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哈萨克族人名的来历新疆的哈萨克族,在给孩子起名上,有一套古老的风俗习惯。以前,哈萨克族人认为上天主宰一切,神就住在天上,所以把天空中的太阳、月亮、星星等视为神圣的东西加以尊崇,于是,就给孩子起名叫“阿依古丽”(月亮鲜花)、“珠勒得孜(星星)、萨吾烈(光芒)、“朔里潘”(金星)。  相似文献   

世间的一切都受和谐的秩序支配。万事万物都用自己独有的系统、组织结构来体现秩序。空间也不例外,它的形式结构反映出构成的秩序,反映出局部形式基本单位合成整体的组织模式。本文结合对放射构成形式定义和特点等,具体分析其在建筑形式、空间、组合、原理、路径方面的表现,结合国内外优秀建筑实例来阐述放射构成形式在空间中的运用。  相似文献   

李悦 《民族论坛》2008,(1):50-51
国内社科期刊英文目录作者姓名汉语拼音拼写规范与否直接影响期刊质量,对学习者具有导向作用。调查研究国内社科期刊英文目录作者人名汉语拼音拼写问题,探讨规范的人名汉语拼音拼写形式,有利于推广、普及《汉语拼音方案》和《国家通用语言文字法》。  相似文献   

属于中古突厥时期的书面文献不多,其中大都成文于10~14世纪之间。如将这5个世纪的所有文献中的人名,仅以一篇文章的篇幅函盖,并一一排列出来,在结掏上给予仔细的分析,是绝不可能的。因此,我们只是对这个时期埃及和金帐汗国地区写成的文献语言中的人名结构系统作分析。14世纪文献的人名构成就像其他各种词汇一样,分为词很和派生词。如,其中一部分为没有任  相似文献   

《红楼梦》作为古代四大名著之一,是中国传统文化中不可分割的一部分.随着全球文化交流日益频繁,《红楼梦》中人名翻译艺术与原则的探讨对于该小说翻译的准确性有着至关重要的作用.在这部小说中,每个人名都能很生动形象地刻画其人物的形象,本文主要就人名翻译的现状、原则等进行了相关研究.  相似文献   

经营农耕生活和游牧生活的人们的相互接触,构成了古代东方世界的生活基础。这种接触既有在和平中进行的,也有采取交战和征服的形式进行的。以美素不达米亚为例,居住在那里的人们和毗连山区居民及沙漠地区游牧民反复不断地进行接触和征服。来自城市和统治者名称的人名和地名表明,在历史的最初阶段,苏美尔人、高加索语系的胡里人、达罗毗荼语系的埃兰人、闪语系的阿卡得人等,已经在这里进行城市割据。尤其是在游牧民族闪语系  相似文献   

一百年来,哈萨克族所走过的道路是曲折的、不平坦的。本世纪20年代至40年代,哈萨克族地区战事频发,社会动荡不安,哈萨克族饱受战乱的痛苦,不少氏族部落流离失所。新中国成立之后至50年代末,实行民族区域自治,哈萨克族人民当家作主,社会稳定,经济和文化发展...  相似文献   

吐蕃统治时期,莫高窟开凿的洞窟出现了一种特殊而又典型的组合形式,即在崖面的同一条垂直线上,上下两个洞窟与崖顶土塔形成一组整体性建筑,作者暂称为“塔、窟垂直组合形式”.这种组合形式一直延续到了晚唐时期,并早已引起研究者的重视,但关于这种形式的来源一直未能确定.文章通过对藏经洞出土纸本绘画P.T.993《吐蕃寺庙图》、莫高窟第361窟药师经变、东嘎石窟宝楼阁曼荼罗、桑耶寺初建史及同时代的印度寺院建筑形式的考察,结合吐蕃时期的社会历史背景,认为莫高窟这种塔、窟垂直组合的新形式,应是受吐蕃本土的影响,其建筑涵义来源于密教中的“宝楼阁”,建筑形式最初可能来源于印度,并带有吐蕃桑耶寺的“三样式”特征,或可定名为宝楼阁式石窟建筑.  相似文献   

