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Although the notion of developmental welfare is not new, it is only in recent times that its central premises have again attracted attention in social policy circles. Since developmental welfare offers an opportunity to challenge the neo-liberal claim that social expenditures harm the economy, and that economic development requires retrenchments in state welfare, more information about this approach is needed. This article discusses the developmental welfare approach with reference to neo-liberalism's current hegemonic influence on social policy. It traces the historical evolution of developmental welfare, discusses its theoretical implications and outlines its practical proposals.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been a number of epistemological developments in social work. Further, there have been a number of theoretical approaches that have attempted to ground the concept of ‘power’ to understand organizational practice such as Marxist thought. At the same time, the insights of French social theorist Michel Foucault have been captivating to the disciplinary development of social work in illuminating power relations and subject positioning between helping professions and clients. To move beyond this, and in order to theoretically interrogate the relationship between social theory and professional power, this article draws from the neo Foucauldian-Feminist philosopher Judith Butler – especially regarding Butler's (1990, 1993 and 1998) powerful work on ‘performativity’. This article attempts to generate new theoretical insights to understanding contemporary social work through the conceptual tools of Butler.  相似文献   

Social workers with only an individualistic understanding of empowerment will easily end up as moralising agents rather than as facilitators for their clients. It is in the complex interaction between a given socio-material situation and the individual capacity to interpret and act that one finds the key to an empowerment worthy of its name. This presupposes two things: that social workers have as a part of their education theoretical knowledge about organisational structures, and that they themselves have been empowered in ways that give them practical competence to act in relation to situations. They need the competence to identify the complexities of interests and power relations in society. The implication of such a recogni-tion should be clear for the education of social workers: the ideology of empowerment has to be contextualised . To discuss this topic the author makes a distinction between an individua-listic and a relational perspective and between social problems conceived of as a 'lack of money' vs. a 'lack of meaning'.  相似文献   

肖阳  范晓光  雷鸣 《社会》2014,34(1):104-119
社会纠纷始终是社会学关注的重要议题。本文在现有关于社会纠纷的研究基础上,以权力为核心概念,从地位结构观和网络结构观两种理论视角出发,试图提出“权力的强制性及传导机制” 这一理论框架,分析当前中国城市中,个体自身拥有的权力和个体社会网络中的权力对居民的纠纷卷入及其应对行为所产生的影响。CGSS2006的数据结果表明,第一,无论是个体自身的权力还是个体社会网络中的权力,都有助于居民规避社会纠纷;第二,无论是个体自身的权力还是来自其社会网络中的权力,居民占有的权力资源越多,就越可能使用正式渠道来应对纠纷。  相似文献   

This article reviews research on gender differences in power and their effect on social influence. Evidence indicates that men generally possess higher levels of expert and legitimate power than women do and that women possess higher levels of referent power than men do. These differences are reflected, to some extent, in the influence strategies used by men and women and, more clearly, in gender differences in social influence. Women generally have greater difficulty exerting influence than men do, particularly when they use influence that conveys competence and authority. These findings indicate that gender differences in influence are mediated by gender differences in power.  相似文献   

范晓光 《社会》2012,32(4):93-111
已有研究大多从网络结构角度讨论社会支持,本文基于2006年“亚洲民主动态调查”(Asian Barometer Survey)的数据,从地位结构观角度探讨了东亚华人社会城市居民的社会支持选择。研究结果表明,在不同资源分布格局的华人社会中,阶层结构对城市居民在社会支持选择上的影响存在差异。具体而言,在正式支持和混合支持的选择上,与中国大陆相比,教育地位对港台地区居民选择混合支持的几率有更明显的正向作用;在正式支持和非正式支持的选择上,教育地位对中国大陆居民选择正式支持的几率的正向作用更强。  相似文献   

