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Legionnaires' disease (LD), first reported in 1976, is an atypical pneumonia caused by bacteria of the genus Legionella, and most frequently by L. pneumophila (Lp). Subsequent research on exposure to the organism employed various animal models, and with quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) techniques, the animal model data may provide insights on human dose-response for LD. This article focuses on the rationale for selection of the guinea pig model, comparison of the dose-response model results, comparison of projected low-dose responses for guinea pigs, and risk estimates for humans. Based on both in vivo and in vitro comparisons, the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) dose-response data were selected for modeling human risk. We completed dose-response modeling for the beta-Poisson (approximate and exact), exponential, probit, logistic, and Weibull models for Lp inhalation, mortality, and infection (end point elevated body temperature) in guinea pigs. For mechanistic reasons, including low-dose exposure probability, further work on human risk estimates for LD employed the exponential and beta-Poisson models. With an exposure of 10 colony-forming units (CFU) (retained dose), the QMRA model predicted a mild infection risk of 0.4 (as evaluated by seroprevalence) and a clinical severity LD case (e.g., hospitalization and supportive care) risk of 0.0009. The calculated rates based on estimated human exposures for outbreaks used for the QMRA model validation are within an order of magnitude of the reported LD rates. These validation results suggest the LD QMRA animal model selection, dose-response modeling, and extension to human risk projections were appropriate.  相似文献   

Dose-response curves were developed for the immobilization response in Daphnia magna to four toxicants. The purpose of this work was to study the effect of the form of the model and the number of concentration levels used on the estimates of typical low-dose effective concentrations (1%, 5%, 10%). The generalized four-parameter logistic model was used as the reference. When using 12 concentration levels, one of the logistic family two- or three-parameter models was shown reliably to represent each of these various sets of dose-response data, and to provide adequate estimates of EC01 and EC05, as well as EC10 and EC50. For two of the toxicants, an asymmetric model was required. When reducing the number of concentrations to five, the EC10 and EC50 were well estimated by the probit model, with acceptable results at the EC05 level.  相似文献   

In the evaluation of chemical compounds for carcinogenic risk, regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and National Toxicology Program (NTP) have traditionally fit a dose-response model to data from rodent bioassays, and then used the fitted model to estimate a Virtually Safe Dose or the dose corresponding to a very small increase (usually 10(-6)) in risk over background. Much recent interest has been directed at incorporating additional scientific information regarding the properties of the specific chemical under investigation into the risk assessment process, including biological mechanisms of cancer induction, metabolic pathways, and chemical structure and activity. Despite the fact that regulatory agencies are currently poised to allow use of nonlinear dose-response models based on the concept of an underlying threshold for nongenotoxic chemicals, there have been few attempts to investigate the overall relationship between the shape of dose-response curves and mutagenicity. Using data from an historical database of NTP cancer bioassays, the authors conducted a repeated-measures Analysis of the estimated shape from fitting extended Weibull dose-response curves. It was concluded that genotoxic chemicals have dose-response curves that are closer to linear than those for nongenotoxic chemicals, though on average, both types of compounds have dose-response curves that are convex and the effect of genotoxicity is small.  相似文献   

The detailed work histories of the individual workers composing the Pliofilm cohort represent a unique resource for estimating the dose-respoonse for leukemia that may follow occupational exposure to benzene. In this paper, we report the results of analyzing the updated Pliofilm cohort using the proportional hazards model, a more sophisticated technique that uses more of the available exposure data than the conditional logistic model used by Rinsky et al. The more rigorously defined exposure estimates derived by Paustenbach et al. are consistent with those of Crump and Allen in giving estimates of the slope of the leukemogenic dose-response that are not as steep as the slope resulting from the exposure estimates of Rinsky et al. We consider estimates of 0.3-0.5 additional leukemia deaths per thousand workers with 45 ppm-years of cumulative benzene exposure to be the best estimates currently available of leukemia risk from occupational exposure to benzene. These risks were estimated in the proportional hazards model when the exposure estimates of Crump and Allen or of Paustenbach et al. were used to derive a cumulative concentration-by-time metric.  相似文献   

