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整合型领导作为新型的领导管理方式,能够有效地推动组织间的联系合作,进而实现组织绩效行为的创新。从整合型领导力的结构要素来看,组织领导层、组织关系层及组织运行层都将对组织创新绩效产生积极影响。具体而言,提升组织创新绩效需要整合富有权威、亲和型的领导风格,整合各组织文化优点并创立支持型组织文化,整合并构建以沟通为主的运行机制。  相似文献   

领导是指在一定条件下为实现组织目标而对组织内群体或个体实施影响的过程.一些研究者认为,领导理论与内容放诸四海皆准,不会受到文化、地域、国家的影响,具有全球一致性和跨文化的通用性;另一些研究者则强调文化的特质性在领导风格与行为中的作用,认为领导的内涵与效能由于文化的不同会存在差异.而逐渐被"80后"、"90后"新生代职业人占据的职场,更是呈现出不同于以往的特点,给单位管理带来了新的挑战.要想有效地管理新生代下属,单位应同时借鉴家长式和服务型两种领导方式,取其精华,最大限度地调动其工作积极性,从而促进整个组织的发展.本文从家长式领导与服务型领导的特点比较人手,并结合新生代特征分析,力求为单位提供与之匹配的领导建议.  相似文献   

变革型领导对员工创造力的作用机理研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以内在动机理论为基础,探讨变革型领导行为对下属创造力产生影响的作用机理,即变革型领导通过心理授权和组织对创造力的支持作用于员工创造力,采用结构方程模型分析变革型领导、心理授权、组织对创造力的支持与员工创造力之间的关系,采用问卷调查方法进行研究.结果发现,心理授权对变革型领导和组织对创造力的支持产生中介作用,但对员工的创造力并无显著影响,说明在中国情境下,授权并不能使员工积极放心地从事创造性工作,因此在实践中领导对员工授权需谨慎;变革型领导通过心理授权和组织对创造力的支持对员工的创造力产生正向作用,验证了提出的假设,使变革型领导影响员工创造力的过程具体化和清晰化,对实践具有较强的指导意义. 通过心理授权和组织对创造力的支持作用于员工创造力,采用结构方程模型分析变革型领导、心理授权、组织对创造力的支持与员工创造力之间的关系,采用问卷调查方法进行研究.结果发现,心理授权对变革型领导和组织对创造力的支持产生中介作用,但对员工的创造力并无显著影响,说明在中国情境下,授权并不能使员工积极放心地从事创造性工作,因此在实践中领导对员工授权需谨慎;变革型领导通过心理授权和组织对创造力的支持对员工的创造力产生正向作用,验证了提出 假设,使变革型领导影响员工创造力的过程具体化和清晰化,对实践具有较强的指导意义.  相似文献   

越来越多的组织开始实施发展型绩效考核,而发展型绩效考核如何影响员工行为尚需要理论研究。从变革型领导与人际型心理资本视角,构建了发展型绩效考核影响知识共享的有中介的调节作用模型。研究结果发现:发展型绩效考核能够显著促进员工知识共享行为和人际型心理资本,变革型领导对发展型绩效考核与知识共享和人际型心理资本的关系具有正向调节作用;同时,人际型心理资本有效传递了变革型领导在发展型绩效考核影响知识共享过程中的调节效应。研究结论对于企业有效干预员工知识共享和心理资本、提高管理效果具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

李燃  王辉  赵佳卉 《管理科学》2016,29(5):71-82
 近年来,激烈的市场竞争对组织的创新能力提出了更高的要求。除个人创造力以外,如何提高组织中的团队创造力越来越受到学者和管理者的共同关注。        从团队层面检验真诚型领导行为对创造力的积极影响,并对与团队创造力紧密相关的反馈寻求氛围、团队中的地位冲突水平、任务依存性等影响因素进行综合分析和检验;利用问卷调查方式,收集中国东北地区8家企业、84个团队、两个时间点的数据,进行回归分析。        研究结果表明,真诚型领导行为对团队创造力有显著的积极影响;反馈寻求氛围对真诚型领导行为与团队创造力之间的积极关系起中介作用;团队中的地位冲突会削弱真诚型领导行为与反馈寻求氛围之间的正向关系,即当团队中的地位冲突水平较低时真诚型领导行为对反馈寻求氛围的积极影响更大,当团队中的地位冲突水平较高时这种积极影响会被削弱;任务依存性对反馈寻求氛围与团队创造力之间积极关系的调节作用没有得到数据支持。        研究结果验证了真诚型领导行为对团队创造力的作用机制和积极效果,引入反馈寻求氛围的概念解释真诚型领导行为风格对团队创造力的作用机制,在分析真诚型领导行为与反馈寻求氛围之间起到调节作用时运用地位冲突这个较新的概念,为未来的相关研究奠定了基础,对组织管理实践有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