Mainstream literature on paid care for children, frail elderly people and people with chronic illness or disability, and unpaid care provided usually by family members within households and kin networks tends to establish dichotomies: formal/informal, commodified/non‐commodified. Recent feminist literature rejects these dichotomies, developing models of social care in which the interconnections of paid and unpaid care are mapped within policy frameworks. This paper uses theoretical frameworks of ‘social care‘: care as labour; care as a relationship embedded in obligation; care incurring a range of costs; to explore two case‐studies: young carers aged up to 24 years who are most often caring for a co‐resident parent; and grandparents who are the primary carers of their grandchildren. The latter may occur under the aegis of child protection authorities, or Family Court orders, or in informal arrangements, not licensed by state authorities. This analysis of the international literature and Australian research data affirms the power of the social care framework, and also shows the influence of social policy settings on informal care provision.  相似文献   

MSW学位教育的推广表明我国社会工作专业教育取得了较大发展。不过在具体教学中,社会性别主流化这一重要的理论分析视角尚未受到相应的重视。我国MSW教学实践中有必要将社会性别视角引入,培养有社会性别意识和理论素养的社会工作者,在具体教学中探索“赋权增能”方向的社会工作介入方式,进而提升社会工作专业学位的培养效果。  相似文献   

扩大中等收入者比重的经济学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑云 《唐都学刊》2004,20(5):96-99
十六大报告在深化分配制度改革中提出,以共同富裕为目标,扩大中等收入者比重,提高低收入者收入水平。这是一个创新的理论,有重要的理论意义和实践价值。本文首先分析了中等收入阶层的社会功能,并提出了扩大中等收入者比重的理论依据和作用。  相似文献   

杨旭 《社会工作》2012,(6):24-29
社会工作实验课程的实验设计以学生操作能力的获得为目的,这样就与作为研究的实验设计迥异。教师进行实验设计的重点在于如何根据课堂内容,设计适当的课堂实验活动,将课堂体验与讲授有机结合,在讲授中巧妙地穿插体验活动。主要通过案例分析、情景模拟、角色扮演等方法,演练典型案例,提升社会工作实务技能,并借助单面镜、视频和音频采集处理系统等实验设备对演练过程进行观察、录制和回放,教师进行点评,角色扮演的双方同学反馈感受,同学之间互相讨论,使角色扮演者和观察者反思自己和他人的行动,关注自己的体验和选择,建构社会工作理论知识和实务操作能力,使学生从中获得专业成长。本文将参考了国外最新的实验室利用方法,从社会工作实验教学设计的角度出发,探索如何设计符合课堂内容,同时又能提高学生学习兴趣的实验,加强实验室的软实力建设,提高实验教学的效果。  相似文献   

The study of intergroup relations has long been an interest of social scientists, particularly members of The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. The articles in this issue offer a wide variety of theoretical, empirical, and practical approaches to understanding and resolving national and international group conflict. This introductory article summarizes the original social psychological work that laid the foundation for contemporary thinking on intergroup relations, and presents an overview of each of the contributions in this issue. Also discussed are applications of social psychology to real-world intergroup conflicts.  相似文献   

谢晶 《社会》2019,39(5):106-126
“玛纳”这一典型的巫术概念构成了社会人类学的一个经典“案例”。莫斯与列维—斯特劳斯对它的不同诠释体现了从法国社会学派到结构主义人类学的转折及分歧。本文从莫斯的文本出发将“玛纳”定义为“实践观念”,并以“可译性”为切入点,试图证明在“实践观念可译性”问题上的分歧背后隐含着社会本体论、社会科学方法论和行动哲学这三个层面的分歧。最后,本文认为,关于莫斯与列维—斯特劳斯之关系的最常见观点实际上是对这一关系的过度简化。  相似文献   

Gordon Willard Allport was born more than 100 years ago on November 11, 1897. In honor of the centennial of his birth, this issue of the Journal presents a collection of articles on the social psychology of prejudice and intergroup relations—the field that Allport pioneered with his classic 1954 book, The Nature of Prejudice. The articles provide insights into both perpetrators and targets of prejudice and the conflict that often takes place between members of different societal groups. In the tradition of Gordon Allport, these articles demonstrate that it is possible for social science to make theoretical, empirical, and practical contributions to the understanding and resolution of social problems. This introductory article high-lights Allport's contributions to the social psychology of prejudice and intergroup relations. Overviews of the articles in this issue are also provided, and the recurring theoretical and methodological approaches are considered.  相似文献   