Reassessing Benzene Cancer Risks Using Internal Doses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human cancer risks from benzene exposure have previously been estimated by regulatory agencies based primarily on epidemiological data, with supporting evidence provided by animal bioassay data. This paper reexamines the animal-based risk assessments for benzene using physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models of benzene metabolism in animals and humans. It demonstrates that internal doses (interpreted as total benzene metabolites formed) from oral gavage experiments in mice are well predicted by a PBPK model developed by Travis et al. Both the data and the model outputs can also be accurately described by the simple nonlinear regression model total metabolites = 76.4x/(80.75 + x), where x = administered dose in mg/kg/day. Thus, PBPK modeling validates the use of such nonlinear regression models, previously used by Bailer and Hoel. An important finding is that refitting the linearized multistage (LMS) model family to internal doses and observed responses changes the maximum-likelihood estimate (MLE) dose-response curve for mice from linear-quadratic to cubic, leading to low-dose risk estimates smaller than in previous risk assessments. This is consistent with the conclusion for mice from the Bailer and Hoel analysis. An innovation in this paper is estimation of internal doses for humans based on a PBPK model (and the regression model approximating it) rather than on interspecies dose conversions. Estimates of human risks at low doses are reduced by the use of internal dose estimates when the estimates are obtained from a PBPK model, in contrast to Bailer and Hoel's findings based on interspecies dose conversion. Sensitivity analyses and comparisons with epidemiological data and risk models suggest that our finding of a nonlinear MLE dose-response curve at low doses is robust to changes in assumptions and more consistent with epidemiological data than earlier risk models.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of receptor-mediated gene expression that includes receptor binding of natural and xenobiotic ligands, protein synthesis and degradation, and metabolism of the xenobiotic ligand was created to identify the determinants of the shape of the dose-response profile. Values of the model's parameters were varied to reflect alternative mechanisms of expression of the protein. These assumptions had dramatic effects on the computed response to a bolus dose of the xenobiotic ligand. If all processes in the model exhibit hyperbolic kinetics, the dose-response curves can appear sigmoidal but actually be linear with a positive slope at low doses. The slope of the curve only approached zero at low dose, indicative of a threshold for response, if binding of the xenobiotic ligand to the receptor exhibited positive cooperativity (ligand binding at one site increases the affinity for ligand at another binding site on the receptor). Positive cooperativity in the rate-limiting step of protein synthesis produced dose-response curves which were "U-shaped" at low doses, also indicative of a threshold. Positive cooperativity in the metabolism of the xenobiotic ligand produced dose-response curves that increased more rapidly than linearly with increasing dose. The model illustrates the fact that response cannot be predicted from qualitative mechanistic arguments alone; any assessment of risk to health from xenobiotic chemicals must be based on a detailed quantitative examination of the kinetic behavior of each chemical species individually.  相似文献   

Hormetic effects have been observed at low exposure levels based on the dose-response pattern of data from developmental toxicity studies. This indicates that there might actually be a reduced risk of exhibiting toxic effects at low exposure levels. Hormesis implies the existence of a threshold dose level and there are dose-response models that include parameters that account for the threshold. We propose a function that introduces a parameter to account for hormesis. This function is a subset of the set of all functions that could represent a hormetic dose-response relationship at low exposure levels to toxic agents. We characterize the overall dose-response relationship with a piecewise function that consists of a hormetic u-shape curve at low dose levels and a logistic curve at high dose levels. We apply our model to a data set from an experiment conducted at the National Toxicology Program (NTP). We also use the beta-binomial distribution to model the litter response data. It can be seen by observing the structure of these data that current experimental designs for developmental studies employ a limited number of dose groups. These designs may not be satisfactory when the goal is to illustrate the existence of hormesis. In particular, increasing the number of low-level doses improves the power for detecting hormetic effects. Therefore, we also provide the results of simulations that were done to characterize the power of current designs in detecting hormesis and to demonstrate how this power can be improved upon by altering these designs with the addition of only a few low exposure levels.  相似文献   

