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发表形式不同、内容各异的讲话是领导岗位对领导者的要求.讲话内容不仅仅代表领导者个人的意见,更为重要的是代表着领导者所处的一级政府或部门的观点,因而对听众具有示范性和指导性作用. 相似文献
为何员工知而不言——员工沉默行为的本土化实证研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为什么组织成员明明认识到组织中存在某方面的潜在问题,而且知道该问题如果得到改进将有利于组织的发展,但是他们却选择了沉默.员工沉默行为使得组织丧失了大量的改进和优化机会,而且对于员工自身来说也是一种工作懈怠的表现.所以,研究沉默行为对于企业组织理论的发展以及企业的实践经营,都有重要意义.文章在分布于全国22个城市的企业中收集员工数据,通过实证研究分析了来自组织、领导、个人三个不同方面的因素,分别对于三种沉默行为的影响.研究结果表明,不同因素对不同的沉默行为具有完全不同的影响,特别是分配越公平,员工沉默行为程度却是越高,这与现有理论假设完全相反.文章尝试从本土化原因进行解析.同时,文章在数据处理过程中加入了对社会赞许性问题和同源误差的分析,使得研究更为规范完整. 相似文献
An Integrative Review of Employee Voice: Identifying a Common Conceptualization and Research Agenda 下载免费PDF全文
Employee voice has been studied across a diverse range of disciplines, generating an extensive body of literature on the topic. However, its conceptualization across the disciplines has differed, resulting in a lack of integrative theories and frameworks on employee voice. The main objective of this paper is to conduct a multidisciplinary review of the academic research on employee voice, to show where there is an opportunity to adopt and adapt the findings and research on employee voice within alternate disciplines, and to demonstrate how this may lead to more common ground in the conceptualization of employee voice. This review focuses on an analysis of the Human Resource Management/Employment Relations and Organizational Behaviour disciplines' conceptualization of employee voice, beginning with the identification of where the disciplines diverged in their concept and study of employee voice. Further, it maps their similarities and differences, on the basis of motive, content, mechanism, target and management of voice. Finally, it identifies opportunities to incorporate the alternate disciplinary perspective and proposes a conceptual model, which addresses the blind spots in each discipline. It is proposed that the consideration of formal and informal employee voice in future studies will enable the better integration of voice research. 相似文献
作为两种代表性的员工自愿性工作行为,建言与沉默的研究一直各行其道.它们之间的关系是否如其字面意思一样对立相反是本研究拟解答的关键问题.以长三角地区制造类民营和外资企业的350组配对数据为样本,基于诺莫网络视角,本研究从情绪、认知和领导因素的角度,探讨了建言与沉默之间的关系.结果发现,建言与沉默是两个独立的构念.在情绪特征上,正性情绪会促进员工建言,而负性情绪既会促进员工建言,更会导致员工沉默;在认知特征上,自我效能感会促使员工建言,心理安全会促进建言且抑制沉默;在领导特征上,领导成员关系与建言正相关.在作用效能上,建言比沉默更会得到领导的赏识.研究结果综合支持了建言与沉默并非对立相反的观点. 相似文献
Gerard A. Callanan 《Business and Society Review》2015,120(3):363-384
The actions of “world‐based” multinational corporations (MNCs) have effectively decoupled the revenue generation and the production sides of the business equation. This decoupling has led to an end of “virtuous capitalism,” which has widespread ramifications for the societies within highly developed countries as well as those in developing and underdeveloped nations. This article presents an overview of the defining aspects of virtuous corporations and the linkages to virtuous capitalism. It then describes the actions of Apple Computer as emblematic of an MNC that is nonvirtuous in its practices. The article then discusses how the encouragement of globalized trade has prompted the shift away from virtuous capitalism and closes with a summary of possible actions that could reverse the decline in corporate virtue. 相似文献
在基层工作的人一般都希望领导能对自己的工作给予指导和帮助,以便更好地做好本职工作。但是,由于基层领导工作繁忙,加之能力、水平、资历参差不齐,性格各异,因而不同基层领导的指导方法也迥然不同。因此,在实际工作中,基层工作人员的这种良好愿望有时难以实现。总体来说,基层领导的指导风格有以下四种 相似文献
探讨谦卑领导在员工建言与工作绩效关系间的调节作用,既是对近年来研究者呼吁探讨领导反馈在员工建言效应机制中的重要作用的积极响应,也是对已有研究的有益拓展。研究结果可以为组织管理实践提供有益启示,提醒管理者应重视建言行为在员工激励中的重要作用,不仅要鼓励和引导员工积极建言,还要对员工建言进行积极倾听和回应。 相似文献
由于受学识、阅历、秉性或掌握信息量多少等因素的影响,对于同一件事的处理,不同的领导会有不同的意见.如果这种状况不能及时得到解决,不仅不利于领导间的团结,而且会使下属无法正常开展工作.因此,面对领导间的不同意见,下属一定要采取灵活的方法,妥善地予以解决,这是对下属能力素质的重要要求. 相似文献
家长式领导对员工建言行为的影响:心理安全感的中介机制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
经济的周期性跨越发展离不开组织的创新,在组织管理中,包括建言行为在内的员工角色外行为研究因此备受关注。以上下级配对的236组制造性企业员工为样本,研究探讨了体现儒家传统的领导方式-家长式领导对员工建言行为的影响,并探讨了心理安全感的中介机制。结果发现,家长式领导中的德行领导维度对员工建言行为具有正面影响,权威领导则有负面影响,且德行和权威领导对建言行为具有交互影响,而其影响机制部分的是通过心理安全感所发生。文章最后对所得结果做了讨论并对未来研究做了展望。 相似文献
