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This article distinguishes between "schooling for subordination," the notion that promotes conventional schooling for women within existing school systems as a possible basis for them to improve their position in society and "education for empowerment," a more radical perspective that links women's advancement with the transformation of the patriarchal social order. The article opens by defining gender training as provision of skills and methods for improved gender-orientation of development programs. The conservative interpretation of gender training holds that it seeks to increase women's access to resources. The radical definition holds that inequality in access to resources is a mere symptom of a deeper problem caused by structural gender inequality and calls for conscientization of this problem. The two definitions of women's empowerment that follow this distinction are 1) a watered-down view of empowerment as self-reliance reflecting the conservative definition and 2) a more robust and pure view of empowerment as enabling women to identify and end the discriminatory practices that block their access to resources. It follows that education may be mere schooling for subordination in systems where patriarchal gatekeepers limit chances for women and where women who do succeed become "honorary males" and "queen bees" intent on repelling the advancement of other women. Education for empowerment can be found in gender training, which holds objectives that are opposite to those found in formal schooling and may be more readily adopted by women with less exposure to formal, patriarchal schools.  相似文献   

This editorial introduces a volume of Oxfam's Gender and Development journal that highlights the role of education and training in promoting gender equality. While the articles do not focus entirely on gender training, all seek ways to transform gender relations by developing accessible female-friendly educational methods. Educational systems worldwide reflect their social context (with male biased, Western-style education a by-product of colonialism) and may transmit culture, reinforce the status quo, or promote change. Structural adjustment programs are also increasing the barriers to education by forcing imposition of school fees, and female education is still considered subversive and threatening in many settings. Development donors, however, view the education of girls as a modernizing influence that can promote development. However, female skills acquisition must be matched by structural changes to improve women's status. Specific articles in this journal, therefore, consider the agenda of donors who stress Western-style education, the stereotyping of gender roles in formal educational systems, participatory educational methods, "education for empowerment" versus "schooling for subordination," and gender training as a component of a project to increase female access to schools, and innovative techniques. The journal also includes a report on the Fifth International Conference on Adult Education that calls for implementation of the conference goals.  相似文献   

The introduction to this article on the participatory learning approach to literacy and social change known as REFLECT locates the origins of the approach in the philosophy of Paulo Freire and notes that REFLECT was developed by ACTIONAID in pilot projects in Uganda, Bangladesh, and El Salvador and is now used in 25 countries by 90 groups. REFLECT considers gender equity integral to social change, analyzes the causes of inequalities, creates a process for examining social stratification, addresses conflict as a reality, is an evolving process that embraces innovation, recognizes the importance of individual transformation, and seeks an equitable practice of power at all levels in the process. The article describes how REFLECT sessions are conducted and how they result in women's increased mobility, increased participation in family and community, and changes in the gender division of labor. Examples show how REFLECT sensitizes men as well as women to gender issues, especially if the implementing agency is gender-aware. The article then contrasts the "primer method" of literacy training promoted by the "Women in Development" model to REFLECT's "Gender and Development" (GAD) approach that links literacy to empowerment, raises community consciousness of women's subordination, and creates local-global links. The article concludes by discussing ways to strengthen the GAD/feminist approach in REFLECT, given the fact that it is possible to avoid gender issues in most discussions.  相似文献   

This article exhorts development workers to develop an understanding of their own cultural heritage in order to understand how cultural subjectivity influences their work. While not endorsing "cultural relativism," the authors stress that women must work within their own cultures to develop empowerment and combat culturally legitimized practices which are harmful to women. Cultural constructs must be examined in order to understand such issues as the Northern tendency to encourage personal individualism and the Southern tendency to organize along communal lines. Gender identity is also a social construction which calls for a consideration of each situation (or harmful practice) as uniquely based in a given cultural context. General agreement exists, however, that in order to tackle gender oppression, women must be empowered and their status must be improved. Thus development initiatives should support longterm investment in research and programs, illiteracy rates must be decreased, and educational opportunities must be sought in every program. Women's groups must link up to share resources with each other and with traditional nongovernmental organizations. Governments should 1) integrate a gender component into every Ministry; 2) emphasize literacy for girls and women; 3) support local women's initiatives; 4) provide gender-sensitive training for professionals in critical fields; 5) increase attention to the needs of young women; and 6) offer more women visible official posts in public service.  相似文献   