组织公正和交易型领导对组织承诺的影响方式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着组织中越来越多独立工作团队的出现,团队领导者的领导风格作为一种先验的情境因素,会对组织管理的行为效果产生一定的影响.然而过去的研究中很少将团队层次的领导行为作为情景变量来考察.本研究运用676名员工样本对组织公正和交易型领导对组织承诺的影响方式进行研究,发现三种形式的组织公正对员工承诺都有正向影响,互动公正的影响作用最强,分配公正的影响不显著;团队交易型领导方式对组织互动公正与员工承诺之间的关系产生调节作用,即交易型领导越明显的团队中,组织互动公正对员工承诺的影响越大.  相似文献   

领导者昔日经历是指领导者在担任领导角色之前在各种事件中的亲身体验、心理感受。高层阶梯理论认为领导者具有有限理性,其已有的经验和知识是其决策的重要基础;印记效应理论提出外界环境会在领导者成长过程中形成具有持续影响的印记,叠加效应和学习效应使得印记具有动态发展性,也会对领导决策产生相应影响。具体来说,领导者经历对组织决策的影响存在四条路径,通过价值观念、认知结构、领导特质、多重影响等作用于组织决策,对组织决策产生正面或负面影响。基于此,领导者选任要注重昔日经历与决策情境的契合性,领导者管理要加强正属性强化与负属性矫正,领导者培育要营造良性组织氛围与激发领导力,通过领导者选任与管理优化提升组织决策质量。  相似文献   

韩杨  罗瑾琏  钟竞 《管理科学》2016,29(1):70-85
领导力及组织双元领域的研究认为,领导者的悖论认知模式和管理行为对于组织中任何一种双元形式的构建都发挥着重要的作用。然而,目前学术界对于这种复杂领导方式的具体作用效果及影响机制,尤其是对于团队创新过程中如何有针对性地处理团队整体性与个体差异性间存在的突出矛盾这一问题仍然缺乏深入的研究。 基于社会认知理论、组织双元理论和动态能力理论,从团队惯例视角出发,构建双元领导行为-团队双元文化-团队创新绩效的影响过程模型,探讨领导行为的协调作用,同时以成员自我调节导向和环境动态性作为调节变量,研究在此影响过程中团队内、外部情景因素的调节作用。采用SPSS 17.0和AMOS 17.0进行多层次回归分析和组间方差分析,对来自长三角区域高新技术型企业中123个知识团队的调研数据进行实证分析。 研究结果表明,①双元领导对团队创新绩效具有积极影响并且显著优于单一领导方式,而变革型领导和交易型领导对团队创新绩效的影响并无显著差异,但要显著优于无明显领导风格的团队,且这两种领导方式能够产生协同效应,其交互正向影响团队创新绩效;②双元领导主要通过团队双元文化部分中介作用直接或间接影响团队创新绩效,但其所包含的变革型和交易型领导行为对团队创新绩效的作用机理存在差异,变革型领导主要通过适应性文化的部分中介作用直接和间接影响创新绩效,交易型领导则通过一致性文化的部分中介作用直接和间接影响创新绩效;③自我调节导向在双元领导与团队创新绩效关系间发挥正向调节作用;④环境动态性在双元领导与团队创新绩效关系间发挥正向调节作用。  相似文献   

魏璐 《管理科学文摘》2012,(13):231-231
随着社会的进步与发展,一个企业的创新力影响着企业的未来。本文将讨论变革型领导对企业创新的影响,以企业文化为调节变量。在变革型领导风格下,企业文化越自由、开放,企业的创新力就越强。由此,我们提出以下观点:1.变革型领导与企业创新显著正相关;2.变革型领导会为企业创造具有创新氛围的企业文化;3.具有创新氛围的企业文化会促进企业的创新力。  相似文献   

