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In Brazil – and more largely in Latin America – the fight of the indigenous movements for the demarcation of their territory and the installation of an intercultural school education contributed to the constitutional changes of the years 1980–1990 which led these States to regard themselves from then on as pluricultural and multiethnic nations and to recognize collective rights specific to native people and tribes living on their territory. The author analyzes the advent and the development of this intercultural bilingual education in two border regions of the State of Amazonas (Alto Solimões and Alto Rio Negro) near the populations Ticuna, Baniwa and Tukano during the years 1990 and 2000. He shows in particular how the indigenous school, an assimilationist instrument for the Occidental and Christian culture until the 1980s, has been transformed by supporting the reappropriation of the traditional knowledge; meanwhile this school has opened itself to ‘Western’ knowledge in order to make it possible for the younger generation to acquire the ability to go towards evolution.  相似文献   

This study of the changing profession of “counselors of integration and probation” (conseillers d’insertion et de probation, Cip) proposes a sociology of occupational groups that takes into account both statutory and moral considerations. Turning social services in prisons into a “penitentiary service of integration and probation” has involved professionalization, “juridicization” (with a shift from social work to the field of law) as well as a switch from a “compassionate” toward a “repressive” pole of interventions. Based on a survey conducted in prison, this study of work situations and conflicts helps us formulate the problems of ruptures and continuities in relation to both these employees’ individual trajectories and the institutional framework of their actions. This case study of Cip, an occupational group seen herein as a litmus test of what the penal institution does to persons under a court order, enables us to imagine an ethnography of the “state in acts”.  相似文献   

La liberté syndicale est indispensable à l'institution syndicale. Au Bangladesh, les dispositions qui protègent déjà ce principe restent inopérantes dans la confection. Les autorités doivent pouvoir s'appuyer sur un cadre législatif capable de promouvoir la syndicalisation dans le secteur. Pour les auteurs, ce cadre devrait mobiliser les compétences et ressources complémentaires des différents acteurs en présence (État, industriels locaux, syndicats et marques internationales) et les amener à s'engager et agir sur le long terme pour améliorer la situation des relations professionnelles dans l'industrie de la confection au Bangladesh, à la fois sous l'angle socio-économique et sous l'angle politique.  相似文献   

After showing that language and writing are used as basic resources in sociology, this article seeks to identify issues raised by writing in sociology to produce the knowledge expected of this discipline as other social sciences. After considering the status of sociological knowledge and use of language that this knowledge requires, the article seeks to define the rules to be followed by sociologists in order to explain what it means in science. The arguments presented here differ from those developed in some post-modern theories, according to which sociology is after all only a matter of language, and sociologists are authors like novelists. The article is based on considerations developed in particular by Pierre Bourdieu.  相似文献   

Based on the data of a sociological study conducted among three generations of workers of Chantiers de l’Atlantique, this article describes and analyzes, in a dynamic prospect, first, the changes in employment and labor in the shipbuilding industry over the last five decades (1950–2005) and, secondly, the changes in professional socialization and intergenerational relationships at work in the group of the metal-workers. On the basis of the postulate according to which the age and the generation are not sociological data in themselves but result from a singular social construction, our purpose is to show how the mode of production of the three working generations observed is directly related to differences in access to employment on the one hand, and to professional and organizational socialization on the other hand.  相似文献   

The recent development of networks has engendered both the evanescence of “macro-actors” (i.e., big formal organizations) and new problems related to corporate social responsibility. The concept of “organization” must be redefined and analyzed so as to identify network externalities and the ways (including legal ones) of handling the consequences in terms of liability. The four brief contributions in this section — two by sociologists and two by jurists — outline an approach to the contemporary reality of organizations.  相似文献   

This article analyzes business encounters in the garment industry of post-communist Romania. It shows how the structural uncertainty that characterizes the “transition” from a planned economy to a market economy forces the choice of Romanian manufacturers, particularly in terms of clientele. Thus, in the early 1990s, these actors were mostly caught up in figuring out their short-term profits, and their ability to get a firm foothold in the market was seriously challenged. However, many of the bifurcations experienced by individual manufacturers paradoxically participated in stabilizing (at least temporarily) a way of doing business in that industry: the “choice” of international outsourcing became the only possible reasonable choice during the “transition”.  相似文献   