在实际领导工作中,总会出现一些人们普遍关注的热点问题。它同人们的切身利害息息相关,人们也热切地关注着领导者处理这些热点问题的态度和思路、方法。而且人们的耐心都是有限度的,如果领导者不能及…… 相似文献
知识经济时代,员工的价值不仅体现在他们所拥有的劳动力上,而且还在于他们能够贡献具有创新性的观点和想法.企业合理化建议活动在我国有着良好的传统,但效果却不那么令人满意.基于这种背景,本研究提出了一个多层次的模型来讨论如何为管理合理化建议活动创造支持性的组织环境.以一家大型连锁超市为样本,本研究发现,主动性个性特征与员工建议行为正向相关,而变革型领导方式有助于促进企业合理化建议活动的整体水平.个体因素与环境变量交互影响员工的行为,建议行为对员工创新性绩效有着积极的影响.本研究不仅有助于弥补目前研究中的不足,而且也有利于说明如何有效发挥员工的主观能动性,积极为企业献计献策,从而使企业能够真正将员工作为不可替代的资源进行开发. 相似文献
Recent research in information systems and operations management has considered the positive impacts of information technology (IT). However, an undesirable side effect of firms’ increasing reliance on IT to support the distribution and delivery of goods and services to customers is a greater exposure to a diverse set of IT security risks. One such risk is intentional employee misuse of technology resources. In this article, we draw upon modern deterrence frameworks to develop a predictive model of technology misuse intention that incorporates formal and informal sanctions as well as employment context factors. The model specifies previously untested relationships between formal and informal sanctions, thereby providing fresh insight into the role of sanctions in deterring technology misuse in organizations. Our results suggest that a predisposition toward the need for social approval and moral beliefs regarding the behavior are key determinants of technology misuse. Contrary to criminological research that has questioned the relative importance of formal sanctions in the deterrence process, we also found that the threat of formal sanctions has both direct and indirect influences on technology misuse intention. Further, from an employment context standpoint, employees who spend more working days away from the office (i.e., “virtual” mode) appear more inclined to misuse their organization's technology resources. The findings have implications for the research and practice of technology management. 相似文献
Rea Prouska Margarita Nyfoudi Alexandros Psychogios Leslie T. Szamosi Adrian Wilkinson 《英国管理杂志》2023,34(1):91-110
Solidarity behaviour (SB) among employees is important in building a sense of community in organizations, particularly within a crisis context where adverse working conditions prevail. However, we have limited knowledge concerning how SB develops. Using the lens of social exchange theory, this study examines how top-down communication and employee voice relate to horizontal (employee to emplCoyee) SB. We conducted two comprehensive studies during the Greek economic crisis and found that the relationship between top-down employee communication and horizontal SB is mediated by employee voice. The paper extends our existing knowledge in the fields of management and human resource management by advancing our understanding of horizontal SB, highlighting the role of top-down employee communication as an effective human resource practice and delineating the role of employee voice in fostering workplace camaraderie in small and medium-sized enterprises under crisis. 相似文献
Rachel J. Ehrlich Melissa R. Nosik James E. Carr Byron Wine 《Journal of Organizational Behavior Management》2020,40(1-2):19-29
ABSTRACT There is a substantial literature on how to deliver feedback to change performance. However, to date no research has been conducted on teaching employees how to effectively receive feedback, even though employee behavior during a feedback session could moderate the effects of feedback. Thus, we developed a list of skills that should be exhibited by an employee while receiving verbal feedback. We then evaluated their acquisition after behavioral skills training using a nonconcurrent multiple-baseline design across participants. The results showed that participants were able to acquire and maintain appropriate feedback receiving behavior. 相似文献
在对腾讯以及星巴克两家企业的调查访谈及公开资料整理的基础上,对企业如何通过5类组织支持资源提高员工幸福感及工作绩效进行了探讨。研究发现,市场动荡性、领导者价值观以及员工特质将促使不同企业提供不同的组织支持资源,但最终都能有效地提高员工幸福感与工作绩效。此外,阐明了组织支持资源对员工幸福感的作用机理。 相似文献
目前,大多数企事业单位仍然实行党政领导分设制.毋庸讳言,不少单位党政一把手的团结状况并不令人满意,轻则影响相互感情,重则影响单位全局工作. 相似文献