作者在13家宾馆和餐馆进行了一次实证研究,探讨饭店管理人员的公仆型领导风格、员工集体和个人的工作态度对员工的服务质量的影响。多层次线性模型分析结果表明,部门的公仆型领导氛围会直接影响员工集体的工作满意感,并通过集体情感性归属感,间接影响员工的服务质量。部门的公仆型领导氛围会调节员工感知的部门负责人的公仆型领导风格对他们的服务质量的影响;员工集体的情感性归属感会调节员工个人的工作满意感和情感性归属感对服务质量的影响。  相似文献   

Organizations are increasingly implementing process‐improvement techniques like Six Sigma, total quality management, lean, and business process re‐engineering to improve organizational performance. These techniques are part of a process management system that includes the organizational infrastructure to support the improvement techniques. The knowledge‐based view of a firm argues that organizational knowledge is the source of competitive advantage. To the extent that the process management system enables knowledge creation it should be a source of competitive advantage. This study investigates the underlying framework and factors of a process management system that lead to organizational knowledge creation. Prior studies have considered knowledge creation in process improvement, but none have considered the role of the process management system. Specifically, the study uses the case study method to investigate multiple levels (organization level and project level) of two firms using Six Sigma as their chosen process management system. Analysis of the cases reveals that the leadership creates a supportive infrastructure enabling process‐improvement techniques to effectively create organizational knowledge. Interestingly, focusing on decision‐making tools and methods may not be effective without developing a supportive infrastructure. The proposed framework provides a basis for organizational leaders to think about how to design and implement a process management system to better enable knowledge creation in organizations.  相似文献   

This study uses a low-fidelity simulation to test the effect superiors can have on the leadership style and cognition of their subordinates who also are leaders. These leaders within the organization, often referred to as middle managers, occupy an important, albeit overlooked position within an organization. In order to emphasize the leadership that occurs at the middle levels of management the term ‘embedded leader’ is used. Using a sample of 224 undergraduates, three variables were manipulated to examine their effects on participant sensemaking, confidence, and participative leadership. The variables manipulated were the severity of individual level consequences (high vs. low), the severity of organizational consequences (high vs. low), and the superior's motivational strategy (coercive vs. supportive vs. passive style). It was found that a leader's superior can influence their leadership behaviors in a complex manner. Participant sensemaking was higher when their superior emphasized low levels of individual (or personal) consequences. Participative leadership was higher when the supervisor framed organizational level consequences as being high. Findings for participant confidence were complex, but generally suggest that one's superiors can promote or hinder confidence in a variety of situations.  相似文献   

从军经历影响高管行为选择和管理风格,对于公司治理具有重要的价值。采用2004-2014年上市公司数据样本,以盈余管理程度以及审计意见类型作为反映公司治理的代理变量,本文实证分析了高管从军经历对公司治理的影响。研究发现,有过从军经历的高管所在民营上市公司被出具非标审计意见的可能性以及实施盈余管理的程度相对更低,国有企业则不显著;制度环境影响高管从军经历的治理效应,表现为所在地区政府干预越弱时,高管从军经历对于完善民营企业公司治理的作用越大;高管从军经历与MBA教育在影响民营企业公司治理方面具有替代效应,且从军经历具有更为重要的稳定影响;管制行业民营企业高管从军经历的治理效应更为显著。本文的研究对理解我国企业高管从军经历对于公司治理的重要性以及拓展高管异质性影响公司决策的相关研究具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

并购后的高管变更对于企业的并购绩效具有重要的影响,但目前的研究结论没有取得一致性。本文基于制度理论的视角引入合法性的概念,通过123份并购样本实证分析了并购后高管变更、合法性以及并购绩效之间的关系。研究结果显示:并购后高管变更与并购的外部合法性和内部合法性之间均存在显著的负相关;而外部合法性和内部合法性对于并购绩效具有显著的积极作用。本研究结论对于我国企业的并购后高管变更决策以及如何提升并购绩效具有理论指导意义。  相似文献   