In an attempt to better understand the process through which the family planning (FP) programs and socioeconomic developments in China affect fertility, women's participation in fertility discussions with their husbands are examined as an intermediate factor in a study based on results of a random survey of 6654 ever-married women of reproductive age from 7 cities and 30 counties of Guangdong. First, it must be noted that Chinese couples do have individual choices (albeit quite limited ones) about their fertility; they can choose to follow or ignore government policy or they can choose to remain childless. The present study has 3 major hypotheses: 1) the more a woman is involved in fertility discussions with her husband, the fewer children she will have; 2) urban women with a higher educational status will be more likely to have such discussions; and 3) women who are contacted individually by FP personnel are more likely to be involved in fertility discussions. After a discussion of data collection and variables (number of living children, education of wife and husband, age at marriage, residence, living with parents, contacted by FP personnel, and discussion with husband), the results are presented in terms of zero-order correlation coefficients indicating their relationships. The bivariate analysis supported the hypotheses. Multiple regression analysis showed that age at marriage, education of wives and husbands, FP contacts, and participation in discussions remain significant fertility determinants (but the correlation between fertility and residence becomes trivial). A further regression model indicated that a woman's educational attainment is the most significant positive indication of their participation in fertility discussions. These results imply that as women's status continues to improve in China and the deeply-rooted patriarchal tradition loses hold, increased gender equity and education will influence a fertility decline. FP personnel could also encourage women to actively participate in fertility discussions with their husbands.  相似文献   

This article presents a profile of the living conditions of the Kondh ethnic group, with particular attention to women's conditions. The Kondhs are the largest tribal community in Orissa state, India. Kondh tribes are concentrated in Phulbani, Koraput, and Kalahandi districts. The Kondh consist of three subgroups. In Phulbani district the Kondh are one of several tribal populations and together with scheduled castes and tribes are the dominant populations. Phulbani district has limited educational resources and low levels of literacy, particularly among women. Female literacy in 1991 was only 16.59%. Girl's educational institutions are few in number and poor in quality. Female literacy is low due to parental ignorance of the importance of female education, the need to use girl children as domestic helpers, the cultural practice of facial tattooing that causes injury and shame among parents and children, the inadequacy of district schools, and the reputation of better private boarding as "cages." Economic life is based on a sexual division of labor, and women and men work according to their capacity. Agricultural tasks are shared, but men perform ploughing and clearing of jungle. Women perform all domestic tasks in addition collection of daily firewood and additional forest products that are sold jointed with husbands in local markets. During the slack agricultural periods, men relax and women work. Both men and women work if construction work is available nearby. Although tubewells were installed in villages, women prefer distant pond or stream water for drinking. The loss of tribal land for women places them in more vulnerable sexual and economic positions. Many voluntary groups promote land ownership for women as a means of security and social status. Phulbani district has little urbanization and no major industries. Bride-price was replaced by dowry, which downgrades Kondh women's status. The Kondh suffer from malnutrition, malaria, and anemia. Health services are insufficient, and Kondh cultural practices interfere with acceptance of modern medicine and healthy lifestyles.  相似文献   

The authors examine the impact of probable future trends in demographic aging on women's roles in the newly industrializing countries of the Pacific Rim (in Southeastern and east Asia). They also suggest that women will in all probability be expected to cope with additional household and family responsibilities due to demographic aging at a time when they are trying to change gender status and improve gender equity, and that these growing responsibilities could severely handicap women's efforts to play a larger role in the economy and in policy making.  相似文献   

This article sets out the conceptual and analytical framework underlying a 3-year long, 8-country research project which will examine the dynamics of women's employment in sectors critical to the so-called 'Information Society'. The project is fundamentally concerned with the gender dynamics of employment in the 'Information Society' or 'Knowledge Economy', and with whether they signal potentially greater gender equity than we currently have in contemporary capitalist society. Specifically, the project's central objective is to examine the prospects for women workers to develop new forms of expertise and skill which promote their career and personal development potential. It will focus on women's work and employment in two growing service sectors, retailing and retail financial services, in the context of leading edge innovations in technology and work organization. This article outlines the thinking behind the research project, in particular the major conceptual frameworks and the research questions which they have generated. It discusses the concepts of the 'Information Society' and the 'Knowledge Economy', and questions their relevance for female employees in routine jobs, raising the historical issue of women's exclusion from knowledge and skill. It considers the importance of the two sectors under study, retailing and retailing financial services, both for notions of the Information Society and for their role as important employers of women. It reviews recent organizational, technological and employment innovations in these sectorsparticularly in the Anglo-Saxon economies. It then raises questions about how far these dynamics might be present in other European economies, and what their implications are for women's ability to develop significant bodies of expertise and career prospects. The project is in its early stages, and this article is planned as the first in a series of papers dealing with the work as it progresses.  相似文献   