Historically, U.S. regulators have derived cancer slope factors by using applied dose and tumor response data from a single key bioassay or by averaging the cancer slope factors of several key bioassays. Recent changes in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines for cancer risk assessment have acknowledged the value of better use of mechanistic data and better dose-response characterization. However, agency guidelines may benefit from additional considerations presented in this paper. An exploratory study was conducted by using rat brain tumor data for acrylonitrile (AN) to investigate the use of physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling along with pooling of dose-response data across routes of exposure as a means for improving carcinogen risk assessment methods. In this study, two contrasting assessments were conducted for AN-induced brain tumors in the rat on the basis of (1) the EPA's approach, the dose-response relationship was characterized by using administered dose/concentration for each of the key studies assessed individually; and (2) an analysis of the pooled data, the dose-response relationship was characterized by using PBPK-derived internal dose measures for a combined database of ten bioassays. The cancer potencies predicted for AN by the contrasting assessments are remarkably different (i.e., risk-specific doses differ by as much as two to four orders of magnitude), with the pooled data assessments yielding lower values. This result suggests that current carcinogen risk assessment practices overestimate AN cancer potency. This methodology should be equally applicable to other data-rich chemicals in identifying (1) a useful dose measure, (2) an appropriate dose-response model, (3) an acceptable point of departure, and (4) an appropriate method of extrapolation from the range of observation to the range of prediction when a chemical's mode of action remains uncertain.  相似文献   

Many models of exposure-related carcinogenesis, including traditional linearized multistage models and more recent two-stage clonal expansion (TSCE) models, belong to a family of models in which cells progress between successive stages-possibly undergoing proliferation at some stages-at rates that may depend (usually linearly) on biologically effective doses. Biologically effective doses, in turn, may depend nonlinearly on administered doses, due to PBPK nonlinearities. This article provides an exact mathematical analysis of the expected number of cells in the last ("malignant") stage of such a "multistage clonal expansion" (MSCE) model as a function of dose rate and age. The solution displays symmetries such that several distinct sets of parameter values provide identical fits to all epidemiological data, make identical predictions about the effects on risk of changes in exposure levels or timing, and yet make significantly different predictions about the effects on risk of changes in the composition of exposure that affect the pharmacodynamic dose-response relation. Several different predictions for the effects of such an intervention (such as reducing carcinogenic constituents of an exposure) that acts on only one or a few stages of the carcinogenic process may be equally consistent with all preintervention epidemiological data. This is an example of nonunique identifiability of model parameters and predictions from data. The new results on nonunique model identifiability presented here show that the effects of an intervention on changing age-specific cancer risks in an MSCE model can be either large or small, but that which is the case cannot be predicted from preintervention epidemiological data and knowledge of biological effects of the intervention alone. Rather, biological data that identify which rate parameters hold for which specific stages are required to obtain unambiguous predictions. From epidemiological data alone, only a set of equally likely alternative predictions can be made for the effects on risk of such interventions.  相似文献   