Le lien entre protection sociale et résultats des entreprises est abondamment étudié, mais on manque d'informations sur la situation des petites et moyennes entreprises des économies en développement. L'auteure examine ce lien à partir de données de recensement indonésiennes portant sur la période 2010-2014. Elle constate que, lorsque les dépenses de sécurité sociale augmentent de 10 pour cent, le chiffre d'affaires par travailleur progresse de 2 pour cent. De même, l'extension de la couverture sociale n'entraîne pas de baisse du bénéfice, ce qui laisse penser que les entreprises pourraient avoir intérêt à investir dans la sécurité sociale de leur personnel.  相似文献   

The author's objective is to establish a relationship between the theoretical structure at the basis of a qualitative sociological analysis and the forms of visual representation of social reality, such as photography and social documentaries. Visual material becomes an object of analysis when it refers to a society that talks about itself and when it reproduces a reality which it records and makes nameable. The theme of observation is characterized by a complex activity in which perception, imagination, and representation are different functions from the sociological point of view, yet strongly connected because they make it possible for the researcher to interact visually with social reality. Observation procedures ask sociologists to have an eye capable of recognizing and perceiving in a representative way the experiences they have lived and the social facts they have observed and described. These must be portrayed not only as suggestive visual metaphors, but also as a consequence of ‘sensitive hearing’ which is essential in all research phases, from anthropology to ethnography and sociology.  相似文献   

Cet article analyse le jeu des acteurs civils et publics précédant la création de la Haute Autorité, plus spécifiquement comment cette dernière est l’aboutissement d’une circulation nouvelle de la réflexion citoyenne et de l’exécutif, mais aussi l’ambivalence de la notion de transparence dans la mesure où celle-ci peut aussi bien montrer que cacher. La transparence s’appuie sur l’exigence de ‘vigilance épistémologique’ (Bourdieu, Chamboredon et Passeron, 1968 Bourdieu, P., Chamboredon, J.-C., and Passeron, J-.C., 1968. Le métier de sociologue: Préalables épistémologiques. Paris: Mouton de Gruyter. [Google Scholar]) typique de la sociologie, mais elle est aussi une fabrication sociale née de jeux d’acteurs et de leurs légitimités respectives. Pour illustrer cette nouvelle forme de circulation régulatrice, le terrain choisi est celui de l’association Regards Citoyens et de son ‘lobbying citoyen’ revendiqué. Il s’agira d’étudier ici les forces et les limites d’une telle approche.  相似文献   

Si les plateformes ont donné du travail à beaucoup d’Africains, les emplois créés sont de mauvaise qualité, comme la pandémie l'a bien montré. Dans ce contexte, les auteurs examinent la situation particulière des chauffeurs VTC en Afrique en s'appuyant sur des entretiens approfondis, réalisés au Kenya, et sur les méthodes de l'ethnographie virtuelle. Ils montrent que ces travailleurs ont recours à un «régime de débrouille», associant résilience, réajustement et résistance. Pour améliorer les conditions de travail et lutter contre la précarité dans le secteur, il faut à la fois que les pouvoirs publics instaurent des cadres réglementaires et que les travailleurs se mobilisent collectivement.  相似文献   

Comment utiliser l’éducation, la science et la technologie pour organiser une politique de développement durable dans l’État d’Amazonas, l’Unité fédérale la plus vaste du Brésil et d’Amazonie, qui compte 70 peuples indigènes ayant leur propre cosmogonie, 10 % de la réserve mondiale d’eau douce de surface, 25°000 kilomètres de fleuves navigables, 6,7 % de la biosphère tropicale mondiale, 72 millions d’hectares de territoires protégés, et 10 % de toutes les réserves forestières des tropiques humides de la planète, réparties sur 96% de son territoire? Cette proposition constitue le programme, ses principes structurels, ses mécanismes opérationnels et un ensemble d’actions visant à l’implantation et à l’organisation de cette politique de développement durable au cours de la période 2003-2015. Comment intégrer processus de la nature et processus culturels à un modèle de développement durable dans l’Amazonie? Telles sont les principales questions abordées par cet article, qui présente une initiative publique pionnière au Brésil pour construire des modèles de développement durable dans l’Amazonie.  相似文献   

The article tries to understand the evolution that sociocultural construction of the concept of time from a “solid” to a “liquid” as formulated by Z. Bauman has experienced in Western society. It tries also to understand what the characteristics that define this kind of time are and what were the resulting socio-cultural impacts have occurred in the postmodern society. Finally, we present here the way in which the progress on the definition of time is linked to the development of the loss of certainties and the establishment of a culture of uncertainty. We also propose how some aspects of social life exemplify the current culture.  相似文献   

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