The article discusses the claims of success of microenterprise development programmes (MDPs) in poverty reduction and gender equality. It also deals with the broader theoretical and methodological issues related to the ways in which context and discourse interact in the assessment of anti‐poverty and gender equity strategies. MDPs are considered among the most viable strategies for helping women overcome poverty and promoting gender equity. However, there has been significant debate over these claims. The relationship between business ownership, poverty reduction and gender empowerment is still to be proved. The article presents the voices of women engaged in a microenterprise (ME) from a context‐informed and discourse analysis perspective, and considers the women's insights about ME as an anti‐poverty and gender empowerment strategy. The findings show a complex picture. On one hand, the new occupational status promises a tangible alternative to multiple personal, social and gender constraints. Additionally, women in the study perceived the ME as a space for self‐definition and as an outlet for expressing their oppressed identities. On the other hand, the findings seriously challenge the capacity of the MDP strategy to promote gender equity and combat poverty among low‐income women. Implications for research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reviews prior and emerging research on the gender gap in higher education using a comparative lens. The article outlines historical trends in the gender gap in higher education, focusing on areas where women are advantaged and disadvantaged. It then reviews prior explanations for women’s increasing enrollment in college and continued sex segregation in fields of study. It suggests three fruitful areas for future research to understand the cross‐national female advantage in the completion of college and university degrees: (1) the female advantage in schooling; (2) male vulnerability to growing up in resource‐deprived homes; and (3) changing incentives for men and women to complete higher education.  相似文献   

"The paper argues that women's status in Haiti is a factor favorable to the spread of modern contraception and a potential rapid demographic transition from high to low fertility. After briefly reviewing recent theories on the determining of fertility declines, the paper considers women's status in Haiti. It discusses family patterns, conjugal unions, and economic activities. Finally, it reviews current patterns of contraceptive use and considers how these are related to various aspects of women's status."  相似文献   

The author argues that Vietnamese patriarchal views regarding gender roles have led to greater educational advancement among Vietnamese women as compared to men in the US. Data for this study were obtained from the 1990 census and from interviews in 1994 at two high schools located near a Vietnamese community and at a public high school for honor students. The survey sample included 402 Vietnamese students from the three schools. The sample was 90% of all Vietnamese students enrolled at these schools and 75% of high school students living in the neighborhood near the schools. Census data showed that Vietnamese women over age 25 were more likely than similarly aged men to have less than a high school education or a college education. The education gap between men and women declined among the population aged under 25 years. Among married men and women aged 16-24 years, there were few gender differences in the proportion of school drop outs. However, among the unmarried aged 16-24 years, young women were significantly more likely to be enrolled in college and were less likely to drop out of school. Among the sample student population, findings indicate that female students had significantly higher grades and spent more time on home work. Census reports reveal that women were more likely both to report the lack of plans for college and to report that college was very important to them. Fathers stressed the importance of obedience until marriage and achievement among daughters. Fathers expected daughters to advance educationally for a number of reasons. Mothers agreed with fathers that the education and employment of women was not a rejection of traditional Vietnamese values. Mothers believed that daughters would be increasing their potential resources by improving their educational status. Adolescent males held more traditional attitudes towards wives as mothers. Young women reported stricter social controls of behavior from parents.  相似文献   

Huber  Joan 《Sociological Forum》1986,1(3):476-495
This paper addresses causes and consequences of sociological interest in gender stratification after 1970. The most recent women's movement spurred empirical research on the topic but development of a general theory was slowed by accidents of disciplinary history. A theory of preindustrial gender stratification that leans on anthropology is therefore used to interpret trends that occur during industrialization. This analysis helps to explain why trends in mortality, education, fertility, women's labor force participation, and men's household participation should continue to improve women's status relative to the status of men.  相似文献   

1970年以来,中国的生育率持续下降,在家庭层面上表现为兄弟姐妹数的减少,同时也影响了兄弟姐妹的构成,进而影响家庭对子女教育的投资以及性别间的教育差异。对2006年综合社会调查数据的分析表明,兄弟姐妹越多,女性的受教育年数相对男性越低,尤其是在她们有兄弟的情况下。在中国,随着生育率的下降,年轻一代的性别间教育不平等相对老一代降低了。本研究显示,性别间教育不平等不仅受到国家促进男女平等政策的影响,还受到计划生育政策的影响。  相似文献   