Mechanistic mathematical models of hepatocarcinogenesis in the female rat were constructed to investigate possible relationships among the Ah, estrogen, and EGF receptors in TCDD hepato-carcinogenicity. Each model generates dose-response curves for the expression of biomarker liver proteins CYP1A1, CYP1A2, and residual plasma membrane EGF receptor consequent to exposure to TCDD. The shapes of the response curves were strongly dependent on the assumed mechanisms of constitutive expression of these proteins. Assuming a constant level of the hepatic Ah receptor, a sigmoidal dose-response of hepatic CYP1A1 to total liver TCDD was computed. However, inclusion of induction of the Ah receptor by TCDD in a physiologically realistic dosimetric model produced a linear low-dose response of CYP1A1. This behavior was computed to arise from the net effect of sublinear response of CYP1A1 mRNA to the concentration of the Ah-TCDD complex and supralinear response of the protein concentration to the mRNA level, illustrating the importance of biological realism in dose-response modeling. The dosimetric model also computed effects of TCDD on the hepatic estradiol concentration and consequent effects on the binding capacity of the EGF receptor and suggests plausible mechanisms for tumor promotion by TCDD. Setting circulating estradiol levels in the model to values typical of the male rat indicated possible sources of the differences in the responses of the EGF receptor and in development of tumors in the two sexes.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the dose-response relationship for inhalation exposure to hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] and lung cancer mortality for workers of a chromate production facility, and provides estimates of the carcinogenic potency. The data were analyzed using relative risk and additive risk dose-response models implemented with both Poisson and Cox regression. Potential confounding by birth cohort and smoking prevalence were also assessed. Lifetime cumulative exposure and highest monthly exposure were the dose metrics evaluated. The estimated lifetime additional risk of lung cancer mortality associated with 45 years of occupational exposure to 1 microg/m3 Cr(VI) (occupational exposure unit risk) was 0.00205 (90%CI: 0.00134, 0.00291) for the relative risk model and 0.00216 (90%CI: 0.00143, 0.00302) for the additive risk model assuming a linear dose response for cumulative exposure with a five-year lag. Extrapolating these findings to a continuous (e.g., environmental) exposure scenario yielded an environmental unit risk of 0.00978 (90%CI: 0.00640, 0.0138) for the relative risk model [e.g., a cancer slope factor of 34 (mg/kg-day)-1] and 0.0125 (90%CI: 0.00833, 0.0175) for the additive risk model. The relative risk model is preferred because it is more consistent with the expected trend for lung cancer risk with age. Based on statistical tests for exposure-related trend, there was no statistically significant increased lung cancer risk below lifetime cumulative occupational exposures of 1.0 mg-yr/m3, and no excess risk for workers whose highest average monthly exposure did not exceed the current Permissible Exposure Limit (52 microg/m3). It is acknowledged that this study had limited power to detect increases at these low exposure levels. These cancer potency estimates are comparable to those developed by U.S. regulatory agencies and should be useful for assessing the potential cancer hazard associated with inhaled Cr(VI).  相似文献   

Recent advances in risk assessment have led to the development of joint dose-response models to describe prenatal death and fetal malformation rates in developmental toxicity experiments. These models can be used to estimate the effective dose corresponding to a 5% excess risk for both these toxicological endpoints, as well as for overall toxicity. In this article, we develop optimal experimental designs for the estimation of the effective dose for developmental toxicity using joint Weibull dose-response models for prenatal death and fetal malformation. Based on an extended series of developmental studies, near-optimal designs for prenatal death, malformation, and overall toxicity were found to involve three dose groups: an unexposed control group, a high dose equal to the maximum tolerated dose, and a low dose above or comparable to the effective dose. The effect on the optimal designs of changing the number of implants and the degree of intra-litter correlation is also investigated. Although the optimal design has only three dose groups in most cases, practical considerations involving model lack of fit and estimation of the shape of the dose-response curve suggest that, in practice, suboptimal designs with more than three doses will often be preferred.  相似文献   

Use of Mechanistic Models to Estimate Low-Dose Cancer Risks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kenny S. Crump 《Risk analysis》1994,14(6):1033-1038
The utility of mechanistic models of cancer for predicting cancer risks at low doses is examined. Based upon a general approximation to the dose-response that is valid at low doses, it is shown that at low doses the dose-response predicted by a mechanistic model is a linear combination of the dose-responses for each of the physiological parameters in the model that are affected by exposure. This demonstrates that, unless the mechanistic model provides a theoretical basis for determining the dose-responses for these parameters, the extrapolation of risks to low doses using a mechanistic model is basically "curve fitting," just as is the case when extrapolating using statistical models. This suggests that experiments to generate data for use in mechanistic models should emphasize measuring the dose-response for dose-related parameters as accurately as possible and at the lowest feasible doses.  相似文献   

While microbial risk assessment (MRA) has been used for over 25 years, traditional dose-response analysis has only predicted the overall risk of adverse consequences from exposure to a given dose. An important issue for consequence assessment from bioterrorist and other microbiological exposure is the distribution of cases over time due to the initial exposure. In this study, the classical exponential and beta-Poisson dose-response models were modified to include exponential-power dependency of time post inoculation (TPI) or its simplified form, exponential-reciprocal dependency of TPI, to quantify the time of onset of an effect presumably associated with the kinetics of in vivo bacterial growth. Using the maximum likelihood estimation approach, the resulting time-dose-response models were found capable of providing statistically acceptable fits to all tested pooled animal survival dose-response data. These new models can consequently describe the development of animal infectious response over time and represent observed responses fairly accurately. This is the first study showing that a time-dose-response model can be developed for describing infections initiated by various pathogens. It provides an advanced approach for future MRA frameworks.  相似文献   

