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针对城市内部的锈带问题,主要通过产业转型的手段来进行生态修复.在这一过程中,无论是权利的行使还是资源的配置,都需要多元共治.产业转型中的多元共治,是指政府、社会组织、市场和公民共同参与,通过合作、协商、竞争等手段实现生态修复等公共利益.生态修复包括自然修复和社会修复两个方面.社会修复是在自然修复的基础上通过政策激励和资金投入,解决该地区社会经济发展的问题,实现新兴产业的发展.  相似文献   

随着互联网时代的到来,新媒体迅速崛起,极大分流了传统媒体的用户和广告收入。面对新媒体强劲的发展势头,传统媒体的转型发展显得尤为迫切。在此背景下,上海报业集团对传统媒体转型进行了有益的探索和实践,推出了专注时政与思想的互联网平台——澎湃新闻。  相似文献   

多元评价体系是保证新型课堂模式有效实施的重要因素,对于不断延伸课堂教学效果、提升学生知识学习、顺应教育现代化变革等诸多方面都具有无比重要的促进意义。以员工培训技术与实务课程为例,构建基于不同评价主体、评价内容、评价方法的多元评价体系,提出互联网时代新型高校课程多元评价体系应遵循的标准及方法。  相似文献   

魏莉莉 《社会学》2006,(3):59-64
由上海社会科学院社会发展研究院和日本专修大学社会科学研究所联合举办的“经济与社会结构转型论题一中国和日本的经验”学术研讨会,2006年3月在上海社会科学院举行。会议聚焦中日发展中的经济和社会结构转型问题,围绕四个主题展开,即:(1)经济、产业结构的转型和企业体制结构;(2)大都市建设和规划;(3)阶层结构的变化和差距问题;(4)社会福利问题与社会政策。会上,来自中国和日本的8名学者进行了主题发言。现将各位学者发言的丰要观点述要如下。  相似文献   

根据日语词汇来源的不同,把日语词汇分为和语、汉语、外来语和混种语四种类型。词汇种类的复杂,也意味着日语近义词的繁多。因此,日语近义词的辨析对日语学习者尤为重要,本文将利用中日对译语料库,以言い訳、弁解、言い逃れ、言い抜け为例,从语义、用法、语感等方面就此四个近义词进行探讨和区分。本文的目的在于明晰此四者近义词的区别和各自用法,从而帮助日语学习者学习和掌握日语近义词,进一步提高日语能力。  相似文献   

以一带一路的国家战略导向为契机,通过积极参与其中,推动并实现城市发展的内生转型,将贯穿上海建设全球城市目标的关键过程,并使得上海的城市功能面临扩展的现实需求。本文在分析一带一路战略开放方式与开放界面变化的前提下,识别它给上海构建全球城市带来的主要机遇,提出上海参与一带一路国家战略扩展城市功能的内涵与路径,包括:依托要素流动的战略通道,推动上海四个中心建设的城市功能升级;通过全球价值链重构的分工通道,加快上海科创中心的功能建设;凭借全球治理模式变革的制度通道,充实和扩展上海城市发展的文化与外交功能。  相似文献   

张涛  刘晶 《现代交际》2012,(4):106-107
统一战线是三大法宝之一,与武装斗争这个硬武器相比,统一战线这个软武器的作用是统一和稳定,尤其在发展和建设的非常时期,其作用是不可低估的。中共统一战线政策在三大改造时期和社会主义新时期的直接目的、作用、意义和方针等的不同,对我们今天的统战工作的执行有重要启示。  相似文献   

随着世界经济全球化的发展和我国全面深化改革的推进,产业转型升级成为我国经济发展的重要战略,作为为区域经济发展服务的高等职业教育必须构建新的发展理念和模式,因此,探讨构建适应产业转型升级需要的高等职业教育办学模式和发展路径具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

在劳资冲突愈发严重的当代中国,作为劳资之间的沟通桥梁,企业社会工作越来越受到关注。基于巴尔廓帕尔提出的扩展的临床视角,结合笔者在广东D厂的实习社工经验,从人与环境的双重改变入手,本文构建了面向新员工的企业社会工作干预策略,阐述了社会工作介入企业所面临的挑战。本文认为,在员工高流失率困扰越来越多企业的情况下,选取新员工进行企业社工干预的尝试不仅具有可行性,也是社工介入企业领域的新契机。  相似文献   