This article utilises the concept of emotional capital in order to explore some of the class and gender processes embedded in parental involvement in education. Drawing on fieldwork from a study of mothers' involvement in their children's primary schooling it examines mothers' emotional engagement with their children's education. Understandings of mothers' involvement in their children's schooling are enhanced by including an analysis of the emotions, both positive and negative, that infuse mothers' activities. The article tentatively concludes that the relationships between educational success, emotional capital and emotional wellbeing, and the extent of overlap and difference between them, could provide new ways of understanding how a range of disadvantages which cross class barriers are being manufactured in the contemporary educational marketplace.  相似文献   


This paper addresses the role of instant messaging chat groups to support teacher training and gender equity initiatives in Kenyan refugee camps. Our findings are based on survey data with refugee teachers in Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps (n?=?203), group interviews with refugee teachers in Kakuma (n?=?21), and interviews with international instructors of teacher training programs in Nairobi, Toronto, and Vancouver (n?=?14). In our analysis, we apply amplification theory, feminist science and technology studies paradigms, and considerations of transnational approaches to understand the use of instant messaging among refugee teacher communities. Our framework explores how social and cultural norms are amplified through transnational text and instant messaging related to teacher training and in support of gender equity. Peer-to-peer group chats draw on transnational learning opportunities and expand these engagements through group chats between men and women refugee teachers across camps as well as through community engagement about gender equity initiatives in education. International instructors identify both value and hesitation in navigating the quantity and content of these communications, such as learning more about refugee teachers’ daily lives in the camps and concern about following and managing the amount of communication that can ensue over chat groups. Our work has practical implications for transnational teacher training programs in refugee camps, illuminates how mobile technology and chat groups allow women and men in the community to engage and support girls’ education, and questions how text messaging affects the lived and day-to-day experiences of women refugee teachers.  相似文献   

This article describes some of the main cultural influences on gender and education in Nepal and the fact that geographical and cultural factors determine the enrollment access of children, which is relatively high for both sexes at the primary level and very low for girls at the secondary level. Next, the paper summarizes the Nepal Secondary Education Development Project, which seeks to improve access to and quality of secondary education and introduced two distinct but complementary training initiatives to address gender-related inequalities: 1) the inclusion of a relatively conventional gender training unit within an in-service teacher-training unit to address the problems caused by the lack of women teachers, by exclusionary teaching styles, and by expectations that girls will not perform as well as boys in some subjects and 2) participatory gender-training workshops held in each of Nepal's development regions. The workshop outcomes are then considered in light of the gap that exists between awareness and action, suggestions that arose to promote change through decentralizing and democratizing the education process, and actions that have taken place since the workshops occurred. The article concludes with a consideration of the nature of gender training given that the very different activities described had similar results because participants were able to identity gender disparity themselves instead of having "gender" applied as a label to their training activities.  相似文献   

1997年,新加坡政府在“思考型学校,学习型国家”理念的指导下,推出了促进学校多样性、自主性和创新性的教育政策。本文第一部分回顾了1997年以来推出的教育政策,强调了这一系列改革如何体现出新加坡教育系统中营销导向的突出特点。第二部分论述如何通过“专长项目计划”这一全国性举措来实现教育的市场化。笔者认为,学校应该首先明确家长和学生的需求,然后再按照能力的不同开发“产品”。  相似文献   

This article takes a new approach to gender and housework by identifying a new measure of gender deviance--work in gender-atypical occupations--and by arguing that men who do "women's work" and women who do "men's work" in the labor market may seek to neutralize their gender deviance by doing male- and female-typed work at home. Analysis of data from the National Survey of Families and Households and the 2003-7 waves of the American Time Use Survey shows that men who do "women's work" in the market spend more time on male-typed housework relative to men in gender-balanced occupations and their wives spend more time on female-typed housework. Women in gender-atypical occupations also do more female-typed housework than women in gender-balanced occupations. The article provides clearer evidence about the important ways in which cultural conceptions of gender shape and are shaped by economic processes.  相似文献   

This article discusses the link between gender, globalization and democracy in relation to women?s empowerment. Analyzing gender relations within the processes of development planning involves five approaches: 1) welfare, 2) equity, 3) anti-poverty, 4) efficiency, and 5) empowerment. In addition, a new approach, which combines efficiency and empowerment, must be added to highlight the problematic nature of the direction of causality assumed by traditional theory of development. The rise on women's representation in national parliament can be attributed to the increase of women's economic power and women's political struggles. However, promotion of globalization produces new opportunities for feminist politics, as well as difficulties, which include: the emergent position of productive engagement in which an efficient economy and democratic society are seen as interdependent; and increase in parliamentary representation correlates with increased paid employment for women. In conclusion, the author underscores that globalization is a gendered process which is restructuring social relations on a large scale and the challenges it bring provide opportunities for women in development.  相似文献   

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