Elizabethkingia spp. are common environmental pathogens responsible for infections in more vulnerable populations. Although the exposure routes of concern are not well understood, some hospital-associated outbreaks have indicated possible waterborne transmission. In order to facilitate quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) for Elizabethkingia spp., this study fit dose–response models to frog and mice datasets that evaluated intramuscular and intraperitoneal exposure to Elizabethkingia spp. The frog datasets could be pooled, and the exact beta-Poisson model was the best fitting model with optimized parameters α  = 0.52 and β = 86,351. Using the exact beta-Poisson model, the dose of Elizabethkingia miricola resulting in a 50% morbidity response (LD50) was estimated to be approximately 237,000 CFU. The model developed herein was used to estimate the probability of infection for a hospital patient under a modeled exposure scenario involving a contaminated medical device and reported Elizabethkingia spp. concentrations isolated from hospital sinks after an outbreak. The median exposure dose was approximately 3 CFU/insertion event, and the corresponding median risk of infection was 3.4E-05. The median risk estimated in this case study was lower than the 3% attack rate observed in a previous outbreak, however, there are noted gaps pertaining to the possible concentrations of Elizabethkingia spp. in tap water and the most likely exposure routes. This is the first dose–response model developed for Elizabethkingia spp. thus enabling future risk assessments to help determine levels of risk and potential effective risk management strategies.  相似文献   

Because experiments with Bacillus anthracis are costly and dangerous, the scientific, public health, and engineering communities are served by thorough collation and analysis of experiments reported in the open literature. This study identifies available dose-response data from the open literature for inhalation exposure to B. anthracis and, via dose-response modeling, characterizes the response of nonhuman animal models to challenges. Two studies involving four data sets amenable to dose-response modeling were found in the literature: two data sets of response of guinea pigs to intranasal dosing with the Vollum and ATCC-6605 strains, one set of responses of rhesus monkeys to aerosol exposure to the Vollum strain, and one data set of guinea pig response to aerosol exposure to the Vollum strain. None of the data sets exhibited overdispersion and all but one were best fit by an exponential dose-response model. The beta-Poisson dose-response model provided the best fit to the remaining data set. As indicated in prior studies, the response to aerosol challenges is a strong function of aerosol diameter. For guinea pigs, the LD50 increases with aerosol size for aerosols at and above 4.5 μm. For both rhesus monkeys and guinea pigs there is about a 15-fold increase in LD50 when aerosol size is increased from 1 μm to 12 μm. Future experimental research and dose-response modeling should be performed to quantify differences in responses of subpopulations to B. anthracis and to generate data allowing development of interspecies correction factors.  相似文献   

Data from a human feeding trial with healthy men were used to develop a dose-response model for 13 strains of Salmonella and to determine the effects of strain variation on the shape of the dose-response curve. Dose-response data for individual strains were fit to a three-phase linear model to determine minimum, median, and maximum illness doses, which were used to define Pert distributions in a computer simulation model. Pert distributions for illness dose of individual strains were combined in an Excel spreadsheet using a discrete distribution to model strain prevalence. In addition, a discrete distribution was used to model dose groups and thus create a model that simulated human feeding trials. During simulation of the model with @Risk, an illness dose and a dose consumed were randomly assigned to each consumption event in the simulated feeding trial and if the illness dose was greater than the dose consumed then the model predicted no illness, otherwise the model predicted that an illness would occur. To verify the dose-response model predictions, the original feeding trial was simulated. The dose-response model predicted a median of 69 (range of 43-101) illnesses compared to 74 in the original trial. Thus, its predictions were in agreement with the data used to develop it. However, predictions of the model are only valid for eggnog, healthy men, and the strains and doses of Salmonella used to develop it. When multiple strains of Salmonella were simulated together, the predicted dose-response curves were irregular in shape. Thus, the sigmoid shape of dose-response curves in feeding trials with one strain of Salmonella may not accurately reflect dose response in naturally contaminated food where multiple strains may be present.  相似文献   