This article provides a critical review of the scholarship on gender in boxing since the formal recognition of women's boxing internationally in 1994. The article is divided into three parts, each addressing a different aspect of the relationship between gender and boxing. The first part discusses the beginnings of boxing scholarship that mostly focussed on men and masculinity, the second part explores the research on boxing since the inclusion of female boxing in international competitions and examines organizational aspects of boxing, and the last part outlines the scholarship that explores gender identities in boxing. The review is based on qualitative textual analysis and attempts to identify gaps in the scholarship, providing suggestions for future research directions. Overall, the article argues that while the scholarship on gender in boxing is saturated, there are still a few areas that would benefit from further research. These are studies on the relationship between volunteering, refereeing, heterosexuality, and gender in boxing.  相似文献   

Calling attention to the relatively few contributions made by sociologists to the study of nuclear issues, a political scientist suggests a number of areas and questions that sociology may be particularly well equipped to deal with. The study is divided into a canvas of questions that come from the first 45 years of the nuclear age, and then assesses the questions that may emerge in an evolving post-Cold War era.  相似文献   

This critical inquiry explores the question: What are the ethical implications of promoting normative ideals for healthy aging, such as volunteerism and civic engagement, that specifically emphasize productivity and contribution? In this paper, we identify the values and ethical standpoints embedded in the discourse promoting volunteerism and productive aging and then describe what this suggests about how older adults are viewed, valued and judged. More specifically, we argue that older adult volunteering has at times been framed in a manner that dually suggests: a) lifelong productivity is a necessary condition to be a good old person; and b) lifelong productivity is a necessary condition to be a good old citizen. We then demonstrate that the current promotion of older adult volunteerism and productive aging is ethically troubling because: 1) it fails to capture the full potential of the self — and in particular, the aging self; and 2) it grounds justice in a narrowly defined and unfair distributive scheme. An alternative model of aging is then presented based on equal regard for all persons insofar as this approach is inclusive of the diversity of older adults and aging processes, and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Scholars across disciplines have argued that race and religion are co‐constituted in part because of their historical relationship. The concept of racialization, particularly as it is housed in racial formation theory, is the way that most empirical research in sociology has approached analysis of this co‐constitution. Such analysis however is often at the expense of empirically accounting for the historical relationship between race and religion. In this article, I argue for stronger empirical consideration of this historical relationship in research on racialization. I discuss what is at stake in deeper empirical analysis and what scholars gain by using religion as a starting point to understand racialization today.  相似文献   

Abstract Rural sociology is intrinsically concerned with the spatial dimensions of social life. However, this underlying research tradition, particularly the use of space as a research strategy, has been insufficiently addressed and its contributions to general sociology are little recognized. I outline how concern with space, uneven development, and the social relationships of peripheral settings have provided substantive boundary and conceptual meaning to rural sociology, propelled its evolution, and left it with a legacy of strengths, weaknesses, and challenges. A willingness to tackle the dimension of space and the thorny problems it raises often sets rural sociologists apart from other sociologists. This research tradition contrasted with general sociology's concern with developing generalization, aspatial covering laws, and proto-typical relationships of modern or Fordist development settings. Conceptual openings have left sociologists questioning their past agenda. Coupled with the “creative marginality” inherent in the questions and contexts addressed by rural sociologists, this makes the subfield central to contemporary sociology.  相似文献   

This essay aims to analyse the most recent acquisitions in economic sociology, setting out from the problem of embeddedness. Firstly, the contribution offered by Mark Granovetter shall be illustrated, demonstrating how the interpretation proposed by this scholar is concentrated on a structural–relational perspective that tends to trace the explanation of economic phenomena to a theory of social networks. In order to enrich and integrate this approach, the contribution offered by the new-institutionalist perspective in contemporary economic sociology will be emphasised, which has focused on the social construction of economic institutions. This current has underlined, on the one hand, the cognitive dimension of embeddedness, related to the way in which the uniformities structured by mental processes limit economic reasoning, and, on the other, the cultural dimension of embeddedness, concerning the role of collectively shared representations in the formation of economic goals. It will be concluded by illustrating the acquisitions of some theoretical perspectives linked to the polanyian tradition that have developed a ‘plural’ conception of economy, founded on the emphasis of socio-regulative principles, such as those of exchange, redistribution and reciprocity, which, in becoming hybrid, give shape to variable and historically anchored economic worlds. The concept of embeddedness roots historically and transmits a vision of economic processes as inseparable from non-economic institutions.  相似文献   

This article examines six different theoretical approaches that attempt to explain the exchange of dyadic immediacy, intimacy, or involvement cues. Affiliative conflict or equilibrium theory, two expectancy norm models, an arousal-labeling model, an arousal valence model, a discrepancy-arousal model, and a sequential functional model are summarized. Advantages and limitations of each of these approaches are discussed, and empirical support for each of these approaches is summarized.  相似文献   

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