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If job training has positive impacts on worker satisfaction, then job training can have desirable consequences for an organization that result both directly through its effects on productivity and indirectly through its effects on job satisfaction. Furthermore, the aging of the workforce implies that older workers will become increasingly important to firms and to the economy. This study, therefore, seeks to examine the relationship between job training and job satisfaction, focusing in particular on U.S. workers born in 1964 or earlier. The results of ordered logit regression analysis indicate that availability and quality of training received directly affect job satisfaction.  相似文献   

With globalization and increased international competition have come more flexible forms of employment and increased job insecurity. The authors address the impact of perceived job insecurity on employees' work attitudes and intentions. After reviewing relevant research on stress theory and the relationship between job insecurity and its consequences, they test two hypotheses on 942 employees in Spain, namely: first, that job insecurity relates negatively to job satisfaction and organizational commitment and positively to intention to leave; and, second, that job insecurity, economic need and employability interact in the prediction of these outcomes.  相似文献   

In contrast to the malaise that Collins (1986), characterized for sociology of the 1980s, I argue that the future for sociology and sociologists is bright. There are three structural changes that lead to my optimism. First, the professoriate is changing from one that has been overwhelmingly white, male, and tenured, to one that will become younger and more diverse by gender and race. Second, the fiscal crisis of the state will limit monies for funded research, which will lead to more critical and more qualitative research. Third, societal and global changes will present sociologists with unprecedented opportunities. Globally, three momentous historical turning points present sociologists with incredible opportunities: (a) the shift to a post cold war era; (b) the ecological crises threatening the worlds’s ecosystem; and (c) the transformation of the economy. Within the United States, there are many contemporary trends with considerable sociological relevance: the aging of the baby boom; the increasing proportion of the elderly; the growing racial/ethnic diversity; the regional shifts as the frost belt loses population, resources, and power, while the sun belt gains; and the growing urban underclass that is being left further and further behind. In short, the next two decades or so will present sociologists with exciting opportunities and challenges.  相似文献   

This paper traces the emergence of the therapeutic use of sunlight in medicine during the first half of the twentieth century. This was a period of considerable flux in medicine with various strands of practice and theory competing. Drawing on two case studies of sunlight therapy, both artificial (actinotherapy) and natural (heliotherapy), in the treatment of rickets and tuberculosis this paper will explore how medicine was constituted within these regimes. The paper will argue that therapeutic and clinical applications of sunlight helped establish an association between sunlight and health but also defined a particular and specific performance of medicine.  相似文献   

《The aging male》2013,16(1):10-13
Background.?Prostate cancer incidence varies significantly among different ethnic groups. However, the report concerning the clinical outcome after radical prostatectomy (RP) in the low incidence Asian population is still limited. We aimed to compare the clinical outcome in patient treated with RP among different ethnic groups and to identify significant prognostic factors in Taiwanese patients.

Methods.?A total of 341 patients with clinical localized prostate cancer undergoing curative RP in three medical centers in Taiwan were included in this study. Ethnic group comparison was performed using the CaPSURE, SEARCH databases from United States (US) and one large European series. The Kaplan–Meier analysis and Cox proportional hazard model were used to identify significant predictors for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) recurrence.

Results.?Compared to the Caucasian white population in the US and Europe studies, the Taiwanese population have higher age at surgery and higher pre-operative PSA level. With mean and median follow-up of 39.1 months and 31.0 months (range 5–120 months), 127 men (37.2%) had PSA recurrence which was significant higher than the Western series. Significant predictors for PSA recurrence identified in the post-operative overall model were PSA level, pathological Gleason Score, pathological tumor stage and lymph node metastasis.

Conclusions.?The clinical outcome of Taiwanese male with prostate cancer post-RP appears inferior to the Western country, which is largely due to delay surgery at higher PSA level. Earlier diagnosis and treatment may improve the cancer control of RP.  相似文献   

Aging on the job     
The older population is growing faster than the population as a whole. Paid work is the main mechanism for physical activity in humans. We, therefore, wanted to ascertain whether work practices (such as employment status and the types of tasks workers perform) follow the biological decline in physical activity that occurs with aging in humans and many other species. We recorded work practices in 3352 adults in the Ivory Coast to establish how work burdens are distributed across different age groups in a community that is minimally fettered by legal constraints. We found a decrease in the amount of work performed with increasing age, and we found that elderly persons performed more skilled, less exothermic tasks than younger workers. These data mirror global workforce distribution trends expressed by age. If the trend continues, a major portion of the population will be unlikely to contribute to the labor force in the near future, producing potentially adverse economic consequences in some populations. Although the problem might be averted or at least minimized by implementing different employment policies, biological factors could overlay and supervene any economic planning.  相似文献   