Researchers have increasingly been using the term of organizational ambidexterity to denote the simultaneous use of exploration and exploitation in organizations. Exploration refers to innovation, whereas exploitation addresses cost efficiency. However, despite the plethora of research output on ambidexterity, very few studies are actually providing insights into what specific behaviors and leadership styles accomplish ambidexterity and how organizational constraints influence ambidextrous leadership. In this research, we aim to explain the key properties of ambidextrous leadership, where we propose that ambidexterity is most efficiently promoted by ambidextrous leaders who combine two leadership styles: transformational leadership and transactional leadership. In our study, we associate transformational leadership to exploration, whereas transactional leadership is linked to exploitation. We conduct a research on ambidextrous leadership in the aerospace and defense organizations while also taking into account how organizational structure and environmental dynamism impact leadership styles. The results of our research reveal that both leadership styles are present at the senior management level. Top management, however, mostly uses transactional leadership in part because of structural and environmental constraints while also employing some limited form of transformational leadership style. Therefore, our study concludes that in this particular field the ambidextrous leaders are primarily focused on exploitative activities, while only a limited amount of their time is being allocated on exploration-oriented objectives.  相似文献   

企业文化提升创新能力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理论与实践证明,企业文化的作用已经越来越重要,甚至有学者提出21世纪的企业管理是文化管理的世纪;而随着竞争的日趋激烈,创新能力已经超越其他能力成为企业生存与发展最为重要的能力.本文通过文献综述与案例研究的方法,揭示了企业文化提升企业创新能力的激励机制和协调机制,并对包括企业家推动、战略引导、组织保障、制度强化等企业文化提升创新能力的保障机制做了初步的探究.  相似文献   

Whereas it has been acknowledged that personality plays an important role in leader emergence and effectiveness, most studies have shown weak relations between personality and leadership styles. In this study, it is argued that one of the reasons for this lack of association may lie in the low level of self–other agreement among leaders and subordinates. In this study both leader- and subordinate ratings of leader personality and leadership styles are employed to inspect the relations between HEXACO Honesty–Humility, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness on the one hand and Ethical, Charismatic, Supportive, and Task-oriented leadership on the other. Using an instrumental variable procedure, strong direct effects of Honesty–Humility on Ethical leadership, Extraversion on Charismatic leadership, Agreeableness on Supportive leadership, and Conscientiousness on Task-oriented leadership were observed. The results imply that the relatively weak relations between personality and leadership styles in previous studies are mainly due to relatively low levels of self–other agreement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the overall impact of four leadership styles (charismatic, directive, participative, and supportive) in four Confucian Asian countries, China, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore, by reviewing recent studies conducted in those countries. By reviewing 38 studies selected from 430 studies published between 2005 and 2016, we identify the impact of the four leadership styles in the four Asian countries. We start with the research question and purpose, and then propose criteria for selecting the relevant recent studies followed by a review of cultural heritage and its influence on leadership in the four Asian countries. We summarize and review the studies and, finally, discuss the theoretical and practical contributions of this study.  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2015,26(2):204-219
We investigate how transformational and transactional leadership motivates employees to commit to an organizational ideation program so that they subsequently generate ideas that benefit the organization. To resolve the mixed and contradictory findings of earlier studies about these leadership styles, we propose that more attention needs to be devoted to the leader's personal beliefs. Specifically, we study the degree to which a leader identifies with an organization and how this possibly unlocks the effects of transformational or transactional leadership. Using multilevel data collected in a large multinational company, our findings reveal that both transformational and transactional leadership is effective in motivating followers to commit to the goals of an ideation program. Increased commitment, in turn, is associated with more ideas that followers generate. In contrast to the effect of transactional leadership, however, the effect of transformational leadership is contingent on how strongly leaders identify with the organization.  相似文献   

This contribution focuses on women in leadership positions. We propose that two convictions are relevant to the effects of having women in high places. On the one hand, women as a group are expected to employ different leadership styles than men, in this way adding diversity to management teams. On the other hand, individual women are expected to ascend to leadership positions by showing their ability to display the competitiveness and toughness typically required from those at the top. We posit that both convictions stem from gendered leadership beliefs, and that these interact with women's self-views to determine the effectiveness of female leaders. We develop an integrative model that explains the interplay between organizational beliefs and individual-self definitions and its implications for female leadership. We then present initial evidence in support of this model from two recent programs of research. The model allows us to connect “glass cliff” effects to “queen bee” effects showing that both relate to the perceived salience of gender in the organization, as well as individual gender identities. Each of these phenomena may harm future career opportunities of women, be it as individuals or as a group. We outline how future research may build on our proposed model and examine its further implications. We also indicate how the model may offer a concrete starting point for developing strategies to enhance the effectiveness of women in leadership positions.  相似文献   

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