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Anne Lambert 《Sociologie du Travail》2012,54(3):297-316
A survey conducted in a recent housing development located in an exurban township to the east of Lyon, France, investigated how owning a house affects the work for wages and work in the household of each person in a couple. Though an economic burden, a house can represent a family and occupational resource for low-income households in a context where wage earning is precarious. This is especially true for women with few skills who “choose” to specialize in day-care work, whether declared or not. Home ownership often reinforces the division of labor between men and women. The articulation of the occupational and household spheres also depends on the household's financial and social resources and on the distance from family networks of exchange and support. 相似文献
Judith Wolf 《Sociologie du Travail》2012,54(2):157-177
How does society manage the deceased? Often located in the most remote section of a hospital, forsaken by nurses, doctors, and management, even stigmatized, hospital mortuaries admit nearly one out of two deceased persons. They thus represent one of the main places receiving the dead in France. Hospital employees, morticians, funeral directors, the representatives of religions, etc., a full micro-society develops there at the borderline between medicine and funerals, a paradoxical place where hierarchies bump against each other. Fieldwork is used to describe how bodies are taken in charge inside hospital mortuaries. By emphasizing the chain of acts of collaboration in the handling of corpses, questions are raised about each person's role and the scope of this collective work. 相似文献
Yasmine Bouagga 《Sociologie du Travail》2012,54(3):317-337
This study of the changing profession of “counselors of integration and probation” (conseillers d’insertion et de probation, Cip) proposes a sociology of occupational groups that takes into account both statutory and moral considerations. Turning social services in prisons into a “penitentiary service of integration and probation” has involved professionalization, “juridicization” (with a shift from social work to the field of law) as well as a switch from a “compassionate” toward a “repressive” pole of interventions. Based on a survey conducted in prison, this study of work situations and conflicts helps us formulate the problems of ruptures and continuities in relation to both these employees’ individual trajectories and the institutional framework of their actions. This case study of Cip, an occupational group seen herein as a litmus test of what the penal institution does to persons under a court order, enables us to imagine an ethnography of the “state in acts”. 相似文献
Céline LOUCHE Guillaume DELAUTRE Gabriela BALVEDI PIMENTEL 《Revue Internationale du Travail》2023,162(1):77-109
Les agences de notation spécialisées dans l‘évaluation des pratiques des entreprises en matière environnementale, sociale et de gouvernance (ESG) sont des partenaires importants pour les acteurs de l'investissement responsable, qu'elles alimentent en données extrafinancières. Si la question des indicateurs ESG a déjà été traitée dans la littérature, la façon d‘évaluer le travail décent est peu documentée. Les auteurs observent les pratiques de six agences de notation ESG pour comprendre comment ces organismes mesurent et évaluent la performance en matière de travail décent, et avec quelles difficultés, et pour déterminer si l'investissement responsable et les notations ESG peuvent véritablement promouvoir le travail décent dans les entreprises. 相似文献
Damir STIJEPIC 《Revue Internationale du Travail》2020,159(3):339-371
À partir d'une enquête internationale qui évalue les compétences cognitives, l'auteur étudie les effets de celles-ci sur l'emploi dans 32 pays. En moyenne, l'augmentation du niveau de numératie d'un écart type accroît la probabilité d'avoir un emploi de 8,4 points de pourcentage, et réduit celles d'être en inactivité ou au chômage de 6,4 et 2,1 points respectivement. Après contrôle des effets de la numératie, l'effet du nombre d'années de scolarité diminue de 2,7 points à 1,8 point. En particulier, les effets des compétences sur l'emploi sont plus marqués dans les pays où le chômage est plus élevé. 相似文献
Jean-Marc Weller 《Sociologie du Travail》2011,53(3):349
How to describe work when much of it cannot be observed? This study of the activities of magistrates in a “natural” situation used an ethnological approach to observe cases from registration to hearings. Special difficulties cropped up during one phase: how to observe the deliberation when the judges, after having heard the parties during the contradictory phase of a penal procedure, adjourn and, among themselves, debate the case, weighing the pros and cons, before delivering a decision? The literature usually considers this “duty to hesitate” as an essential phase. But the judges in this survey sat alone on the court. Hesitations and turnarounds might occur; but doubts, inevitably an essential part of their work, arose during a phase of deliberation with oneself that left little empirically observable evidence and did not necessarily leave memories that these judges could easily bring up. How, then, to describe the “duty of hesitation” when it evaporates as we try to observe it in actual fact? This survey's strategy for responding to this situation is presented. 相似文献
Alina Surubaru 《Sociologie du Travail》2012,54(4):457-474
This article analyzes business encounters in the garment industry of post-communist Romania. It shows how the structural uncertainty that characterizes the “transition” from a planned economy to a market economy forces the choice of Romanian manufacturers, particularly in terms of clientele. Thus, in the early 1990s, these actors were mostly caught up in figuring out their short-term profits, and their ability to get a firm foothold in the market was seriously challenged. However, many of the bifurcations experienced by individual manufacturers paradoxically participated in stabilizing (at least temporarily) a way of doing business in that industry: the “choice” of international outsourcing became the only possible reasonable choice during the “transition”. 相似文献
Gabrielle Schütz 《Sociologie du Travail》2012,54(1):70-91
