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利用CGSS2010调查数据,本文应用倾向得分匹配方法处理婚姻状况自选择效应,定量评估了大龄未婚对我国农村大龄男性主观福利的影响.在反事实概念框架下,大龄未婚对我国农村男性有着不显著的负面影响.可能的解释是,幸福的婚姻需要一定的社会经济资源保障,仅靠婚姻本身难以显著提升农村大龄未婚男性主观福利.在努力降低性别比例失衡的同时,有必要出台政策改善农村大龄男性社会经济状况以提高他们的主观福利.  相似文献   

农村大龄未婚男性社会保障需求与供给分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在构建农村大龄未婚男性社会保障需求量测算模型的基础上,对相关统计数据和抽样调查资料进行了处理,测算出农村大龄未婚男性人均社会保障需求量和社会保障需求总量;比较了农村大龄未婚男性和已婚男性的社会保障实施现状,分析了农村大龄未婚男性社会保障供给现状及存在问题,提出了改进农村大龄未婚男性社会保障需求的对策建议。  相似文献   

文章对晚婚、大龄未婚、终身不婚几个概念进行辨析的基础上,结合权威部门发布的数据,对当下中国青年婚姻状况进行分城乡比较和考察。指出城市和农村在婚姻年龄模式上,男性"大龄未婚者"所面临的终身不婚风险上均存在着差异,并对这些城乡差异产生的原因及其可能的社会学后果进行深入思考。  相似文献   

大龄未婚男性的生理与心理福利   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
中国大量农村大龄未婚男性与社会安全之间的关系引起国内外政府和学术界的深切关注。通过分析国外对大龄未婚男性的研究文献,总结国外大龄未婚男性的生理、心理状况以及影响生理和心理状况的重要变量——社会网络与支持状况。国外研究的方法、思路和结论都能为中国深入研究农村大龄未婚男性群体自身的福利和该群体与社会安全的关系提供借鉴和启示,今后的研究应该以与已婚者进行比较的方法,从大龄未婚者的生理和心理福利着手来进行。  相似文献   

基于2008年安徽省CH市JC区的调查数据,通过与同年龄段已婚男性的对比,对性别失衡背景下中国农村大龄未婚男性的商业性行为、安全套使用情况及其影响因素进行分析。研究发现,在中国性别失衡背景下,男性婚姻挤压导致大龄未婚男性难以获取正常、稳定的性行为,商业性行为作为一种有效的替代和弥补方式,其发生率在农村地区的大龄未婚男性当中存在显著升高的可能性;相对于较高的商业性行为发生率而言,大龄未婚男性的安全套使用率处于较低的水平,使得大龄未婚男性的商业性行为具有高风险特征。  相似文献   

大龄未婚男性的婚姻困境是在中国农村普婚制社会下长期存在的现象。文章利用全国性的专项调查、主流媒体报道和实地调查数据,从婚姻市场上的性别不平等视角来研究农村大龄男性的婚姻困境。宏观数据分析显示,用性别结构失衡来解释农村大龄男性的婚姻剥夺显得原发性因果关系不强和实证性不足,而简单地以贫困概括农村大龄男性婚姻困境的主因并没有充分考虑婚姻的本质和功能。基于性别不平等的理论视角和实证研究,认为婚姻市场上性别不平等对贫困男性婚姻困境的影响远比人口性别结构失衡的影响更为直接和重要,农村大龄男性的婚姻困境具有独立于个体内因的社会经济结构性的成因。  相似文献   

王磊 《人口学刊》2012,(2):21-31
利用2010年冀北C县农村调查数据,借鉴生活质量的概念和研究框架,分析农村大龄未婚男性的生活质量现状及影响因素。研究结果表明,与已婚男性相比,未婚男性的客观生活质量和主观生活质量均明显偏低;居住方式和父母在世情况显著影响他们所获得的生活支持,工作、收入和社会保障显著影响他们的经济满意度;年龄、生理、心理和收入是影响未婚男性生活总体满意度的重要因素。经济满意度和生活总体满意度之间具有显著的正向相关关系,社会交往满意度和生活总体满意度之间的关系不显著。分析农村大龄未婚男性的生活质量有利于把握其生存状态,也有利于理解其对社会公共安全的影响。  相似文献   

