at least one prenatal visit, while 40 per cent had a professionally assisted birth over the period 1988-97. Despite China's shift from a more socialist to a more privatized health care system, use of maternity services increased over this period. These increases are consistent with the push toward integration of reproductive health into family planning that emerged after the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development and the 1995 Fourth World Women's Conference held in Beijing. At the same time, we find indirect evidence that the target-based population policy may well have exerted downward pressure on use of maternity services; differences by parity are marked and multilevel models predicting use of maternity services indicate underdispersion at the individual level.  相似文献   

The Population Council's issue paper entitled Reconsidering the Rationale, Scope, and Quality of Family Planning Programs calls on family planning programs to focus only on reducing unwanted fertility by helping people meet their own reproductive goals safely and ethically. Many family planning programs have been wrongly handed the extra responsibility of reducing wanted fertility. They have therefore used inappropriate means (e.g., incentives, quotas, and coercion) to boost contraceptive prevalence. If programs do focus on reducing unwanted fertility, they will foster reductions in overall fertility and population growth as well as improvements in clients' health and well-being. A new framework has emerged from this shift in rationale. It sets the stage for expanding the scope, improving the quality, and assessing the impact of family planning programs in terms of client choice, health, and well-being. A program needs to determine the range and quality of family planning services it provides at the local level. Local program managers, policymakers, and consumer interest groups should establish minimum or achievable standards of service based on the local health care capacity. Program items that should be assessed include choice of methods, information for clients, technical competence, interpersonal relations, mechanisms to encourage continuity of care, and appropriate constellation of services. The Population Council has conducted rapid appraisals of the quality of care of family planning services to help local program managers to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their programs. The HARI (Helping Individuals Achieve their Reproductive Intentions) Index measures a program's success in helping clients safely prevent unwanted or unplanned pregnancy. Program managers can conduct a self-assessment that revolves around answering four questions. Family planning services are an important social investment and are essential to development.  相似文献   

In this interview, deputy executive director Ester B. Sy-Quimsiam of the Commission on Population talks on Depo-Provera, the latest method officially accepted by the Philippine Population Program. Medically, Depo has been proven to be safe, effective, long-acting, and reversible. A single dose of this drug can prevent a woman from pregnancy for 3 months. In clinics where the nurse or the midwife is trained in comprehensive family planning technology the drug will be introduced. Clinics in areas where prevalence of the more effective method is low must be targeted. Managers, supervisors, trainers of service providers, and fieldworkers will be trained to implement the information and education campaign and generate demand among married couples of reproductive age who are most eligible for Depo. Family planning services will continue to be subsidized by the program, but the cost of contraceptive supplies will be shared by the user. But there will still be subsidized supplies for those who cannot afford them. Service providers must be well informed; they must not only at the contraceptive, they must also consider a prospective client as a total person.  相似文献   

The International Parliamentary Assmebly on Population and Development took place on August 15-16, 1984, with the participation of more than 300 parliamentarians from 60 countries. The aim was to promote an exchange of views on population programs and policies among parliamentarians, and to support the recommendations adopted by the UN International Conference on Population. The assembly held discussion in 3 subcommittees on the subjects of 1) policies of population and development; 2) the legal and social status of women; and 3) the improvement of family planning service. On population policy, parliamentarians generally agreed that policy formulation is the prerogative of each sovereign country, stressing that such policies and programs should be integrated with social and economic development. The developing countries stronly demanded that a new international economic order be established and international aid increased to help them in solving the popultion problem. Concerning the status of women, the assembly unanimously agreed that both men and women should not only be legally equal, but should also have de facto equality for employment, education and social life. Attention should be given particularly to the rights and status of rural women. Examples of how the status of Chinese women has improved were offered by Chinese representative and were appreciated by the assembly. On improving family planning services, participants urged provision of information about birth control to people of marriageable age and of access to contraceptives to eligible couples; moreover, they advocated the strengthening of medical care for women and children and the lowering of infant and maternal mortality rates. Dr. Qian Xinzhong described the priorities and goals of family planning programs in China. Finally, the assembly unanimously adopted the "Action Plan," whose contents embody independence, respect for national sovereignty, and the spirit of cooperation and conformity to the interest of the international community, particularly the developing nations.  相似文献   

In response to the national problem of teenage pregnancy, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare has been developing a package of programs costing some $245 million to help teenagers avoid pregnancy and to help those who do become pregnant. In an August 4 decision memorandum to Health, Education, and Welfare Secretary Joseph Califano, an interagency task force underlined the 3 problems the initiatives must deal with: 1) adolescents are at high risk of pregnancy; 2) about 300,000 U.S. teenagers receive abortions annually; and 3) pregnancy and parenthood during adolescence pose serious health, economic, and social risks for both the young woman and her child. The decision memorandum recommended that state policies permitting adolescents to receive contraceptives without their parents consent be encouraged. Additionally, the memorandum outlined 9 spending options for the Secretary's consideration. However, in late November the decision memo gained notoriety when the press reported on its support for abortions for teenagers, and the controversial abortion issue obscured 3 other important issues involving Health, Education, and Welfare's teen pregnancy initiative: 1) the mix of funding and where it will come from, 2) the assignment of responsibility for implementation of the package, and 3) the amount of support for family planning services and sex education for teenagers.  相似文献   

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