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本文以清代苏州的四种慈善组织——育婴堂、普济堂、广仁堂和丰备义仓为例,梳理其在清代前期和后期的管理方式及收入来源,并进行对比,发现:清代前期苏州的慈善组织中存在着一种"官民合作"模式,民办慈善组织往往能够得到官府的支持和资助,官办救助机构也同样能得到来自民间的捐助。而在这种"官民合作"模式中,官府无疑处于强势的地位,民办的慈善组织接受官方资助后,便开始染上浓厚的官营色彩;而官办的救助组织虽然得到民间的大力捐助,但管理权仍然牢牢掌握在官府手中。在太平天国战争之后,苏州的地方绅士在慈善组织中的作用有所增强,地位有所提高,但这些慈善组织依然离不开官府的支持和资助,管理上也同样受到官府的监督和干预,并没有溢出"官民合作"的范畴。这就说明,晚清时期的"社会"并没有真正独立于"国家",强国家、弱社会的基本格局并没有改变。所以,慈善组织并不能被视作近代中国所谓的"公共领域"。  相似文献   

农村新社区是我国农村社会变迁中乡村治理的基本结构和社会民主化建设的基本单元,是在一定地域范围和规模基础上的自治载体,是乡政村治模式的组织形式和制度条件。本文以浙江省社会主义新农村建设为基础,分析了农村新社区自治的制度环境,并从支持系统、机制创新、功能结构运行、权限实现等方面提出了农村新社区自治的制度安排设想,初步设定了农村新社区自治的目标框架。农村新社区自治是党的十六届六中全会上提出,并在党的十七大继以发展的新农村建设的重要目标之一,是我国城市社区自治实践向农村的延伸和拓展,是农村新社区基本治理结构的探索和基层政治民主化建设的一个创举。本文以浙江省杭州和嘉兴市为例,就农村社会变迁过程中新社区自治的制度和目标构建进行了探讨。  相似文献   

钱力成 《社会学》2008,(3):13-20
随着时代的变迁和社会的发展,我国的地方性大城市开始展现出一些不同以往的新特点,从中也产生了具有中国本土特性的公共领域。本文以南京秦淮河污染治理这一事件为例,具体分析中国地方性大城市中本土“公共领域”的发生特性和运行方式,在此基础上提出了国家力量隐性化运作与地方精英碎片化的观点。  相似文献   

近些年来,地域歧视一直作为一个严重的社会问题,被媒体和学界所关注和讨论。所谓地域歧视,指的是针对属于某一地域的人所产生的厌恶甚至敌视的态度和不公正的待遇,原因是这个人具有这个地域所有令人不愉快的特征,即使用这个地域的方言、习惯于这个地域的生活方式和文化特质。地域歧视作为基于地域偏见心理之上的行为,在形式上针对个人,实质上针对的是地域群体。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出中国传统社会的宗族形态及其内涵 ,因社会经济条件和文化背景差别 ,在不同时期和不同地区呈现出许多差异。在福建、广东、香港、澳门等地区广泛存在的宗族组织 ,是该地区独特的文化和历史过程的产物。宗族发展历史中的文化过程 ,蕴涵着社会变迁的重要信息。从意识形态的角度来考虑的话 ,作为组织严密、结构完整、制度完善的中国宗族组织 ,到本世纪 5 0年代可以说已划上了句号。但这种制度化宗族的消失并不意味着基于血缘和文化机制的宗族关系的解体。这种关系即使是在运动频繁的 5 0到 70年代 ,也并没有为轰轰烈烈的革命运动…  相似文献   

清代常州文人的集群现象在江南乃至中国历史上都是较为罕见的,这得益于清代常州文人交游的兴盛。从与毗陵七子相关的文集中可以发现,血亲联系、诗社和文社、怡老会、修禊是当时常州文人交游的重要方式。  相似文献   

清代延续了儒家无讼的传统道德观念([1]),人而不仁,疾之已甚,乱也认为仁人不尚争,言利的诉讼有悖于仁人的价值观。后世藉己所不欲,勿施于人。在邦无怨,在家无怨反对皆挟自为心和念旧怨。官方的态度也是明显倾向于贱讼抑讼的。以《劝民息讼告示》为切入点,从儒吏们多采用教谕式调解、官府推动圣谕宣讲、鼓励族中严加教训以及弹压讼师好讼四个方面浅析了清代官员息讼方式。  相似文献   

方纲  刘欣 《社会学》2001,(1):58-60
最近。笔者受聘为一家市场调查公司的临时调查员,同时受聘的还有来自另外几所学校的学生。应聘是在回答几个简单的问题中结束的,其他人也是。调查以问卷的方式入户进行。调查公司经理口头承诺了调查员的劳务报酬及结算方式和时间。为了保证问卷的质量和可信  相似文献   