基于第七次全国人口普查数据并结合第四、五、六次全国人口普查数据,全面分析近年来中国男性婚姻挤压的态势与特征。研究表明,男性婚姻挤压现象及其后果已全面显现:2010~2020年全国婚龄人口性别比急剧升高,预计2036年将升至峰值116.13;与以往主要集中在社会经济发展较为落后的地区不同,当前经济发达且城镇化率较高地区的未婚男性过剩现象也逐步显现;男性婚姻挤压导致男女两性间初婚水平和模式的差异巨大,男性初婚概率较女性明显偏低,未婚男性成婚期望年数大幅增加;农村大龄未婚男性的规模始终较大、比例始终较高,城镇大龄未婚男性群体也日益凸显,2010~2020年45岁及以上城镇未婚男性由176.04万人增至387.77万人;大龄未婚男性的经济资源相对匮乏,对最低生活保障金的依赖加重,在老年阶段处于不健康状态的比例上升且独居比例较高。  相似文献   

倪晓锋 《南方人口》2008,23(1):59-64,58
本文以2005年全国1%人口抽样调查数据为基础,通过城乡之间的比较,借助对婚姻挤压以及中国大龄未婚人口现象的系统描述来揭示其存在的特征和后果。婚姻挤压和大龄未婚现象既与个人因素有关,同样受到社会结构变迁的影响,不仅在性别上有所差异,城乡之间也存在较大差别,农村未婚女青年的比例较低,最多的大龄未婚女青年集中在城市。而婚姻迁移和社会对于男女两性的期望不同将会对新的婚姻挤压问题造成进一步的冲击。  相似文献   

本文基于计划行为理论,研究了受到婚姻挤压的农村大龄未婚男性安全套使用倾向的心理因素和社会人口统计因素。数据来源于2008年8月-9月西安交通大学人口与发展研究所在安徽JC区开展的"农村大龄男性生殖健康和家庭生活调查"。Logistic回归分析结果显示,积极的互动态度、较高的性伴规范,较高的知觉行为控制和首次性行为中使用了安全套的经历与大龄未婚男性安全套使用倾向显著正相关。此外,较小年龄组的未婚男性更倾向于使用安全套。本研究结果有助于我们更好地理解农村大龄未婚男性安全套使用机制,能为促进农村地区安全性行为的干预项目提供理论借鉴和支持。  相似文献   

多重边缘者:基于对D村光棍群体社会地位的考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余练 《南方人口》2011,26(6):8-15
本文将光棍群体放在村落共同体转型背景下进行理解后发现,光棍群体社会地位低下,处于村落社区末端,他们在家庭内部、人情交往、公共生活和政治参与四个层面均被村落社区完全排斥在外,从而处于多重边缘地位。改善光棍群体的社会地位需要关注他们的生活质量以及加强村落共同体内部的组织建设。  相似文献   

光棍在传统社会中成为一种依附性的力量,嵌入到村庄结构中。光棍是弱势的文化指涉始终是乡土社会实践的“非意外结果”。由此,学者通过“婚姻挤压”和“婚姻排斥”导演出光棍的“被迫性”问题。但是,随着差序格局的理性化和传统村落社区的解体,光棍的“弱势”意蕴逐渐得以“祛魅”。基于经验调查,本文从“主位”视角出发展开对光棍社会地位的再研究,从经济条件的优厚者、婚姻的高价者、家庭结构中的当家者、人情的积极互动者、关系和资源的拥有者五个方面来呈现出光棍较高的社会地位,打破光棍弱势之迷,光棍只是作为一种生活方式的选择而已,这样就将光棍研究进一步推向“主位选择”的纵深层面。  相似文献   

中国农村非自愿性移民自愿迁移的经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将自愿性的人口迁移模型应用于农村非自愿性移民的研究,分析了中国农村非自愿性移民实现自愿迁移的机理.其关键在于一个合理的补偿价格。而要实现农村非自愿性移民自愿迁移,必须考虑农村非自愿性移民遭受的损失.包括实物资本、人力资本以及社会资本的损失。最后得出了在农业安置和非农业安置两种方式下,使得农村非自愿性移民自愿迁移的无差异点。只有当补偿标准达到该点时,才可以实现农村非自愿性移民向自愿性移民转变。  相似文献   