The nominal group technique, a small-group decision-making process which offers open and relatively unrestricted response to problem identification and resolution, was used as a means of identifying the major stressors of elementary school teachers and the concomitant solutions to their problems. Although the specific stressors that have been presented in this paper are not necessarily applicable to other school districts, the nominal group technique itself should be very useful in other school districts as well as in most any work setting.The active involvement of teachers in defining and solving their own problems is a critical aspect of the technique. Teachers, like most employees, will more actively solve problems and accept innovations if they can see some tangible benefit for themselves in doing so.“Intensity of work demands” was the most frequently mentioned job stressor and also received the highest combined ranking for the nine teacher groups. “Student misbehavior and lack of motivation” ranked a close second.  相似文献   

We consider pure exchange economies with finitely many private goods involving the choice of a public project. We discuss core-equivalence results in the general framework of non-Euclidean representation of the collective goods. We define a contribution scheme to capture the fraction of the total cost of providing the project that each blocking coalition is expected to cover. We show that for each given contribution scheme defined over the wider class of Aubin coalitions, the resulting core is equivalent to the corresponding linear cost share equilibria. We also characterize linear cost share equilibria in terms of the veto power of the grand coalition. It turns out that linear cost share equilibria are exactly those allocations that cannot be blocked by the grand coalition with reference to auxiliary economies with the same space of agents and modified initial endowments and cost functions. Unlike the Aubin-type equivalence and results presented in Diamantaras and Gilles (Soc Choice Welf 15:121–139, 1998), this characterization does not depend on a particular contribution scheme.  相似文献   

The traditional historical narrative has tended to interpret colonization during the Civil War by simultaneously discounting African-American support for the policy and Abraham Lincoln's sincerity in offering it. Challenging these views, this paper examines new evidence of the U.S. government's efforts to enlist the pro-emigration minority of the free black community for a proposed settlement in British Honduras. For a brief period in 1863, black emigrationists including Henry Highland Garnet and John Willis Menard seriously entertained the Lincoln administration's colonization offers, spurred largely by their experiences with racial violence in the USA and the prospect of stronger political rights abroad.  相似文献   

Drawing on data from the Labour Force Survey of the United Kingdom (2011–14), this article estimates the number of green jobs in Scotland and identifies change over time, using a methodological framework that can be applied to any region, based on ISCO‐08 and O*NET. The findings highlight the value of charting changes in green jobs based on inclusive rather than “purist” definitions to better capture the broader impact of greening on jobs. The findings also indicate a need for greater analytical attention to issues of green job quality and inclusive green job growth.  相似文献   

Body mechanic checklist scores during a one-person pivot transfer, and boosting up in bed were evaluated to determine the effectiveness of training on the work performance of female student nurses from a local college. Thirty subjects participated in the study and were divided into a control group, an experimental group that received basic body mechanic training, and an experimental group that received job specific training. A one-way ANCOVA was calculated to examine the effects of the experimental procedures on the subjects' performance. This revealed a statistically significant difference between the groups (patient transfer F = 10.11, p value < 0.001; boosting F = 38.62, p value < 0.001). A post hoc analysis (Bonferroni procedure) indicated that the job specific training group (mean 11.65, SD 0.66) demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in their performance compared to the other two groups (control group mean 7.5, SD 0.67; BBMT mean 9.66, SD 0.67).  相似文献   

Sociologists have treated intellectuals and their ideas for a long time as mere products of external social structures. Recently, however, researchers shifted their focus to cultural explanations, appreciating more fully the role cultural structures play in shaping their biographical trajectories and success. At the same time, I argue that these theories do not fully integrate the insight of performance theories and focus usually on textual self‐presentation of intellectuals. Although such an approach is valuable, I propose that sociologists should pay attention also to the processes of meaning‐making that make up intellectual appeal on stage. In the second part of the paper, I argue that the sociology of intellectuals has been for too long obsessed with questions of success and prestige, and I propose that sociologists should shift their attention to the underappreciated and marginalised among intellectuals.  相似文献   

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