随着信息技术课程的广泛开设,信息道德教育越来越受到人们的关注。但目前信息道德教育无论理论还是实践都还不成熟。因此,寻找一种理论来更好地开展信息道德教育和完善信息道德规范就成了当务之急。社会行动模式理论,注重培养学生的"环境能力",强调使学生融入到道德的建设、实践中,使其成为一体,而不仅仅是道德的了解者或遵守者。因此是一种很好的信息道德教育指导理论。  相似文献   

This essay is an attempt to transcend the contentious political environment by offering a conceptual framework for discussing the outlines of a “good society” and its constituent elements. We offer an argument that is grounded in social theory that identifies a way to develop public policies to remedy long‐standing economic and social problems in American society. The development of public policies that can unify individuals and groups to provide their support depends upon the existence of core social values and shared social norms to realize those values. We proceed by first identifying a set of core social values that we believe most Americans would endorse, and then present a set of guides for behavior that would advance those values. Finally, we propose a series of public policies that are consistent with the core values and social norms and that would help to create what we have called the “good society.” Our assumption is that when a citizenry endorses a set of core values and acts in a fashion that supports those values, the usually divided political factions will be compelled to respond with real solutions.  相似文献   

There has been a renewed interest in the idea of society of late. Sociological studies of globalization have posed the question of how to understand society without the nation-state, and studies of European Union (EU) integration have linked the non-emergence of a European society to the 'democratic deficit'. In both cases what is at issue is how to understand the social dynamics of transnational spaces. This paper advances three main arguments in relation to the idea of European society. First, despite its popularity, the concept of civil society is of limited use for understanding European society. Second, European society should not be seen as a unified and coherent whole but as a series of non-integrated, fragmented and autonomous public spheres. Third, European society cannot be understood in the singular. A plurality of European public and social spaces exist, often beyond the control of, or unrelated to, the EU or its member states. In short, European social spaces are not harmonious and cohesive, nor are they necessarily constituted by European integration.  相似文献   

Almost 25% of Canadian families are headed by a lone parent (Jensen 2003) and over 90% of poor lone parents are women (National Council of Welfare 2002). In Canada lone mother‐led families have been significantly impacted by two major and interrelated changes in Canada; welfare reforms that resulted in the elimination of a separate family benefit and includes the imposition of a work requirement combined with dramatic changes to the labor market. The reduction of welfare benefits and the increase in precarious or non‐standard work have created a high level of social jeopardy for lone mothers and their children. This paper explores the different realms of life where lone‐mothers are particularly disadvantaged and argues that governments need to clearly identify areas of policy intersection before the inequalities that lone mother‐led families face can be ameliorated.  相似文献   

Along with radical changes in the global economy and family structure, Taiwan has experienced the re-emergence of the poverty problem that was thought disappearing after remarkable economic growth in the 1980s. This article would like to provide an updated profile of social changes in Taiwan, with special reference to the related poverty issues like new poverty and the M-shaped society, as Ohmae defines it in his well-known book. To begin with, we place some of the most recent developments in the context of unbalanced growth and increasing family crises. Ironically, people in Taiwan have widely used the terms of new poverty and M-shaped society since the end of 1990s, while the "economic miracle" the island wrought still remains a fond memory. Official statistics on poverty, unemployment, divorce, mental disease, and child abuse have all shown increases. The trend is a matter of serious concern. Unlike in Japan, the earnings of workers in Taiwan did not significantly decrease in recent years. Taiwan seems to deviate from the M-shaped society. We have developed two tentative but handy yardsticks for examining the shift of the middle class: the "balance index" and the "M-ratio". The former provides as a relative measure among different income groups, while the latter is designed to indicate the change of the middle class relative to the overall contribution of the people. Finally, we also discuss its implications to social policy in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Questions about aid reduction and its implications are crucial to understanding the future of civil society in many low- and middle-income countries and in post-conflict states. Local civil society in these contexts is often heavily influenced by foreign donors. This article provides an introduction to this theme issue about aid reduction and local civil society. The objective of the introduction and issue articles is to examine the causes of aid reduction and donor withdrawal, the impacts on local civil society organizations (CSOs), and any resulting change in local civil society. We ask: What are the global trends in aid reduction? What impacts does aid reduction have on local CSOs? How do local CSOs respond and adapt? The contributions in this issue demonstrate that aid reduction is indeed global in scale and that impacts and adaptations are often strikingly similar across countries and regions. These similarities form the basis for building new theory but also prompt new questions about the global effects of aid on civil society.  相似文献   

The Nature, Society and History theme is discussed in terms of the conceptual framework of 'biohistory'. Reference is made to its relevance to human health and well-being, societal metabolism and ecological sustainability. The power of human culture as an ecological force is emphasized. The Nature, Society and History paradigm is discussed in the context of the social changes that will be necessary for the achievement of ecological sustainability. It is suggested that it has an essential contribution to make not only in the academic world, but also in the general community.  相似文献   

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