Formaldehyde induced squamous-cell carcinomas in the nasal passages of F344 rats in two inhalation bioassays at exposure levels of 6 ppm and above. Increases in rates of cell proliferation were measured by T. M. Monticello and colleagues at exposure levels of 0.7 ppm and above in the same tissues from which tumors arose. A risk assessment for formaldehyde was conducted at the CIIT Centers for Health Research, in collaboration with investigators from Toxicological Excellence in Risk Assessment (TERA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) in 1999. Two methods for dose-response assessment were used: a full biologically based modeling approach and a statistically oriented analysis by benchmark dose (BMD) method. This article presents the later approach, the purpose of which is to combine BMD and pharmacokinetic modeling to estimate human cancer risks from formaldehyde exposure. BMD analysis was used to identify points of departure (exposure levels) for low-dose extrapolation in rats for both tumor and the cell proliferation endpoints. The benchmark concentrations for induced cell proliferation were lower than for tumors. These concentrations were extrapolated to humans using two mechanistic models. One model used computational fluid dynamics (CFD) alone to determine rates of delivery of inhaled formaldehyde to the nasal lining. The second model combined the CFD method with a pharmacokinetic model to predict tissue dose with formaldehyde-induced DNA-protein cross-links (DPX) as a dose metric. Both extrapolation methods gave similar results, and the predicted cancer risk in humans at low exposure levels was found to be similar to that from a risk assessment conducted by the U.S. EPA in 1991. Use of the mechanistically based extrapolation models lends greater certainty to these risk estimates than previous approaches and also identifies the uncertainty in the measured dose-response relationship for cell proliferation at low exposure levels, the dose-response relationship for DPX in monkeys, and the choice between linear and nonlinear methods of extrapolation as key remaining sources of uncertainty.  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrating a concentration dependence of elimination of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) suggest that previous estimates of exposure for occupationally exposed cohorts may have underestimated actual exposure, resulting in a potential overestimate of the carcinogenic potency of TCDD in humans based on the mortality data for these cohorts. Using a database on U.S. chemical manufacturing workers potentially exposed to TCDD compiled by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), we evaluated the impact of using a concentration- and age-dependent elimination model (CADM) (Aylward et al., 2005) on estimates of serum lipid area under the curve (AUC) for the NIOSH cohort. These data were used previously by Steenland et al. (2001) in combination with a first-order elimination model with an 8.7-year half-life to estimate cumulative serum lipid concentration (equivalent to AUC) for these workers for use in cancer dose-response assessment. Serum lipid TCDD measurements taken in 1988 for a subset of the cohort were combined with the NIOSH job exposure matrix and work histories to estimate dose rates per unit of exposure score. We evaluated the effect of choices in regression model (regression on untransformed vs. ln-transformed data and inclusion of a nonzero regression intercept) as well as the impact of choices of elimination models and parameters on estimated AUCs for the cohort. Central estimates for dose rate parameters derived from the serum-sampled subcohort were applied with the elimination models to time-specific exposure scores for the entire cohort to generate AUC estimates for all cohort members. Use of the CADM resulted in improved model fits to the serum sampling data compared to the first-order models. Dose rates varied by a factor of 50 among different combinations of elimination model, parameter sets, and regression models. Use of a CADM results in increases of up to five-fold in AUC estimates for the more highly exposed members of the cohort compared to estimates obtained using the first-order model with 8.7-year half-life. This degree of variation in the AUC estimates for this cohort would affect substantially the cancer potency estimates derived from the mortality data from this cohort. Such variability and uncertainty in the reconstructed serum lipid AUC estimates for this cohort, depending on elimination model, parameter set, and regression model, have not been described previously and are critical components in evaluating the dose-response data from the occupationally exposed populations.  相似文献   

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