赵立玮 《社会》2015,35(6):1-30
帕森斯的《社会行动的结构》体现了一种独特的探究,历史的、经验的和理论的研究在其中融为一体。在学科史的意义上,《结构》标志着“古典”社会理论的“现代”转变。不过,帕森斯是以一种典型的“美国式”方式完成这种转变的。囿于20世纪20、30年代、尤其是“新政”时期的语境,他给予处于世纪之交的一些重要的社会理论一种全新的阐述,把它们从其生身处境的“世纪末”中剥离出来,并暗中赋予其一种积极、乐观的“美国精神气质”,在很大程度上消解了这些理论和经验探讨中原本具有的同“世纪末”的社会、文化背景及其时代问题的复杂关联。悖谬的是,这种“美国化”的阐述在某种意义上恰恰体现了帕森斯试图建构社会(科)学一般理论的宏图,蕴含着某种普遍历史的取向。  相似文献   

This study assesses the social welfare reform during the progressive regimes of South Korea (hereafter Korea) led by President Kim Dae-Jung (1998-2003) and President Roh Moo-Hyun (2003-2008), and considers its theoretical implications. Analysis of the social welfare reform under the two progressive governments has indicated that the reform did not produce the anticipated results. Although the Korean economy has grown rapidly along with a considerable increase in the national income per capita in comparison with that in the past, the country's social welfare system still remains significantly underdeveloped in all respects, relative to that of all the other OECD countries with similar economic power, let alone the advanced welfare states in Western Europe. This study maintains that the key reason for the inertia or status quo despite the significant efforts of both the governments to expand social welfare is explained in the Korean growth-first doctrine, which inherently considers that distribution hinders growth and that social policy is secondary to economic policy, thus limiting the choices of the country's decision makers, as has been the case all along since the developmental period. Given that the growth-first doctrine inherently regarded the relationship between growth and welfare as mutually exclusive, it was perhaps natural that the influence of the doctrine upon the social welfare policy of both the progressive governments would not be so positive. This suggests that path dependence is active in the case of the Korean social welfare policy, thus substantiating the validity of path-dependence theory.  相似文献   

Social casework is analysed as an interpersonal relationship: dyadic, two-person social interaction. This approach is seen as necessary to supplement the clinical biases within the social work profession. In particular, an exchange theoretical analysis focused attention on the problematical nature of the formation, establishment and maintenance of the social work relationship. In addition, casework was examined as a basically negotiated interpersonal situation, and this perspective drew attention to the consequences of differential interpersonal power and the processes by which the social worker imposes his definition of the situation on the transaction.  相似文献   

Studies on social influence bring us to fear that influence may alienate us and turn us into an agent of the will and desire of the other. This fear relies on a representation of the relationship of influence: it would be an asymmetrical relationship involving two basically opposite and complementary entities, the source (who has a desire, a will, a power or, failing that, a technique) and the target (who is subjected, subordinate). If some experiments in social psychology demonstrate the effectiveness of some techniques of influence and manipulation, they must however be analysed in detail. Many experiments and theories show that influence is not basically nonreciprocal. These works are neglected because they are too different from the imaginary representation of influence that dominates both social psychology and common sense.  相似文献   

This concluding article provides a framework for a social psychological analysis of intergroup conflict and conflict resolution. The framework highlights the individual and intergroup factors that shape the nature of perceptions of intergroup relations and group representations, and describes how these perceptions lead to cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses toward groups. Included in the framework are the metatheoretical, theoretical, and practical contributions of the articles in this issue toward understanding intergroup relations. The potential and responsibility of social psychologists to move beyond the laboratory to applied national and international issues is also discussed.  相似文献   

韩振峰 《创新》2007,1(1):40-44
理论创新是社会发展和变革的先导,通过理论创新推动其他各方面的创新,这是我们必须长期坚持的治党治国之道。理论创新必须遵循科学的方法论原则,理论创新的最终目的是转化为实践创新。  相似文献   

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