Sociological studies have seldom raised questions about the concept of “distance” in managerial work. This article sheds light on the organizational determinants of a particular style of hierarchy, one which mobilizes subordinates by using affects and calls for strong investment in relationships. The relational and affective distance with subordinates proves to be a resource in contexts where management's work is subject to a dense set of constraints. The conditions are exposed under which this “relational work” becomes a burden and leads to standing aloof from subordinates, in particular by disparaging them. This analysis of middle management in the reception service industry in France is extended to other businesses providing relatively unskilled services. It shows how the provision of such services to firms favors the emergence of this style of staff relations. 相似文献
Nicolas Roinsard 《Sociologie du Travail》2012,54(2):197-216
Based on the data of a sociological study conducted among three generations of workers of Chantiers de l’Atlantique, this article describes and analyzes, in a dynamic prospect, first, the changes in employment and labor in the shipbuilding industry over the last five decades (1950–2005) and, secondly, the changes in professional socialization and intergenerational relationships at work in the group of the metal-workers. On the basis of the postulate according to which the age and the generation are not sociological data in themselves but result from a singular social construction, our purpose is to show how the mode of production of the three working generations observed is directly related to differences in access to employment on the one hand, and to professional and organizational socialization on the other hand. 相似文献
The effects of corporate restructuring on managerial careers have not often been analyzed, especially not from a gendered perspective. As two cases of mergers and acquisitions studied in England and Hungary show, new windows of opportunity might open for women's careers, but a reinforced model of “masculine-neutral” activity hardens the glass ceiling for those (in particular women) who are unable to comply with its expectations. 相似文献
Les auteurs décrivent l'évolution du marché du travail indépendant en ligne en Fédération de Russie et dans l'espace postsoviétique. Les données proviennent d'une enquête originale, adressée à quatre reprises, entre 2009 et 2019, aux utilisateurs d'une grande plateforme d'intermédiation en langue russe, axée sur les métiers créatifs et l'économie du savoir. Plusieurs tendances se dégagent: expansion de l'aire de recrutement; diversification des spécialisations; féminisation, vieillissement et qualification de la main-d'œuvre; péjoration de l'adéquation profil-tâches; consolidation des parcours indépendants en ligne, plateformisation et formalisation. Les auteurs commentent ces évolutions et formulent des recommandations d'action en vue du développement futur du secteur en Fédération de Russie. 相似文献
Antonella Corsani 《Sociologie du Travail》2012,54(4):495-510
This article examines the conditions for exercise of autonomy when legal subordination is minimal and in situations of discontinuous employment. Two professional figures are analyzed: art and entertainment workers and journalism stringers. Discontinuous employment is not necessarily something that must be endured; it is even considered desirable by employees looking for greater autonomy in defining the content and modalities of their work and better schedules allowing them to develop independent projects. But that freedom is curbed by the precarious material conditions of life and the growing power of intermediaries. 相似文献
Catherine Fallon Pierre Delvenne 《Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research》2009,22(4):411-425
Notre contribution propose une grille d'analyse du régime wallon de l'innovation et des transformations dont il est l'objet. Nous mettons en évidence les dynamiques qui ont émergé en Wallonie entre les stakeholders de l'innovation et le régime existant, autour de la mise en place des pôles de compétitivité. L'originalité de notre article repose sur l'utilisation de concepts comme le “macro-récit” ou le “paysage socio-technique” pour interpréter les dynamiques d'une politique publique d'innovation et appréhender la complexité de l'univers discursif, institutionnel, historique, culturel, social et technologique des acteurs en présence. Notre analyse montre qu'une telle approche est nécessaire en complément à une évaluation d'impact traditionnelle pour mesurer les chances de succès de l'implémentation durable de la politique wallonne des pôles de compétitivité. Nous concluons que le modèle d'innovation qui transparait relève d'une appréhension systémique des modes de production de connaissance, mais reste cloisonné dans une logique instrumentale de l'innovation, insuffisante et peu réflexive, maintenant à distance la société et certains stakeholders de l'innovation. 相似文献
Raphaël Liogier 《International Review of Sociology》2011,21(1):145-173
When one refuses to participate in shallow debates on the definition of religion, which define in general tactics of declassing the beliefs of others or of under-classing our own beliefs, one recognizes that beyond the emerging patchworked spiritual diversification which emerges in today's advanced industrial societies there is a unified religious dogma. The idea that spirituality will be contradictory to religion does not constitute a pertinent concrete distinction, but occupies a place in this new religious dogma that presents itself as spiritual. 相似文献
Les modes d'organisation de la protection sociale et du marché du travail peuvent‐ils expliquer les particularités du chômage des jeunes d'un pays à l'autre? 下载免费PDF全文
Dennis TAMESBERGER 《Revue Internationale du Travail》2017,156(3-4):491-515
Le chômage des jeunes ne se présente pas partout sous le même jour et dépend de différents facteurs agissant en synergie. Après une synthèse documentaire sur la question, l'auteur procède à une analyse en classification hiérarchique pour repérer les modes d'organisation de la protection sociale et du marché du travail pouvant influer en la matière dans l'UE27. Sur les cinq modèles mis en évidence, celui qui a l'effet le plus favorable sur le ratio de chômage des jeunes et le chômage de long terme dans la tranche d'âge associe prépondérance de l'apprentissage, politique sociale et familiale généreuse et politiques actives du marché du travail. 相似文献