哈萨克族作为典型的草原游牧民族,其传统价值观在形成和发展的过程中深受萨满教和伊斯兰教的影响。哈萨克族的传统价值观具体表现为强烈的民族团结意识、爱国主义精神、浓厚的法治意识、崇尚英雄主义和热情好客、相互救助等方面。通过对哈萨克族传统价值观的梳理和研究,深入了解哈萨克族民族文化和民族心理,是在哈萨克族聚居区培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的基础。  相似文献   

敖云 《中国民族》2010,(12):52-53
阿肯是口头即兴创作的民间诗人。哈萨克族的对唱也称阿依特斯,是哈萨克语的"ayt is"的音译。本意是争辩、辩论和申辩,由于是用诗歌的形式进行的,所以就形成了我们今天所说的对唱。阿肯对唱形式的历史相当久远,但缺少确切的文字记载,到公元11世纪由马赫穆德·喀什噶里撰写的《突厥语大词典》里才有了明确的记载。  相似文献   

察瓦龙,是西藏东南部察隅县境内的一个行政乡,位于怒江中上游卡瓦格博神山西侧脚下,与西藏芒康、左贡以及云南德钦、贡山、独龙江相邻。由于地处偏远地区,察瓦龙鲜为被外界所知,故出现不少误读其历史文化之现象。其中,关于“察瓦龙”这一地名称谓来源,目前以“炎热的峡谷地区”作为解释见诸著作、论文、游记等,然此释义尚似乎有望文生义、错讹阙漏之嫌。  相似文献   

杨军 《回族研究》2005,(1):35-41
"回回"作为族名始见于<黑鞑事略>,而不是<梦溪笔谈>,是出自回纥或回鹘在汉语中的音转.开始主要流行于中国南方,含义比较复杂.宋元之际,渐用作对各族穆斯林的他称.当各族穆斯林融合为一个新的民族共同体之后,回回即成为该民族的族名.  相似文献   

准噶尔部即左部 ,它源于 15世纪 6 0年代末厄鲁特汗国的左部 ,16世纪初 ,伴随着汗国的变迁 ,由行政建制区蜕变为部落 ,准噶尔一名亦作为部落名称沿用下来。噶尔丹称汗建国 ,准噶尔遂成为汗国名称之一。准噶尔汗国灭亡 ,其名称逐渐演变成部名和地名。  相似文献   

锡伯族族源、族称 ,历来为各民族学者与史家所重视 ,观点也不相异同。本文从地名信息的活化石角度探讨了锡伯族名称的语源。认为锡伯族称其语源即蒙古语之“锡窝尔” ,其语义亦即“森林”  相似文献   

Integrated schooling is known to induce interethnic friendship relations; however, it also creates the opportunity of interethnic dating. Interethnic personal relationships or long-term exposure decreases ethnic prejudice, thus it is proposed that willingness to date between ethnic groups may also increase. The question arises, whether in the school context exposure is enough for this mechanism to emerge, or personal contact is necessary. It must also be taken into account that romantic relationships are embedded in status relations within schools. Based on a ‘social exchange’ mechanism, it is assumed that the less popular members of the majority groups are those who are more willing to form interethnic dating relations. To address the above questions empirically, the data of 1213 Hungarian 9th grade students in 43 classes were analysed. Preferences of Roma and non-Roma students were measured by dyadic attribution of physical attractiveness and nominations of willingness to date. Results of multilevel p2 models suggest that mixed groups are not sufficient, but personal contacts are necessary to decrease same-ethnicity preferences in dating. An additional tendency is salient: among majority students, those who are isolated from the friendship networks are the ones who are more willing to date members of the minority group.  相似文献   