Q Shen 《人口研究》1983,(4):28-29
In the 1980 census, a special investigation was conducted in Wuxi City on the marital status of the local population above the age of fifteen. The investigation covered detailed information concerning those married, divorced, single, and widowed. Results from this investigation show that more men are single than women, and more men are also widowed. In part this is because the average age for husband is older than his wife and the death rate higher is for men than women. Data show that the popular marriage age is between 25 and 29, evidence of a general trend toward late marr iage. In the area of the divorce rate, the rate for women in the city is higher than that in the countryside. The divorce rate for men is higher in the countryside than in the city. In the rate of being single through a lifetime, the rate for men in the countryside is higher than that in the city. This situation shows that in the countryside, because of the poor geographical and economic condition, men suffer from their marriage status. Generally speaking, the divorce rate in China is still lower than that of Western countries and the marital status in China remains more stable. The marital status is influenced by many factors, such as the social and economic situation, customs and habits, religious beliefs, profession, and educational and cultural levels. The collection of information regarding the marital status is useful for analysis of the birthrate and population forecast.  相似文献   

Since 1950, laws aimed at delaying marriage have been 1 of the major means of slowing population growth in China, where marriage is nearly universal. Age at marriage has risen in recent decades, but not to the same extent in all localities. This article uses cross-tabulated data from China's 1982 census to assess the effects of urban-rural residence and educational level on the ages at which men and women have been marrying. The data also reveal the effects of residence and education on widowhood, divorce, and current marital status. As expected, exposure to development, indicated by urban residence and higher education, is associated with later marriage, but it also increases the likelihood of ever marrying, especially for men. Women's tendency to seek social mobility by marrying men from economically more developed areas results in bachelorhood for a substantial percentage of rural men, especially those who are illiterate.  相似文献   

Objectives The main objective of this study was to describe the variation of individual social capital according to socio-demographic factors, and to develop a suitable way to measure social capital for this purpose. The similarity of socio-demographic variation between the genders was also assessed. Data and methods The study applied cross-sectional data from the national Finnish Health 2000 survey (n = 8,028) which represents the adult population, aged 30 years and over. Several variables indicating social capital were condensed to dimensions on the basis of factor analysis. Participants were categorized into tertiles in each dimension of social capital by means of factor scores. The multinomial logistic regression model was used to produce the adjusted prevalences for the dimensions of social capital according to socio-demographic categories (age, gender, education, living arrangements, income, and type of region). Results Three dimensions of social capital were distinguished: social support, social participation and networks, and trust and reciprocity. Age had an inverse association with social support as well as participation and networks, and a curvilinear association between age and trust and reciprocity, the oldest age groups showing the highest level of trust. Married persons and those in the highest educational and income groups tended to have more social capital than other persons. Residents of urban and rural regions did not systematically differ from each other in their level of social capital although residents of urban regions participated less and showed less trust than people living in semi-urban or rural regions. Social support varied significantly with gender. The decline of social support by age was steeper in women than in men. Social participation and networks increased with education, the gradient appearing steeper among men. The difference between married and cohabiting men was substantial compared to women when it came to trust. Conclusions People who are young, married, educated, and well-off have plenty of social capital. This information might help various services to concentrate the actions on the people in danger of social exclusion. Our results also form a basis for the future by allowing the changes in social capital to be examined over time and over different studies.  相似文献   

Relatively little research has been conducted on caregiving or kin support patterns among residents of newer forms of senior housing. The current research investigates variation in reported current or potential supporters by gender, age, and marital status among 687 residents of four continuing care retirement communities. Women and men tended to identify different configurations of social support, with the gender difference partially attributable to marital status (i.e., higher rates of widowhood among women). Age 75–84 was nonlinearly associated with more reported supporters, suggesting a shift in types of supporters by age. Unmarried persons more often identified friends and “others” in terms of support, in lieu of spousal support.  相似文献   

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