Shelby Steele's The Content of our Character, and John Wideman's Philadelphia Fire are contrasted for what they reveal about the two authors’ confrontation with self‐expression and self‐definition in a society that denies African‐American individuality. I argue that Steele's and Wideman's distinctive solutions to personal expression as demonstrated in these works constitute the discursive boundaries, the poles between which black male subjectivity oscillates in this racialist society. To explicate these particular positions, I draw on psychoanalytic concepts of narcissism, masculinity, and subjectivity. Thomas Mann's Death in Venice is invoked to articulate, albeit in a different society and context, the subjective crisis of the intellectual, the linkage between one's inner world and outer society, and the relation between personal identity and national self‐understanding. While Steele opts for an isolated, transcendent individualism, Wideman embraces a conception of self inextricably connected to and constrained by the wider African‐American community. I argue that each ‘solution’ produces its own form of self‐estrangement, revealing the phychic cost and intractability of racial division in America.  相似文献   

High-stakes standardized literacy testing is not neutral and continues to build upon the legacy of dominant power relations in the state in its ability to sort, select and rank students and ultimately produce and name some youth as illiterate in contrast to an ideal white, male, literate citizen. I trace the effects of high-stakes standardized testing by using the voices of 16 youth who failed the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) to illustrate how the ‘illiterate youth’ revealed to students, schools, and communities by this test is culturally and socially constructed. In an age where multiple literacies are more and more valued, standardized literacy testing acts as a form of social control projected upon the ‘adolescent’ body that has historically been deemed ‘other’ or ‘deficient.’ Just as colonized subjects needed to be ‘civilized,’ so youth now need to acquire a state defined literacy in a competitive and fast paced learning environment. This article helps to demonstrate how power operates on marginalized youth through standardized literacy testing that is being used transnationally.  相似文献   

伊斯兰的宗旨--兼及与儒家文明的对话   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
儒家经典《大学》给人们设计了循序渐进地实现理想人生和完美社会的宏伟蓝图,勾勒出了“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”这条具有浓厚实践色彩的生命追求轨迹和精神升华阶梯。无独有偶,世界上还有另一条为人生铺设的进升道路,多少世纪来与儒家的道路平行递进。那就是伊斯兰为造就“善良的人类”而设计的“良好的个人、良好的家庭、良好的社会、善良的民族、良好的国家、善良的人类”这样环环紧扣、由小到大地实现人格完美和人类和谐的轨道。伊斯兰铺设的这条道路其起点和终点与儒家有殊途同归之妙。这就为伊儒两大文明的和平对话找到了适当的切入点,也为进一步合作提供了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

This essay analyses the pervasive discourse of freedom mobilised by the US Administration of George W. Bush, locating its roots not only in post-1945 American foreign policy, but in powerful metanarratives of US exceptionalism and destiny and overarching Western concepts of enlightenment, sovereignty, historical progress, reason of state and secular modernity. Hence freedom is revealed not as a set of democratic liberties guaranteed and enabled by the state—as in familiar liberal-humanist accounts—but as a form of license, a series of capacities and powers to make, use and act without constraint. By tracing this onto-technology of freedom through US history, the Cold War and the War on Terror, and considering its functional mirroring by the Islamist threat of the new terrorism, the essay exposes the multiple dangers posed by the aggressive assertion of a simultaneously instrumental and universalising image of historical action and inevitability that rejects any restriction of its powers and any responsibility for their effect. It concludes by speculating upon a recuperated, and fundamentally social, concept of freedom characterised by interdependence, responsibility and contingent action, one that might one day return to freedom the honour of its name.  相似文献   

论“明清实录藏族史料类编丛书”古籍整理工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵艳萍 《西藏研究》2021,(1):129-137
《明实录》《清实录》藏族史料的辑录与整理,对西藏研究具有重要意义和价值。将《明实录藏族史料》《清实录藏族史料》与其他从《明实录》《清实录》辑录民族史料的著作相比较,说明其具有取材丰富便于利用等特点,但仍存不足,具有再整理的必要性。而再整理则侧重于从人名、地名与族名的用字,出处的标注,标点及简化字等的处理上进行举例说明,使这两部史书更为完备。  相似文献   

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